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Spring Anime 2017

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EDIT: Accidentally pressed enter before I could add what I want to watch, hold up.

EDIT 2: There we go.



Attack on Titan 2-Well of course I'm gonna watch this.

Berserk 2-Please don't suck.

Boruto-I'll forever be a Narutard, my tastes be damned/questioned.

My Hero Academia 2-Solid shonen.

Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul-The first season was a pleasant surprise, I'll check out the second.

Sakura Quest-It looks like PA is continuing along the same vein as Shirobako in making a show that demonstrates how a business runs itself and teaches us about an industry we'd never know specifics about otherwise. I love these types of shows.

Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS-Because Yu-Gi-Oh! anime has become my answer to sappy Spanish soap operas. I know what they are, but I just keep tuning in.



Kabukibu-Deen's doing another show that sounds like it'll fill the void Rakugo will leave, let's see how it goes.

Sagrada Reset-I like David and the premise sounds interesting, hopefully first impressions are good.


For movies, I'll watch the Fairy Tail and Mahouka movies.

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Tsugumomo - By far the thing I'm most excited for but holy sheet they're not gonna do it justice. They'd have to censor nipples and they won't get far enough to when the sex jokes become extreme and the animation and fight scenes will look like sheet compared to the manga most likely, but I'm excited.

Berserk 2 - ayy lmao

Sakura Quest - Supposedly a sorta distant spiritual(barely) successor to Shirobako's Miyamori Aoi? I'm not sure but I've been hearing talk about it and it's P.A Works so I really don't need a big incentive to try it out.


Everything else is like, a maybe at best. I'm pretty much just here for Tsugumomo.

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Only thing that im really greatly looking forward to is the new Masaaki Yuasa film, judging by the cover the art style looks like Tatami Galaxy. Also Sin will be a nice go, might be a hardcore furfag at heart but I still dont mind demon girls once in a while when I feel like getting out of my usual cave.

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The fact that we'll get a voiced and animated Kiriha is really enough for me.


Virgin Soul I'm not hopeful on. I really liked the first Shingeki no Bahamut but from the trailers I saw some time ago Virgin Soul is going the cuter erotic path and all that, which is fine but that's not what appealed to me in the original.

  On 3/5/2017 at 4:20 AM, Switch Dog said:

Only thing that im really greatly looking forward to is the new Masaaki Yuasa film, judging by the cover the art style looks like Tatami Galaxy. Also Sin will be a nice go, might be a hardcore furfag at heart but I still dont mind demon girls once in a while when I feel like getting out of my usual cave.

If I remember right it is Tatami Galaxy...'s Akashi's story instead of the Narrator and it takes place a few years earlier?

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  • 2 weeks later...

For now I'll only be able to watch the 6 I'm going to watch with my brother, which I suppose is enough. They are mostly the only ones we both together were sure we wanted to watch:


Clockwork Planet

Granblue Fantasy

Renai Boukun (how can I pass up a Kiss Note)

Saekano Flat

Tsugumomo (but tbh, I really just want to read the manga, which this should at least give me more motivation for later)


Others I just really hope I can finish what I fell behind with last season enough for:

Anonymous Noise

Sakura Quest (we chose not to watch this together because it seems likely it could be a 2-cour)

EDIT: Hinako Note for the Konata

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love Tyrant is the bittersweet romance we needed. 


Granblue Fantasy feels slightly more natural than what little I saw of the game, but not much. Though Honestly, I like how game-like it feels in this case. I suppose it would be bland to some people, but in a way I would say it conforms better with certain old school anime than it does all the modern stuff. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

My impressions of the season so far. 

AoT 2 and Hero 2 are knocking it out of the park. AoT is playing up the horror angle and it's handling the latest turn very well. Hero's actually a great dub and it's a pretty slick action show in the midst of a great tournament arc.

Berserk's whatever. It's fine, relatively speaking. Still wish it didn't make the CG switch, but that's beating a dead horse complaining about that at this point.

Boruto's actually been okay so far. I like that they're taking it slow and bothering to have side characters that aren't also kids of the last cast. I'm cool with this.

Rage of Bahamut is also like...pretty great. I think it was a good approach to make its world more of the main character, shows tend to do well when developing the world through its assorted cast members. And Nina's a boss.

Sakura Quest is fine, another PA Works show about a group of people working hard in a unique setting. It is perfectly adequate.

Only seen one episode of VRAINS so far, jury's still out on that one.


I picked up Re:Creators and I'm really enjoying it! Bland MC but I think that's the point, and the opening's awesome. Can always count on Sawano for an awesome opening and soundtrack. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.


  On 3/5/2017 at 3:49 AM, Fusion said:


Kabukibu-Deen's doing another show that sounds like it'll fill the void Rakugo will leave, let's see how it goes.

Sagrada Reset-I like David and the premise sounds interesting, hopefully first impressions are good.

Pretty ironic that the two shows I was maybe interested in turned out to suck, apparently.

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