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Great Unclean One: VK

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About Great Unclean One: VK

  • Birthday 03/28/1994

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    Pittsburgh PA

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  1. That sinking feeling when you realize the United States is halfway to a complete plutocracy.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tentacruel


      No, that's pretty much true. Stupid people are easier to control and to milk. (For their money.)

    3. Great Unclean One: VK

      Great Unclean One: VK

      Thing is.... That's not good for the long run.

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star
  2. Anyone knows some good RPGs for the PS3 besides Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and other big named RPGS?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Elijah~


      Ok ok.....lets see i think Tales of Hearts R is like $20 and Tales of Xilla is $25 I seriously don't know. I can't find the cases under my pile of video games which I desperately need to organize.

    3. Great Unclean One: VK

      Great Unclean One: VK

      Well don't worry. I'll begin research tomorrow.

    4. .:Blu:.


      As SoulFire nominated, Ni No Kuni is pretty effing amazing :D

  3. Gusy, what if Square stop being fucktards, and release an actual FF game to help restore faith in them and then get real fans instead of fanbois and fangurls? I mean, wouldn't make good games mean you'll get a more loyal and stable fanbase?

    1. Tourmaline


      A new Dissidia.

    2. Tentacruel


      Well, the FF fanbase is so insane, anything SE releases will be hated.

  4. Well this is interesting. The XBox One currently looks like s***. In my opinion. Seems like I'll be sticking with PC and the other consoles.

    1. Elijah~
    2. Great Unclean One: VK

      Great Unclean One: VK

      I expected to called out on this.


      Why isn't that happening?

    3. Expelsword


      Wii U is strange, and XBO is going 1984, It's PS4's race

  5. Who here cosplays and or makes their own costumes? If so, could someone give me a few pointers and things to consider?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Great Unclean One: VK

      Great Unclean One: VK

      Well then. It's gonna be tough doing that. I'm planning to basically make a Space Marine armor from 40k.

    3. Tentacruel


      Well than that would be pretty much impossible in that case.

    4. Great Unclean One: VK

      Great Unclean One: VK

      I know right?


      But not just any Space Marine armor.


      Egyptian Space Marine armor.



  6. Look at this sexy Persian mofo. Look at him and tremble! http://1d4chan.org/images/c/cb/All_Is_Dust_by_MajesticChicken.jpg

    1. Sleepy


      Error 403 looks amazing indeed.

    2. Great Unclean One: VK

      Great Unclean One: VK

      Sleepy, refresh the image then.

    3. Night


      'dat 403 cockblock.

  7. Jesus christ, the stupidity of some people. Everyone knows (OR SHOULD f***ing KNOW) that having more then 2 people in bed during a relationship WILL f***ing KILL THE RELATIONSHIP, NO MATTER WHAT. Unless everyone is a swinger.

    1. Sleepy


      Some peole are into it. I'm not. If it happened to me or even mentioned, I wouldn't have gotten that far as to be in the bed. Actually, the relationship would be over.

  8. Welp. Seems like I don goofed.

    1. Elijah~


      Womp womp womp. It's ok everybody does not goof. They do many things.......

    2. Elijah~


      That's so true

  9. SO IT BEGINS. I HAVE BEGUN SAVING UP FOR MONEY TO MAKE MY OWN COSYPLAY COSTUME. A THOUSAND SON TERMINATOR. Since obviously the best thing to cosplay is an angry suit of sci fi super Egyptian armor with a soul bound to it. Pic of what I plan to build: http://www.coolminiornot.com/pics/pics12/img47bdd47f59810.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Legend Zero

      Legend Zero

      Show us a pic when you are done. :)

    3. Tourmaline


      But he's fun, too!

    4. Great Unclean One: VK

      Great Unclean One: VK



      I'm not drunk. Not yet. In 2 years I'll be drunk, and I'll be posting depressing suicidal stuff on YCM once that happens and I gladly await that.


      Legend, if I finish this and when I do, it'll be all over the web.



  10. How does YCM feel about MPT? Or mandatory paternity testing? It's basically when your kid is born, you take a DNA test to make sure it's yours so you won't get duped into paying to take care of someone's kid. Apparently in PA, even if you're not the father of your own kid, you still have to pay out of your own wallet while the real father gets off free.

    1. ~Shin~


      From my point of view, this sad, very sad.

    2. Great Unclean One: VK

      Great Unclean One: VK

      Sad thing is.


      Some people want to take this to the next level.

  11. Goddamn it. Sometimes I wonder if I turned back the clock and told younger VK to stop looking up statistics about life, would I be a less pissed off depressed VK that has a bleak outlook on life?

    1. swag swag swag swag swag s

      swag swag swag swag swag s

      How does that depress you?

  12. Jesus. The Chinese Room Arguement is scary s***.

  13. Guys.... What if.... We put helium in a Balloonicorn?

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