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evilfusion last won the day on August 7 2015

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About evilfusion

  • Birthday February 22

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  1. Did you accidently mod in the Thar thread out of instinct?

    1. evilfusion


      The bit about "don't be condescending"? Not really. I know I'm no longer a mod, but I believe many of the members still hold me in high respect, so I can gently chastise people without being seen negatively when doing so. I also know what the thread was put out to try and do, and felt Winter's rebuttal was leaning too far towards shutting down an opposing argument. The mods WANT to hear both sides.

    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      Fair, I just realized looking over the thread again that it reminded me of a mod post and then the realization came that "oh yeah he's not a mod anymore"

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star
  2. you look so naked without the bold name, it's making me uncomfortable

    1. evilfusion


      Hehe, I know what you mean.

  3. This is probably going to take some getting used to. I feel so powerless now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King K. Azo

      King K. Azo

      It's probably a good thing you'll be reducing your time here then.

    3. Eshai


      What happened are you not a mod anymore?

    4. Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Flash Flyer - Sakura

      Late reply, but if you read the News section, he resigned because of reasons. So yeah, after 6 years of having mod powers, he decided it was time.

  4. Went to Hour of Devastation Prerelease Event. Pulled foil Scarab God, and the God-Pharaoh himself. So happy.

    1. evilfusion


      Thanks. Even better because Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh is the one card in the set I wanted above all others. I obsessed over my desire to get it. And I actually got it.

    2. bury the year

      bury the year

      What was your record?

    3. evilfusion


      I went 4-1. Lost the fifth match. Prizes were 1 pack per match win (If you lost all matches, you get 1 pack consolation). If you went 5-0, you'd get 6 packs and a From the Vault thing. I wasn't too bothered by not going undefeated, since I had Bolas already, and did better than any other Prerelease. Perfectly happy with 4 packs.

  5. Don't worry~. I'll probably retire soon.

    1. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      It calls to mind that fanfic-like excerpt of you going full villain but you do you!

    2. evilfusion


      You associate me being blunt and unwilling to humor inane discussions (that would require infinitely more time and patience than it deserves) with me revealing myself to be secretly be a power-hungry maniac waiting to seize control? O_O...well, I suppose we've got to start somewhere.

    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow
  6. Even older man.

  7. I suddenly regret never aggresively trying to recruit you to one of my RPs. :T

  8. Yeah, the plushes exist for them, but they absurdly pricy ;;

  9. Out of curiosity, did you make that black Espeon pic or did you find it somewhere?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sethera


      If you have any more Shadow version requests, feel free to tell me and I'll see what I can do. :)

    3. evilfusion


      Thanks, and I'll let you know. :D

    4. Sethera
  10. ...how long HAS it been since I last changed my avatar? Because I don't even recognize my posts now.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      Aliases made it a little better.

    3. Delibirb


      I always try to keep both Kano and Duston in my name changes.

    4. GarlandChaos


      It's been 3000 years.

  11. Uh, I wanted to ask if you know of any issues with the registration page at the moment? A friend of mine is trying to sign up, and the page is apparently not loading for them after they click the Create Account button. ^^''

    1. evilfusion


      As far as I can tell, it's working fine. There's been a couple accounts registered today, and a good number yesterday, so I don't think there's a issue with the page itself. Maybe it's his web browser, or internet connection, or just some random weirdo glitch or something that will clear itself up a little later? I dunno, exactly.

    2. Kazooie


      Thanks! They just told me what kinda error they're getting, and it doesn't seem to be the sites fault, no. I'll probably tell them to try again tomorrow or something, I'm guessing it's probably they're internet, I just wanted to see if there mght've been something! ^^

  12. Ack, another cute avatar!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. evilfusion


      Remind me which ones you prefer to the ones you don't.

    3. Sethera


      Pretty much Sylveon and Leafeon, though Glaceon is also up there.

    4. evilfusion


      I'm not sure how I didn't guess the first two. You literally named yourself after them.

  13. Oops. Sorry, I deleted my status.

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