Guest Yairnet Posted October 10, 2017 Report Share Posted October 10, 2017 DREAM Set Part 1: OPOKE Set Part 2: [spoiler=DREAM Part 5(Unova)][spoiler=Victini]A person that controls this small, yet powerful creature is guaranteed to win in any battle. [spoiler=Snivy]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,select 1 monster on your side of the field and 1 monster from your opponent's side of the field.The selected monsters switch controllers (no cards can negate this effect). [spoiler=Servine]During each of your Standby Phases, if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is not on the field, decrease this card's ATK by 300 points. [spoiler=Serperior]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Grass Dreamer-Servine"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field.If this card fails to destroy a monster by battle, decrease that monster's ATK by 1500 points. [spoiler=Tepig]As long as this card and "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" are face-up on the field, halve the Battle Damage. [spoiler=Pignite]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fighter Dreamer" monster.During the Battle Phase, if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, no Trap Cards can be activated. [spoiler=Emboar]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Fire Dreamer-Pignite"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field.This card is also treated as a "Poke Fighter Dreamer" monster. Neither player can activate Spell Cards.If a player adds a Spell Card(s) to their hand, halve that player's Life Points. [spoiler=Oshawott]If you activate "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea", Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard. [spoiler=Dewott]If this card attacks and "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is not face-up on the field, Battle Damage from this card is halved. [spoiler=Samurott]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Water Dreamer-Dewott"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. Select 1 monster you control.When the selected monster switches its Battle Position, this card must be in the same Battle Position as that monster. [spoiler=Patrat]This card can attack your opponent directly if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Watchog]If "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, reduce the ATK of all monsters your opponent controls to 0. [spoiler=Lillipup]Once per turn, by discarding 1 card from your hand while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, increase this card's ATK by 800 points. [spoiler=Herdier]If this card is discarded from your hand (either because of the Hand Size Limit or by a card effect)while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Stoutland]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Normal Dreamer-Herdier"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field.Once per turn, you can decrease this card's DEF by 500 points to destroy 2 face-down cards on the field. [spoiler=Purrloin]If this card is sent to the Graveyard while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can Special Summon it during your opponent's Battle Phase. [spoiler=Liepard]If this card attacks while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, inflict 800 damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Pansage]Reveal "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" from your hand to your opponent.Then, discard it and Special Summon this card from your hand or Deck. [spoiler=Simisage]This card cannot be Special Summoned if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is not on the field. Battle Damage from this card is doubled. [spoiler=Pansear]Reveal "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" from your hand to your opponent and discard it.After that, Battle Damage involving FIRE monsters you control is doubled. [spoiler=Simisear]This card cannot be Special Summoned if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is not on the field. This card cannot attack directly. [spoiler=Panpour]Reveal "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" from your hand to your opponent and discard it.After that, all WATER monsters you control can attack your opponent directly. [spoiler=Simipour]This card cannot be Special Summoned if "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is not on the field.Decrease the Level of all WATER monsters on your side of the field and in your hand by 2. [spoiler=Munna]Once per turn, by paying 500 Life Points while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,increase the DEF of all face-up Defense Position monsters on the field by 700 points. [spoiler=Musharna]Once per turn, by paying half of your Life Points while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,this card gains ATK equal to the amount of Life Points you paid until the End Phase. [spoiler=Pidove]This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster.Each time this card attacks directly while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field, gain 1000 Life Points. [spoiler=Tranquill]This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponentwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field, return 1 card from the field to its owner's hand for every 500 damage inflicted to your opponent. [spoiler=Unfezant]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Flying Dreamer-Tranquill"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster.If this card inflicted 1000 or more Battle Damage to your opponent, banish 2 cards from your opponent's hand. [spoiler=Blitzle]If "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, increase this card's ATK and DEF equal to the number of Thunder-Type monsters in your Graveyard x200. [spoiler=Zebstrika]If "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, this card gains 3000 ATK. At the End Phase, this card is switched to face-down Defense Position. [spoiler=Roggenrola]While you control this face-up card, the name of "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is also treated as "Rock Evolution". [spoiler=Boldore]When a "Poke Rock" monster attacks a WIND or a Winged Beast-Type monster while "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is face-up on the field,destroy that monster with this card's effect without applying damage calculation. [spoiler=Gigalith]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Rock Dreamer-Boldore"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is face-up on the field. As long as you control this face-up card,neither player can Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard or banished monsters. [spoiler=Woobat]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. When this card attacks a monster in Attack Positionwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field, increase its ATK equal to twice the attack target's Level x100. [spoiler=Swoobat]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.If you would take Effect Damage while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field, your opponent takes that damage instead. [spoiler=Drilbur]When you attack a monster in face-down Defense Position while "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is face-up on the field,discard up to 3 cards from your opponent's hand. [spoiler=Excadrill]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster. This card's effect changes depending on its Battle Position:Attack Position: When this card attacks a Defense Position monster while "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is face-up on the field, inflict piercing Battle Damage to your opponent.Defense Position: This card cannot be destroyed by battle. [spoiler=Audino]This creature's powers resemble to that of Chansey. [spoiler=Timburr]This fighter likes to show off by lifting heavy objects. [spoiler=Gurdurr]This fighter has enough strength to lift objects of up to 100 kilos. [spoiler=Conkeldurr]This fighter can lift a car with just one of its arms. [spoiler=Tympole]If this card is destroyed by battle while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,add 2 Level 4 or lower "Poke Water Dreamer" monsters from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Palpitoad]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ground Dreamer" monster. If this card was added to your handby the effect of "Poke Water Dreamer-Tympole" while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,reveal it to your opponent and increase your Life Points by 500 points for each Spell Card in your Graveyard. [spoiler=Seismitoad]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Water Dreamer-Palpitoad"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Ground Dreamer" monster.When you take Effect Damage, this card gains 800 ATK for every 400 damage you took. [spoiler=Throh]This martial artist is a master of judo. [spoiler=Sawk]This martial artist is a master of karate. [spoiler=Sewaddle]This card is also treated as a "Poke Grass Dreamer" monster. While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can select 1 "Poke Bug" or "Poke Grass" monster from your Graveyard and give its effects to this card until the End Phase. [spoiler=Swadloon]This card is also treated as a "Poke Grass Dreamer" monster. This card cannot be destroyed by battlewhile in Defense Position and while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Leavanny]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Bug Dreamer-Swadloon"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Grass Dreamer" monster.Once per turn, Special Summon 1 monster from your hand or Graveyard. At the end of this turn, gain Life Points equal to Special Summoned monster's Level x500. [spoiler=Venipede]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster. While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can select 1 "Poke Bug" or "Poke Poison" monster from your Graveyard and give its effects to this card until the End