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Tormented last won the day on February 19

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About Tormented

  • Birthday 08/26/1997

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    Im Quite Wet
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    showcase i think

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  1. This seems like a good site, thanks for sharing
  2. Falling Pizza being YCMaker's persona was not on my bingo card for 2024 but that's scratched off.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      It's been so long that I'm not quite sure, but wasn't YCMaker/Pizza's whole story that they were two brothers working together? Not just "This is my close friend" but actually brothers?

      Wild to keep the idea that he was two separate people going for so long.

    3. Sleepy


      Yeah that was the case. The accounts were of 2 brothers.
      From what I heard, YCMaker was more directly active as any other member of the forum back in the 2006-2007 days. By 2008, the forum had grown beyond "a group of friends" and most people around the forums did not have any chats with him directly. 2009 he moved from the free MyBB forums to what we had throughout most of the site's history, and post split with NCM we got what we are using right now iirc.

      I'm pretty sure the accounts would have been for different people, and members that seemed to chat with them directly at some point would pretty much corroborate. However, Pizza went radio silent at some point in 2007 and remained inactive until post-split around 2019 to essentially shit on everybody not happy with YCMaker and then go back to sleep until a week ago. It's way too random for an otherwise long-dead account that should be completely disconnected from all the forum's affairs. Can't say for certain but it is more likely that it was a skin suit in these last 5-ish years of it IMO.

    4. Horu


      I'd have to agree with Sleepy on this. Given that Pizza only surfaces when YCMaker is getting negative feedback for refusing to fix something he messed up to begin with, it definitely feels more like a suit of armor to hide behind now. Yet, most of the backlash YCMaker is receiving isn't because of his mistake, but rather his unwillingness to correct it. So yeah, there is no logical reason for anyone else to jump in and defend him. I'm honestly confused how adding an ai generator fucked up a line of code that effectively has nothing to do with the image being put on the card.

  3. type the full alphabet in the comments of this status

    ill start


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinkerer


      the full alphabet

    3. TheBlackCatter


      by full alphabet, do you mean the phonetic alphabet too? Also, are we going to use the Latin alphabet or the alphabet of other languages too?

      When you start these kinds of things, people can get confused easily. besides, what would the internet be without a few trolls who play off loopholes?

    4. Loleo
  4. Are the search tools completely f'd for anyone else, only seems to be bringing me cringey shit from 2014

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tormented


      @(GigaDrillBreaker)no way, damn things were going so well, I know a good site with functioning search tools SMILE

      @Nobody Really I don't really touch the card maker too much on our side of things, it's Yemachu's baby plus my development skills are non-existent but things are going well.

    3. Horu


      Been a while since I checked in over there. I left a suggestion on how to improve the card maker. Given that it is perfect, save for the feature that I suggested. But whenever he gets around to it I guess.

    4. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      Yep. I can't even search up most of my old stuff.

  5. Can't wait for @Enguinto realize there's no real difference between the Admin and Mod role

    1. Tormented


      (from a permission perspective*)

    2. ENMaker


      i am seeing this message about updating the forum which i thought was an ad initially 

  6. you guys like dem animes?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thar


      Amine is kewl

    3. Spinny


      Binged 12 episodes of black clover last night and idek why its not great

    4. goodfusion
  7. I need sleep, someone read me a bedtime story.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ENMaker


      don't talk about rewas that way

    3. Thar


      A girl was alone in a car waiting for her boyfriend. She then hears a strange man knocking of her door shouting "LET ME IN!" the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there. she gets out to check and man door hand hook car door.

    4. ENMaker


      that's the end of the story of rewas he's not a very interesting character

  8. TIL: I have an eye colour that only 3% of the world have ALSO I'm even more unique in the fact that I have a minor case of heterochromia. TheMoreYouKnow.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Tormented


      I'll look into it and see if there's anything I can do.

    3. (GigaDrillBreaker)
    4. Thar


      It looks like it only happens if there's more than a certain number of comments.

  9. Thank you for helping.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tourmaline


      How active is he on it?

    3. Tormented


      I dunno, he must use it to play games though so active enough.

    4. Tourmaline


      Do you have it? The one on his profile has a thinking emoji in the middle.

  10. I'm a little late but Castlevania on Netflix is soooooo goooood

    1. Tormented


      Also started Juushinki Pandora I think it's called? First episode was fun although it was a bit weird at times? A bit of a stark contrast to Castlevania that I finished not moments ago, animation was good though.

  11. Voting ends for SOTW 33 in a little under 24 hours, we are currently at a tie: https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/375185-season-5-ycm-sotw-33-courage vote if you haven't!

    1. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      Can we have some kind of Halloween-adjacent SotW in the near future?

    2. Tormented
  12. anyone play pokemon go still? I've got a quest to gift friends but I have no friends.

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