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Sweetie Belle

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Sweetie Belle last won the day on April 12 2013

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About Sweetie Belle

  • Birthday 04/17/1992

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  1. I refuse to acknowledge Iron Man 3 as an Iron Man movie.

    1. Toffee.


      And I'm planning to go see it! =D

    2. ❤ Lovely Warrior ❤

      ❤ Lovely Warrior ❤

      I might regret this but, why?

  2. On the Wikipedia page for insect, there's a gif of a bee pooping.

    1. Piercer of the Heavens
    2. Alpakha


      I had to see it... it was pretty interesting


  3. http://i.imgur.com/Dupeckk.png I consider this to be my biggest gaming achievement.
    1. Zazubat


      You're MLG O.o

    2. A Hollow Man

      A Hollow Man

      My greatest achievement was I rolled a die once and got a 6.

    3. L0SS


      ^That's nothing. I rolled 6 ½.

  4. Mommy, where do babies come from?

    1. Sora1499
    2. ~Tico~


      'm not your mommy, but Target. My label says so.

  5. How do I redstone?

    1. Sweetie Belle

      Sweetie Belle

      I hate video tutorials.


      This stupid door won't work.

    2. Sweetie Belle

      Sweetie Belle

      Redstone is stupid.


      I hate it.


      I am regretting buying Minecraft right now.

    3. Sweetie Belle

      Sweetie Belle

      I can do non redstone stuff in Pocket Edition. It's looking much better than the PC version right now.


      I'm too lazy to install any mods.



  6. I hate redstone.

    1. DBG


      How about gold and obsidian? Pretty sure you can make a cool-looking tower out of them.

  7. Redstone is hard. I give up.

  8. jdfoahknwbvlhf DO THE HARLEM SHAKE--- YCM goes down forever.

  9. Everyone hates me, and they have to have a holiday to emphasize it.

    1. Toffee.
    2. Agro


      Valentine's Day

    3. Sleepy


      I see what you did there Spongebob... except you are Sweetie Belle..

  10. I hope Bane shows up at the Superbowl.

    1. Dr. Cakey

      Dr. Cakey

      That WOULD get me to watch the Super Bowl...

  11. Strawberry and Nutella sandwiches? Excuse me while I consume the food made for gods.

    1. Miror B

      Miror B

      Starburst dipped in Nutella.

  12. Also, Gen 7 will be Pokemon 1 and 2.

  13. Alright, so I'm making a custom Pokemon game. Not a ROM hack, no. No ROM hacks. Now who wants to help?

    1. Sweetie Belle

      Sweetie Belle

      It's only currently in the planning stages, I haven't actually started yet on the physical game itself. However, I do still need sprites. Because fakemon.

  14. So what's broken now? I haven't played since GENF.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VictorSempra


      They're okay, but not QUITE meta yet. Still pretty potent if played right though.

    3. Bull3tM0nk3y




      Malefics if you play them right.



    4. Sweetie Belle

      Sweetie Belle

      I already play Malefics.


      And have been pretty much since they came out.


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