Phase. [spoiler=Whirlipede]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster. This card cannot be destroyed by battlewhile in Defense Position and while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Scolipede]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Bug Dreamer-Whirlipede"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster.Once per turn, destroy 1 monster on the field. At the end of this turn, inflict damage to the controller of the destroyed monster equal to its Level x500. [spoiler=Cottonee]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster. If you would take 2000 or more Battle Damagewhile "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, you can discard this card from your hand to reduce that Battle Damage to 0. [spoiler=Whimsicott]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster and its Attribute is also treated as WIND.If this card is destroyed by battle while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, add 2 Level 4 or lower "Poke Grass Dreamer" monsters from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Petilil]If you would take 2000 or more Effect Damage while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can discard this card from your hand to reduce that Effect Damage to 0. [spoiler=Lilligant]If this card is destroyed by battle while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, gain 3000 Life Points. [spoiler=Basculin]This card cannot be destroyed by battle while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field.If this card successfully attacks your opponent directly, draw 2 cards. [spoiler=Sandile]A dark crocodile that loves hiding in dry sand. [spoiler=Krokorok]After evolving from Sandile, it got bigger, but its speed was reduced dramatically. [spoiler=Krookodile]This fiendish crocodile is possessed by a mysterious dark force. [spoiler=Darumaka]This little creature is only capable of using weak moves like Ember. [spoiler=Darmanitan]When Darmanitan is tired, it transforms into its Zen Mode in order to gain its powers back. [spoiler=Maractus]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can reduce the ATK of 1 monster your opponent controls to 0. [spoiler=Dwebble]This card is also treated as a "Poke Rock Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can select 1 Rock-Type monster from your hand or Deck, equip it to this card and increase its ATK and DEF equal to that monster's Level x200until the end of the Battle Phase. At the End Phase, return that Rock-Type monster to the bottom of your Deck. [spoiler=Crustle]This card is also treated as a "Poke Rock Dreamer" monster. If this card is attacked while in Defense Positionand while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, you can increase its DEF by 1000 points until the End Phase.If this card is removed from the field after its DEF changed, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent and banish up to 5 cards from your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Scraggy]This creature has big pants like a Hip Hop singer. It likes stretching them to show off its toughness. [spoiler=Scrafty]This creature is mostly found alone. [spoiler=Sigilyph]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.This card's ATK and DEF cannot be changed as long as "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Yamask]Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your Graveyard.If you activate this effect while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field, change that monster's Attribute to DARK. [spoiler=Cofagrigus]If this card attacks a non-DARK monster while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field, switch its ATK and DEF. [spoiler=Tirtouga]This card is also treated as a "Poke Water Dreamer" monster. If you Special Summon this card from your Graveyard,add 1 "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Carracosta]This card is also treated as a "Poke Water Dreamer" monster. If this card would be destroyed by a card effect,you can return "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" from the field to its owner's hand to negate that card's activation and banish it.After this effect resolves, Special Summon 1 "Turtle Relic Token" (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 0). [spoiler=Archen]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. If this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard,add 1 "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Archeops]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. If this card would be destroyed by a card effect,you can return "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" from the field to its owner's hand to negate that card's activation and banish it.After this effect resolves, Special Summon 1 "Bird Relic Token" (Winged Beast-Type/WIND/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 0). [spoiler=Trubbish]A garbage bag that lives near trash. [spoiler=Garbodor]This garbage creature always eats other people's trash in order to get stronger. [spoiler=Zorua]When this card destroys a monster by battle while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, inflict 500 damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Zoroark]Before your Battle Phase, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, select 1 monster from your Graveyard.You can either give the name of the selected monster to this card or Special Summon 1 "Illusionary Token" with the same Type, Attribute, Level, ATK and DEF as the selected monster's. [spoiler=Minccino]When this card destroys a monster by battle while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, increase your Life Points by 800 points. [spoiler=Cinccino]When this card destroys a monster by battle while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,both players gain Life Points equal to half of the destroyed monster's ATK or DEF, whichever is higher. [spoiler=Gothita]While you control this face-up card, the name of "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is also treated as "Psychic Evolution". [spoiler=Gothorita]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field, you can change the Battle Position of 1 monster on the field. [spoiler=Gothitelle]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Psychic Dreamer-Gothorita"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field. Target 2 face-down cards on the field. The targeted cards cannot be played for 5 turns. [spoiler=Solosis]An unicellular creature made of pure plasma. [spoiler=Duosion]A fully-evolved unicellular creature that can change its body form. [spoiler=Reuniclus]After evolving from Duosion, it grew hands in order to grab things and absorb them. [spoiler=Ducklett]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. Take control of up to 2 monsters your opponent controls.If "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field when you activate this effect, this card gains 800 ATK and 600 DEF. [spoiler=Swanna]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. Any monster this card destroys by battle is banished instead.At the end of your turn, if "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field, instead of banishing the destroyed monster(s),Special Summon the monster(s) to your side of the field. [spoiler=Vanillite]If this card and "Dream Field-Icy Cave" are the only face-up cards you currently control,banish 2 Spell or Trap Cards from your opponent's Graveyard. [spoiler=Vanillish]Destroy 3 cards on the field. If you destroy "Dream Field-Icy Cave" by this effect, select 3 unoccupied Card Zonesand for the rest of the Duel, the selected Card Zones are treated as occupied Card Zones. [spoiler=Vanilluxe]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Ice Dreamer-Vanillish"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Icy Cave" is face-up on the field. Before your opponent's Battle Phase, target 1 monster your opponent controls.The targeted monster cannot attack during this Battle and its ATK and DEF become 0 until the End Phase. [spoiler=Deerling]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned if you control "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" and "Season's Blooming".This card is also treated as a "Poke Grass Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, place 3 Spring Counters on all monsters on the field.When this card is removed from the field, destroy all monsters with Spring Counters and inflict 200 damage to each player for each monster they had with Spring Counters. [spoiler=Sawsbuck]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned if you control "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" and "Season's Blooming 2".This card is also treated as a "Poke Grass Dreamer" monster. If this card destroys a monster by battle, Special Summon 2 "Spring Tokens" (Beast-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 1800/DEF 1800). [spoiler=Emolga]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.The effect of this card depends on the "Dream Field" Field Spell Card that is face-up on the field:"Dream Field-Pleasant Forest": Banish 2 Spell or Trap Cards from your opponent's Graveyard."Dream Field-Windswept Sky": This card cannot be destroyed by battle with EARTH, WATER and DARK monsters. [spoiler=Karrablast]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, gain 100 Life Points for each card in either player's Graveyard. [spoiler=Escavaliar]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster. While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,this card can be targeted and affected by any card that involves Insect-Type monsters. [spoiler=Foongus]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster. If this card is attacked while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,equip it to the attacking monster and during each Standby Phase, decrease the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 400 points. [spoiler=Amoonguss]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster. As