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Sethera's Character Archive


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Hello, this is Sethera also known as Leafeon also known as Marth. I still don't really understand the point of this section to be honest, considering people can just check the OOC for those things, but I guess it's a good way of compiling various characters and such. For characters I never finished, I'll post links but I won't post the characters here. It'd be like posting a drawing I haven't finished, though to be fair, a lot of people do that.


I'll be posting these guys in chronological order. I'll also be posting my thoughts on the various characters as well. What I was thinking when I made them, what I wanted them to accomplish, etc. Also decided to add little headers to them in Skaia's style, just for fun.


So without further ado, the list of my completed characters.


[spoiler=Table of Contents]

Casper - Hotel Atlantica / Insert Fantasy Name Here

Corinne Hayes - Pokemon: The Forbidden Star

Sophia Joy - Pokemon: Expedition Acahra

Alaric Capell - Pokemon: Transcendence

Matthias - Lore Online

Higana - Lore Online: Undertakers

Noah Evans - 「Emote」 

Derick Tullim - Fire Emblem: Alter

Xero and Fuma - Monster Hunter: The Stories Yet to be Told



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[spoiler=The chickensnake]

Name: Casper, separately Cashew (chicken half) and Percy (snake half)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Cockatrice
Role: Guest

Height: Up to the chest of an average human
Weight: About as heavy as a chicken of its size
The snake half usually wears sunglasses.




Cashew is the chicken half and the bigger half. Usually when people refer to Casper they are referring to him. He is fairly simple-minded and relaxed, generous to a fault, and easily taken in by food. He’s a peaceable bird and prefers harmony to conflict, disliking seeing people get hurt. A chicken of simple pleasures, he eats anything but poultry, and prefers eating and taking walks to more intellectual pursuits such as reading or carrying a conversation. When he does talk, it’s usually in peeps and chirps or charades, as he’s unable to actually speak. His hobby is taking care of his ridiculously large cactus plant.


Percy is the snake half and, as he complains, “the half that has no control over where we go.” He is able to speak, unlike Cashew, but usually when he does it’s to insult the person he’s talking to. Fairly arrogant and also a perfectionist. This snake can be bothered by things such as the symmetry of a room, but not to a debilitating level. He treats Cashew with a mixture of contempt and affection, depending on his mood. He also, like Cashew, prefers calm to conflict, but not out of concern for the parties involved. No, he prefers calm since conflict usually leads to loud noises that disturb his delicate sensibilities. His hobbies include reading and turning “imbeciles” into stone.




Hatched from the egg of a rooster incubated by a toad in a laboratory, Casper ended up as a servant beast to the owner of said laboratory- an evil mage who desired to use him for nefarious purposes such as taking out all his competitors and becoming the head mage of the kingdom they lived in. This worked for a while until, at twelve years old, Percy turned the mage to stone "because he was annoying.” Since then Casper’s been wandering, intermittently working as a bodyguard and later getting captured to be part of a traveling magical menagerie. The witch who owned it got turned to stone eventually and after freeing all the creatures in the menagerie, Casper made off with the money she had earned showcasing them. This gave Percy an idea, and Casper later became a crusader of sorts, joining circuses, menageries, and other evil people only to turn them into stone and make off with the money. Except instead of giving it to the poor, he kept it, and used a portion to buy a platinum membership at the prestigious Hotel Atlantica.




Cashew: Very talented at charades and gardening. Is also a self-proclaimed culinary connoisseur, though Percy says that he’s just a glutton. Can also flutter in a sort of shallow glide but cannot fly. One of his feathers, when stabbed (pointy end) into a petrified person, can turn them back to normal, as long as they haven’t become unduly weathered or chipped.

Percy: Can turn people into stone just by looking at them, which is why he wears sunglasses and avoids mirrors. Can also read and speak, unlike Cashew. Also talented at being a pretentious ass.


[spoiler=Daily Routine]

Morning: Breakfast, morning walk, shower

Noon: Lunch
Afternoon: Afternoon tea (Percy drinks the tea, Cashew just eats everything in sight)
Evening: Dinner, evening stroll, reading
Night: Sleep usually
Throughout the day he returns to his room to tend to his cactus or explores the hotel, eating and socializing (in that priority).



N/A for now.





[spoiler=The chickensnake reboot]

"Peep!" "Get away from me. You smell of plebeian."
Name: Casper, separately Cashew (chicken half) and Percy (snake half)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Cockatrice
Class: Wandering monster



Height: Up to the chest of an average human
Weight: About as heavy as a chicken of its size
The snake half usually wears sunglasses.



Cashew is the chicken half and the bigger half. Usually when people refer to Casper they are referring to him. He is fairly simple-minded and relaxed, generous to a fault, and easily taken in by food. He’s a peaceable bird and prefers harmony to conflict, disliking seeing people get hurt. A chicken of simple pleasures, he eats anything but poultry, and prefers eating and taking walks to more intellectual pursuits such as reading or carrying a conversation. When he does talk, it’s usually in peeps and chirps or charades, as he’s unable to actually speak. His hobby is taking care of his ridiculously large cactus plant.


Percy is the snake half and, as he complains, “the half that has no control over where we go.” He is able to speak, unlike Cashew, but usually when he does it’s to insult the person he’s talking to. Fairly arrogant and also a perfectionist. This snake can be bothered by things such as the symmetry of a room, but not to a debilitating level. He treats Cashew with a mixture of contempt and affection, depending on his mood. He also, like Cashew, prefers calm to conflict, but not out of concern for the parties involved. No, he prefers calm since conflict usually leads to loud noises that disturb his delicate sensibilities. His hobbies include reading and turning “imbeciles” into stone.




Hatched from the egg of a rooster incubated by a toad in a small medieval laboratory, Casper ended up as a servant beast to the owner of said laboratory- an evil mage who desired to use him for nefarious purposes such as taking out all his competitors and becoming the head mage of the kingdom they lived in. This worked for a while until, at twelve years old, Percy turned the mage to stone "because he was annoying.” Since then Casper’s been wandering, intermittently working as a bodyguard and later getting captured to be part of a traveling magical menagerie. The witch who owned it got turned to stone eventually and after freeing all the creatures in the menagerie, Casper made off with the money she had earned showcasing them. This gave Percy an idea, and Casper later became a crusader of sorts, joining circuses, menageries, and other evil people only to turn them into stone and make off with the money. Except instead of giving it to the poor, he kept it and became filthy rich. Later, he ended up wandering to Centro City.



Cashew: Very talented at charades and gardening. Is also a self-proclaimed culinary connoisseur, though Percy says that he’s just a glutton. Can also flutter in a sort of shallow glide but cannot fly. One of his feathers, when stabbed (pointy end) into a petrified person, can turn them back to normal, as long as they haven’t become unduly weathered or chipped.
Percy: Can turn people into stone just by looking at them, which is why he wears sunglasses and avoids mirrors. Can also read and speak, unlike Cashew. Also talented at being a pretentious ass.



