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GIMP tut on holos, inverts, recolors, dark synchros, gold stickers, Tv Yugioh Cards, and more! Works with MS Paint!

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Don't have GIMP? You can download it here, right now for FREE!!!!! http://www.gimp.org/

Really really really obviously easy trivia question: GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program.






[spoiler=Boosters]Step 1: Go To This link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ummmztngnwm


Step 2: Download The File.


Step 3: Put it somewhere you'll remember it, like documents or downloads.


Step 4: Open up GIMP.


Step 5: Edit anything you want, like the text (make sure it's aero text) and the background. To edit the BG, press Ctrl L

and press the eye on the BG you DON'T want.


Step 6: Open your Render.


Step 7: Resize it the way you want.


Step 8: Place it wherever.


Step 9: You notice the render covers everything up, right? press Ctrl L.


Step 10: Move the bar with it's render name directly under the two top parts on a pack.


Step 11: Save it as the same name as it was before, MAKE SURE IT'S PNG!!!!!!


Step 12: Now go to tinypic.com and upload it! Hope this helped!


P.S. If you want to recolor the BG, click on the tab in Ctrl L that says Layer 1 or Background, go to Colors>Hue-Saturation and change it's color! You can also do this with bars, tech circles, and more! To change text color, Click the Text Tool (Big A) Then click colors! But remember to go to Ctrl and click the text name first, then edit the text. ^_^ This template is free for a limited time.


What it should look like:





[spoiler=Holos]Step 1: Save These. 2zsv1bl.pngk9xocl.png


Step 2: Open up GIMP.


Step 3: Open up the card you want to holo or the card pic.


Step 4: Go to File>Open As Layers or press Ctrl+Alt+O and get the holo sheet.


Step 5: Go to Tools>Transform Tools>Scale or press Shift+T


Step 6: Holo the whole pic or the whole card pic.


Step 7: Go to Ctrl+L.


Step 8: Press the bar that says "Normal" and click dodge.


Step 9: Save your holoed card pic or your holoed pic at Save As.


Step 10: Replace jpg with png and your done!


Step 11: go to tinypic.com and upload it! Hope this helped!


What it should look like:




[spoiler=Advanced Holos]Step 1: Save these. 2zsv1bl.pngk9xocl.png


Step 2: Open up GIMP.


Step 3: Go to File>Open and open your card.


Step 4: Go to File>Open As and open a holo sheet.


Step 5: Adjust the size of the holo sheet to whatever you want.


Step 6: Press Ctrl + L, see the eye beside the holo sheet in the box? Click it.


Step 7: Now, press the Paths Tool.


Step 8: Right click, press view, then press Zoom (100%), and then press Zoom (400%) or Zoom (800%).


Step 9: Remember clicking the Paths Tool? Well now trace around the character in the pic (if there are parts like a hole in the character or something like that,make paths in there too).


Step 10: Once the character is fully traced around, press View, then Zoom (400%), and then Zoom (100%).


Step 11: Now press Ctrl + L and click the big eye in the box beside the holo sheet.


Step 12: Don't worry, it's supposed to be like that. Now, press Edit>Cut and it shows your character!!!


Step 13: Remember the box? Look at the top and click on Normal, then press Dodge and you have an advanced holo!


Step 14: Go to File>Save As and save it, remember, replace jpg with png.


Step 15: Upload the card from tinypic.com and you're done! Hope this helped!


what it should look like



[spoiler=Recolors]Step 1: Open up GIMP.


Step 2: Go to File>Open and open your card.


Step 3: Go to Colors>Colorize and mix the colors and make whatever.


Step 4: Go to File>Save As and name your card and replace jpg with png.


Step 5: Go to tinypic.com and upload the recolored card! Hope this helped!


what it should look like:




[spoiler=Picture Recolors] Step 1: Open up GIMP.


Step 2: Go to File>Open and open your saved card.


Step 3: Crop the picture of the card.


Step 4: Go to Colors>Colorize and color your picture.


Step 5: Go to File>Save As and save it as jpg. (unusual)


Step 6: Go to your card maker and upload the recolored picture on that same card.


Ste 7: Rub it in everyone's face and your done! Hope this helped!


what it should look like




[spoiler=Inverts] Step 1: Open up GIMP.


