Guest Yairnet Posted October 10, 2017 Report Share Posted October 10, 2017 Details:Year Of Creation: 2010, 2011(DTUNR & TURBO)Number Of Cards: 140(TUNER & DTUNR), 120(TURBO)[spoiler=Part 1-TUNER Set][spoiler=Bulbasaur]When you use this as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of an EARTH Synchro Monster, draw 2 cards. [spoiler=Charmander]When you use this as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a FIRE Synchro Monster,that Synchro Monster can attack 3 times during this Battle Phase only. [spoiler=Squirtle]When you use this as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WATER Synchro Monster,that Synchro Monster is switched to Defense Position and it cannot be destroyed by battle. [spoiler=Pikachu]An electric mouse with powerful electric attacks. [spoiler=Clefairy]A creature that came from Outer Space. If this creature touches a Moon Stone, something very beautiful will happen. [spoiler=Jigglypuff]A balloon creature. If this creature touches a Moon Stone, something very beautiful will happen. [spoiler=Zubat]Decrease the ATK of all your opponent's monsters by 400 points for each Tuner Monster in your Graveyard. [spoiler=Psyduck]This creature's powers can be unlocked once it has headaches. [spoiler=Mankey]This monkey has a bad attitude once someone makes it angry. [spoiler=Abra]Select 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck and 1 non-Tuner Monster you control.Change this card's Level to the difference between the Level of the selected Synchro Monster and the selected non-Tuner Monster. [spoiler=Machop]Select 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck and 1 non-Tuner Monster you control.Change this card's Level to the difference between the Level of the selected Synchro Monster and the selected non-Tuner Monster. [spoiler=Tentacool]This jellyfish controls both water and poison attacks like Bubblebeam and Acid. [spoiler=Slowpoke]A dumb, but strong creature that can protect itself by using its Amnesia move. [spoiler=Magnemite]Once per turn, you can increase the ATK of 1 monster you control by 800 points and its Level is increased by 1. [spoiler=Gastly]This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Any monster attacking this card gets its ATK reduced by half. [spoiler=Koffing]The smog of this creature can kill people and it is also a defensive source for him. [spoiler=Goldeen]This goldfish is so pretty that sometimes it brings good luck. [spoiler=Ditto]This creature can transform to whatever it wants.It can also copy the abilities of the thing it transforms into. [spoiler=Eevee]This creature is known for its number of evolutions. [spoiler=Dratini]While you control no monsters and your opponent controls at least 2 monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. [spoiler=Chikorita]When this card inflicts Battle Damage, your opponent must discard 1 card from their hand.If they cannot, your opponent must send the top card of their Deck instead. [spoiler=Cyndaquil]When this card inflicts Battle Damage, destroy 1 monster on the field with ATK equal to twice the Battle Damage inflicted by this card. [spoiler=Totodile]When this card inflicts Battle Damage, decrease the ATK of 1 monster on the field equal to the Battle Damage inflicted by this card. [spoiler=Spinarak]A scary spider that scares its opponents with the scary face it has on its back. [spoiler=Cleffa]You can use this 1 card to Synchro Summon a Synchro monster from your Extra Deck, ignoring all the requirements. [spoiler=Igglybuff]You can use this 1 card to Synchro Summon a Synchro monster from your Extra Deck, ignoring all the requirements. [spoiler=Togepi]When your opponent Synchro Summons a Synchro Monster, send this card from your hand to the Graveyard,negate that Synchro Monster's effects and reduce its ATK and DEF to 0. [spoiler=Natu]A psychic bird that can predict the future. It can also travel into the future. [spoiler=Mareep]If you control another Tuner Monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard.When this card is Special Summoned this way, it cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster for 2 turns. [spoiler=Marill]An aqua mouse with a mystical tail that glows once it is touched by pure water. [spoiler=Hoppip]A Synchro Monster Summoned using this card as a Synchro Material Monster cannot be affected by Spell and Trap Cards. [spoiler=Murkrow]A dark crow with an obsession to shiny things. [spoiler=Misdreavus]A scary, but friendly ghost with a mystical necklace that holds unknown powers. [spoiler=Slugma]A flame magma that came from an inactive volcano, It lives near active volcanoes. [spoiler=Swinub]You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to double the DEF of all Defense Position monsters you control. [spoiler=Remoraid]A fish that can normally be found in ponds and dirty water. [spoiler=Houndour]A dark fire dog with a scary skull on its forehead. Although it seems scary, it is always loyal and will never hurt anyone. [spoiler=Smoochum]A cute creature. It always sends love and it barely fights. [spoiler=Elekid]When a Spell Card is activated, you can send this card from your hand to negate its activation and effect and destroy it. [spoiler=Magby]When a Trap Card is activated, you can send this card from your hand to negate its activation and effect and destroy it. [spoiler=Treecko]When this card is Normal Summoned, you can either increase or decrease the Level of all EARTH Synchro monsters in your Extra Deck by 1. [spoiler=Torchic]When this card is Normal Summoned, you can either increase or decrease the Level of all FIRE Synchro monsters in your Extra Deck by 1. [spoiler=Mudkip]When this card is Normal Summoned, you can either increase or decrease the Level of all WATER Synchro monsters in your Extra Deck by 1. [spoiler=Taillow]This swallow builds its nests near clean water. [spoiler=Wingull]This sea gull flies above the ocean. [spoiler=Ralts]During each of your End Phases, gain 300 Life Points for each card in your hand. [spoiler=Slakoth]Before your opponent's Battle Phase, you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard,target 1 monster your opponent controls. That target cannot attack during this Battle Phase. [spoiler=Makuhita]This fat fighter has powerful punches despite its high weight. [spoiler=Azurill]This card can only be used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WATER or a LIGHT Synchro Monster. [spoiler=Wailmer]A large and heavy whale. It can float on water. [spoiler=Trapinch]This card can only be used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster. [spoiler=Swablu]This tiny bird uses its cloud wings to hide beyond actual clouds in the sky. [spoiler=Lileep]People mistake this creature for a flower. It uses this advantage to attack its enemies once it sees that as the right thing to do. [spoiler=Anorith]A bug fossil that lived in the desert thousands of years ago. [spoiler=Kecleon]A chameleon that has the power of invisibility.However, it can be detected because the red zigzag on its body is always visible. [spoiler=Shuppet]A friendly ghost. It will never scare anyone. [spoiler=Duskull]If your opponent controls a monster with 2000 or more ATK, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.When this card is Special Summoned this way, Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard with 1500 or less ATK. [spoiler=Chimecho]The sound from this bell-like creature is so relaxing that even the most furious people will be relaxed once they hear it. [spoiler=Bagon]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WIND Synchro