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Proto last won the day on November 19 2018

Proto had the most liked content!

About Proto

  • Birthday 01/19/1998

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    death shark death shark blood in the water
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j171g1w1DmE
  2. just a reminder that there are sales other than black friday if youre interested in purchasing something without risking your life fellas

  3. apologize to pablo

    1. Thar


      "I apologize to Pablo." -Yui



      That apology was pretty shallow. Not buying it.

  4. prolly ditchin' debates after the 6th so get your potshots in when you can

    1. Tourmaline


      you runnin away lil guy?

    2. Proto


      not really just dont really see a reason to speak to people i dont really funk with about political things when there isnt a big event coming up


    3. Tourmaline


      yeah tbh politics is so boring

  5. We really should have moderators. And I mean like, actual debate moderators and not site moderators for debates if the concern is truly to improve the discourse there! Because right here there's no like, mediator that's actually concerned with the tactics used except when someone says a naughty word.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mido9


      Is it also that you'd rather members figure out what is bad or good and call it out rather than have a mod say it?

    3. Simping For Hina

      Simping For Hina

      you can control debates while not break the idealism. It is keeping people to adequately debating, setting standards and presenting the standards.

    4. Blake


      Not at all.


      My system would have encouraged both mods and members to lead the section, with certain members being appointed mediators.


      My idealism came in the idea that threads would only be posted by mediators (via a request thread), so that they could be given the ability to control their own topics, should they need to if s debate gets too heated.


      Only their own, ideally.

  6. There should be a gishgalloping rule in debates because I'm really getting tired of writing essay length things about all the points people give up. Because really I wanna go point by point but nobody likes reading walls of text.

    1. mido9


      This is why getting into any thread with winter/melkor in it is so frustrating, we can be talking about any one topic and then in like two posts we're talking about ten different topics at once.

  7. total equilibrium

  8. Clarifying statement. I'm literally on the autism spectrum so inferences aren't my thing, in fact they're very difficult for me to comprehend. So, just something to know in case I get too literal or fervent about exact words.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Proto


      I barely know English I can't go looking at Vedas

    3. Simping For Hina
    4. Tourmaline


      Vedas are Sanskrit.

  9. it seems the curse of the right is to ask for a source

  10. it blow my mind that i'm younger then most of you fools

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mido9


      age: hidden


      cmon bruh, it's ok to show your age.

    3. Proto
    4. mido9


      Also, I don't know why, but I generally assume everyone is within one year of my age, give or take.

  11. There's a lot of things about America to dislike and if you simply wish to silence that then you're running against one of the most quintessential bits of American history I feel. It's perfectly fine to dislike a country that was not only stolen, but continued to be based off of the exploitative labeled of black and brown people. This ultranationalist view of not allowing people to dismiss their country is heavily against what people like about America. This country was made with the principle that we can say "funk it". Deal with it.

    1. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      What I just said to Winter down there? That goes for you, too.

  12. only thing that persisted from me being like 12 on here and now is that lil b is still the most important person in my life

    1. Tourmaline


      and flynn effect reversal

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