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Βyakuya last won the day on August 26 2017

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About Βyakuya

  • Birthday 11/17/1996

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    In an isolated island.
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  1. Just ordered the $500 Switch + Mario Kart 8D + LoZ BtW + Splatoon 2. My wallet can't stop crying...especially since I got plans for a con coming up.

  2. YASS SM Sequels confirmed! And on the 3DS nonetheless which is a blessing.

    1. Atypical-Abbie


      Why would you think it would be on the Switch? The hardware isn't designed for that at all.

    2. Βyakuya


      I never said anything about that. Ultra SM really shouldn't be formatted for Switch anyway, though I hear a lot of complaints about this not being on Switch. It's better to just cater to those who can't afford a Switch, the later the next gen game will progress to Switch once the 3DS hype dies and the Switch becomes more available.

    3. Atypical-Abbie


      What other system would it be on? The PS Vita? I assumed you mean the Switch since that's the only other option.

  3. Tfw you watch a livestream but when the highlight comes it loses connection/lags...

  4. This is one of the worst YGO formats to ever exist currently...it ain't Frog FTK all running about but it's still so boring and depressing...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Βyakuya


      ...playing the game not worth the investment or time. I can't build rogue decks without thinking too much of weaknesses to the meta and the outcome just becomes a pure Zoo deck.

    3. Βyakuya


      On the other hand, still looking for VGC players willing to play with me if Pokemon's the way to go~

    4. VCR_CAT


      Yeah, I really haven't liked the recent formats. I don't think it's without salvaging, but I also think some real banlist work will be needed to bring the game to a more fun state.

  5. Anyone else here late-night studying/cramming?

    1. UltimateIRS


      late night what now?

    2. ÆƵ–


      I probably should be, but I'm not. Oops

  6. Whoever decided that it was a good idea to share a video of a guy getting castrated...what kind of eye bleach you think we'd be using?

    1. Arimetal


      Hopefully #1 Brand Name Clorox Bleach - Get the Tough Stains Out!

  7. Pretty much at that point in the semester when I almost give no fucks anymore.

  8. http://i.imgur.com/f4MOguv.jpg MACR Sneak Peak hoard. Feeling like a pull god~
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      Awesome! :)


      I just got one batch myself and pulled a Master Peace that I moved for some True King stuff for my DINOSAURS.

    3. Βyakuya


      Oh yeah Patrick Hoban came to our locals for some reason.

    4. ~ P O L A R I S ~

      ~ P O L A R I S ~

      Between this and YCMCS you're pretty obv the most dedicated player here.

  9. There is some hideous and distrurbing sheet hidden behind the veil of Youtube videos for children...

    1. UltimateIRS


      yeah that gender stuff is horrifying

    2. Draconus297


      Well, duh. It's YouTube. Children's content made by nutcases on the Internet is always going to be ever do slightly wrong.

    3. Βyakuya


      What does concern me is how easy it is to stumble upon this stuff the further you go down suggested content. It's a whole different category includes a lot of perverted content and intentionally messed up videos with seemingly low effort made. Then again I should reall y be more responsible for whatever my 4-year old cousin watches.

  10. The moment where you argue over rulings but then you realize the fallacy in your explanation and realize you were wrong the whole time while arguing like jackass...

    1. Azuriena


      Arguing over rulings in YGO using logic is generally a mistake anyway.

  11. How the hell did my high school self manage to wake up 6 am every morning and do well in 7 classes whereas I'm struggling with only 4...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Βyakuya


      I like to think that the workload is much less but the magnitude of the grade is harder. It's very pressuring to balance consecutive classes...I think next time I should join some study groups.

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star
    4. Snatch Steal

      Snatch Steal

      that explains a lot—*shot*

  12. Great dreamy song mixed with oriental sounds that gives the feeling of being between dreaming and reality with more focus on music than vocals. Listening to this while studying atm~
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