  • Aside from the whole "turning people into stone" and Percy's sharp tongue, Casper lacks a weapon
  • He does have a giant cactus though, which could very well count as a weapon









Casper the cockatrice is a bit close to my heart considering he's the first RP character I ever made here on YCM. I made him for an RP called Hotel Atlantica that I joined after Cow decided to link me to the OOC and ask me what I thought about his character, and then all the other characters. Which, let me tell you, was a huge list. I actually posted all my thoughts on them after thoroughly reading every app, a dedication I've found has since disappeared considering all the RPs I've joined and all the characters in them.


Casper's sprites are taken from the video game Legend of Mana, an underrated game in my opinion, and one I prefer to Secret of Mana. The creatures they have are really creative, so I decided to use one for an RP. And HA, with its ridiculous concept and characters, was perfect for this. Decided to use multiple poses in the image because I figured that was standard for YCM (when really, it just so happened that the pic Mugen decided to use for his cyborg centaur had multiple poses).


I didn't actually put any thought into Casper. Just decided to go for a quirky little guy that would be fun to play. And he was. So I was highly disappointed when the RP died soon after I joined (and wondered if I was the cause for the longest time). So when Insert Fantasy Name Here happened, I jumped on the chance to be able to use my character again. However, that RP died as well, and I gave up on Casper ever really being used.


One thing I like is having two opposite personalities interact. This is often seen with the red oni, blue oni trope. So the idea of having two personalities in one character, both very different but forced to work together, was interesting to me. The picture also gave me the idea, as the chicken half is very adorable, but then you see the snake half and you want to run away. However, as Hotel Atlantica was more posh relaxation than anything else, I decided to make Percy be a posh gentleman with overweening arrogance. Cashew on the other hand, is a simple chicken with simple needs. Not only that, he couldn't speak, but Percy could in spades, making up for the fact that Percy couldn't go anywhere but where Cashew wanted. So the two have to work together to really get what they want.

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Full Name: Corinne Hayes
Age: 16
Gender: Female





Precocious and likes to do things "by the book." Corinne tends to look at life in terms of goals instead of enjoying life. Needs things organized and perfect. She likes interacting with people, but doesn't take their feelings into account. She sees emotions as a weakness, but is emotional herself, easily worked up into a frenzy. Tends to take notes on everything she encounters and studies books vigorously. On the other hand, she tends to run out of stamina quickly, leading her to take naps in unconventional places. Eats her vegetables. She has no qualms about a little manipulation, but believes that ability is the biggest judge of character, not connections. Her main weaknesses are cute things, which cause her to blush and stammer. She also has a phobia of centipedes.




Born and raised in Rustboro City, where she attended the Trainers' School. There she found a role model in Roxanne, an alumnus. Corinne devoted herself to study and eventually became relatively skilled as a trainer. However, her goal was not to be a trainer, but to be a teacher. Even now, that is still her goal. However, one of the requirements to become a teacher is life experience as a trainer, so she has set out on a journey, hoping to gain enough experience to become a good teacher.


She has a fairly normal family of one mother, one father, and one little brother, whom she dotes on like her Pokémon. She went to her grandparents every summer in Pacifidlog, where she gained experience in swimming, fishing, and surfing. She also gained a love of water Pokémon there and met her starter, Dru the Horsea.


Origin: Rustboro City, Hoenn

[spoiler=Dru the Horsea]

Level: 8
Gender: Male
Ability: Sniper
Personality: Modest, hates to lose
Moves: Bubble, Smokescreen, Octazooka
Location Caught: Pacifidlog Town


[spoiler=Contra the Pineco]

Level: 8
Gender: Female
Ability: Sturdy
Personality: Impish, scatters things often
Moves: Tackle, Protect, Self-Destruct
Location Caught: Midori Forest





Ability: Super Luck (the RNG favors her)
Hobbies: Reading, taking naps while floating on her back, and fishing.






You might not know it about me, but I am very much into patterns and balance. If I make a male character, I want to make a female character, and vice versa. I also noticed that most of the characters in the RP were male. Thus why I decided on a female character, Corinne Hayes, for Pokemon: The Forbidden Star.


After the crash and burn of Hotel Atlantica, I decided to give up on the Yugioh! Cardmaker Forum and its RP section, which made me miss out on gems such as the original Demon Blood, but what can you do? However, the RP that made me jump back into the site was The Forbidden Star, which is one good thing about that RP as far as I'm concerned. I got so enthusiastic I even made a map for Hoshi, the region though that was mainly because Durendal's map made me wince every time I looked at it.


I noticed most of the female characters were kind of "adorable" so I wanted to make the complete opposite. A character who was most likely not going to stir any feelings in the hearts of young men. A character who was just a plain, ordinary girl, like most of them are. The picture I chose was one with multiple poses, as I was still on the kick of "multiple poses" for my images. It was also taken from the Anime Character Database as Rika Shiguma, which Cow had recommended to me to use for finding pics. Later, I decided not to use characters based off actual characters, which could confuse people or make them see them as those characters. There were, of course, a few exceptions, but this was before I made that decision in the first place.


I decided to make Corinne a bit of a stereotypical nerd, but a human being all the same. Parts of her, such as her penchant for naps and her perfectionist tendencies, are like me, but mainly I took her personality from science majors I met in college. To add on to this, I made her aspire to be a teacher, so Rustboro City was the perfect place for her. However, I also wanted her to have a Horsea, so I added the Pacifidlog part.


For her Pokemon, I just went with Horsea because I like it. Pineco was because I wanted to try my hand at something different. She also ended up getting a Litwick later on, but that was pretty late in the game. I was going to add the Litwick to the app when she began to use it, but the RP died before that could happen. The circumstances of the death made me (and others) a bit bitter but I got to see a bit more of people's RP styles, and see people RP who I haven't seen since. So overall, I think it was a good experience.

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[spoiler=Nurse Joy AKA Nurse Sadist]

Name: Sophia Joy
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Trainer Class: Nurse
Native Region: Kanto





Most people that don't know Sophia Joy would say that she's very professional, very kind, and very caring. Those that DO know her would say that she's not only impatient with most people, but she's also absolutely sadistic when you tick her off. She has a giant syringe that she keeps as a prop solely to threaten those more "troublesome patients." When dealing with her as a person, however, and not as a patient-to-professional, she's pretty kind if prone to mischief-making. She also tends to laugh at the strangest things, and has a gigantic appetite, preferring sour foods over everything else, while absolutely hating dry foods (Impish). Sophia is also very stubborn, but she calls it "highly persistent." She also blames it on her patients: "Sometimes you have to be even more stubborn than the patients to get anything done!"


[spoiler=Biography]Sophia is a scion of the legendary Joy family. This means that she was destined to go to nurse school (which accepts early applicants from those with potential a.k.a. Joys). There, she learned how to heal professionally, smile professionally, and hate most people that wasted her time with complaints over very minor things. She graduated as a registered nurse at the age of 18, very early for most nurses, but average for a Joy. However, instead of settling down in a Pokémon Center like her kin, Sophia decided to travel through various regions, which she did for two years before eventually signing up as a potential expedition member.