Monster,double that Synchro Monster's ATK and during this turn only, it is unaffected by your opponent's cards. [spoiler=Beldum]When a monster you control is attacked, equip this card to the attack target and during this Battle Phase only,the equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle. [spoiler=Turtwig]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of an EARTH Synchro Monster,the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be in your hand. [spoiler=Chimchar]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a FIRE Synchro Monster,the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be in your hand. [spoiler=Piplup]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WATER Synchro Monster,the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be in your hand. [spoiler=Starly]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WIND Synchro Monster,the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be in your hand. [spoiler=Kricketot]A cricket that uses its voice to sing relaxing songs in the night. [spoiler=Shinx]Switch 1 of your opponent's monsters to Defense Position and halve its DEF. [spoiler=Cranidos]A dinosaur fossil that lived thousands of years ago. It has great offensive power. [spoiler=Shieldon]A dog-like fossil that lived thousands of years ago. Its face is like a powerful shield. [spoiler=Buneary]This bunny rabbit can crush its opponents by uncoiling its ears. [spoiler=Glameow]A cat with a mysterious face. It controls many moves. [spoiler=Stunky]The smell coming from this skunk lasts for 24 hours. [spoiler=Bronzor]This creature is made of the strongest bronze known to man. [spoiler=Bonsly]Despite its appearance, this creature is as hard as rock. [spoiler=Mime Jr]This mime can copy the feelings of people. [spoiler=Happiny]When you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, gain Life Points equal to twice the ATK of that Synchro Monster. [spoiler=Gible]If you Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard, increase its Level by 2. [spoiler=Riolu]This little dog-like warrior has the ability to sense the aura surrounding around him.When it finds an opponent with a strong aura, it challenges him. [spoiler=Skorupi]This scorpion can slice its opponent by using its Cross Poison attack. [spoiler=Finneon]This fish is known as "The Beautifly Of The Sea" because its tail is like Beautifly's wings. [spoiler=Snover]This frost tree grows near the ice mountain of the Sinnoh Region. It grows snow candies on its corners. [spoiler=Snivy]When an EARTH Synchro Monster is successfully Synchro Summoned, that Synchro Monster's maximum number of attacks is equal to the number of cards in your hand(this effect is not applied if you have more than 5 cards in your hand). [spoiler=Tepig]When a FIRE Synchro Monster is successfully Synchro Summoned, that Synchro Monster's maximum number of attacks is equal to the number of cards in your hand(this effect is not applied if you have more than 5 cards in your hand). [spoiler=Oshawott]When a WATER Synchro Monster is successfully Synchro Summoned, that Synchro Monster's maximum number of attacks is equal to the number of cards in your hand(this effect is not applied if you have more than 5 cards in your hand). [spoiler=Munna]A psychic creature that can reflect people's dreams by the smoke it releases from its pink dot. [spoiler=Pidove]When a WIND Synchro Monster is successfully Synchro Summoned, that Synchro Monster's maximum number of attacks is equal to the number of cards in your hand(this effect is not applied if you have more than 5 cards in your hand). [spoiler=Roggenrola]You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard and neither player can inflict Effect Damage for 3 turns. [spoiler=Timburr]You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard and neither player can conduct their Battle Phase for 3 turns. [spoiler=Tympole]Halve the Level of all Synchro monsters in your Extra Deck. [spoiler=Sewaddle]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a LIGHT Synchro Monster,the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be in your hand. [spoiler=Venipede]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a DARK Synchro Monster,the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be in your hand. [spoiler=Tirtouga]A tortoise that lived in the Unova Region a long time ago. [spoiler=Solosis]Once per turn, select 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck and activate 1 of the following effects:1: Treat this card's name as the selected Synchro Monster's.2: Special Summon 1 "Pure Plasma Token" with the same Type, Attribute, Level, ATK and DEF as the selected Synchro Monster's to your side of the field. [spoiler=Ducklett]This duck lives near rivers. [spoiler=Vanillite]You can send this card from your hand to your Graveyard to Special Summon up to 3 WATER monsters from your Graveyard. [spoiler=Frillish]This fiendish jellyfish lurks beneath the oceans of the Unova Region. [spoiler=Elgyem]This alien came to Earth thousands of years ago to learn the human's language. [spoiler=Axew]Once per turn, you can change this card's Level to any number from 1 to 5 until the End Phase and draw 2 cards. [spoiler=Golett]Inside this golem lies an ancient soul of a sand creature. [spoiler=Deino]Decrease the ATK of all monsters on the field equal to their Level x200. [spoiler=Larvesta]They say that during dark times, this larva's flame can replace the sun. [spoiler=Chespin]When you Special Summon this card, it counts as 2 EARTH monsters (1 Tuner Monster and 1 non-Tuner Monster). [spoiler=Fennekin]When you Special Summon this card, it counts as 2 FIRE monsters (1 Tuner Monster and 1 non-Tuner Monster). [spoiler=Froakie]When you Special Summon this card, it counts as 2 WATER monsters (1 Tuner Monster and 1 non-Tuner Monster). [spoiler=Litleo]This little lion evolves depending on its nature. [spoiler=Flabébé]You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to return 1 Synchro Monster from the Graveyard to the Extra Deck. [spoiler=Pancham]When this baby panda surrounds itself with dark energy, it evolves into a destruction-loving panda. [spoiler=Espurr]This mystic cat has the ability of support and destruction. [spoiler=Honedge]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, that Synchro Monster's ATK is doubled. [spoiler=Spritzee]This lovely bird sends a sweet aroma to the sky. [spoiler=Swirlix]This cotton candy creature only eats sweets and gets bigger and stickier. [spoiler=Inkay]This squid-like creature knows secrets about the Spirit World. [spoiler=Clauncher]The attacks of this creature increase when it fights underwater. [spoiler=Helioptile]This electric lizard absorbs sunlight and generates electricity. [spoiler=Tyrunt]This strong dinosaur has powerful jaws that can crush almost anything. [spoiler=Amaura]This gentle dinosaur can freeze anything with its ice attacks. [spoiler=Dedenne]The antennas on this creature's cheeks can absorb electricity. [spoiler=Carbink]This rock can only be found in worlds of purity. [spoiler=Klefki]This creature loves keys. If it ever finds a key it likes, it will save it forever. [spoiler=Phantump]This dark ghost is hunting those who enter its territory. [spoiler=Pumpkaboo]This dark pumpkin absorbs human souls in order to get stronger. [spoiler=Rowlet]When this card is in your Graveyard, you can banish it to Special Summon 1 EARTH or WIND Synchro Monster from your Graveyard. [spoiler=Litten]When this card is in your Graveyard, you can banish it to Special Summon 1 FIRE Synchro Monster from your