Step 2: Go to File>Open and take out your card.


Step 3: Go to Colors>Invert and invert the card.


Step 4: Go to File>Save As and save the card replacing jpg with png.


Step 5: Go to tinypic.com and upload the card! Hope this helped!


What it should look like:




[spoiler=Gold Stickers]Step 1: Save this. vq387n.jpg


Step 2: Open up GIMP.


Step 3: Go to File>Open and click on a card.


Step 4: Go to File>Open As Layers and click on the gold sticker.


Step 5: Position your sticker.


Step 6: Go to File>Save As and name the card with the golden sticker, and replace jpg with png.


Step 7: Go to tinypic.com and upload the card and your finished! Hope this helped!


what it should look like




[spoiler=Dark Synchros]Step 1: Save this. 14mvs00.png or negative-1.png?rand=0.15870212353878133 or this 2wpjx9c.png


Step 2: Save this. vq387n.jpg


Step 3: Save this. 105uzxs.jpg


Step 4: Open up GIMP.


Step 5: Go to File>Open> and open the card you are making a dark synchro with and the card you saved.


Step 6: Press the Rectangle Select Tool


Step 7: Make a box in the effect box.


Step 8: Go to Colors>Colorize and put the Saturation to 0.


Step 9: Click Ok.


Step 10: Make boxes all over, avoiding the attribute, picture, and effect box borders and desaturate 1 box 1 at a time.


Step 11: Desaturate the edges all around the attribute.


Step 12: Remember the blank card? Click the Crop Tool and Crop where the stars would usually be.


Step 13: Copy the blank star spots.


Step 14: Paste it on your card and press the Move Tool and move it where the stars are.


Step 15: Don't worry, just desaturate that box too.


Step 16: Here is the fun part. Go to File>Open As Layers and open up the stars.


Step 17: Collect as many stars as you want then position them from the left to the right.


Step 18: Make sure the stars are straightly aligned.


Step 19: Go to File>Open As Layers and take out your golden sticker, then position it.


Step 20: Go to File>Save As and name the card.


Step 21: Go to tinypic.com and upload it from your pc.


Step 22: Copy and paste your card and you're done! Hope this helped!


What it should look like




[spoiler=Signatures / Banners]Step 1: Find a picture on the internet and save it.


Step 2: Open up GIMP.


Step 3: Go to File>New and either chose your size from template or customize your size (I recommend 100 to 110 Height and 468 Wide).


Step 4: Press OK.


Step 5: Go to File>Open As and open your picture. (If it needs to be smaller, adjust this in http://www.tinypic.com)


Step 6: Position it wherever.


Step 7: If you want, Click the Smudge Tool and smudge the background.


Step 8: Add some text! Click the Text Tool.


Step 9: Chose your color and text size.


Step 10: Type whatever you want.


Step 11: Move your text wherever.


Step 12: Go to File>Save As and save your signature / banner (make sure it is png!).


Step 13: Go to tinypic.com and upload your signature / banner and you are done! Hope this helped!


What it should look like:




[spoiler= TV Styled Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards]


Go to download link, all free.



[spoiler=How To Make Dark Tuners And Dark Synchros And Do Other Interesting Things]

Step 1: Go to your card generator and open your card.


Step 2: Right click and then scroll and Click Properties, and then copy the web address beside location.


Step 3: Open a tab. Paste the address in there.


Step 4: Where it says effect in the adress, change it to Dark Synchro, or Dark Tuner, MAKE SURE IT HAS A SPACE BETWEEN DARK SYNCHRO OR DARK TUNER.


Step 5: If doing Dark Synchro, it's an effectless Dark Synchro. If Dark Tuner, it will have an effect or be vanilla. If drk synchro, change the star level to zero. Dark Tuner doesn't matter.


Step 6: IF Dark Tuner, you are done. If Dark Synchro, Skip to Step 16 on my Dark Synchro tut.




reps appreciated. ^_^

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boosters,there are quite a few but this is quite good although nowhere near high quality

recolor,isn't the good type of recolors,they have the whole thing colored and i made a tut on how to recolor already

holo,there is one but this still works,although setting the holo layer to color dodge maeks it so much cooler

invert,can be done on MSPaint and way too easy as it's a 1 click step


overall still good tuts for people who don't know how to do them.

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