[spoiler=Panacea the Blissey]

Name: Panacea
Species: Blissey
Gender: Female
Nature: Calm, Sturdy body
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Refresh, Soft-Boiled, Heal Pulse, Egg Bomb, Heal Bell, Toxic
Held Item: Lucky Egg
Description: Panacea is Sophia's starter and partner, having met her in nurse school as a Happiny. Unlike her trainer, she is very gentle and nice, and often is the one holding back her trainer from beating up some poor soul who ticked her off.


[spoiler=Priest the Audino]

Name: Priest
Species: Audino
Gender: Male
Nature: Bashful, Takes plenty of siestas
Ability: Regenerator
Moves: Misty Terrain, Refresh, Secret Power, Heal Pulse, Wish, Dazzling Gleam
Held Item: Safety Goggles
Description: Priest is the second Pokémon Sophia caught, obtained when she was traveling through Unova. He is very shy, especially around strangers, but is the most responsible member of the team.


[spoiler=Apple Gel the Wigglytuff]

Name: Apple Gel or "Apples"
Species: Wigglytuff
Gender: Female
Nature: Bold, highly curious
Ability: Competitive
Moves: Sing, Disarming Voice, Disable, Hyper Voice, Wish, Protect
Held Item: Leftovers
Description: Apple Gel is the third Pokémon Sophia caught, obtained during her stroll through Kalos. A happy-go-lucky Pokémon who can be rather in-your-face. She loves to surprise others.






[spoiler=Key Items]

Berry Pouch
Poké Flute
Squirt Bottle
Super Rod
TM Case
Town Map



Nurse Kit: This allows Sophia to heal herself and others as well as their Pokémon. It's basically a portable Pokémon Center.

Various other practicals such as a sleeping bag, rations, toiletries, etc. She came prepared.


Skills: Healing, hitchhiking
Misc: N/A




After the way Pokemon: The Forbidden Star ended, I went on another hiatus from RPing here. This time, I did participate in YCM matters, but I stayed away from the RP section. This self-imposed leave ended after Cow told me about Pokemon: Expedition Acahra and I became interested in the concept. So I made Nurse Sophia Joy.


Originally, I was going to create a Pokemon Ranger with a Tropius, however this idea was scrapped when Renegade made a backpacker who basically fulfilled the same role. I looked at the roles that were taken, and decided on a healer. As someone who used to want to be a doctor, I knew a lot of the basics, so I was confident that I could write somebody like this. Also I just wanted to make a Joy. However, I also decided to create a bit of an unorthodox nurse, someone straight out of a horror movie. A sadist, frustrated with the stupidity of her patients. I decided to give her a large appetite as a quirk, something which followed me throughout many characters. It helps that I also have a huge appetite, so I can relate to that. I made her a traveler as it'd give her a reason to want to go on the expedition.


I knew, for a Nurse Joy, that I had to use a Pokemon in the Chansey line. I couldn't not do it. However, I also wanted to use Audino, the healing Pokemon in Unova, and Wigglytuff, used in Kalos. After those three I wasn't sure what to go with, but I eventually decided on ferocious Pokemon suiting Sophia's personality. Pokemon such as Gyarados and Hydreigon. I put in Meganium as well because I liked it, and because it could provide some much-needed screens and status-healing for the others. However, after being told I had one too many mega evolutions, I decided to just cut down on the extras and keep only the original three. This would enable her to catch more Pokemon in the Acahra region, making it a bit more fun and exciting.


However, we never really got to explore the Acahra region, aside from a memorable fight with some Pyroar. It was interesting playing the role of the nurse the one time Sophia got to do it, but as it was only the one time, I felt that things were cut a bit short. However, I feel that I got to portray more of Sophia's character compared to the last two characters, so this made me happy. So I guess it was thanks to Sophia that I even stuck around in the RP section, as a third disappointment probably would have made me leave and never look back.


Another thing I liked about the RP were the people in it. I consider it the RP that really got me to get to know and like other people in YCM, and to this day I consider everybody in that RP to be a friend or at least a friendly acquaintance. Everybody in the Skype chat was super nice and I felt super comfortable talking to them. It was that chat that got me to accept Skype chatting with people here in general.

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[spoiler=Alaric Capell]

"In the future, do be more careful in revealing your idiocy."


Name: Alaric Capell or "Al Capell"
Interpol Alias: Goldilocks
Age: 21


Height: 5'10"

Weight: 140 lb

He is conventionally good-looking and fits the "prince on a white horse" stereotype neatly. Believing one must make use of all the tools in their arsenal, he takes care of his appearance and always makes sure to look at his best. Fairly fashionable from life as an actor, he has also perfected the art of smiling and can make even the most fake of grins look genuine and angelic. He can be quite vain about his hair, and gets upset when it gets messed up, leading to his alias.




Alaric Capell is talented and intelligent, and he doesn't let anybody forget it either. He has a tendency to address females as "princess" or "madame" and believes in treating women kindly but has no actual desire or affection for them or other men (asexual). He finds people fascinating, and likes to try to "get into their heads" as a method actor. Alaric has a tendency to not explain himself to others, believing if they cannot figure it out on their own, then they are not worth the breath. He also likes to do things just to see others' reactions, which he finds entertaining.


He can be quite charismatic but very secretive, and because of this, has many acquaintances but few friends, two of them being his dear and cherished Pokémon, Marie, and his senior, Looker. He is surprisingly devoted to the idea of "justice," but not because he believes in it, but because Looker does, so his thoughts are: "the idea has to have some merit." Despite what it seems, Alaric does have a moral compass, but it's based on loyalty to those close to him and not much else.


Has an interest in ciphers and puzzles, and looks for patterns in everything. Tends to contradict himself when new ideas come up that refute earlier ones. Despises his alias. His major weakness is curiosity. He also speaks like a toff.




Born in Unova, Alaric Capell (unknown if this is true name or not but assumed so) took an interest in acting at a young age when he found that he excelled at it. It was there that he met his partner Marie as a Minccino, and eventually became a well-known actor in Pokéstar Studios, where he ended up working with Brycen multiple times. Unlike Brycen, however, Alaric was fairly unknown outside of Unova. He took advantage of this to explore multiple "mysterious locales" such as Ilex Forest and Solaceon Ruins. There, he was ambushed by a gang of teal-haired people wearing white calling themselves Team Galactic. And it was there, Marie out for the count, that he was rescued by a man in brown calling himself Looker. Afterward, Looker, recognizing Alaric for who he was, asked him to join the international police for his ability to read people. Grateful to the man for having saved his life, Alaric accepted immediately. Later, he ended up rising both as a movie star and as an Interpol agent, where Marie learned to be not only beautiful, but deadly.




