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About MarbleZone

  • Birthday October 24

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  1. I disagree but okay. Thank you for not warning me.

  2. Do people run Dandy in Naturia Permission?

    1. Yankee


      ...DN got you hooked? XD You know you can always PM me for a DN duel ^^

    2. ·Toot


      yeah some people do... i put him in so it can help me quasar

  3. Yeah, still got a looong way to go on this DN thing...

  4. Goliath banned. Stop posting in his threads, you'll make cleaning up easier.

  5. Hating Grapha with a passion.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J-Max


      Just looked Grepha up. What a ton of effects o_o

    3. Agro


      I don't hate it...



    4. bilaterus


      It totally makes dark world work

  6. The Mumble thing will need to be happening faster or via PM.

  7. Yo, you should hang out on my Mumble server. It's a good time.

  8. Hey Marble, it's been awhile, so I figured I'd drop in and say hello again after awhile. I'm sure you remember me. I just figured I'd say hey.

  9. Yeah, apparently you emailed Welche. He's my brother. We've had this issue before. I'm Luna FYI and I made this account for this one purpose so act as you see fit.

  10. I see you're online. So, checked the policy?

  11. Hello dude listen if you would mind please go PM thank you

  12. You should look at my suggestion thread.

  13. Marble Garden is fine too =o

  14. that comment made no sense. How did I not notice*

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