Graveyard. [spoiler=Popplio]When this card is in your Graveyard, you can banish it to Special Summon 1 WATER Synchro Monster from your Graveyard. [spoiler=Pikipek]When this card is in your Graveyard, you can banish it to return 1 WIND Synchro Monster from your Graveyard to your Extra Deck. [spoiler=Yungoos]During the day, it searches for food. During the night, it falls into a deep sleep. [spoiler=Grubbin]Usually, this little bug can be found near Electric Pokemon to protect itself from Flying Pokemon. [spoiler=Crabrawler]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, that Synchro Monster can attack twice during this Battle Phase only. [spoiler=Wishiwashi]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster, the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be in your hand. [spoiler=Dewpider]As long as this card is in your Graveyard, your opponent cannot attack you directly (even by card effects). [spoiler=Fomantis]As long as this card is in your Graveyard, the ATK and DEF of all your opponent's Level 6 or higher monsters are halved. [spoiler=Morelull]Once per turn, during each Standby Phase, while this card is in your Graveyard,gain 500 Life Points and that amount is doubled during each of your opponent's Standby Phases. [spoiler=Stufful]Despite its appearance, its physical strength is the same as a pro wrestler. [spoiler=Bounsweet]This creature pours a sweet aroma from its body. [spoiler=Comfey]They say that whoever sits near this creature will know true relaxation. [spoiler=Wimpod]When this card is selected as an attack target, negate its attack and return this card to your hand. [spoiler=Sandygast]When this card is Special Summoned, take control of 2 monsters from your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Pyukumuku]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster,the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be on your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Minior]This tiny meteor collects particles from the atmosphere that change its core's color. [spoiler=Komala]If you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, draw 2 cards and gain 1000 Life Points. [spoiler=Cosmog]Once per turn, during each of your Standby Phases, gain 500 Life Points, increase this card's Level by 1 and increase its ATK and DEF by 300 points.When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a LIGHT Synchro Monster, gain 1000 Life Points for each Level this card gained.When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a DARK Synchro Monster, inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each Level this card gained. [spoiler=Part 2-DTUNR Set][spoiler=Bulbasaur]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Increase this card's Level by 1.2: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Charmander]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Inflict 600 damage to your opponent.2: Discard 1 card from your opponent's hand.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Squirtle]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Decrease this card's Level by 1.2: Special Summon 1 of your banished monsters.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Pikachu]This electric mouse is usually shy, but it has an electrifying personality. [spoiler=Clefairy]This fairy came from another planet. It has a connection to the Moon Stone. [spoiler=Jigglypuff]This balloon-like creature has a very strong singing. It has a connection to the Moon Stone. [spoiler=Zubat]Decrease the ATK of all your opponent's monsters by 500 points. [spoiler=Psyduck]This duck suffers from a continuous headache. [spoiler=Mankey]This pig monkey is mostly found in a bad mood. [spoiler=Abra]This card cannot be destroyed by battle while you control no Synchro monsters. [spoiler=Machop]Each time you attack directly, you can Special Summon 1 "Poke Dream Tuner" monster from your Deck. [spoiler=Tentacool]This jellyfish attaches itself to its victims and makes them pass out. [spoiler=Slowpoke]This dumb bear-like creature does not do much besides fishing. [spoiler=Magnemite]Decrease the Level of all Level 7 or higher monsters on your side of the field and in your hand by 3. [spoiler=Gastly]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a DARK Synchro Monster,that Synchro Monster can attack your opponent directly. [spoiler=Koffing]If this card is destroyed by battle with a Synchro Monster, destroy that Synchro Monsterand inflict damage to your opponent equal to half of that Synchro Monster's ATK. [spoiler=Goldeen]The scales of this goldfish shine like gold. [spoiler=Ditto]Once per turn, select 1 "Poke" Tuner Monster from your Deck or Graveyard.This card's name and Level become the same as the selected monster's. [spoiler=Eevee]This cute creature is very special because it has many evolutions. [spoiler=Dratini]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster,that Synchro Monster gains 1000 ATK and DEF. [spoiler=Chikorita]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Return 3 cards from your Graveyard to your Deck. The Deck is then shuffled.2: Change the Level of all your monsters to 3.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Cyndaquil]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Return all cards from your hand to your Deck, shuffle it and draw the same number of cards you returned from your Deck.2: Send the top 2 cards of your opponent's Deck.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Totodile]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Destroy 1 Attack Position monster on the field.2: Banish 1 card from your opponent's hand.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Spinarak]This spider scares people with its Scary Face attack. [spoiler=Cleffa]When this card is in the Graveyard and your opponent has more Life Points than you,all of your monsters gain ATK equal to the difference. [spoiler=Igglybuff]When this card is in the Graveyard and your opponent has more Life Points than you,Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck whose ATK is equal to or less than the difference. [spoiler=Togepi]When this card is in the Graveyard and your opponent has more Life Points than you, double your Life Points. [spoiler=Natu]This psychic bird can read minds. [spoiler=Mareep]When this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard, you can destroy 2 Spell or Trap Cards on the field. [spoiler=Marill]Once this water mouse touches pure water, its tail glows. [spoiler=Hoppip]When this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard, you can destroy 2 Spell or Trap Cards on the field. [spoiler=Murkrow]This crow is obsessed by shining objects. [spoiler=Misdreavus]This unique ghost has a very valuable necklace that nobody knows what secrets it holds. [spoiler=Slugma]If this card attacks directly, return 3 cards from your Graveyard to your hand. [spoiler=Swinub]If this card attacks directly, add 3 cards from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Remoraid]This fish is actually the fish attached to Mantine's wings. [spoiler=Houndour]Although it looks frightening, this dog is actually very nice. [spoiler=Smoochum]This card cannot attack and it cannot be destroyed by battle (Battle Damage involving this card is reduced to 0).If a monster on your opponent's side of the field attacks this card,the attacking monster moves to your side of the field and it is treated as your own monster. [spoiler=Elekid]If this card attacks a Synchro Monster, it gains ATK equal to the Synchro Monster's Level x500. [spoiler=Magby]If this card attacks a Synchro Monster, it gains ATK equal to the Synchro Monster's Level x500. [spoiler=Treecko]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: This card can attack directly during this Battle Phase.2: Increase this card's ATK by 500 points during this Battle Phase.