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Super Half Vamp Riku

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About Super Half Vamp Riku

  • Birthday 09/24/1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Realm Of Darkness
  • Interests
    Music and weed.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Im baccckk ;)

    1. ·Toot
    2. Super Half Vamp Riku

      Super Half Vamp Riku

      lol everyones name is different im so confusseddd.


  2. This f***ing kid is pissing me off. Get it through your f***ing skull that an opinion is in fact an opinion, what you say, you might think is the truth, but what I say, I think THAT'S the truth.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Super Half Vamp Riku

      Super Half Vamp Riku

      ^No... I'm talking about when I go in argument with this kid about whether or not pokemon was cool.

    3. John A. Zoidberg

      John A. Zoidberg

      Whelp, I jumped to a conclusion, then. Apologies.

    4. JadenxAtemYAOI


      If you are PRO for "was" as in past tense. I agree.

  3. I might stay a little longer than I thought.

  4. How you bastards doing! I figured I would stop in to say whatsup before christmas :D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Super Half Vamp Riku

      Super Half Vamp Riku

      Oh you're a mod now? Ycm must of turned retarded to let you become a mod hahahaha jk. But good job, I'm proud of you

    3. Hunter.
    4. Super Half Vamp Riku
  5. Black Veil Brides suck. js.

    1. Nɇvɇrmorɇ


      So does Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Kesha, and Jason Derulo. You know, in my opinion.

  6. I think I'm gonna return to ycm for now. IDK how long I'll stay but for now I am officially back.

  7. YCM looks a lot like facebook. Js.

    1. Super Half Vamp Riku
    2. Lord Metallium

      Lord Metallium

      This forum consist more for the G.M.O. like me :D

  8. That bastard Deamon making me get on ycm just to look at his avatar

  9. Ah it feels good to be back on YCM after being away for a while. Site looks newer. I like the new design, its more modern but a little more laggy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Super Half Vamp Riku

      Super Half Vamp Riku

      I returned just for teh lulz. I'm not staying long I'm just checking in so to speal. I'll be gone again within a week.

    3. Super Half Vamp Riku
    4. Super Half Vamp Riku
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