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About burnpsy

  • Birthday 10/09/1993

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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. *calculates how much making TATW will likely cost in total* ...About what I expected.

    1. burnpsy


      $40K, and that's being generous.

  2. Just got my two copies of Number 16 in the mail.

    1. Flame Dragon

      Flame Dragon

      Is curious how you got 2.... lol. How much is it worth anyway?

    2. ~British Soul~

      ~British Soul~

      @FD: there was some sort of mistake and everyone got 2 copies in the mail

    3. Flame Dragon

      Flame Dragon

      Odd, I only got one. So not sure if joking or just unlucky.

  3. List of difficulties (easiest to hardest): Casual, N00b, Normal, Hard, No Life, Asian

    1. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Okay, that was pretty f*cking funny.

  4. I find it rather sad how I have no Steam friends, no Xbox Live friends and only 2 PSN friends. XD

  5. Fire Emblem: Awakening was just confirmed over Twitter. WHY THE HELL WASN'T IT IN THE CONFERENCE?

  6. So, Ocean dubs Vanguard and can't even find a TV broadcaster. It's like a double whammy for Vanguard fans, since (IIRC) Ocean dubs are pretty sub-par. XD

    1. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      I only dislike two of the voices (younger character). Everything else was done pretty well.

  7. I'm a month late, but Fairy Tail is actually 6th. And, while looking at individual volumes, Fairy Tail starts appearing at 19th, losing to stuff like Silver Spoon. On the full listing for 2011, it peaked at 5th.
  8. Since I don't get CN where I live (until the 4th of July, and even then without Toonami), I'm just looking around at other anime/manga news. Saw this: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-05-26/shonen-jump-alpha-adds-kohei-horikoshi-barrage-manga Wow, confirmed for Alpha right after it starts in Japan.

    1. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Yeah, I have no idea what that is.

    2. burnpsy


      It started in Japan TWO WEEKS AGO. Of course you don't.

  9. "Now I know how George Washington felt when Napoleon beat him at Pearl Harbor."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      Just looked it up, and it's a Teen Titans quote? How could I forgot such a funny line.

    3. Expelsword



    4. Grunt Issun

      Grunt Issun

      "Did we give up when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor? NO!"

  10. LOL, top selling game in Japan last week was "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute Portable Can't Be Continuing" for PSP. Not surprised.

  11. "Unlike justice, which must prevail, love does not have to win" - Hansode Shiranui

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. burnpsy


      Medaka Box is anything but mainstream. Have you SEEN its pre-order numbers for the anime? They're horrible!

    3. Jord200


      So the series is bad?

    4. burnpsy


      It's not bad, but it's nothing special until the genre shifts into parody combat shounen, a point which the anime has not reached yet.

    1. burnpsy


      (That's from Medaka Box, from those who can't tell)

    2. Durandamon


      Show him a pair of boobs and he is happy again.

    3. burnpsy


      Nope. That breakdown happened when that character realized that he was in love with Medaka the entire time, so just any ol' tits wouldn't help. XD

  12. That has GOT to be the fastest manga license ever. The week before it debuts in Japanese? Really?

    1. burnpsy


      We don't know who, but chances are Viz is putting it in Shonen Jump Alpha. It's named Sensei no Bulge (Bulge of the Battle Star), and the official English name will be BARRAGE.

  13. I should probably get back to writing that novel... after I'm done coding this. :p

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      Bahamut - Envoy of the End

      I should get back to writing too, after tending to several matters.

    3. Andromachae


      So what's the basic storyboard?

      Exam. Person does this which leads to that, intro more charac as they cross paths...

    4. Andromachae


      I've already begun writing one about this chief editor for the New York Times who is also a part time teacher at Manitoba Planetarium in canada.

      She gets a call from NASA because they need her help with something that she had recently overlooked.

  14. This'll be fun. The HP bars in my game (and all other bars, for that matter) will always display a random value in the ballpark of the correct one, not necessarily the correct one. Hehe~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. burnpsy


      Not THAT much of a difference. For example, if you had 1000 max HP, and had 900 left, it would show you something between 850 and 950.

    3. Desu the Blue Nerd

      Desu the Blue Nerd

      Is damage taken displayed? Because I meant somebody might not like that 50 difference and think they'd still have a little left or they just try and eyeball it.

    4. burnpsy


      Damage taken isn't displayed, but the display changes every half-second, so you never think you have an accurate display anyway.

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