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Torchic]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: After damage calculation, each player must discard 1 card from their hand.2: After damage calculation, inflict 500 damage to each player.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Mudkip]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Change the Battle Position of 1 monster your opponent controls.2: Draw 1 card.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Taillow]A tiny swallow. During the winter, it leaves its nest and during the summer, it comes back. [spoiler=Wingull]When this sea gull flies, it is a sign that the summer has arrived. [spoiler=Ralts]Once per turn, you can increase the Level of 1 monster you control by 2. [spoiler=Slakoth]During your opponent's Battle Phase, if this card is in the Graveyard, you can banish it to end the Battle Phase. [spoiler=Makuhita]You can send this card from your hand to your Graveyard to increase the ATK of 1 Synchro Monster you control by 1500 points. [spoiler=Azurill]This card can only be affected by the effects of Spell Cards. [spoiler=Wailmer]This fat whale floats on the water. It does not swim that fast. [spoiler=Trapinch]If this card attacks a WIND or a Dragon-Type monster, triple its ATK. [spoiler=Swablu]A very rare bird that gains dragon abilities once it evolves. [spoiler=Lileep]This flower-like fossil is known for its sense of detection. [spoiler=Anorith]This bug was revived from an ancient fossil found in the Hoenn Region. [spoiler=Kecleon]This chameleon can hide itself by using camouflages. The only way to detect it is by looking at its red zigzag. [spoiler=Shuppet]This friendly ghost loves to make new friends. [spoiler=Duskull]Negate the effect of all the Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls. [spoiler=Chimecho]The sound coming from this bell-like creature is smooth and relaxing. [spoiler=Bagon]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WIND or a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster,that Synchro Monster can attack 3 times during this Battle Phase only. [spoiler=Beldum]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a LIGHT or a Machine-Type Synchro Monster,that Synchro Monster can attack 3 times during this Battle Phase only. [spoiler=Turtwig]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard with 1000 or less ATK.2: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster that was banished.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Chimchar]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Target 1 monster on the field. Inflict damage to that monster's controller equal to its Level x100.2: Target 1 monster on the field. Special Summon 1 monster from your hand or Graveyard whose Type, Level or Attribute are the same as the targeted monster's.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Piplup]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: During this Battle Phase only, increase this card's ATK equal to the total ATK of all Level 3 or lower monsters on the field.2: When this card inflicts Battle Damage, your opponent must send 1 card from their Deck for every 500 damage inflicted.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Starly]During each Standby Phase, each player must banish 1 Spell or Trap Card from either their hand or Deck. [spoiler=Kricketot]The sounds coming from this cricket are very smooth and nice. [spoiler=Shinx]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, negate the effects of all your opponent's monsters. [spoiler=Cranidos]This fossil was first discovered in the Sinnoh Region. It has an amazing attack force. [spoiler=Shieldon]This fossil was first discovered in the Sinnoh Region. It has an amazing defense force. [spoiler=Buneary]This lovely bunny rabbit can jump high without much effort. [spoiler=Glameow]This cat is known for its surprising attacks. [spoiler=Stunky]A horrible smell comes from this skunk's tail. [spoiler=Bronzor]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, the Summoned Synchro Monster cannot be destroyed by battle. [spoiler=Bonsly]Despite its size, It has a very sturdy body. [spoiler=Mime Jr]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a LIGHT Synchro Monster,that Synchro Monster can attack your opponent directly, but the Battle Damage it inflicts is halved. [spoiler=Happiny]If your opponent attacks you directly and you have 2000 or less Life Points,you can send this card from your hand to triple your Life Points. [spoiler=Gible]Once per turn, switch the ATK and DEF of 1 monster on the field. [spoiler=Riolu]This card cannot attack directly if you control another "Poke" Tuner Monster.When this card is removed from the field, destroy 2 monsters and 2 Spell or Trap Cards on the field. [spoiler=Skorupi]The claws of this tiny scorpion contain a powerful poison that can kill almost anything. [spoiler=Finneon]It is said that this fish can only be found in clean and pure water. [spoiler=Snover]An ice tree that grows in snowy mountains. It has snow candies on the corners of its frosty leaves. [spoiler=Snivy]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: During this Battle Phase only, this card can attack your opponent directly.2: During this Battle Phase only, this card is unaffected by your opponent's cards.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Tepig]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Destroy cards on the field equal to the number of cards in your hand.2: Discard 2 random cards from your opponent's hand.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Oshawott]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Select 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck and gain Life Points equal to its Level x100.2: Select 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck and increase this card's ATK equal to its Level x100.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Munna]This creature can enter people's dreams and it can show them with the smoke it releases from the pink dot on top of its nose. [spoiler=Pidove]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.2: Banish 1 Spell or Trap Card from your opponent's Graveyard.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Roggenrola]This card can only be used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a an EARTH Synchro Monster.If you Summon an EARTH "Poke" Tuner Monster while you control this face-up card, return 3 cards from your Graveyard to your hand. [spoiler=Timburr]During the Battle Phase, this card's ATK and DEF are doubled. [spoiler=Tympole]This card can only be used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WATER Synchro Monster. [spoiler=Sewaddle]For a Synchro Summon, you can substitute this card for any 1 "Poke" Tuner Monster. [spoiler=Venipede]For a Synchro Summon, you can substitute this card for any 1 "Poke" Tuner Monster. [spoiler=Tirtouga]Despite the fact that this tortoise was a fossil, it likes to be near the water. [spoiler=Solosis]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a LIGHT Synchro Monster, gain 2000 Life Points. [spoiler=Ducklett]Just as the ugly duckling turned into a swan, this duck evolves into a swan as well. [spoiler=Vanillite]If this card is discarded from your hand by a card effect, Special Summon it during your next Battle Phase. [spoiler=Frillish]This jellyfish can only be found in the most deep oceans of the Unova Region. [spoiler=Elgyem]This alien that came to the planet Earth 1000 years ago. [spoiler=Axew]You can Tribute this face-up card from your side of the field to target 1 monster you control.That monster can attack twice during this Battle Phase. [spoiler=Golett]One punch from this golem can make a human pass out. [spoiler=Deino]When this card is Summoned, you must discard 1 card from your hand.When this card is destroyed by battle, return 1 card from your Graveyard to your hand. [spoiler=Larvesta]People believed that during dark times, the fire of this moth replaced the sun. [spoiler=Chespin]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Target 1 monster on the field. Decrease that monster's ATK and DEF by 700 points.2: Target 2 face-down cards on the field. Those cards cannot be played for 3 turns.