Skill Link
-Tail Slap
-Bullet Seed
-Rock Blast
Jolly, alert to sounds
She is a ham for the spotlight, much like her trainer. Unlike her trainer, however, she is quite kind and caring, as well as optimistic. Has a huge sweet tooth and loves Custap Berries over all other foods.
Holding: Wide Lens



Other Information: He's a jerk.
Note to RP: He was invited because of his acting skills. Nobody aside from fellow agents actually knows about his other job.



Yes, you are probably seeing a pattern here. I unashamedly love Pokemon RPs, mainly because I unashamedly love Pokemon. When Renegade made Pokemon: Transcendence, I found that I loved the setting. A bit of mystery, intrigue, and obviously something shady going on behind the scenes. Here, I found the perfect opportunity to use an agent of the International Police, and then decided, yes, I wanted to make him a psychopath. Thus, Alaric Capell was born.


You might find it a bit of a jump from an Interpol agent to a psychopath, but let me explain my erratic thought process. You see, I have always been fascinated with psychopaths. As what some may call an "empath," or what I deem an overly emotional person, bound by my feelings, I envy psychopaths, who are unconstrained by such things, and can coolly and logically make decisions that I would never be able to. Yes, I understand that there is something wrong with them, but I cannot help but be fascinated all the same. I have researched them thoroughly, and I still get excited whenever I see them in books, shows, and video games. But what fascinates me the most are the ones who are able to function in society. They must imitate human emotion lest they get discovered for what they are, and that takes a skill I could never hope to imitate.


They are the perfect actors. And agents, who must always be wary of their surroundings, must blend in, would also be good actors. So Alaric, a psychopath, would fit in well as both an actor and an agent, as he is always acting anyway. This would just extend to his jobs as well. As an actor, he would probably be good-looking. However, it would be a bit boring if he were just good-looking. Plus, most of the  attractive people I've met in real life were ugly on the inside. So I made him a jerk, brimming with arrogance, nothing but cold calculation and contempt on the inside.


It was fun to RP as him because it was like I was in a Matryoshka doll. I was acting as Alaric who was acting out emotions who was also acting as an agent acting as an actor acting as a fool. It was complicated but exhilarating. I found that he jumped to conclusions I hadn't seen coming, and his intelligence was dizzying. In fact, he's probably the most intelligent character I've ever RPed, barring perhaps one. It was almost as if I were on a wild ride every time I wrote a post as him, who portrayed so much emotion and yet felt nothing. At. All.


He acted like an idiotic prince on a white horse actor, but was in fact a dark horse, the player one must watch out for the most. And yet, a good guy, simply because he aligned his loyalties with a good person. In this way, he worked with the others, not against them, because I figured the group would have enough problems without somebody trying to mess things up.


I kind of want to use him again, but then again, I feel like he was special, and I'm not sure he'd exactly fit in in many RPs. I was lucky then that Ren was so understanding at having a psychopathic character (even if I didn't outright state it, it was kind of obvious), because not everybody would be that accommodating.


As for his name, I decided to go with Alaric, because it sounded like what I was looking for. Soft and lilting at the beginning, but ending in a hard snap. Because that's what he is. Like a Venus flytrap. Capell was because it sounded nice, was a noble surname, and made me think of "Al Capone." The last bit because I'm a sucker for wordplay. I chose Marie because it was a nice classy French name. I actually did consider having him hail from Kalos, but decided Unova would be a better choice because of Pokéstar Studios. Marie being a Cinccino also fit, considering Alaric's vanity, plus the fact they're not a very good Pokemon, nor were seen as one until Skill Link made them a bit of a threat. Which is exactly what Alaric is. At first glance not a threat, until you find out he is.

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  • 1 month later...


[spoiler=Matthias, Male Cleric]


"You kind of remind me of an azalea."


Personality Information

Name: Matthias "Matti"

Epithet: "The Chibi Cleric," "Green Thumb Matti"

Age of Appearance: 12-14

Sex: Male



Despite his actual age, Matthias has a baby face that makes him look younger than he really is. His short stature (145 cm) and thin physique do not help matters. He has golden-brown hair that he usually ties back into a ponytail, but it has a tendency to stick up like an antenna in the front (ahoge) which he can never flatten. His blue eyes are guileless and innocent-looking, reflecting his personality. He has unblemished skin the color of cream. His hands and wrists, however, are almost always caked in dirt from gardening, which is one of his hobbies.


Matthias wears white robes with red triangles, like the white mages of a certain old video game. He also took to wearing a red cloak to make him look cooler, but it didn't really succeed. He still looks like a "cute little chibi" as someone once said. Often stands on his tiptoes or puffs out his chest in an attempt to look taller or more intimidating.


His real-life appearance is almost identical to his virtual reality appearance. However, his coloring (black hair, brown eyes) reflects his heritage (Japanese), and he lacks the ponytail, due to the strict dress code of Japanese schools.




In the real world, Matthias has been bullied from a young age for things like his height, his baby face, and his almost fanatical love of an ancient video game called Final Fantasy. Because of this, he had long ago given up on the idea that he could ever have friends or get a date. Instead, he found other things to occupy his time. Aside from playing Final Fantasy, he also found out that he had a green thumb. From there, the boy ended up getting into botany and later ikebana.


Despite lacking social experience, Matthias is surprisingly insightful and nurturing. He can usually detect what is bothering somebody or what they need at a glance. When asked, he responds with phrases like: "Well, I could see that she needed more sun. So I removed what was blocking the light." He often compares people to plants, and sometimes, accidentally, refers to them as such. He also understands that sometimes people like to deceive others ("just like some plants") but prefers to be upfront and honest himself, seeing no need for dishonesty.


Matthias is at peace with who he is. The fact that he's a nerd for Final Fantasy, the fact that he's friendless, and the fact that, with his grades, he'll probably never get into a good university. He takes pleasure in playing RPGs and gardening, which to him, is enough. Instead of friends, he has plants. Instead of straight As, he has levels and experience. He's found a different kind of happiness. The boy also doesn't have much of a temper, but can have moments of melancholy, times where he contemplates the real world and what's going on back there.


His main drive for returning home is not only his single mother, but his plants. While his mother likes to garden, her skill is nowhere near his level, so he frets that she might accidentally ruin them. He also is annoyed at his lack of height, often wishing there were a "human fertilizer" that would make him stretch as tall as the sunflowers he grows. Hates to be patted on the head, but it often happens anyway.




Combat Information

Category: Skill

Class: Cleric

Level: 36 (spends most of his time doing life skills)


  • White Mage Robes <Light Armor>: Blessed holy robes that protect the wearer from evil's taint. Reminiscent of a certain older video game... (Protects wearer against Curse and Silence)
  • Treant's Mace <Mace>: A mace made out of treant wood. Rare drop. Attribute: Wood (Doubles wearer's mana regeneration speed)
  • Redwings Cloak: Once, there was a famous airship crew called the Redwings... (Halves cooldown time for skills)



[spoiler=Known Skills]

  • [Cure] Restores the HP of a target.
  • [Restore] Restores the MP of a target.
  • [Recover] Restores the SP of a target.
  • [Wide Cure] Restores the HP, MP, and SP of a target, but it sacrifices viability for versatility.
  • [Pavise] Increases the defense of a target.
  • [Aegis] Increases the overall magical resistance of a target, but it sacrifices viability for versatility.
  • [Resist Earth] Increases a target's type resistance to Earth.



