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About Brimtosis

  • Birthday 08/25/1996

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  1. Oh, Merry Birthdaymas.

  2. today. happy birth day 2 me

  3. Possum Attack, Possum Attack!

    1. Raine


      Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers

    2. Brimtosis


      Mushroom, Mushroom!

    3. n.gangster


      death cap mushroom death cap mushroom. it is poisons and looks like a cock

  4. can't wait. my time of birth is coming.

  5. we online at same time woo hoo

  6. had to have a hair cut. I now have hardly any left!

    1. n.gangster


      cant wait until the holiday is over. i want to laugh my head off then. m hair is still as it was and i still look like a member of the beetles.

  7. Got the Marik Deck. Much cooler than that rubbish Yusei deck

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. n.gangster


      @laim that is a good idea. let me try that

      *10 mintuses later*

      that idea suvkz. i got beaten by everyone for cheating. dam your idea.

    3. n.gangster


      oh yh forgot 2 add. that deck sukz. i kick the poop out of you with my psyic deck with some other cards. you guys in school s*** yourself when it is all vs all except for one person with a certain pyro deck.

    4. Brimtosis


      So do you, and that is because he can play well. Also I beat you in 2 minuits with that deck agains your Psycic Deck. But I have a new one...

  8. not really. you are samller so yuor weght should be less. hen i mean smaller, you now how small you are compared to me. you make me look like a giant. also you weigh slighly more then me last time i check. last of all i forgot. no no... i rember. it was that you look so fat and you have huge man tittys.

  9. Funny thing is, I can cheap shot you. And you weigh the same as me.

  10. well i can't reall cheap shot you with you wait because where ever i hit you it contains a large (larger then a average person amount of fat) of fat like for example your arms or face or stomach.

  11. And you are rubbish at english (I know it was a cheap shot, but I don't like cheap shots at my weight either). Fine I'll join.

  12. ow yh i started a new shop. want to join again.

  13. was up fatty and u know your fat

  14. Ahh, I see. I shall remember. Probably.

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