long as you control both this card and "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest",both players cannot activate any card that increases ATK, DEF and Life Points. [spoiler=Frillish]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can destroy 2 Spell or Trap Cards on your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Jellicent]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster. Whenever a card(s) is banished while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,inflict 800 damage to the controller of the banished card(s). [spoiler=Alomomola]As long as you control both this card and "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea",both players can only have 1 copy of each card face-up on their side of the field. [spoiler=Joltik]This card is also treated as a "Poke Electric Dreamer" monster. This card is unaffected by Trap Cardswhile "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Galvantula]This card is also treated as a "Poke Electric Dreamer" monster. This card is unaffected by the effects of DARK and EARTH monsterswhile "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Ferroseed]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster. If this card is attacked while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,equip it to the attacking monster and during each Standby Phase, decrease the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 400 points. [spoiler=Ferrothorn]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster. As long as you control both this card and "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest",both players cannot activate any card that increases ATK, DEF and Life Points. [spoiler=Klink]Those gears came from old factory machines. [spoiler=Klang]Those gears are equipped with an additional gear for speed and defense boost. [spoiler=Klinklang]Those Fully-evolved gears are equipped with an additional magnetic ring for full protection. [spoiler=Tynamo]While "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field, this card can be affected by any card that involves WATER monsters. In addition, this card can attack directly. [spoiler=Eelektrik]This card's Type is also treated as Thunder. Up to 3 times per turn, while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can discard 1 card from your hand and banish up to 3 cards from your opponent's Graveyard. [spoiler=Eelektross]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Electric Dreamer-Eelektrik"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. This card's Type is also treated as Thunder.When this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing Battle Damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Elgyem]During each Standby Phase, while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field, you can see 1 face-down card on the field. [spoiler=Beheeyem]During each Standby Phase, while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field, you can see 1 face-down card on the field.The effect of this card depends on the Type of card:Monster Card: Draw 1 card.Spell Card: Inflict 600 damage to your opponentTrap Card: Banish that card. [spoiler=Litwick]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fire Dreamer" monster. As long as you control both this card and "Dream Field-Spooky Manor",increase this card's ATK by 500 points during each Standby Phase and decrease the ATK of all other monsters on the field by 500 points. [spoiler=Lampent]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fire Dreamer" monster. As long as you control both this card and "Dream Field-Spooky Manor",increase this card's ATK by 700 points during each Standby Phase and decrease the ATK of all other monsters on the field by 700 points. [spoiler=Chandelure]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Ghost Dreamer-Lampent"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Fire Dreamer" monster.When this card attacks while you have no cards in your hand, it cannot be affected by Spell and Trap Cards during the Battle Phase. [spoiler=Axew]A cute little dragon. It crushes its food with its tusks. [spoiler=Fraxure]This dragon is very loyal, but sometimes it can attack without warning. [spoiler=Haxorus]A fully-evolved dragon. It can slice through thick steel with its axe-like tusks. [spoiler=Cubchoo]When this card is discarded from your hand by a card effect while "Dream Field-Icy Cave" is face-up on the field,all your opponent's monsters cannot attack for 2 turns. [spoiler=Beartic]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Icy Cave" is face-up on the field,you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card you control to halve the ATK of all your opponent's monsters. [spoiler=Cryogonal]When this card is Summoned, banish "Dream Field-Icy Cave" from the field to destroy all monsters your opponent controls. [spoiler=Shelmet]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, gain 100 Life Points for each card in either player's Graveyard. [spoiler=Accelgor]While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,this card can be targeted and affected by any card that involves Insect-Type monsters. [spoiler=Stunfisk]This sand fish swims under the sand and shocks its enemies with its electrical attacks. [spoiler=Mienfoo]This martial artist is a master of kung fu. [spoiler=Mienshao]In addition to its amazing kung fu skills, it can also use psychic attacks to defeat its enemies. [spoiler=Druddigon]While you control this face-up card, the name of "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is also treated as "Dragon Evolution". [spoiler=Golett]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster.The effect of this card depends on the "Dream Field" Field Spell Card that is face-up on the field:"Dream Field-Rugged Mountain": Change the Battle Position of 1 monster on the field."Dream Field-Spooky Manor": Destroy 1 Level 5 or higher monster on the field. [spoiler=Golurk]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster.The effect of this card depends on the "Dream Field" Field Spell Card that is face-up on the field:"Dream Field-Rugged Mountain": Once per turn, destroy 1 Level 5 or higher monster on the field."Dream Field-Spooky Manor": When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to its Level x300. [spoiler=Pawniard]This slayer comes out during the night and kills whoever stands in its way. [spoiler=Bisharp]This slayer claims to be the faster slayer ever. [spoiler=Bouffalant]This card cannot attack monsters that have the same Type. If this card is attacked by a non-Beast-Type monsterwhile "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, destroy that monster with this card's effect without applying damage calculation. [spoiler=Rufflet]This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field,you can select 1 Warrior-Type monster from your hand or Deck, equip it to this card and give that monster's effects to this carduntil the end of the Battle Phase. At the End Phase, return that Warrior-Type monster to the bottom of your Deck. [spoiler=Braviary]This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field,you can Special Summon 1 Warrior-Type monster from your Graveyard. At the End Phase, return the Special Summoned monster to your Graveyard. [spoiler=Vullaby]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field,you can select 1 Fiend-Type monster from your hand or Deck, equip it to this card and give that monster's effects to this carduntil the end of the Battle Phase. At the End Phase, return that Fiend-Type monster to the bottom of your Deck. [spoiler=Mandibuzz]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field,you can Special Summon 1 Fiend-Type monster from your Graveyard. At the End Phase, return the Special Summoned monster to your Graveyard. [spoiler=Heatmor]A fiery anteater that blows fire from its mouth. [spoiler=Durant]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster. If "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can Special Summon 1 EARTH monster from your Graveyard. At the End Phase, return the Special Summoned monster to your Graveyard. [spoiler=Deino]They say that this dragon always brings bad luck to anyone who sees it. [spoiler=Zweilous]The two heads of this dragon never get along. [spoiler=Hydreigon]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Dragon Dreamer-Zweilous"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Dark Dreamer" monster.This card can attack 3 times during the Battle Phase. If this card attacks directly, destroy up to 3 cards on the field. [spoiler=Larvesta]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fire Dreamer". Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can select 1 Pyro-Type monster from your hand or Deck, equip it to this card and give that monster's effects to this carduntil the end of the Battle Phase. At the End Phase, return that Pyro-Type monster to the bottom of your Deck. [spoiler=Volcarona]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fire Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can Special Summon 1 Pyro-Type monster from your Graveyard. At the End Phase, return the Special Summoned monster to your Graveyard. [spoiler=Cobalion]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by banishing a "Dream Field" Field Spell Cardfrom your side of the field. This card's Type is also treated as Warrior.During the Battle Phase, your opponent cannot prevent your monsters from attacking. [spoiler=Terrakion]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by banishing a "Dream Field" Field Spell Cardfrom your side of the field. This card's Type is also treated as Warrior.If this card attacks a monster with a higher ATK than its own, increase this card's ATK by 1000 points. [spoiler=Virizion]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by banishing a "Dream Field" Field Spell Cardfrom your side of the field. This card's Type is also treated as Warrior.When a monster you control is attacked, you can change the attack target to this card.If this card is targeted by this effect, gain Life Points equal to the attacking monster's ATK. [spoiler=Tornadus]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by returning 5 cards from hand to your Deckwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. After you returned your hand to your Deck, shuffle your Deck.Once per turn, you can banish 2 cards from your Graveyard to destroy 5 cards on the field (except this card). [spoiler=Thundurus]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by returning 5 cards from hand to your Deckwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.After you returned your hand to your Deck, shuffle your Deck.Once per turn, you can banish 2 cards from your Graveyard and discard up to 5 cards from your opponent's handand inflict 800 damage to your opponent for each card your opponent discarded. [spoiler=Reshiram]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by banishing "Ritual Of Balance-Yin Yang" and 10 other cards from your Graveyardwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Fire Dreamer" monster.Increase this card's ATK and DEF by 700 points for each banished FIRE monster and decrease this card's ATK and DEF by 300 pointsfor each banished LIGHT monster. This card's ATK and DEF become Infinite if you control "Legendary Poke Dragon Dreamer-Zekrom".This card cannot be destroyed by battle and cannot be targeted and affected by card effects. [spoiler=Zekrom]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by banishing "Ritual Of Balance-Yin Yang" and 10 other cards from your Graveyardwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Electric Dreamer" monster.Increase this card's ATK and DEF by 700 points for each banished LIGHT monster and decrease this card's ATK and DEF by 300 pointsfor each banished FIRE monster. This card's ATK and DEF become Infinite if you control "Legendary Poke Dragon Dreamer-Reshiram".This card cannot be destroyed by battle and cannot be targeted and affected by card effects. [spoiler=Landorus]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by returning 5 cards from hand to your Deckwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.After you returned your hand to your Deck, shuffle your Deck.Once per turn, you can banish 2 cards from your Graveyard to banish any number of cards from the field (except this card).If you activate this effect, you cannot attack during this Battle Phase. [spoiler=Kyurem]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by banishing 15 cards from your Graveyardwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" or "Dream Field-Icy Cave" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Ice Dreamer" monster.Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field and as long as this card is face-up on the field, each player must wait 2 turns before activating a Spell or Trap Card. [spoiler=Keldeo]You can Special Summon this card from your hand if you activated a Counter Trap Card or a Quick-Play Spell Cardwhile "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 3 face-up Warrior-Type monsters from your side of the field.The effect of this card depends on how it was Summoned:Special Summoned: Destroy 4 cards on the field (except this card).Tribute Summoned: You can Special Summon "Legendary Poke Steel Dreamer-Cobalion", "Legendary Poke Rock Dreamer-Terrakion" and "Legendary Poke Grass Dreamer-Virizion"from your hand, Deck or Graveyard, ignoring all summoning conditions. [spoiler=Meloetta]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by banishing 3 Trap Cards from your Graveyardwhile there is a face-up "Dream Field" Field Spell Card on the field. Once per turn, select 1 monster on the field.This card gains the selected monster's effects until the End Phase.If this card is destroyed by a card effect, inflict 2000 damage to your opponent and discard up to 3 cards from your opponent's hand. [spoiler=Genesect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Insect-Type or 3 Machine-Type monstersfrom your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster.In addition to its normal attack, this card gains an extra attack for each Insect-Type and Machine-Type monster you control.This card cannot attack directly and its ATK and DEF cannot be changed by any card. [spoiler=DREAM Part 6(Kalos)][spoiler=Chespin]If this card is attacked in Defense Position while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, decrease the attacking monster's ATK by 600 points. [spoiler=Quilladin]When this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,draw 3 cards and decrease the ATK of all your opponent's monsters by 1000 points. [spoiler=Chesnaught]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Grass Dreamer-Quilladin"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Fighter Dreamer" monster.When this card is attacked, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Decrease the attacking monster's ATK and DEF equal to its Level x300.2: Halve that monster's ATK and DEF.3: Destroy that monster with this card's effect and halve your opponent's Life Points. [spoiler=Fennekin]Draw 2 cards. If you drew "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest", reveal to your opponent and destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. [spoiler=Braixen]This card's Type is also treated as Spellcaster. When your opponent activates a Spell Card while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can destroy up to 3 cards on the field. If you would destroy this card and "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest",negate that card's activation and destroy all other cards on the field. [spoiler=Delphox]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Fire Dreamer-Braixen"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Psychic Dreamer" monster and its Type is also treated as Pyro.Once per turn, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Switch the ATK and DEF of 1 monster on the field.2: Add 2 Spell or Trap Cards from your Deck to your hand.3: Take control of 1 monster from your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Froakie]Up to twice per turn, if this card would be destroyed by battle while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,it is not destroyed (Battle Damage involving this card is reduced to 0). [spoiler=Frogadier]When this card is attacked while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can discard 1 WATER monster from your hand and increase this card's ATK equal to the discarded monster's Level x200. [spoiler=Greninja]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Water Dreamer-Frogadier"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Dark Dreamer" monster and its Attribute is also treated as DARK.Before your Battle Phase, roll 1 six-sided die. In addition to its normal attack, this card gains extra attacks equal to the result. If the result is 6, roll again. [spoiler=Bunnelby]Once per turn, add 1 "Poke" monster from your Deck to your hand with "Dreamer" in its namethat has "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" in its card text. [spoiler=Diggersby]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ground Dreamer" monster. If this card is destroyed by a card effect,return 1 "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" from your Graveyard to the top of your Deck. [spoiler=Fletching]This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster. While "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field,this card cannot be destroyed by battle with monsters that have 1500 or more ATK and it cannot be attacked by EARTH monsters. [spoiler=Fletchinder]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyardwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field, each player must banish 1 card from their Deck. [spoiler=Talonflame]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Fire Dreamer-Fletchinder"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.Once per turn, inflict 400 damage to your opponent for each card in your hand. [spoiler=Scatterbug]Once per turn, during each of your Standby Phases, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can declare a Level from 1 to 4. This card becomes that Level until the End Phase. [spoiler=Spewpa]While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, the Level of all monsters you control is changed to this card's Level. [spoiler=Vivilion]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Bug Dreamer-Spewpa"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.Once per turn, you can either increase or decrease the Level of 1 monster you control by 1.After this effect resolves, Special Summon 1 "Pattern Token" with the same Type, Attribute, ATK and DEF as the targeted monster's.The Level of the "Pattern Token" is equal to that monster's original Level. [spoiler=Litleo]This baby lion never leaves its mother and father until it's powerful enough to evolve. [spoiler=Pyroar]This lion is a symbol of leadership to its family. [spoiler=Flabébé]This card cannot be Summoned if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is not on the field. [spoiler=Floette]Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, you can select 1 Plant-Type monster from your hand or Deck,equip it to this card and increase its ATK and DEF equal to that monster's ATK and DEF.At the End Phase, return that Plant-Type monster to your hand. [spoiler=Florges]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Fairy Dreamer-Floette"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field.All Plant-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle. If a Plant-Type monster is selected as a target of a card effect, inflict 500 damage to both players. [spoiler=Skiddo]When a Level 3 or lower monster you control is sent to the Graveyard while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,Special Summon that monster in face-down Defense Position. [spoiler=Gogoat]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, you