[spoiler=Life Skills]

  • Farming level: 40
  • Pharmacy level: 30




Real-World Identity

Name: Naoki Hanamura (花村直樹 Hanamura Naoki)

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Home City: Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture

Occupation: Student


  • Despite having a green thumb, he is not a member of the gardening club but secretly takes care of the flowers anyway, inadvertently causing one of the "Seven Wonders" of his school (the flowers magically take care of themselves somehow).
  • Is new to virtual reality, but bought the game because it was an RPG and his beloved Final Fantasy went out of business.
  • He became a cleric because one of his favorite characters in Final Fantasy, a white mage, was also a plant-lover.
  • Hobbies in-game include gardening and mixing potions using ingredients from his garden (Alchemy subclass).






Matthias from Lore Online is kind of an interesting character for me. I've always been interested in virtual reality, even before the "big boom" with Sword Art Online, Log Horizon, Overlord, etc. So when I saw a virtual reality RP, and one that looked to be done by a competent host, my interest was piqued. And I wasn't the only one. I was surprised, what with all the SAO hate here, that there were quite a few interested parties, but this was before I learned that Rinne was pretty famous in the RP circle, so in hindsight, it's not so surprising.


There were a lot of good apps being made, and a lot of well-known RPers putting in apps. In comparison, with only four characters under my belt (on this site, anyway), I was pretty new. So I knew that I had to put my best foot forward. I couldn't be lazy, and this was probably when I started to make longer apps, and more structured ones at that--I really liked Rinne's app structure, and ended up stealing it for my own use later on. However, I didn't want to go too long. Some people's apps were so long they were like a chapter unto themselves, but in my opinion, it's quality over quantity, and instead of cramming as much as I could into an app, I decided to don my thinking cap instead.


Normally, in RPs, I make rather simplistic characters. This is not out of a lack of ability, but rather a lack of time. Not to mention most RPs here die after a couple weeks at most, so that'd just be a colossal waste of time. However, here, I had hope. Hope that this would last a bit longer, and I realized I wanted to put forth the effort for it. So I went through a similar process to what I do when making story characters, which is to dig.


I chose the name Matthias from the iconic Redwall character (his nickname is also taken from that series), plus it has religious roots, which I thought fit for a white mage. Matthias himself is a mixture of many things. A mixture of a character obsessed with plants I read about on a fanfiction, my own obsession for Final Fantasy, the typical NEET, and an honest humility. Matthias knows what he is, knows he hasn't been a winner in life, but he doesn't care, because he's happy. And in his own way, I think he's special. If I met him in real life, I would like to be his friend. And, when it comes down to it, that's what you have to think about when you make a character. How would you react to that person? Do they feel real to you, and not just an amalgamation of various traits? It's easy to say you want to bring your characters to life, but doing it is a whole different matter. And you won't always succeed, but that's fine.


For me, I can picture Matthias as my neighbor. A friendly boy who loves plants, won't go out of his way to speak to you but will respond with an innocent friendliness to any greetings. And that's all you'll ever know of him unless you decide to speak with him some more. Then you find out that he likes video games too! That he's actually leveled his characters all the way to 99, and somehow he knows all the tricks to doing so. Then, one day, let's say a close relative died, or your significant other broke up with you, or you're having a fight with a friend. You're drawn to Matthias, because, so far, he hasn't given the impression that he'd judge you unfairly. And you were right. He ends up saying the right thing somehow, and you look at him in a whole different light. Because this boy is actually a very sweet, caring person, and you don't know how you didn't see it before.


That's who Matthias is. And that's how you have to think about your characters. You have to actually see them. Hear them, walk into their room, step over the clothes scattered across their floor, and laugh at their bad jokes. That's how you give them life. Or rather, that's how you find their life, which was waiting for you this whole time. And that's what I mean by digging. Like uncovering a fossil, you dig, brush, and polish, and eventually, find that there's a real person underneath all the muck.


It doesn't stop there though. Even when I RPed as Matthias, I found I still made mistakes, like I made his thought process a bit too "mature." Not in an erotic way, but in a complexity way. Matthias is eighteen, and still very much a young boy, though he looks even younger than he is. Or maybe, he had always been that mature, but I ended up dumbing him down because everybody else saw him as a child. Who knows. That's the beauty of creating characters. You're always finding out something new.


Another thing about Matthias is I was always doing research. For every single post I made, I had to do research. Why? Because I knew absolutely nothing about plants, including gardening, before creating him. The most I knew was from playing Harvest Moon, which honestly tells you nothing. So to this day Matthias has given me the most work, but it was rewarding. Because I found out a lot of cool and interesting things about plants, gardening, flowers, and their meanings. I bought a book on ikebana and I can now arrange flowers and divine their meanings. I am growing a plant of my own at the moment: a Dieffenbachia, or dumb cane. Whenever people have questions about plants or flower meanings they go to me. My YCM moniker, Leafeon, is partly because of what I have learned. So, in some ways, Matthias has been the most rewarding RP character I have ever created.

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“Let me release you from all earthly burdens.”

Personality Information
Name: Higana
Epithet: Bloody Mary, Red Spider Lily, The Reaper
Age of Appearance: 20-22
Sex: Female

Higana's about the average height of a Japanese female high-schooler at 160 cm. She has a lean, toned figure with a general hourglass shape (wide shoulders and hips with a flat stomach). Her breasts are slightly larger than average for her figure, but nothing crazy. She has lightly tanned skin, but not overly so. She has long, blood-red hair that brushes her waist and matching eyes.


Higana generally has a very gentle expression, an expression that changes to almost rapturous when killing somebody. Tends to wear black, brown, or red, because the blood doesn't show up as much, but her favorite color is white. She's actually fairly pretty, but those who know of her tend to stay away. Or can they see the lack of soul behind vacant red eyes?

Her real-life appearance is identical except for the eyes, which are brown. She wears her dyed hair long against school regulations, but doesn't care.




Higana was born to a happy couple that later divorced, and ended up staying with her father. She was a happy, if clingy child, who wanted nothing more than to please the ones she loved. Because of this, she became known as the gentle, nice girl in school. The one you always went to if you wanted to be comforted. She tried her best to comfort her father, who was in debt and had a drinking problem.

One night, when a strange man walked into Higana's room and attempted to knock her out, she grabbed a nearby pocketknife she kept in her room (stranger danger) and gutted him. According to him, her own father had sold her into slavery so as to climb out of his self-imposed rut. Shocked, Higana went downstairs and confronted her father, and during the ensuing argument, killed him too. Afterward, she ran away and joined one of the local yakuza gangs.