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Fennekin]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Draw 2 cards.2: Special Summon 1 Level 4 monster from your Graveyard.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Froakie]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Increase this card's Level by 1.2: Decrease this card's ATK by 500 points.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Litleo]All FIRE monsters you control cannot be affected by cards controlled by your opponent. [spoiler=Flabébé]When using this card as a Synchro Material Monster, the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can also be in your hand. [spoiler=Pancham]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a DARK Synchro Monster, destroy 3 cards on the field. [spoiler=Espurr]Once per turn, you can pay 200 Life Points to draw 1 card. If the drawn card is a Monster Card, reveal it to your opponentand gain Life Points equal to that Monster Card's Level x300. [spoiler=Honedge]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, that Synchro Monster gains 2000 ATK. [spoiler=Spritzee]When this card is selected as an attack target, pay 500 Life Points to negate the attacking monster's attack. [spoiler=Swirlix]When this card is selected as an attack target, pay 500 Life Points to negate the attacking monster's attack. [spoiler=Inkay]As long as this card is face-up on the field, reverse the effects of increasing and decreasing Life Points. [spoiler=Clauncher]This crab lives near beaches. It shoots water attacks at a very high volume. [spoiler=Helioptile]If you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a FIRE Synchro Monster,you can treat this 1 card as 2 monsters. [spoiler=Tyrunt]This dinosaur existed in the Stone Age. It can easily destroy thick steel with its powerful jaws. [spoiler=Amaura]This dinosaur existed in the Stone Age. It can freeze anything with its Icy Wind attack. [spoiler=Dedenne]Before your Battle Phase, you can add 1 card from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Carbink]When a Spell Card(s) activates, return this card to your hand. [spoiler=Klefki]Control of your monsters cannot switch. [spoiler=Phantump]This dark ghost appears in dark forests. [spoiler=Pumpkaboo]This pumpkin ghost has the power to steal souls. [spoiler=Rowlet]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Draw 2 cards.2: Destroy 2 cards on the field.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Litten]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: This card can attack directly.2: Increase this card's ATK by 500 points.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Popplio]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Discard 1 card from your opponent's hand.2: Add 1 card from your Deck to your hand.3: Both effects. [spoiler=Pikipek]If a WIND Synchro Monster you control is attacked,you can banish this card from your Graveyard and double the attack target's ATK or DEF. [spoiler=Yungoos]This mongoose is known for its viciousness and it never shows mercy to its enemies. [spoiler=Grubbin]This small beetle mostly lives underground and it can crush trees with its small, yet powerful jaws. [spoiler=Crabrawler]If you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a Synchro Monster whose ATK is lower than its DEF,increase that Synchro Monster's ATK equal to your Life Points. [spoiler=Wishiwashi]This tiny fish is too weak to fight alone. When more Wishiwashi fight together as one,they become strong and scary enough to make a Gyarados run away. [spoiler=Dewpider]If your opponent attacks directly, you can Special Summon this card from your hand in face-up Defense Position and end the Battle Phase. [spoiler=Fomantis]During the day, it sleeps and soaks up light. When night falls, it walks around looking for a safer place to sleep. [spoiler=Morelull]This little plant scatters glowing spores that make anyone fall into sleep. [spoiler=Stufful]If a Level 4 or lower monster you control is attacked, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard and destroy the attacking monster.When you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, you can treat this 1 card as 2 non-Tuner monsters. [spoiler=Bounsweet]Once per turn, during each of your Standby Phases, when this card is in your Graveyard, you can activate 1 of the following effects:1: Gain 1000 Life Points.2: Increase the ATK of all your monsters by 500 points.3: Draw 2 cards.4: Increase the Level of all your monsters by 1 until the End Phase. [spoiler=Comfey]Once per turn, during each of your Standby Phases, when this card is in your Graveyard, you can activate 1 of the following effects:1: Add 2 monsters from your Deck to your hand.2: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand or Graveyard.3: Take control of 1 monster from your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Wimpod]This coward bug leaves behind its legs a sparkling clean path. [spoiler=Sandygast]When you Summon this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Take control of 1 monster from your opponent's side of the field.2: During this turn only, while you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster,the other Synchro Material Monster(s) can be used from your hand or your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Pyukumuku]This fish hides under the sea and ejects its internal organs to attack its enemies. [spoiler=Minior]When you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, apply the proper effect, depending on that Synchro Monster's Attribute:WATER: Draw 2 cards.FIRE: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that Synchro Monster's ATK.EARTH: Destroy 5 cards on the field.WIND: Return up to 5 of your banished cards to your Deck. Afterwards, shuffle your Deck.LIGHT: Gain Life Points equal to its DEF.DARK: Discard 1 card from your opponent's hand for every 500 ATK that Synchro Monster has and banish 1 cardfrom your opponent's Graveyard for every 500 DEF that Synchro Monster has. [spoiler=Komala]If you have no cards on your side of the field, you can Special Summon this card from your hand in face-up Defense Position.When you Special Summon this card this way, you can change its Level to 4. [spoiler=Cosmog]If you want to Summon this card, you must place it on either your most left or right unoccupied Monster Card Zone on your side of the field. The effect of this card depends on its location on your Monster Card Zone:Left Side: If you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a LIGHT Synchro Monster, destroy 3 cards on your opponent's side of the field.Right Side: If you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a DARK Synchro Monster, banish 3 cards from your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Part 3-TURBO Set][spoiler=Bulbasaur]Both players cannot activate Spell Cards for 3 turns. You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Charmander]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a FIRE Synchro Monster, draw 2 cards.