can select 1 other monster you control and equip it to this card.The monster equipped with this card can attack your opponent directly. After the Battle Phase, unequip this card from the selected monster and Special Summon it in Attack Position. [spoiler=Pancham]This panda likes to play tough. It evolves after surrounding itself with dark energy. [spoiler=Pangoro]After Pancham surrounded itself with dark energy, it became this powerful creature that loves destruction. [spoiler=Furfrou]Many fashion designers see this puddle as a symbol of beauty. [spoiler=Espurr]This mysterious creature doesn't know what its gender is. Because of that, it actions are indecisive. [spoiler=Meowstic]The blue Meowstic is a male Meowstic and it likes to support its friends.The white Meowstic is a female Meowstic and it likes attacking with its friends. [spoiler=Honedge]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field,you can equip this card to a monster you control. During the Battle Phase, the equipped monster gains 1000 ATK. [spoiler=Doublade]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field,you can equip this card to a monster you control. During the Battle Phase, the equipped monster can attack twice. [spoiler=Aegislash]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Ghost Dreamer-Doublade"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster.The effect of this card depends on its Battle Position:Attack Position: Its ATK becomes 3000 and it can attack all your opponent's monsters once each.Defense Position: Its DEF becomes 3000 and it cannot be destroyed by your opponent's cards. [spoiler=Spritzee]The sweet scent this little bird spreads is said to be a heavenly one. [spoiler=Aromatisse]This creature releases a sweet scent when it walks. [spoiler=Swirlix]The more sweets this cotton candy creature eats, the sweeter it gets. [spoiler=Slurpuff]When this creature is eating sweets, its powers are increasing. [spoiler=Inkay]When this tiny squid-like creature evolves, its entire body structure is reversed. [spoiler=Malamar]This dark squid-like creature has control of both psychic and dark powers. [spoiler=Binacle]This card is also treated as a "Poke Water Dreamer" monster. If this card would be destroyed by battlewhile "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is face-up on the field, it is not destroyed (Battle Damage is reduced to 0). [spoiler=Barbaracle]This card is also treated as a "Poke Water Dreamer" monster. Before the Battle Phase, toss a coin.If the result is Heads, inflict 1500 damage to your opponent.If the result is Tails, destroy this card and add 1 "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Skrelp]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster.This card is unaffected by Trap Cards while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Dragalge]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" and a "Poke Water Dreamer" monster.The effect of this card depends on the number of cards in your hand:4 cards: Destroy 3 cards on the field.3 cards: Destroy 1 card you control.2 cards: Inflict 800 damage to both players.1 card: Add 1 "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" or "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" from your Deck to your hand.If you have no cards in your hand, destroy this card. [spoiler=Clauncher]This card is unaffected by Spell Cards while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Clawitzer]When a monster(s) you control is attacked while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can change the attack target to this card. When this card is attacked this way, it cannot be destroyed by battle (Battle Damage is reduced to 0). [spoiler=Helioptile]A creature that absorbs sunlight to generate electricity. [spoiler=Heliolisk]When this creature absorbs enough sunlight, it can destroy an entire power plant with its Thunderbolt attack alone. [spoiler=Tyrunt]This card is also treated as a "Poke Dragon Dreamer" monster. If your opponent controls more monsters than you,you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When you Special Summon this card this way,select 1 "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" from your Deck and activate it. [spoiler=Tyrantrum]This card is also treated as a "Poke Dragon Dreamer" monster. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls (one attack on each monster per Battle Phase).If this card fails to destroy a monster by battle while "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is face-up on the field,destroy that monster with this card's effect and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half of that monster's ATK or DEF, whichever is higher. [spoiler=Amaura]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ice Dreamer" monster. If your opponent controls more monsters than you,you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When you Special Summon this card this way while "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is face-up on the field,select 5 cards from either player's Graveyard and return them to their owner's Decks. The Decks are then shuffled. [spoiler=Aurorus]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ice Dreamer" monster. If your opponent controls 2 or more monsters,switch this card to Defense Position. If this card is attacked while "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" is face-up on the field, switch the attacking monster's ATK and DEF. [spoiler=Sylveon]If this card is attacked by a monster whose ATK is higher than its own while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can discard 1 Fairy-Type monster from your hand and increase this card's ATK equal to the discarded monster's DEF. [spoiler=Hawlucha]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster and its Type is also treated as Warrior.When this card is Summoned while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field,you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your Graveyard. [spoiler=Dedenne]The antennas on its cheeks can generate small, yet very dangerous amount of electricity. [spoiler=Carbink]They say this rock came from a dimension where everything is pure. [spoiler=Goomy]When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard during your Standby Phase. [spoiler=Sliggoo]If this card fails to destroy a monster by battle while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,that monster cannot change its Battle Position, even with a card effect. [spoiler=Goodra]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Dragon Dreamer-Sliggoo"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. This card cannot be destroyed by battle (Battle Damage involving this card is halved).Any monster attacking this card will move to your side of the field at the end of the Damage Step and it cannot attack for the rest of the Duel. [spoiler=Klefki]When it sees a key it likes, it keeps it forever. [spoiler=Phantump]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster.This card cannot be attacked while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Trevenant]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster. If you Tributed a DARK or a Plant-Type monster to Tribute Summon this card,it gains 1000 ATK and DEF. While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by card effects. [spoiler=Pumpkaboo]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster.This card cannot be attacked while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Gourgeist]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster. If you Tributed a DARK or a Plant-Type monster to Tribute Summon this card,it gains 1000 ATK and DEF. While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by card effects. [spoiler=Bergmite]When this card is Summoned while "Dream Field-Icy Cave" is face-up on the field, inflict 800 damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Avalugg]When this card is attacked in Defense Position while "Dream Field-Icy Cave" is face-up on the field, end the Battle Phase.After that, return 1 card from your hand to the bottom of your Deck and draw 1 card. [spoiler=Noibat]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. While "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field,you can choose the attack targets during your opponent's Battle Phase. [spoiler=Noivern]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster. When your opponent Special Summons a monster(s)while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field, halve the ATK and DEF of that monster(s). [spoiler=Xerneas]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Fairy-Type or 3 LIGHT monstersfrom your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field.Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard, ignoring all summoning conditions.Negate the effects of any monster Special Summoned by this effect.When a monster you control is removed from the field, gain Life Points equal to its Level x1000. [spoiler=Yveltal]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Fiend-Type or 3 DARK monstersfrom your side of the field while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.Once per turn, you can destroy 1 monster on the field. When a monster you control is removed from the field, destroy 3 cards on the field. [spoiler=Zygarde]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Reptile-Type or 3 EARTH monstersfrom your side of the field while there is a face-up "Dream Field" Field Spell Card on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Ground Dreamer" monster.As long as this card is face-up on the field, reverse the effects of increasing ATK, DEF, Life Points and Level. [spoiler=Diancie]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned while there is a face-up "Dream Field" Field Spell Card on the fieldand if the only monsters you control are LIGHT monsters. This card is also treated as a "Poke Rock Dreamer" monster.This card's ATK and DEF are equal to the total Levels of all your other monsters x500. If this card's Battle Position changes, gain 1500 Life Points. [spoiler=Hoopa]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster and its Type is also treated as Fiend.While "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by your opponent's Spell and Trap Cards. [spoiler=Volcanion]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing up to 3 face-up FIRE or WATER monstersfrom your side of the field while there is a face-up "Dream Field" Field Spell Card on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Water Dreamer" monster and its Attribute is also treated as WATER.Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 FIRE or WATER monster from your hand or Deck and increase its ATK equal to its Level x200.When this card attacks, negate the effects of all Spell and Trap Cards on the field. [spoiler=DREAM Part 7(Alola)][spoiler=Rowlet]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.This card cannot be attacked while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" or "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" are face-up on the field. [spoiler=Dartrix]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" or "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" are face-up on the field, this card can attack your opponent directly. [spoiler=Decidueye]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Grass Dreamer-Dartrix"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field.This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster and its Attribute is also treated as DARK.Before your Battle Phase, activate 1 of the following effects:1: This card can attack twice during this Battle Phase.2: Battle Damage from this card is doubled.3: Any monster this card destroys by battle is banished instead. [spoiler=Litten]If this card attacks directly while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,check your opponent's hand and banish 2 cards from it. [spoiler=Torracat]When this card inflicts Battle Damage, discard 1 card from your opponent's hand.If this effect is activated while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,send the top 2 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard. [spoiler=Incineroar]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Fire Dreamer-Torracat"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Dark Dreamer" monster.This card in unaffected by your opponent's Spell and Trap Cards and it can attack all of your opponent's monsters once each. [spoiler=Popplio]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Poke Water Dreamer" monster from your hand or Graveyard. [spoiler=Brionne]When this card attacks or is attacked while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can pay 500 Life Points to increase its ATK and DEF by 800 points. [spoiler=Primarina]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Water Dreamer-Brionne"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.As long as you control this face-up card, you do not have to pay Life Points to activate your cards.In addition, when this card attacks a Defense Position monster, destroy 2 cards on the field (except this card and "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea"). [spoiler=Pikipek]This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster. When a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster you control is attackedwhile "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field, you can send this card from your hand and activate 1 of the following effects:1: Decrease the attacking monster's ATK by 800 points.2: Switch the attacking monster to Defense Position and it cannot change its Battle Position for 2 turns, even with a card effect. [spoiler=Trumbeak]This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster.If this card attacks directly while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field, draw 2 cards. [spoiler=Toucannon]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Flying Dreamer-Trumbeak"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Normal Dreamer" monster.Once per turn, you can return 2 cards from the field to their owner's hand. If you return this card by this effect, draw 1 card and inflict 700 damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Yungoos]If this face-up card is attacked while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field. [spoiler=Gumshoos]If this card battles a monster with ATK higher than its own while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,destroy that monster with this card's effect and inflict 1500 damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Grubbin]Once per turn, during each of your Standby Phases, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can add 1 "Poke Bug" monster from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Charjabug]This card is also treated as a "Poke Electric Dreamer" monster and its Type is also treated as Thunder.Once per turn, if this card is in Attack Position while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can increase its ATK by 500 points for each other "Poke Bug" and "Poke Electric" monster you control. [spoiler=Vikavolt]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Bug Dreamer-Charjabug"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Electric Dreamer" monster and its Type is also treated as Thunder.All "Poke Bug Dreamer" monsters you control are also treated as "Poke Electric Dreamer" monsters.When this card battles a Winged Beast-Type monster, increase its ATK or DEF by 1000 points.If this card destroys a Winged Beast-Type monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's ATK. [spoiler=Crabrawler]This crab's pincers can deliver very strong punches. [spoiler=Crabominable]This giant crab can effortlessly crush an entire store with its Crabhammer attack. [spoiler=Oricorio]This fire bird releases its fiery attacks with its beautiful dancing. [spoiler=Cutiefly]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.During each of your End Phases, if "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, gain 800 Life Points. [spoiler=Ribombee]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster. If your Life Points would changewhile "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, you can increase or decrease this card's ATK or DEF by the same amount instead. [spoiler=Rockruff]You can only place this card on either the most left or right Monster Card Zone on your side of the field.As long as this card and "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" are face-up on the field,neither player can Special Summon Level 4 or higher monsters. [spoiler=Lycanroc]This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Rock Dreamer-Rockruff" from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field.This card's name changes, depending on the Monster Card Zone "Poke Rock Dreamer-Rockruff" was when you Tribute Summoned this card:Left Side: Change this card's name to "Poke Rock Dreamer-Midnight Lycanroc" and give it this effect: When this card attacks an Attack Position monster, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the attack target's Level x100.Right Side: Change this card's name to "Poke Rock Dreamer-Midday Lycanroc" and give it this effect: When this card attacks an Attack Position monster, increase its ATK by 800 points.Middle Side: Change this card's name to "Poke Rock Dreamer-Dusk Lycanroc" and give it this effect: Your opponent must pay 500 Life Points to activate a Spell or Trap Card. [spoiler=Wishiwashi]Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 "Wishiwashi Token" (Fish-Type/WATER/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 500).If this card is attacked while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can send it to your Graveyard with any "Wishiwashi Token" you control to Special Summon 1 "Poke Water Dreamer Form-School Wishiwashi" from your hand. [spoiler=Mareanie]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster. Your opponent cannot change the ATK or DEF of your "Poke Water Dreamer" monsterswhile "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Toxapex]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster. During each of your opponent's Battle Phases,while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field, decrease the ATK and DEF of all your opponent's monsters by 600 points.When a monster's ATK or DEF becomes 0 by this effect, destroy it. [spoiler=Mudbray]This donkey has mud stuck under its hooves, which helps on its stability, speed and power. [spoiler=Mudsdale]This donkey spits mud that provides resistance to both wind and rain. It also uses its mud-covered kicks to defeat its enemies. [spoiler=Dewpider]This card is also treated as a "Poke Bug Dreamer" monster.When this card is selected as a target of a Spell or Trap Card controlled by your opponent,you can discard 1 card from your hand to negate that Spell or Trap Card's activation and destroy it.After this effect resolves, you can place "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" from your hand to your Field Spell Card Zone. [spoiler=Araquanid]This card is also treated as a "Poke Bug Dreamer" monster. Before your Battle Phase, while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can increase this card's ATK by 300 points for each Spell and Trap Card on the field until the end of the Battle Phase.If you activate this effect, destroy 2 cards on the field at the End Phase. [spoiler=Fomantis]If your Life Points are 1500 or less, you can discard this card and "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest"from your hand to multiply your Life Points by the number of cards your opponent controls. [spoiler=Lurantis]If this card is equipped with at least 1 Equip Spell Card while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,it can attack your opponent directly. If this card would be removed from the field, you can remove an Equip Spell Card that is equipped to this card