Since that night, Higana has distrusted human beings in general. She calls them liars and fakes, and says the only time that they ever show their true selves are at the moment of death. "My own father was a liar. When I killed him, I saw just how ugly his soul was." Because of this, she has grown more amenable to the idea of killing than most people, believing that the act of killing is a way of releasing a person from the sins and lies that normally cloud their soul. For this reason, she believes that what the Undertakers do is a noble goal, and sees in them kindred spirits, people who also desire to cleanse souls from their earthly sins.
Despite her contempt for human beings, she retains a small part of her previous self in her polite and gentle demeanor. This tends to fool strangers into thinking her a harmless, nice girl, but her guildmates know better.



Combat Information
Category: Speed
Class: Rogue
Level: 45

  • Ninja Gear <Light Armor>: An ancient Japanese assassin suit. Allows its wearer to move faster and with more stealth than they normally could. (Increases running speed)
  • Khukuri <Dagger>: A dagger that can cut through muscle and bone. It is said that it cannot be sheathed until it has drawn blood. (10% chance of inflicting Curse)
  • Bloodstone Bracelet: The stone is said to be made from a drop of dragon's blood. (Increases strength and agility)



[spoiler=Sample Skills]

  • Cloaking: Gives user the Invisibility status. Attacking while invisible undos the effect.
  • Venom Strike: Inflicts the Poison status to an enemy while attacking.
  • Shadow Leap: Teleports user to a spot within their line of sight. Only works while invisible.




Real-World Identity
Name: Takako Souma (Souma Takako 相馬貴子)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Home City: Kobe, Hyōgo Prefecture
Occupation: Kumi-in of the Yamaguchi-gumi yakuza

  • Her red hair, as well as her habit for killing, have made her somewhat notorious, both in the real world and the game world




When Yui started a side RP to Lore Online called Lore Online: Undertakers, I was still high on excitement for the original, so of course I made an app for it. That's how Higana was born.


From the getgo, Yui made it apparent that this was an RP for villains. Therefore, I wanted somebody suitably villainous. Many roles were already taken. The stoic warrior, the power-hungry warlord, etc. So I decided to go with something a bit different. A sadist, a girl who relished in the inflicting of pain, and, even more-so, to see the red color of blood splayed so beautifully upon her opponents like a painting, and she the artist.


However, I was told to tone it down. Which I found a bit hypocritical considering his acceptance of Bloody Mary in the reiteration, but I suppose, this being an offshoot of a different host's RP, he was a bit more careful about how graphic he wanted things. So instead of the bloody psychopath I was going to go with, I went with the grim reaper, a fanatic advocate of death and the beauty of it. In some ways, this Higana was better, in others worse. However, I didn't like having to change her personality, as it felt like I was whitewashing her--covering up her true self to make it more palatable to other people. This in turn affected my enthusiasm in RPing her, so I guess it's no surprise that she didn't have very many interactions.


I wanted to make her connected to Matthias, my main Lore Online character, in some way. To that end, I decided to name her after a flower, Higanbana, or lycoris radiata, better known as the red spider lily. They are known as corpse flowers, said to guide the dead into the afterlife. There are legends that, if you meet somebody you'll never see again, these flowers will be blooming nearby. This ended up suiting my character, who considered herself a literal guide into the afterlife for people.


As for her backstory, I knew, to get a messed-up character like hers, I'd need a suitably messed-up backstory. And it kind of just flowed from my fingers. Honestly, I blame some of the manga and webtoons I've read--some of them are pretty dark. But I think the biggest contributor was an assigned book I read about a girl sold into a brothel and what she had to do there. It...opened my eyes that sexual slavery is still a thing that happens. Maybe not in my state specifically, but small pockets in my country, and in other countries. I didn't actually say it in the app, but yes, Higana would have been sold into sexual slavery, and her fate would've been one worse than death.


So instead, she joined the yakuza, and learned to think like a yakuza thug, which is a whole different mentality than a regular citizen would have. And thus, her current personality was born, in which she murdered people with the zealousness of somebody on a crusade, leading to her joining the Undertakers. I didn't learn until after Yui mentioned it that one of his own characters was also in the yakuza, but in hindsight, I shouldn't have been surprised, as being a criminal in real-life is a nice tie-in to them becoming one inside a virtual reality game too.


As for her class, Rinne's rogue character was more the thief treasure-hunter type, so I decided to go the other way and make this one a ninja assassin. Still, Higana is probably one of my more underwhelming characters (to me) because I still don't feel like I did her justice, what with everything that happened. Maybe I'll try and reboot her the way I meant to for a different RP, but most likely not, as her original personality is fairly similar to Bloody Mary, and two people like that might be a bit much for any site.

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[spoiler=Wrath - Noah Evans]

Name: Noah Evans

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Emotion: Wrath

Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington



Noah has a fairly average physique for an adult male, at 5'9" and 147 lb, but is a bit on the gangling side. Because of his half-Chinese heritage, he has a slight lemon tint to his skin, and a slight slant to his eyes. He has thick black hair and a delicate chin that he inherited from his mother, and hazel eyes that he inherited from his father. Often seen with headphones.




Noah was born to a Chinese mother and a Caucasian father. His mother had completely turned her back on anything to do with her heritage, so she, and her children by extent, are not really seen as Chinese by the Chinese community in Seattle. His father is a fairly all-around American man who likes to watch football (cheering for the Seattle Seahawks), go fishing, and enjoys dinner with his family. Noah has an older brother named Samuel who is currently working for the United States federal government over in the other Washington.


Noah was a temperamental child. He would constantly fly into tantrums at anything and everything, whether it be because another child didn't share a toy or because people would pick on him for his heritage. It grew so bad that he became labeled as a "problem child" and soon grew a sullen, black outlook on life. His family tried their best to understand him, but his rages frightened them, and when he ended up giving his mother permanent burn scars during an episode, they learned that there was more to their child's rages than what they had previously assumed. Frightened of and for him, Noah's parents kept the incident hushed up and sent him off to a middle school specifically directed toward troubled children.


While most people there treated him like a rabid animal that needed to be put down, one person in particular, a music teacher named Miss Johnson, worked with him extensively. She taught him the art of self-control and treated him with kindness. She also introduced music to him. Not only through listening to it, but also through playing it. Noah would often go to her classroom after school to learn how to play the piano and work on his voice. Through music, he found an outlet for his anger. Through music, he learned to feel human again.


By the end of his middle school years, Noah had learned control over his powers and himself. Enough to enter a normal high school, though he still kept in touch with Miss Johnson. His relationship with his family never fully healed though, except for with his brother, who is the only reason that Noah, with his explosive abilities, hasn't been discovered by the feds. Noah graduated with honors and is currently set to attend the Cornish College of the Arts.




While he used to be angry all the time, Noah has been taught the fine art of self-control. He also fears getting angry, not only because his powers tend to go out of control, but also because he fears the consequences--rejection, being treated as a monster, and standing out. Instead of standing out, he prefers to sit in the background, unnoticed. This can cause problems, as being a musician, he has had to learn to adapt to the spotlight. However, he finds that headphones calm him through their isolating influence, so he's almost always wearing them.


