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D.A._Sakuyamon last won the day on August 11 2016

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About D.A._Sakuyamon

  • Birthday 02/12/1990

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  1. Cool, transparent Aluminum is now a thing.

  2. Making a Payday Smreagle build for the infinite Ditto method.

  3. It's been so long since I'v watched "The Trueman Show" but damn is it still good.

  4. So I'm on the first triel and they just straight up give you Brick Break before fighting the Totem Pokemon.................really...............I mean reallly?!

    1. D.A._Sakuyamon


      Yep one shot like I thought it would. >.<

    2. Blake


      If you're not overleveled, it doesn't 1-shot it.

  5. Dat moment when your Munchlax uses Judgement vie Metranom.

  6. Currently soft reseting to get a Female Poppleo with a decent nature. The Pain D:

    1. The Nyx Avatar

      The Nyx Avatar

      That's me with Mystery Gift Pokemon.

    2. D.A._Sakuyamon


      It's even more painful then that though. D: there's a ton of cut scenes with no break for saving unlike previous games.

    3. Makο


      I had to do that until I got a female Litten, so I could name it Ryuko. I got one after 3 tries, and she also has adamant nature.


      Felt nice.

  7. Sun/Moons story is looking trippy.

    1. вєgσттєη ιηѕαηιту
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow



    3. ·Toot


      I don't care if it turns out to be a shitty/crappy story. I'm just glad they finally made something new.

  8. Simply put f Trump. :) Good Night

  9. Disapointed with Type: NULLs stats. Was hoping for 105 accross the board when evloved but ehh.

  10. So........Moon is being streamed. Or was at least. Vod is around.

  11. Question, having never played Pokemon, Diamond, Pearl, & Platinuim and having all three. Which one should I play first? I wanna play Platinuim first but I don't know if it'll spoil the other two story wise.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nicο


      The changes of mechanics, sure. But I've seen many complaints about the way Sinnoh was designed, (not as much as Hoenn, but for some reason, always here on YCM. Might not be that many people in reality, then). Besides that, Agro in particular thinks the games are slower than Yellow too. Can't find proof, but I remember from someone's status. Which I would say is the biggest reason Platinum is better.

    3. вєgσттєη ιηѕαηιту

      вєgσттєη ιηѕαηιту

      I personally dislike Sinnoh as a region. Way too much snow and too many caves. I felt like there was a lot of distance to travel with very little to do around the region. However, I like all the games. You really aren't missing out on much if you go straight to Platinum (and personally the differences between D/P/P are so minimal that I hardly notice it when playing).

    4. goodfusion
  12. Just when you think they can't sink any lower they surprise you and fill you with even more rage.

    1. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

  13. I for one welcome the close.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      Just punish flaming and spamming as it comes really.

    3. Jord200
    4. epicmemesbro


      It was a mixture of people fun-posting, 1 v 1 insulting, memes, and one word posts that caused it methinks.

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