instead. [spoiler=Morelull]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.If you control no monsters while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When you Special Summon this card this way, your opponent cannot attack for 3 turns. [spoiler=Shiinotic]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.If this card is selected as an attack target while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,change the attack to another monster on the field. [spoiler=Salandit]The sweat coming from this lizard's body creates a poisonous gas. [spoiler=Salazzle]This lizard evolved from a female Salandit. Its poisonous gas can be used to produce perfumes. [spoiler=Stufful]Despite its adorable appearance, when it gets angry, its arms and legs could knock a pro wrestler. [spoiler=Bewear]This bear has an overwhelming physical strength that can scare pro martial artists. [spoiler=Bounsweet]If you would take Battle Damage or Effect Damage while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,reduce that damage to 0 and gain Life Points equal to the amount of damage you would have taken. [spoiler=Steenee]While "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, any card you send to your Graveyard is returned to your hand instead.If you exceeded your Hand Size Limit, return cards from your hand to your Deck until you have 5 cards in your hand. The Deck is then shuffled. [spoiler=Tsareena]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Grass Dreamer-Steenee"from your side of the field while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. As long as you control this face-up card,your opponent cannot select your "Poke Grass" monsters as any kind of target.In addition, if a "Poke Grass" monster you control attacked and failed to destroy a monster by battle, return it to your hand at the End Phase. [spoiler=Comfey]If this card is attacked in face-down Defense Position while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,equip this card to the attacking monster. The equipped monster cannot attack or change its Battle Position, even with a card effectand during each Standby Phase, decrease the equipped monster's ATK and DEF by 400 points. [spoiler=Oranguru]This card is also treated as a "Poke Psychic Dreamer" monster. Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,you can look at your opponent's hand and banish 1 card from it. If you banished a Monster Card, inflict 600 damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Passimian]During your Battle Phases only, while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field,this card cannot be destroyed by battle and if it fails to destroy a monster by battle, return it to its owner's hand. [spoiler=Wimpod]This card is also treated as a "Poke Water Dreamer" monster. This card cannot attack during the Battle Phase.If this card is attacked while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, you can return it to your hand and end the Battle Phase. [spoiler=Golisopod]This card is also treated as a "Poke Water Dreamer" monster. This card can attack twice during the Battle Phase.If this card is attacked in Attack Position while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field, halve the attacking monster's ATK. [spoiler=Sandygast]This sand castle came to life by a mysterious force. [spoiler=Palossand]This sand castle has the power to curse people and even turn their souls into sand that can increase its cursing powers even more. [spoiler=Pyukumuku]Once per turn, while "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field,you can select 1 monster on the field and negate its effects until the End Phase.If this card attacks the selected monster, destroy it with this card's effect without applying damage calculation. [spoiler=Type: Null]This beast has a mask that contains its power. When that mask breaks, its true power is unleashed. [spoiler=Silvally]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Poke Normal Dreamer-Type: Null"and 1 "Poke Normal" monster from your side of the field while there is a "Dream Field" Field Spell Card face-up on the field.This card's name is also treated as the name of the Tributed "Poke Normal" monster.Once per turn, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field and inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each card in your hand. [spoiler=Minior]This meteor lives in the ozone layer and it falls to the Earth when its shell becomes too heavy for it. [spoiler=Komala]This card cannot be targeted by your opponent's cards while "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is face-up on the field. [spoiler=Turtonator]The shell on this creature's back can explode the instant it struck, which can cause unstable eruptions. [spoiler=Togedemaru]The hairs on this rat-like creature act as lightning rods.The bolts of lightning it attracts are stored as energy in its electric sac. [spoiler=Mimikyu]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.While "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field, you cannot Summon monsters. [spoiler=Bruxish]This card is also treated as a "Poke Psychic Dreamer" monster and its Type is also treated as Psychic.Once per turn, if "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is face-up on the field, you can discard 1 "Poke Water" or "Poke Psychic" monster from your handto destroy 2 monsters on your opponent's side of the field. If you destroyed 2 Defense Position monsters,inflict 1000 damage to your opponent and banish the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck. [spoiler=Drampa]This dragon is very friendly to people and loves children most of all. [spoiler=Dhelmise]The seaweed on this anchor is actually a part of its body and it is often mistaken to be regular seaweed. [spoiler=Jangmo-o]This dragon's scales are hard as thick steel. The more it fights, the larger it gets. [spoiler=Hakamo-o]This dragon sheds and regrows its scales on a continuous basis.The scales become harder and sharper each time they're regrown. [spoiler=Kommo-o]When this dragon sheds and regrows its scales, it can fight stronger opponents. [spoiler=Tapu Koko]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster and its Type is also treated as Thunder.As long as this card is face-up on the field, the name of "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is also treated as "Electric Evolution".In addition, if you Summon a "Poke Electric" monster, destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field. [spoiler=Tapu Lele]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.As long as this card is face-up on the field, the name of "Dream Field-Windswept Sky" is also treated as "Psychic Evolution".In addition, if you Summon a "Poke Psychic" monster, discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand. [spoiler=Tapu Bulu]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.As long as this card is face-up on the field, the name of "Dream Field-Pleasant Forest" is also treated as "Grass Evolution".In addition, if you Summon a "Poke Grass" monster, inflict 200 damage to your opponent for each card in your Graveyard. [spoiler=Tapu Fini]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.As long as this card is face-up on the field, the name of "Dream Field-Sparkling Sea" is also treated as "Water Evolution".In addition, if you Summon a "Poke Water" monster, return 1 card from your Graveyard to your hand. [spoiler=Cosmog]This creature is said to be from an unknown world and it is also called "The child of the stars". [spoiler=Cosmoem]This mysterious creature doesn't move because it's gathering energy. Once it gathers enough energy, it can evolve. [spoiler=Solgaleo]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Legendary Poke Psychic Dreamer-Cosmoem"from your side of the field that is placed on either the most left or right Monster Card Zone on your side of the fieldwhile there is a "Dream Field" Field Spell Card face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster.The effect of this card depends on where it is placed on your side of the field:Left Side: This card cannot be selected as any kind of target, it cannot be affected by any card and it cannot attack during the Battle Phase.Right Side: This card cannot be selected as any kind of target, it cannot be affected by any card and it can attack all of your opponent's monsters.If this card failed to destroy an Attack Position monster, banish it and that monster cannot be played for the rest of the Duel. [spoiler=Lunala]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing a face-up "Legendary Poke Psychic Dreamer-Cosmoem"from your side of the field that is placed on either the most left or right Monster Card Zone on your side of the fieldwhile there is a "Dream Field" Field Spell Card face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster.The effect of this card depends on where it is placed on your side of the field:Left Side: This card cannot be selected as any kind of target, it cannot be affected by any card and it can attack all of your opponent's monsters.If this card failed to destroy an Attack Position monster, banish it and that monster cannot be played for the rest of the Duel.Right Side: This card cannot be selected as any kind of target, it cannot be affected by any card and it cannot attack during the Battle Phase. [spoiler=Nihilego]This card is also treated as a "Poke Poison Dreamer" monster.Once per turn, you can discard 2 cards from your opponent's hand and destroy 3 cards on the field (except this card).If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this Battle Phase. [spoiler=Buzzwole]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fighter Dreamer" monster. When this card inflicts Battle Damage,send the top 4 cards from your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard. [spoiler=Pheromosa]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fighter Dreamer" monster.Your opponent must attack this card with every Attack Position monster they control.When this card inflicts Battle