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Squirtle]Return 2 cards from your Graveyard to your hand.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Pikachu]This card's ATK is doubled if it attacks a Level 6 or higher monster.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Clefairy]Any Synchro Monster Summoned using this card as a Synchro Material Monster will not be affected by card effects.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Jigglypuff]Any Synchro Monster Summoned using this card as a Synchro Material Monster will not be destroyed by battle.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Zubat]If you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, gain 1000 Life Points and discard 2 cards from your hand.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Psyduck]If this card is in your Graveyard while you Synchro Summon a WATER Synchro Monster, Special Summon this card from your Graveyard in face-up Defense Position.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Mankey]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, change the Type of that Synchro Monster to Beast-Warrior.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Abra]Both players cannot conduct their Battle Phase for 6 turns (this effect remains in play even if this card is in the Graveyard).You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Machop]Double the Battle Damage and reduce the Effect Damage from any card to 0.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Tentacool]If your opponent attacks, you can Tribute this card from your side of the field and end the Battle Phase.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Slowpoke]Double the effects from all cards. You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Magnemite]Both players can only Summon LIGHT, Thunder-Type and Machine-Type monsters.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Gastly]This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card attacks, no card effects can destroy it or prevent it from attacking.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Koffing]Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Goldeen]Decrease the Level of all Synchro Monsters in your Extra Deck by 2. You can only control 1 monster that can change another monster's Level.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Ditto]You can use this 1 card to Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck, ignoring all the requirements (this Synchro Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon while using the correct Synchro Material Monsters).You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Eevee]This card can be used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of any Synchro Monster even if it does not have the correct requirements.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Dratini]Change the Type of all monsters on the field and in both players' Graveyards to Dragon.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Chikorita]Both players cannot inflict Effect Damage by the effects of Spell Cards.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Cyndaquil]Your opponent cannot attack for 3 turns.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Totodile]All monsters used as Synchro Material Monsters return to the bottom of the Deck instead of being sent to the Graveyard.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Spinarak]Negate any effect that activates inside of the Graveyard.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Cleffa]If this card battles a Level 5 or higher monster, before damage calculation, banish that monster and return this card to your hand (the Battle Damage involving this card is reduced to 0).You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Igglybuff]If this card battles a Level 5 or higher monster, before damage calculation, return that monster to its owner's hand and return this card to the top of your Deck (the Battle Damage involving this card is reduced to 0).You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Togepi]If this card battles a Level 5 or higher monster, before damage calculation, switch both monsters to face-down Defense Position and they cannot be Flip Summoned for the rest of the Duel(the Battle Damage involving this card is reduced to 0).You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Natu]Reveal all of your opponent's face-down cards (no card effects can be activated when cards are flipped face-up).You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Mareep]At the end of your turn, you can draw cards from your Deck equal to the number of cards you activated during your Main Phase 1.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Marill]At the end of your turn, you can return this card from your side of the field to your hand. If you do, inflict 800 damage to your opponent.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Hoppip]At the end of your turn, you can banish this card from your side of the field. If you do, gain 1000 Life Points.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Murkrow]This card's Attribute is also treated as WIND. You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Misdreavus]Whenever a card(s) is sent to the Graveyard or being banished, inflict 900 damage to the controller of the card(s).You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Slugma]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a FIRE Synchro Monster,destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field for every 2 Levels of that Synchro Monster.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Swinub]If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of an EARTH Synchro Monster,destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field for every 2 Levels of that Synchro Monster.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Remoraid]You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Houndour]This card is unaffected by the effects of Effect Monsters.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Smoochum]You can discard this card from your hand to increase the ATK of all Fairy-Type monsters on your side of the field by 1000 points.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Elekid]You can discard this card from your hand to increase the ATK of all Thunder-Type monsters on your side of the field by 1000 points.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Magby]You can discard this card from your hand to increase the ATK of all Pyro-Type monsters on your side of the field by 1000 points.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Treecko]Neither player can increase Life Points. You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Torchic]If a monster on the field is sent to the Graveyard by a card effect,Special Summon that monster to your side of the field, ignoring all summoning conditions.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Mudkip]Both players cannot Summon Tokens to the field.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Taillow]The Battle Damage from this card increases by 300 points for each Spell Card in your Graveyard.