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Althemia last won the day on February 15 2016

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About Althemia

  • Birthday March 18

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  1. new siegfried is genuinely great, im glad i invested in spikes

    1. Maeriberii Haan

      Maeriberii Haan

      new spikes really feel super weird.


      Are they supposed to focus on multiple turns of high-powered beatdown or something?

  2. https://i.imgur.com/2jtLeU8.png something something water is skill intensive
    1. mido9


      I don't even know what that is

    2. Althemia


      trimon, new bushi card game released 3 days ago or so. already hit legend.

  3. https://www.vanguardus.net/2018/04/global-preorders-for-cardfight-vanguard.html fantastic news, may mean vanguard ends up actually knocking a big dog down if this continues
    1. Super Chaos Sonic

      Super Chaos Sonic

      Pre-orders up 200%? o.o Wow...is the V-Series cards really something that people have been wanting?

    2. Just Crouton
  4. man i cant wait for people to realize how much of a mistake v-series dragonic overlord is

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. .Rooster


      And V-Series is too much power creep and V standard will probably destroy CFV’s small fan base

    3. mitchermitcher
    4. Althemia


      V-Series is honestly fine outside of the triggers, just the way that they approached Overlord in particular is a bit troubling. Also I doubt V-Standard will destroy the fact that more people than ever have come out in support of Vanguard with rotation being implemented.

  5. Can phyra come on YCM?

    1. Althemia


      they can do whatever they want

  6. homuhomu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Althemia


      she is pretty awwwright agree

      also we havent spoken in ages you gotta hit me up sometime!

    3. Sunshine Jesse

      Sunshine Jesse

      >talking to people





      what's your discord? don't think i ever got it

    4. Althemia


      Koko#6402 if you wanna add meeee, gimme a shout and let's catch up sometime. c:

  7. yo where does duel links content (decks etc) go my dood

    1. The Warden

      The Warden

      TCG/OCG Decks so long as you tag it as a Duel Links deck.

  8. Would Duel Links stuff go in YGO TCG or Other TCG?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      Been playing it since November or December.

    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      Might have to ask Broken but the only Duel Links content I can find is by Hyde and was posted in YGO TCG

      Well, they were in YGO Decks

      And had no replies but I suppose as long as its tagged Duel Links it should be fine in YGO TCG. Will ask Broken if he has a preference.

    4. Althemia


      Yeah if you could and then have him add it to the rules or something? That'd be cool, thanks

  9. Finally got my new computer. Feels good to have something ridiculously good for once.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EndUser


      In any case, hi again.

    3. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      mido, that was pretty amazing tbh

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Hopefully the new one doesn't start a ruckus everytime you turn it on

  10. Something something new Granblue sleeves coming to SV.

  11. did i really come back from a break and winter still isn't banned

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Koko ur a jabroni *waits for the peg*

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Hina you liar...wher is ashy

    4. Just Crouton

      Just Crouton

      banning winter will cause more global warming!

  12. i hope the new ycm president will deliver me from all of these roleplayers

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