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Sploda last won the day on April 7 2011

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About Sploda

  • Birthday 07/18/1994

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  1. Everybody be playin their new games and I'm just like "Lemme get dat Pokemanz Bluez"

  2. that moment when your backup plan for your backup plan is actually used and you aren't just being overly cautious.

  3. Just finished firewatch. Not a thrilling game by any means, but still enjoyable in it's own way.

  4. Random Question: Could a Minun flip a Lotad like a table?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sploda


      Sure, just drop them off in the PM that is already open. I'm actually already done with several scenes for the current one.

    3. Thar
    4. Sploda


      Thar, that looks more like a Punt than a Flip.

  5. If I were to post a thread requesting ideas for drawing, where would I place said thread?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
    3. Thar


      Frisk vs. Chara?

    4. Sploda


      See, I've contemplated doing Undertale art, but I also dun wanna be part of the bandwagon.



      It's fine, I'll give it my best shot.

  6. Best line from a top laner: "whats a riven?" That was when I knew the game was going to go poorly.

  7. Got a nice Drawing Tablet/Monitor for Xmas. I was skeptical at first, but turns out it's awesome!

  8. Starting that One Punch Man exercise routine. Gonna beat all my foes!

  9. Ah that glorious feel when the other team flees in terror as you lumber into the fray.

  10. So JonTron is apparently a pretty good singer. https://soundcloud.com/jontron-367050618/full-firework-cover-jontron

    1. Toffee.


      JonTron has always had an amazing singing voice.

    2. Sploda


      I guess I just don't usually hear him sing.

  11. 14 hours into the 24 hour stream! http://www.twitch.tv/splodagames

    1. Arimetal


      Cuz you know... We are all secretly from home world and don't need that sleep anyhow

  12. Starting at 10am my time, I'll be hosting a 24 hour Twitch live stream. Check it out if you're interested or bored! http://www.twitch.tv/splodagames

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