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Phantom Roxas

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Phantom Roxas last won the day on November 15 2020

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About Phantom Roxas

  • Birthday 07/29/1993

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  1. I'm mostly happy for this because I liked it in the anime. I was worried it would be too late for it, but I think it still feels like a "relevant" card. Although the laddering is nice, I appreciate the flexibility so you can just make a separate fusion if that works for you instead.
  2. I missed that the card maker added an A.I. generator. Can't say I'm surprised about getting in on that trash.

    1. Maître du Québec

      Maître du Québec

      Bonjour fin monsieur, comment allons-nous aujourd'hui?

    2. Maître du Québec

      Maître du Québec

      Bonjour fin monsieur, comment allons-nous aujourd'hui?

    3. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      I'm a bit late on this but yeah YCMaker is a trend chaser everyone wants to use AI or put AI in their software like companies and others want to incorporate it into stuff which is kinda stupid.

  3. RIP Kazuki Takahashi. Thank you for inspiring a whole generation.

  4. I wasn't sure about getting my hopes up for Morphtronic support in Duelists of Pyroxene, but I'm very excited to see that we're getting a Power Tool/Life Stream Dragon upgrade. They've always been my favorite of the Signer Dragons so I really hope this card turns out well.

  5. Defeating Zoodiac Tri-Brigade with a pure Gladiator Beast deck in Master Duel is both satisfying and hilarious.

  6. Happy New Year, everybody!

  7. Is Destroy Phoenix Enforcer the Wario or Waluigi of Flame Wingman?

    1. Dokutah


      Well in context if neos being jaden true ace then its Waluigi. But the hell, DPR is way giga-chad to be waluigi. He definitley Wario

    2. UltimateIRS
    3. Dokutah
  8. Sora made it to Smash! I'm going to be very happy with this.

  9. As weird as it was having member ranks reset recently, I do appreciate some of the new rank names.

  10. I'm seeing people make several Eldlich variants of decks I really like that I'm pretty sure I want to play an Eldlich deck now, I'm just not sure which variant would be my style.

    1. Horu


      Who would you choose as your ace?

  11. It's like going back in time. Feels nice.

    1. Horu


      How are you just a member when you have 28k+ posts here? That feels a bit off to me. I guess because I'm barely approaching the 2300 mark and it shows that I'm an advanced member. Still, I feel like you should be working toward the Xyz stars with that many posts.

  12. I figure most early packs can be forgiven because they were fine at the time they came out and just haven't aged well, but it seems like Cyberdark Impact is still one of the worst sets of all time. Wasn't sure if that was just me, but that seems to be a consensus that's held up over the years. That was a pack that was just terrible even when it came out.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Arcadia warlic

      Arcadia warlic

      Impact's prediction of the then unimplemented column mechanic deserves praise all its own.

    3. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      I thought the column mechanic was the dumbest thing at the time, so I was surprised when Konami brought that back.

    4. Arcadia warlic

      Arcadia warlic

      I find the mechanic itself fine if not somewhat interesting, but (initially) locking the concept retroactively to all Extra Deck monsters was a colossal misstep.

  13. It's a little surprising how Xbox Series X is currently the console with the best backwards compatibility. Really not fond of how hostile Sony is towards supporting older generalizations, but Nintendo isn't too much better.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      Going all-in on gamepass was also a smart move.

    3. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      Microsoft was also quicker to accept their faults and correct errors. After mass backlash...but hey! I can't say that about Sony or Nintendo anywhere near as often.

    4. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      I think Phil Spencer taking over was a huge part of that. And yeah, GamePass is a good move for them to focus on.

  14. All I can think about right now is Piplup. I'm so happy we're finally getting the Sinnoh remakes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PrimeAceJohn


      Hm I understand. To me, it just seems like a plain remake without much new but better graphics. Nonetheless, I'm fine with that because getting to play D/P on Switch is great for me. I just figured they were going to do remakes in a similar fashion to OR/AS and I thought OR/AS did a fantastic job at it. 

    3. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      Pokemon Company: the end result is just a video game with stick figures, we hope you like this $79.99 remake of the Sinnoh region....

    4. PrimeAceJohn


      @Godbrand Yea a retail price like that for a remake that isn't all that different from the original is pretty ridiculous. I hope they reveal some new and unique stuff down the line.

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