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Wingull]The Battle Damage from this card increases by 300 points for each Trap Card in your Graveyard.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Ralts]Select 2 cards from your opponent's Graveyard, add the selected cards to your hand and treat them as your own cards.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Slakoth]Switch all of your opponent's face-up monsters to Defense Position.Any monster affected by this effect cannot change its Battle Position for 5 turns.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Makuhita]Both players can only activate 1 Spell or Trap Card during each of their turns.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Azurill]You can discard this card from your hand to increase the ATK of all Aqua-Type monsters on your side of the field by 1000 points.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Wailmer]By destroying 2 cards on your side of the field, you can triple the ATK of all Level 4 or lower "Poke" monsters on your side of the field until the End Phase of this turn.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Trapinch]Increase this card's ATK and DEF equal to the total ATK of all Level 3 or lower monsters you control.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Swablu]No Warrior-Type and EARTH monsters can be Summoned.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Lileep]If you activate a Spell Card on the turn that this card is Summoned, inflict 400 damage to your opponent.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Anorith]When a Spell Card activates, draw 2 cards.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Kecleon]If this card is attacked, you can banish this card and end the Battle Phase.At the end of your turn, Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Shuppet]No LIGHT monsters can be Summoned.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Duskull]No LIGHT monsters can attack.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Chimecho]No DARK, Fiend-Type and Zombie-Type monsters can be Summoned.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Bagon]If this card destroys a WIND monster by battle, it gains the effects of the destroyed monster.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Beldum]No EARTH monsters can be Summoned.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Turtwig]When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Chimchar]When this card is sent to the Graveyard, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Piplup]Your opponent cannot destroy WATER monsters by battle.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Starly]Both players cannot Summon EARTH Tuner monsters.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Kricketot]Banish 2 cards from your opponent's side of the field.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Shinx]Destroy all DARK monsters on your opponent's side of the field.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Cranidos]While this card is in Attack Position, its ATK is doubled during the Battle Phase.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Shieldon]While this card is in Defense Position, its DEF is doubled during the Battle Phase.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Buneary]If this card fails to destroy a DARK monster by battle, banish that monster during your next Standby Phase.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Glameow]If this card fails to destroy a DARK monster by battle, take control of that monster during your next Standby Phase.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Stunky]A Synchro Monster Summoned using this card as a Synchro Material Monster will not be affected by card effects.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Bronzor]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, the Summoned Synchro Monster cannot be attacked by EARTH and Warrior-Type monsters.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Bonsly]The monster destroying this card by battle will be banished at the end of the Battle Phase.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Mime Jr]The monster destroying this card by battle will move to your side of the field during your opponent's next turn and it will be treated as your own monster.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Happiny]Increase your Life Points by 3000 points each time you fail to destroy a monster by battle.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Gible]A Synchro Monster Summoned using this card as a Synchro Material Monster will not be affected by the effects of WIND and LIGHT monsters.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Riolu]When this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing Battle Damage to your opponent.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Skorupi]Change the Type of all monsters you control to Insect.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Finneon]As long as this card is face-up on your side of the field, any card sent to the Graveyard returns to the bottom of the Deck instead.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Snover]The monster attacking this card will be banished at the end of the Damage Step.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Snivy]If an EARTH Synchro Monster you control attacks directly while you control this card in Attack Position, destroy 2 cards on your opponent's side of the field.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Tepig]If a FIRE Synchro Monster you control attacks directly while you control this card in Attack Position, increase the Battle Damage by 1000 points.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Oshawott]If a WATER Synchro Monster you control attacks directly while you control this card in Attack Position,banish cards from either your opponent's hand or Graveyard for every 500 damage inflicted to your opponent.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Munna]If your opponent would attack directly, you can banish this card from your Graveyard to reduce the Battle Damage to 0.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Pidove]If a WIND Synchro Monster you control attacks directly while you control this card in Attack Position, your opponent cannot prevent that Synchro Monster's attack.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Roggenrola]If a monster you control is attacked while it is in Defense Position, you can banish this card from your hand to double that monster's DEF.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Timburr]When this card inflicts Battle Damage, destroy 2 Attack Position monsters on the field.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Tympole]If this card is used as a Synchro Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WATER Synchro Monster, it can inflict piercing Battle Damage to your opponent.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Sewaddle]If this card is used as a Synchro Monster for the Synchro Summon of an EARTH or a LIGHT Synchro Monster, gain 400 Life Points for every card in your hand.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Venipede]If this card is used as a Synchro Monster for the Synchro Summon of an EARTH or a DARK Synchro Monster, inflict 400 Life Points for every card in your hand.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Tirtouga]Once per turn, you can banish 1 card from your hand or Graveyard to switch 1 monster your opponent controls to Defense Position and to halve its DEF.