Noah is ashamed of his powers and does his best to pretend that he is a normal human being. He doesn't always succeed, however. He tries his best to maintain control, and for this reason, is often seen as abnormally calm and centered compared to others. However, his anger is always there, simmering underneath the surface, and always ready to explode. For this reason, those (very few) who have seen both sides of him accuse him of being bipolar or like a girl on PMS.




  • Bears: Noah can take on the attributes of bears to help him in battle. Their strength, their senses, and their razor-sharp teeth and claws. It is difficult to limit himself to a single trait, however, as wrath is the type of emotion that hates being bound. More likely, Noah will either turn into a giant bear or summon bears to his side.
  • Fire: When he's angry, Noah has the power to manipulate fire, but not on a minor scale. More like a wildfire scale. The most common manifestation is a giant bear made out of fire. The only problem with his fire abilities is that they're like Fiendfyre in that even the maker has a hard time controlling them. He is attempting to learn how to manipulate fire on a smaller level, such as lighting candles, but is having trouble doing so.
  • Explosions: Noah can cause explosions. The scope of the explosion depends on how angry he is, ranging from hand grenade to leveling a forest. This is probably his most dangerous ability and for this reason the one he tries to use the least.




  • Is a huge music nerd. Will talk your ears off about music any day.
  • As he fears using his powers, he tends to flinch whenever he sees bears, fire, or explosions.
  • His favorite color is blue, because of its calming effect.






Ahh, this guy. Probably the RP character I resonate with the most. When Giga--excuse me, Parenthesis, made 「Emote」, it sounded really interesting. And I knew right away which emotion to go with. Wrath, the uncontrollable feeling of anger and rage. While not the worst of the deadly sins (that honor goes to Pride), it is considered the most violent. Wrath is pure destruction in emotive form. Thus, Noah Evans was born.


If you look at my past characters, none of them have been real fighters. Subtle support people, that's what I had created. Mainly because other people had taken the "OP, frontline hero" role but also because those are the roles I tend to gravitate toward anyway. Noah, however, was my attempt to diverge from that pattern. He would definitely be one of the main fighters of the group. Which is why I went so hammy with his powers--also apparently bears represent wrath. Who'da thunk? Honestly, I am surprised they allowed the explosions part, but either they overlooked it or figured I wouldn't abuse it. Which I wouldn't. It would take a lot to get Noah to even use his powers, let alone the more destructive aspects.


However, there's another, more personal reason I went with Wrath. Wrath has been the most prevalent sin in my life. You might laugh at the thought, but I used to have anger problems when I was a child. Really, really bad ones. A mixture of an innate fiery personality combined with real-life problems made for what was little kid me. People whispered that I was a "monster," a title I am ashamed of to this day, and still feel like I have to make up for. Sometimes I wonder if nothing has changed, if I've just learned to control the monster inside better. Or if I was never a monster at all. Even back then, people called me kind. Yet others would call me a monster. Who was right? Or were they both right? I still don't know.


If there's any character that you could call a self-insert, it's this one. Noah was cathartic to create, and cathartic to write. Knowing that people saw him and didn't think of him as a monster, but as a person, did wonders for my own feelings of self-worth. By then, I had already received acknowledgment, but I wasn't sure whether to believe in it or not. To be honest, I'm still not sure. And I guess that's a struggle I'll have to deal with all my life, just like other people have their own struggles. And for Noah, that's a struggle that he himself would have had to deal with all his life.


It's these traces of reality, these windows to the soul, as they were, that make for the best characters, in my opinion. The characters that resonate with you for whatever reason. If you relate with them, then somebody else probably will as well. There might be another person out there who struggles or has struggled with anger. They don't know how to fix it, they only know that they have it. And they find nothing but scorn and disgust everywhere they go. This kind of person can easily be a villain, but they can also be a human being, just trying to make their way through the world.


And the road to acceptance can be as simple as somebody telling somebody that they like a character who that person connects with. Because then it's basically the same as saying, "I like you. Despite, or because of, your personality. There is something about you that appeals to me, something that makes you worth it." In the end, one of the big reasons we like certain characters is because they resonate with us. We see bits and pieces of ourselves in their actions, their thoughts, their feelings. For that reason, I will never truly despise self-inserts like so many people do. Because self-inserts are just an expansion on something we do anyway when we create.


So basically.




Yes, this was all leading up to a meme. Sorry, not sorry.

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[spoiler=Derick - The Bull]


"Do not insult Bull Riders! We are just as good, if not better, than Cavaliers!"

Name: (Sir) Derick of House Tullim

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Bull Rider

Country of Origin: Emerys


  • Iron Axe
  • Bronze Lance
  • Hand Axe
  • Vulnerary




A word for Derick would be proud, but not in an arrogant way. He has worked hard to get where he's at in life, and he is rightly proud of that. Because of his background, he is intolerant of cruelty and looking down on others. Instead, when he sees somebody struggling, he is almost always willing to lend a hand, believing that the better way is to lift somebody up rather than tearing them down, just like his mentor did for him. He can be overly serious, and has not a sarcastic bone in his body. Because of this, he all too often takes what people say at face value. Despite his humorless personality, he tends to get along well with his peers and is generally looked up to as an older brother figure by the newbies.

When it comes to swords, he has a chip on his shoulder a mile wide. Whenever people compare swords with axes, he is vehemently on the side of axes, despite their disadvantage in the weapon triangle. He is also sensitive to people insulting his bull and telling him to ride a real mount. Derick takes that as a personal insult to his mentor, who both used an axe and rode a bull. Because of this, he often gets into arguments with his more intolerant fellows. Derick does not hesitate to throw the gauntlet if one personally insults his mentor. He used to do it all the time when he first became a knight, but after winning every one of his duels, he has earned the grudging respect of even the most intolerant knights.





Derick is around average height and weight compared to his peers. He has lightly tanned skin and hard, corded muscles from working out. Not overly lean nor overly stocky, he is nonetheless very strong. He has windswept brown hair and reddish-brown eyes. While off-duty, he wears simple, plain clothing, preferring blacks and browns over other colors. However, his armor is bright, gleaming red, and he makes sure to polish it whenever he can. While rust would not show up as badly on his armor as it would others, he is proud of it and takes care of it, as he does with his axe. He rarely smiles, and almost always has a grumpy or determined expression on his face. While arguing, his ears and face tend to burn red, and he usually shouts.




Born to a branch of House Tullim, Derick, as the only son in his immediate family, was expected to serve the Emrysian army as a knight or general. However, his swordplay was horrendous, and he didn't bond with any of the horses. Even his lance-work was shoddy. Because of this, he was often jeered at by the other knights-in-training, and told to go home, as it was obvious he would never amount to anything more than a soft noble. The boy grit his teeth and bore it, however, but he despaired of ever earning his spurs.

