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Chiri Tsukikawa

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Chiri Tsukikawa last won the day on May 9 2017

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About Chiri Tsukikawa

  • Birthday 07/18/1994

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    Prism Paradise

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  1. Would you think original unless specified or orange strawberry unless specified to be original?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chiri Tsukikawa

      Chiri Tsukikawa

      Well, this is literally the only one I've posted within a month, so as I said, the only thing in almost a month-nano ^^^^.

    3. Chiri Tsukikawa

      Chiri Tsukikawa

      I just thought of a reason. If the person knows you prefer a different kind over original.

      But in that case, idk why original wasn't gotten.

    4. Ryusei the Morning Star
  2. It's been 2 years since a Husabando polls tournament and 5 months since a Waifu one. Just... mentioning.

    1. Northern Sage

      Northern Sage

      I may have killed any further interest

    2. UltimateIRS


      neither of those really need to reset to zero

    3. Chiri Tsukikawa

      Chiri Tsukikawa

      I think there would be interest. There was over a hundred replies in the Hullabaloo. I think it just hasn't been done again because no one tried to do it.

  3. New information straight from Nico-sensei: The BLT will be bi-early (typo intended), if he decided to do it again this ear-nya.

    1. Chiri Tsukikawa

      Chiri Tsukikawa

      *decides (typo not intended-nya)

    2. Nicο


      I was thinking I would start it up in October (since last time was around Easter, and the most fitting time would probably be Halloween).

  4. https://i.gyazo.com/b36c17cc404e41dfbb32c3f9381b82f8.png Never thought I'd see the day-nya. Bah-ha! (sounds like "Hoo-ha!")
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ENMaker


      Is this from my status.

    3. ENMaker


      It is how are you just now seeing this it's a week old keep up.

    4. Chiri Tsukikawa

      Chiri Tsukikawa

      I've been waiting to take it out of context at just the wrong time-nya.


  5. Just from looking at the last page I would think Darkrai posts here a lot-nya.
  6. Put moar random names of anime her. You can put even if you already put-nya.

  7. Put random names of anime here-nya.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. UltimateIRS
    3. Rodrigo


      Joukamachi no Dandelion

    4. Nathanael D. Striker

      Nathanael D. Striker


  8. Yunyun didn't get past round 2 and Megumin did, so Megumin can say this: https://i.imgur.com/qGYDPRP.gif

  9. Banned for spooky scary skeleton.
  10. Yunyun got 1 more vote than Megumin in this round, so Megumin can't say this this time: https://i.imgur.com/qGYDPRP.gif

  11. Can anyone help provide me with a picture of what the Turtles chocolate's packaging look like in the US? I know the rule didn't state it must be the package, but I feel it will be more recognizable that way, so that's what I'm going with.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ive never seen that candy, sorry

    3. Ryusei the Morning Star
    4. Chiri Tsukikawa

      Chiri Tsukikawa

      Nestle doesn't own it in the US anymore. If they did, I wouldn't be asking. Probably shouldn't be asking something like this at this time. Teehee!

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