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Solosis]While this card is in your Graveyard, any Battle Damage and Effect Damage you would take is halved.If your Life Points become 0, Special Summon this card from your Graveyard and gain 2000 Life Points.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Ducklett]As long as you control this face-up card, decrease the Level of all monsters from your hand, field and Extra Deck by 1.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Vanillite]When this card is Special Summoned, neither player can activate Spell and Trap Cards and Summon monsters for 3 turns.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Frillish]When this card is attacked, decrease the attacking monster's ATK by 800 points.If this card would be destroyed by the attacking monster after its ATK changed, destroy the attacking monster and your opponent takes the Battle Damage instead.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Elgyem]If this card is added to your hand, apply the proper effect, depending on what type of card added it to your hand:Monster Card: Special Summon this card and double its ATK and DEF.Spell Card: Return 5 cards from your Graveyard to your Deck, shuffle your Deck and draw 2 cards.Trap Card: Return 2 cards from the field to their owner's hand.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Axew]If you use this card as Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster,you can use the other Synchro Material Monster(s) from your hand and Graveyard.Any Synchro Monster used as a Synchro Material Monster is banished.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Golett]When this card is destroyed by a Synchro Monster (either by battle or by a card effect),destroy that Synchro Monster and inflict damage to your opponent equal to that Synchro Monster's ATK or DEF, whichever is higher.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Deino]When this card is destroyed by a Synchro Monster (either by battle or by a card effect), banish the top 5 cards from your opponent's Deck and your opponent's entire hand.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Larvesta]When a card(s) you control is removed from the field (including this card), you can discard 1 card from your hand to Special Summon this card and double its original ATK and DEF.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Chespin]During your opponent's Battle Phases, while this card is in face-up Defense Position,increase the DEF of all your Defense Position monsters by 1000 pointsand decrease the ATK of all your opponent's Attack Position monsters by 1000 points.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Fennekin]Before your opponent's Draw Phase, discard your opponent's entire hand, inflict 200 damage to your opponent for each discarded cardand after this effect's activation, your opponent's Draw Phase starts.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Froakie]As long as this card is in your Graveyard, your opponent must pay 200 Life Points for each card they play.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Litleo]Change this card's effect, depending on its Battle Position:Attack Position: Increase this card's ATK equal to total Levels of all your opponent's monster's x200.Defense Position: Before your opponent's Battle Phase, you can banish 2 cards from your hand or Graveyard to halve your opponent's Life Points.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Flabébé]Change this card's effect, depending on its Battle Position:Attack Position: Once per turn, gain 200 Life Points for each card on the field.Defense Position: If this card would be attacked by a Synchro Monster your opponent controls, take control of 1 monster your opponent controls,change the attack target to the controlled monster and your opponent takes the Battle Damage instead.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Pancham]This card can only be used as a Synchro Material Monster while it is in Attack Position.If you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a DARK Synchro Monster, it cannot be destroyed by card effects.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Espurr]If this card is the only card in your hand, you can Special Summon it. If you Special Summon this card this way,Special Summon 2 of your banished monster and gain Life Points equal to their total Level x100.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Honedge]If a Synchro Monster you control is attacked, you can discard this card from your hand to double its ATK until the End Phase.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Spritzee]When this card is destroyed by battle while your Life Points are lower than your opponent's,your opponent cannot attack during the Battle Phase until you Special Summon at least 1 monster from your Graveyard.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Swirlix]If this card would be discarded from your hand by a card effect, discard 1 card from your opponent's hand instead.If a Monster Card was discarded, gain Life Points equal to its DEF.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Inkay]If your Life Points would change by a card effect, reverse its effects and your opponent becomes the target instead.You can treat this card as a Level 3 Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Clauncher]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, that Synchro Monster can attack twice during this Battle Phase only.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Helioptile]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster, destroy cards on the field for every 600 ATK that Synchro Monster has.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Tyrunt]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster and Synchro Summon it in Attack Position, it can inflict piercing Battle Damage during this Battle Phase only.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Amaura]When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster and Synchro Summon it in Defense Position, it cannot be destroyed by battle.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Dedenne]When you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, you can decrease the Level of the other Synchro Material Monster(s) by 1.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Carbink]When you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, you will not take Effect Damage.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Klefki]When you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster,that Synchro Material Monster gains extra attacks equal to the numbers of cards in your hand.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Phantump]When you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, that Synchro Material Monster cannot be selected as any kind of target for 5 turns.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. [spoiler=Pumpkaboo]When you use this card as a Synchro Material Monster, select 1 monster your opponent controls, reduce its ATK and DEF to 0and increase your Synchro Material Monster's ATK equal to the ATK or DEF of the selected monster, whichever is higher.You can treat this card as a Tuner Synchro Monster or as 2 Level 4 non-Tuner Synchro Monsters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Yairnet Posted February 17, 2018 Report Share Posted February 17, 2018 Lock this topic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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