Damage, gain 1000 Life Points. [spoiler=Xurkitree]Once per turn, during each of your Standby Phases, your opponent must send 3 cards from their Deck to their Graveyard.If your opponent has no cards in their Deck by this effect, you win the Duel. [spoiler=Celesteela]This card is also treated as a "Poke Flying Dreamer" monster.When this card attacks, no cards can prevent it from attacking and your opponent cannot activate any card effects during the Battle Phase. [spoiler=Kartana]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster. When this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing Battle Damage to your opponent. [spoiler=Guzzlord]This card is also treated as a "Poke Dragon Dreamer" monster.When this card attacks, switch all of your opponent's monsters to Attack Position.Any monster this card destroys by battle is banished instead and cannot be played for the rest of the Duel. [spoiler=Necrozma]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned (from your Graveyard) by destroying 3 cards on your side of the fieldwhile there is a face-up "Dream Field" Field Spell Card on the field. As long as this card is face-up on the field,negate the effects of all Trap Cards and neither player can activate Trap Cards. In addition, if this card is targeted by a card controlled by your opponent,change the target to another one, even if it is not a correct one. [spoiler=Magearna]This card is also treated as a "Poke Fairy Dreamer" monster.Once per turn, you can negate the effects of 1 monster your opponent controls and reduce that monster's ATK and DEF to 0.If you activate this effect while there is a face-up "Dream Field" Field Spell Card, reduce the ATK and DEF of 1 monster you control to 0.After 3 turns of this card's summoning, destroy all cards on the field and reduce both players' Life Points to 0(the match is not over. The player that gets attacked directly loses the match). [spoiler=Marshadow]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned (from your Graveyard) if your opponent attacks you directlywhile "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field. This card is also treated as a "Poke Fighter Dreamer" monster.After this card was Special Summoned, end your opponent's Battle Phase,destroy the attacking monster and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster ATK or DEF, whichever is higher. [spoiler=Poipole]This fiendish creature lives in a different world. Little is known about its abilities and poisonous attacks. [spoiler=Naganadel]This deadly creature's body contains a huge amount of poison inside its body. [spoiler=Stakataka]This card is also treated as a "Poke Steel Dreamer" monster.As long as this card and "Dream Field-Rugged Mountain" are face-up on the field, your opponent cannot inflict piercing Battle Damage.This card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's cards. [spoiler=Blacephalon]This card is also treated as a "Poke Ghost Dreamer" monster.Banish 1 monster from the field and increase this card's ATK equal to the banished monster's ATK.If this card attacks a face-down monster while "Dream Field-Spooky Manor" is face-up on the field, banish it with this card's effect. [spoiler=DREAM Part 8(Spell And Trap Cards)][spoiler=001-Dream Field-Pleasant Forest]When a "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name that has this card's name written in its card text is Summoned,gain 1000 Life Points and draw 1 card. [spoiler=002-Dream Field-Sparkling Sea]When a "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name that has this card's name written in its card text is Summoned,gain 1000 Life Points and discard 1 card from your hand. [spoiler=003-Dream Field-Windswept Sky]When a "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name that has this card's name written in its card text is Summoned,gain 1000 Life Points and destroy 1 card on the field (except this card). [spoiler=004-Dream Bridge]Add 1 "Dream Field" Field Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=005-Desire For Happiness]You can only activate this card when you control at least 1 face-up "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name.Select 1 "Poke" monster you control with "Dreamer" in its name. After 3 turns of this card's activation, draw 1 card.If the drawn card is a "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name that has the same Type or Attribute as the selected monster's,Special Summon the drawn monster to your side of the field, ignoring all summoning conditions. [spoiler=006-The Tree Of Dreams]If a "Poke" monster you control with "Dreamer" in its name would be destroyed by battle,place 1 Dream World Counter on this card (max. 5) and end the Battle Phase.You can send this card from your side of the field to your Graveyard and Special Summon "Poke" monstersfrom your Deck with "Dreamer" in their name equal to the number of Dream World Counters that were on this card. [spoiler=007-The Wanted List]Select as many "Poke" monsters from your side of the field with "Dreamer" in their name as possible.Return the selected monster(s) to your Deck. After that, shuffle your Deck.If you Special Summon a monster(s) you returned to your Deck by this effect, banish it, inflict 500 damage to yourselfand you can either send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard or discard 2 random cards from your hand. [spoiler=008-Berry Harvest]When a "Poke" monster you control with "Dreamer" in its name is sent to the Graveyard, place 1 Dream Berry Counter on this card.When this card is removed from the field, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Draw cards from your Deck equal to the number of Dream Berry Counters that were on this card.2: Gain 500 Life Points for each Dream Berry Counter that was on this card.3: Special Summon "Poke" monsters from your hand or Deck that have "Dreamer" in their name equal to or less than the number of Dream Berry Counters that were on this card. [spoiler=009-Sleeping Break]Return as many "Poke" monsters from your side of the field that have "Dreamer" in their name to your Deck as possible.After that, shuffle your Deck. During your next Standby Phase, Special Summon the returned monster(s) from your Deck in their original "Poke" version,ignoring all summoning conditions (You cannot select "Legendary Poke" monsters by this effect). [spoiler=010-Dream Field-Rugged Mountain]When a "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name that has this card's name written in its card text is Summoned,gain 1000 Life Points and banish 1 card from either your or your opponent's side of the field or Graveyard. [spoiler=011-Dream Field-Spooky Manor]When a "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name that has this card's name written in its card text is Summoned,gain 1000 Life Points and banish up to 5 cards from either player's Graveyard. [spoiler=012-Dream Castle]When a "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name is Summoned, place 1 Miracle Dream Counter on this card.By sending this card to the Graveyard, gain 1000 Life Points for each Miracle Dream Counter that was on this card. [spoiler=013-D-Dreadful Faith]Banish all "Poke" monsters from your side of the field with "Dreamer" in their name until the End Phase.For each monster banished, discard 1 card from your opponent's hand and inflict 600 damage to your opponent. [spoiler=014-R-Rough Act]During this Battle Phase, double the ATK and DEF of all "Poke" monsters you control with "Dreamer" in their name and Battle Damagefrom your Poke" monsters with "Dreamer" in their name is doubled. [spoiler=015-E-Eternal Bless]Gain 600 Life Points for each "Poke" monster you control with "Dreamer" in its name.During each of your Standby Phases, double your Life Points. [spoiler=016-A-Allies Of Hope]When you activate this card, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Special Summon up to 3 Level 4 or lower monsters from your hand, Deck or Graveyard that have "Dreamer" in their name and increase the ATK of the Special Summoned monsters equal to their Level x300.2: Select 2 monsters from your Graveyard and gain Life Points equal to the total Levels of the selected monsters x300.3: Both effects. If you activate both effects, draw 2 cards. [spoiler=017-M-Magic Push]Triple the ATK and DEF of all Level 4 or lower "Poke" monsters you control with "Dreamer" in their name. [spoiler=018-Dream Field-Icy Cave]When a "Poke" monster with "Dreamer" in its name that has this card's name written in its card text is Summoned,gain 1000 Life Points and banish 2 Spell or Trap Cards from either player's side of the Field or Graveyard. [spoiler=019-Dream Field-PokeCafe]Once per turn, you can select as many "Poke" monsters you control with "Dreamer" in their name as possible.The selected monster(s) cannot attack for 2 turns and your opponent cannot target the selected monsters as any kind of target. [spoiler=020-Dream Field-PokeMovie]When you activate this card, neither player can attack for 3 turns. After 3 turns, activate 1 of the following effects:1: Return all cards from your side of the field to your hand and Special Summon up to 5 "Poke" monsters from your hand that have "Dreamer" in their name.2: Return this card to your hand and place 1 "Dream Field" Field Spell Card from your hand or Deck to your Field Spell Card Zone. 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Guest Yairnet Posted November 21, 2017 Report Share Posted November 21, 2017 Added Marshadow, Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka and Blacephalon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Yairnet Posted December 15, 2017 Report Share Posted December 15, 2017 Update: Added Marshadow, Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka and Blacephalon with pictures Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Yairnet Posted April 14, 2018 Report Share Posted April 14, 2018 Lock this topic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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