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DL  last won the day on July 26 2022

DL  had the most liked content!


About DL 

  • Birthday 04/25/1993

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    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    My Little Pony, Anime, manga, video games (somewhat), hanging with my friends, etc

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  1. Wsp

    1. Kokoroshi


      Not much, just hating my gacha luck

    2. DL 


      gacha do be difficult


  2. what can I say Im glad there's at least a couple active clubs and you know I'm the clubs guy and thanks! Yeah it was before I actually looked at a book that told me how to draw with proportions in mind xD tho I do think the face is quite cute (the amount of time I've spent drawing anime eyes or faces in probably more than the time I spent studying lol) but you right tho, idk what came over me to draw her when I coulda been drawin cute-ass hinata
  3. shoutouts to when I was learning to draw without knowing what proportions were
  4. the amount of nostalgia I have for this site is interesting. I just get strong urges to check in every year or two. 

  5. I just earned one decade later badge, nice

  6. So how are you fine people today?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Holy sheet you have kids already? Congrats dude

    3. Tourmaline
    4. DL 


      No kids lol

      And well I WAS inactive AF. Then I decided to hop on

  7. Hey, is your Messenger not working? I've sent a few PMs but I don't know if you got them, they don't show up.

    1. DL 


      I see I got one back in april, tho I didn't get a notification from it...have you sent me more? I only see that one x-x

    2. DragonDust


      I have! I asked if you still had a skype up, thought it'd be easier to chat.

  8. Inuyasha was the bomb

    1. Tourmaline


      I hope your birthday sucked as much as your Villager.

    2. DL 
  9. Happy birthday bud

    1. Fusion X. Denver

      Fusion X. Denver

      That was supposed to be the beer mugs emoji lol

    2. DL 


      thanks :D LOL

  10. So these are 2 things I drew a few years ago Been thinking of maybe getting back into drawing. I used to do it a lot back in the day x)
  11. I miss my old YCM buddies a lot...man, it's been 7 years...that's insane.

  12. SYKE. THATS THE WRONG NUMBAH. - What if it actually was coincidentally the right one?

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