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Linghun, Soul of the Yang Zing


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So this is my attempt at a Yang Zing monster. Please enjoy, and don't be shy to judge.


Linghun, Soul of the Yang Zing

LIGHT | Wyrm / Synchro / Effect

Level 11 | ATK 3450 / DEF 2450

1 or more "Yang Zing" Tuners + 1 "Yang Zing" non-Tuner

Must first be Synchro Summoned. When This card is Synchro Summoned: You can target 1 "Yang Zing" card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand. If this card attacks, it is unaffected by other card effects. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 "Yang Zing" card in your hand or field and 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy them.

If this Synchro Summoned card leaves the field; Special Summon 1 Wyrm-Type monster from the Deck.

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Really, it's more that everyone's too lazy to click through all the posts - I know I am - so a lot of decent cards get overlooked because really nobody has the time/willingness. I'll give it a go, though.

First off, Grammar Nazi strike - you spelled it "Syncro Summon"

Second, it says "Declare one card type(M/S/T), Shuffle it back into the Deck" …so what am I shuffling? You Banished the Tuner, so that can't be it. Does your opponent select one card of the declared type from your Graveyard to shuffle back? That's the only reason I can think of for you to have that there.

Thirdly, you're giving any one Yang Zing card the Ancient Gear Clause, that's almost always good. Keep that.

Fourth, the leaving the Field effect is currently mandatory, meaning if you've already got one Banished Tuner, you summon this guy, your opponent Bottomless Trap Holes you and you're screwed because you can't activate any card or effect the rest of the turn. Make that optional and change "When" to "If" because it makes a big difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PSCT correction:

1 or more "Yang Zing" Tuners and + 1 "Yang Zing" non-Tuner
Must be first be Synchro Summoned. This card is also considered Wyrm-Type while face up on the field. While face-up on the field, this card is also Wyrm-Type. When This card is Synchro Summoned: Target 1 "Yang Zing" Tuner Monster in your Graveyard; banish it, and if you do, declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap), your opponent targets 1 card in your Graveyard of that declared type and if you do; shuffle it back into the deck. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect. Once per turn: You can target 1 "Yang Zing" you control, when it declares an attack, cards and effects cannot be activated. If this Synchro Summoned card leaves the field, target 1 banished "Yang Zing" Tuner Monster, add it to your hand but you cannot activate cards or effects of the added card for the rest of the turn, and if you do, for the rest of the turn, you cannot activate effects of monsters with added card's name.

So lemme get this straight:

1- you banish a wyrm, let your opponent chooses what you recycles AND that forbids it from attacking.

2- OPT it transforms itself or another Yang-Zings into Armades.

3- Recycle a banished Wyrm Tuner but you can't use its effects.


eeem, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem. NO ._.

the other effects are trash, excluding the 2nd one, which is ok, lemme explain why:

It's a Level 11 Synchro that requires all its Materials to be Tuners but 1. That's a lot of setup. I would rather Summon Star Eater. Even tho it's ATK is high *insert lightning meme here* it's not worthy. Now I'm not really familiar with Yang-Zings, but I believe that what they really need is something like "Zefraniu the BOSS".

My suggestions are:

1 - Make it a Wyrm

2 - Salvage effect on Summon, without restriction.

3 - Star Eater battle protection, but in exchange drop its ATK to 3250 - 3450.

4 - A quickie effect that pops a yang zing in your hand and a card your opponent controls

5 - Make the float effect SS a wyrm from the Deck instead of searching.


The result will be something like this:

Linghun, Soul of the Yang Zing

LIGHT | Wyrm / Synchro / Effect

Level 11 | ATK 3450 / DEF 2450

1 or more "Yang Zing" Tuners + 1 "Yang Zing" non-Tuner

Must first be Synchro Summoned. When This card is Synchro Summoned: You can target 1 "Yang Zing" card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand. If this card attacks, it is unaffected by other card effects. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 "Yang Zing" card in your hand or field and 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy them. 

If this Synchro Summoned card leaves the field; Special Summon 1 Wyrm-Type monster form the Deck.
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