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Banagher Links

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About Banagher Links

  • Birthday 07/10/1995

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    In the cockpit of my gundam, destroying my enemies

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. So...who else loves Gundam Unicorn?

  2. That awkward moment when two posts start with the same couple of words and someone starts complaining about fads.

  3. Made a new card set and i would greatly appretiate any comments you have. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/281790-gundam-series/

  4. imma keep this up until i getmore comments. and trust me i get annoying fast :D http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/230293-shell-and-enhanced-monsters/

    1. Banagher Links

      Banagher Links

      not really but plz rate and comment. ty

    2. blueyesfusion


      you probably do no offense


  5. oops wrong person anyways Pot of Greed is forbidden now and i want them to take it off of the banlist :/

  6. what do you mean who are you

  7. name 1 card that can tear everysingle meta down but is currently banned

    1. Banagher Links

      Banagher Links

      ._. noone can think of a card to do this? .-.

    2. Hila Ⅰ
    3. Banagher Links
  8. Go to Chaos Has Evolved and see my reply to your comment

  9. I Demand a comment! (jk) but seriously i would like more comments on these ty http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/230293-shell-and-enhanced-monsters/

    1. Banagher Links

      Banagher Links

      XD lol i meant on the cards in the link lol.

  10. im sure most people dont like it when someone does this but please rate and comment on my cards. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/230293-shell-and-enhanced-monsters/

  11. ....wtf is with u guys saying "thanks for the update"?

    1. LiAM


      Thanks for the update

    2. LiAM


      I invented it when we first got the Status Updates bar in retaliation to the Facebook and Twitter spam, or really boring statuses, like "nothing" or "cool".

    3. Banagher Links

      Banagher Links

      lol at the first comment liam

  12. gonna watch the new nightmare on elm street again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Banagher Links

      Banagher Links

      meh i dont own those i might watch them online though

    3. Smashsquatch


      I should go watch one of those I only know the storyline to them!

    4. Banagher Links

      Banagher Links

      the old ones kinda wierd the way the talk but its not bad

  13. ....i might stop making cards >.>

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Banagher Links

      Banagher Links

      ....ok now im just not sure

      should i move the cards back to realistic and just post them slowly?

    3. ~Demyx~


      Wherever you think they should be. Also, nice cards.

    4. Banagher Links
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