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Spirit of DMG

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Spirit of DMG last won the day on August 24 2011

Spirit of DMG had the most liked content!

About Spirit of DMG

  • Birthday 10/06/1991

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    Magnolia City
  • Interests
    Nothin' interesting here.

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  1. Don't you hate it when you're watching show on Netflix and the connection suddenly decides to stop working?

  2. Pretty fun day. Slightly irritating towards the end when the games I had wanted to play were missing. But the morning was fun.

  3. Two things: where is Rock Smash and Gardevoirite in Y?

    1. Sploda


      Rock Smash is from the NPC right outside the Pokemon Center in the town where you get your fossil pokemon.

    2. ~British Soul~

      ~British Soul~

      ...and the Gardevoirite is only available post game. From a trade.

  4. I wonder what Krabby Pattys actually taste like.

    1. Toffee.


      The show itself gives you maybe 2-3 different recipes, so it's not like its anything drastically different really...

  5. "This is Life Alert. Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I just pushed my Life Alert button cause I was bored."

  6. You know what my favorite thing is about Chaos? It's fair.

    1. Zeppeli Gyro Supreme

      Zeppeli Gyro Supreme

      Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is fair.

    2. The Warden

      The Warden

      In comparison to cards that are now banned, yes. Shows how far power creep has come when BLS has been here for, what? 3 formats now?

  7. Type in "Yes by SNoW" on Youtube, get 7 pages of "Snow Patrol - Just say yes." I know there is at least one video of this song on Youtube, I have seen it before! I'm ready to punch someone in the face so hard my hand gets cut on my own fingernails!

  8. Gods I wish South Park was funny. Roommate's been watching it for a couple hours now, and I can hear the whole thing. Not one thing so far has been funny.

    1. Grunt Issun

      Grunt Issun

      Personally, I have mixed opinions on the show. Its humor isn't for me, since it's represented in such a vulgar way, but if you look past everything, a lot of the episodes are really smart social commentaries, just presented in an immature guise.

    2. Night


      I wholeheartedly f***ing agree.

  9. Currently reading Kiss x Sis and waiting for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya to download. Sweet mother of Arceus this is taking forever! but at least Kiss x Sis is worth the read!

  10. You find a magic rock, and are granted a choice: You can either live in a world that knows only peace, or you can live in the world of Pokemon. So, here's the hard part: Who's your starter?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      But... Literally none of those were legit starters...

    3. ihop


      What's your point?

    4. vla1ne


      if it has to be one of the usual starters, then Quilava, but if not, then either ralts, feebas, or eevee

  11. The word "Epic" is grossly overused to describe people's night out. Seriously, I don't care how drunk you were. Unless someone got cut in half with a Chainsaw Katana, then your night was not "Epic"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Enrise


      Oh. Guess my night was better than Epic. Okay then.

    3. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      I was frozen today!

    4. Sploda


      Well, I guess I made a grade above Epic considering the number of Starfish Ninjas I took on with my Chainsaw Katana.

  12. That moment when you finish an anime series and you don't know what to do with your life anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Βyakuya


      Out of several animes I have watched, only few have made me fall into deep melancholy and emptiness.

    3. Sploda


      This feeling, I know it too well...

    4. Spirit of DMG

      Spirit of DMG

      It was D.N. Angel, Fusion. D.N. Angel.

  13. I guess in the end, the only thing that really matters is how many Cream Puffs you can eat in one sitting.

  14. Read a Facebook update about "GMO" food. An acronym I've never heard before in my life. So, naturally, I Google it. "Genetically Modified Organism." I find repeated mentioning of "Resistant to Herbicides," a case of "Toxic to Pests," and injecting cows with rBST. (Still no idea what THAT is.) After facepalming REPEATEDLY I have decided that my faith in humanity has been destroyed beyond repair.

  15. "Can you wiggle your finger?" "Yes." "Then you know how dance in an old cartoon!"

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