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.Nu-13 last won the day on December 24 2011

.Nu-13 had the most liked content!

About .Nu-13

  • Birthday 02/01/1997

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  1. why are you "validating"?

  2. I heard that the International name is going to be Extreme Escape Adventures: Virtue's Last Reward. Not bad eh? Not surprised in the slightest they changed the Good People Die part. What do you think?

  3. >attempt a boss fight >forgot to stock up items >somehow almost wins >eventually loses FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. .Nu-13


      But not complaining. "Normal" enemies are way too weak.

    3. £>-ShådøwBøx-<3


      If you ask me the secret bosses aren't ridiculous enough, they make you have to get the super secret awesome weapon and armor, and level up like s*** and at that point its way too easy

    4. £>-ShådøwBøx-<3


      If you ask me the secret bosses aren't ridiculous enough, they make you have to get the super secret awesome weapon and armor, and level up like s*** and at that point its way too easy

  4. F*ck this sh*t, I'm ALWAYS 1-2 minutes short >_>

  5. inb4massconfusion

    1. .Nu-13
    2. Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Gives up. Not even gonna attempt to get to grips with this.

  6. Had 3 weeks to make a project for school. Doing it day before the due date, 30 minutes, almost half done. Aww yeah.

    1. Archbaron Larry

      Archbaron Larry

      That's how you do projects like a baws.

    2. .Nu-13


      And best feeling when you can use VGM in the project and it fits so fuckeng well.

    3. Agro


      I had a week to do an essay. Doing it the day after it's due. Haven't started. Aww yeah.

  7. First download takes like 3 days to get to barely 30%. Now remaining 70% downloaded in 10 minutes O.o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ярополк Пономарёв

      Ярополк Пономарёв

      ...I download almost any game in about 10 minutes (10GB games)...

    3. .Nu-13


      T'was a torrent though.

    4. Ярополк Пономарёв

      Ярополк Пономарёв

      Ahh, Torrents, they are great. I download my software from there much faster than the website itself.

      Also, your names look too similar...

  8. Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid.

  9. BBEX is taking forever to get here @.@

    1. .Nu-13


      I'm downloading it though >:3

  10. Um, did something happen and I missed it?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CinnamonStar


      well the mods banning people was mostly an extension of the game. the real thing was someone who posed as YCMaker on DN and pretended to be go


      he sent a bunch of forum members around to be his prophets or something like that and chant the grand return of our lord


      it was really funny, most things can be found in this thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/276852-bah-durned-fools-and-their-false-god/

    3. .Nu-13
    4. Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Read the first page of the thread...


      Hmm... actually looks quite funny. Glad I wasn't here though ._.

  11. Ok, I think I'm about to explode in a moment ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ·Toot


      *Puts on rain coat* Okay, I'm ready.

    3. .Nu-13


      It's not that...overally...b-but him not being on makes it even worse... ;_;

    4. Stan Alda

      Stan Alda

      In case you're wondering, we didn't put that bomb in you; and if it was, it was an accident.

  12. Best feeling, when you're in most shitty situation ever, and only person that can cheer you up is not on :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CMRenji


      You seem to be really upset. I hope Noel gets on soon and helps cheer you up. ^^

    3. .Nu-13


      @Zeal: Thanks...

      @Renji & Rai: That's my main concern, he should be on few hours ago... ;_;

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