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.Leo last won the day on August 12 2012

.Leo had the most liked content!

About .Leo

  • Birthday 05/31/1997

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    your cat

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  1. is yugioh worth learning for stratos?

    1. ~ P O L A R I S ~
    2. VCR_CAT


      You lost 2 AHL so it was ultimately a net loss on consistency. Congrats.

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      I didn't realize you could Monster Reborn or Back to Front AHL to get the effect again. Mind Blown

  2. What's good children

    1. GarlandChaos


      Hello, fellow Canadian.

    2. Spinny
  3. Anybody here planning on playing in YCS Toronto this year?

  4. What is a good, cheap deck that I can build before the OTS?

  5. I wonder if they have changed the ycm logo in the top left since I have left.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kazooie


      we need the lights always and forever amen

    3. Tormented


      there's no need to get rid of da f***ing lights mang we have until august

    4. Rodrigo


      But we're not YCMaker :c

  6. 0-7 with Abundance OTK

  7. The face when I have no 3DS so I can't get X/Y ;-;

    1. Therrion


      I'm getting one just for X/Y, then I'm getting other games so I didn't spend 200 just to play X/Y. Yup.

    2. mido9
  8. Why couldn't they have named the 2DS the 3DS Slate or something so it is easier for clueless moms to buy games?

    1. VictorSempra


      Cause it's not 3D, so callnig it a 3DS would be dumb?

    2. .Leo


      Well that is a good point. It just seems kind of odd to me personally.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grunt Issun

      Grunt Issun

      I never saw the point in catching them all.

      After a certain point in my gaming life, I started only catching Pokemon I intended on using, sans Nuzlockes where I catch everything I can, for backup. It just seems pointless.

    3. VictorSempra


      That's true. But in teh circumstance in which you had most of the games, and a friend with handhelds/ other games, it wouldn't be too hard really.

    4. .Leo


      @Maxxion: I do have friends with the other games with their pokedex's completed in gen 3, but even pokemon are gonna be a problem. I will probably just trade on smogon. @True Issun: I only want to do it because I want a challenge and a couple of my friends of done it in gen 3 so I felt like doing it. I understand your point.

  9. Anybody here still play Generation 4 wifi?

    1. .Leo


      Pokemon of course.

  10. Man these reprints we are getting in the tins coming up are outstanding.

  11. Wow Agents are a lot worse then a thought they would be.

    1. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      They're too damn inconsistent. Just run Perfect Herald next format.

    2. .Leo


      Damn that is a good idea. I am going to build and test that

  12. Not sure if Codex or yugiohoverlord.

  13. Eury

    leo i luv u come back pls

    1. .Leo


      I will be back I am gone this weekend then here for ever.

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