A Taurus Knight from one of the five noble families of Xiang Siu was visiting Arkaia around this time in a diplomatic mission, and, seeing the determination that blazed in the boy's eyes, offered an alternative path. To learn the ways of the axe and bull. To become a Bull Rider. To Derick's delight, he took to axes like a duck to water, and practiced night and day to catch up to his peers in terms of skill. To prove his worth, he tamed one of the Xiang Siu war bulls that the Taurus Knight brought with him, and earned its respect. From then on, he devoted himself to training in combat and courtesy as a knight, while keeping in mind the Xiang Siu values his mentor passed on to him. Derick was sad when his mentor had to return to his homeland, but hopes that he may see him again someday.






Ahh, yes Derick Tullim of Fire Emblem: Alter. Back before this RP started, I had an idea for a Fire Emblem RP, which would be heavily inspired by the Path of Radiance game. In the end, I scrapped it, because Yosuke also had an idea, and it would be silly for there to be two Fire Emblem RPs at the same time. However, one thing from my idea stayed, and that was bull riders. Basically, knights who did not ride horses, but in fact, rode bulls. They also favored axes.


When the RP started, Cow took up the mantle of the Jagen archetype, and I also decided to go with an archetype: that of the red cavalier, Cain, also known as the Bull. And since I was to use the Bull archetype, why not make him a bull rider too? Thus, the Right Honorable Sir Derick of House Tullim was born. And yes, that is quite the mouthful.


First, let's discuss the appearance. It took quite a while to find an axe fighter to my liking. I could not find one riding a bull, but it was near impossible to find any good bull knight artwork, so I gave that one up for a lost cause. Eventually, I found one, that was fairly chibi, but also could work. I had to make a few edits, as the original was...quite mad, to be honest. As in demented.


As to his personality, I ended up aligning with the archetype: the hotheaded, yet honorable knight. That was Derick to a T. He would not hesitate to throw the gauntlet at anybody who dared to make fun of him, his axe, or his bull. Or worse yet, of his mentor, an unnamed Taurus Knight who had lifted him up when he was down, encouraged him when it seemed as if he would never be a knight. He had dealt with scorn his whole life, which gave him quite the chip on his shoulder. However, despite that, he strives to be not only a great knight, but a good one, and that attitude has earned him quite a few friends, peers, and admirers. Basically, he's an awesome bro.


As for the Taurus Knight, I had planned for him to appear later, perhaps on the enemy side, which would create quite the conflict. Because despite being Emrysian to the bone, Derick had also been instilled Xiang Siu values, and his mentor was also from there, so he would actually harbor divided loyalties. Alas, that conflict never came to be, but I did get some good scenes in.


It was...pretty fun, to be honest, though I wish I could have had more interactions with others. It ended up working out that only Michael, Cow's character, and mine were storming the gate, as they were the only ones that volunteered. Everybody else was doing some sort of secret quest thing. So I guess you could say we got the raw end of the deal, me especially as I only had the one character. Something to keep in mind, that it's not good to split up the party unevenly, with one group doing most of the cool stuff, and the others mainly working as cannon fodder. But it was fun writing the fighting scenes, so it wasn't too bad in the end.


I'm not sure I'll ever reuse Derick, or the idea of bull riders. While the character was neat to RP, and a refreshing change from other characters I've made here, he didn't really stand out much to me compared to the rest. I suppose that's the price you pay when making a character around an archetype, but it was fun nonetheless.

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Name: Xero Devetzi
Gender: Female
Age: 18
A slightly below average girl at 5'3", Xero has a greater weight than most non-Hunter girls her height and age because of her muscular build and bone mass, weighing in at 145 lb, making her officially overweight according to the BMI. Her body is naturally mesomorph, more so than some of the boys at the academy, and she works to keep it that way through a strict exercise regimen.
With naturally tanned skin, white hair, and blue eyes, she has a bit of an exotic look except for the color of her eyes, which hints at a Western heritage. She tends to be expressionless, but can look fierce during combat.

Born to a couple that migrated across the waves to Craglyph, Xero inherited their no-nonsense survival instincts and has the tendency to look over her shoulder often. However, her parents often liken her to her grandparents, who were both mainland hunters. Her grandfather was killed by a Gigginox and her grandmother killed it and used its parts for armor as revenge, armor that was passed down to Xero as her parents never became hunters themselves. Her weapon, a switch axe called Bastion Blitz, was passed down from her grandfather.
Xero is a tomboy through and through. She despises being seen as girly yet is also keenly against being seen as a boy. She would rather be seen as a hunter, a guardian of Craglyph. Because of this, she tends to work day and night to keep herself in shape, and was at the top of her class when it came to fitness and combat, not through "natural ability" as most of her peers tried to pass it off as, but through sheer hard work. The only thing that seems to come to her naturally is her ability to switch between axe and sword, making the switch axe a perfect weapon for her.
Tough and unafraid to get dirty, Xero was treated in one extreme or the other at the academy. Those that believed girls should stay at home, or act more feminine, disliked her. However, most of those that came from hunter families accepted and respected her. Because of her "protector" instincts, Xero was seen as an idol when people weren't cursing her name. While the attention bothered her, Xero decided to just continue working hard to become a hunter worthy of praise.

Weapon: [switch Axe/Bastion Blitz] A switch axe that looks like a giant molar, it can switch between sword and axe. It's an upgraded version of the starting bone axe, and has a fair amount of maximum sharpness. The sword mode uses a paralysis phial, but lasts for a limited amount of time. It lacks a guard, however, and mobility is rather limited when wielding this.
Armor: [swordsman/Gigginox] Armor made from a Gigginox. It values speed and mobility over defense. While weak to fire and dragons, it resists thunder and ice. The helmet protects the wearer from monster roars and the top of the mail ends in two sharp claws.

Preferred Hunter Team: Xero doesn't care, she just says: "Let's hunt some monsters!"

Name: Fuma
Forte: Ranged
A siamese with darker tabby markings on his limbs and deep blue eyes like his master, Fuma prefers wearing what he calls "ninja cat clothes."

Rather eccentric and obsessed with the idea of being a "ninja," though where he learned the term nobody knows. Fuma prefers to hide in the shadows and scuttle from cover to cover when he moves. He calls Xero "my lord" despite her gender, because apparently she is the daimyo to his servant. Despite what he professes to be a master-servant relationship, he often uses his "lord" as a meatshield. A coward, he prefers to attack from afar and often runs away when things look bad, returning at the end of the fight with a sheepish expression.

This app was made during the heyday of my RPing experience here on YCM. Basically, I ended up joining a bunch of RPs and had a lot of fun. One of which was Monster Hunter: The Stories Yet to be Told, an RP that Hydreigon was going to host, and as far as I know, the first hosting attempt he's made. It...never lifted off the ground, unfortunately. However, I did end up making a character for it, one Xero Devetzi and her sidekick Fuma, a monster hunter duo consisting of a girl who was more "manly" than most men, and a cowardly feline with absolutely no problem at using his master as a meat shield.
Going in, I had no knowledge of Monster Hunter. Absolutely none. So I ended up doing, well, a ton of research. Figuring out that armor was taken from monster parts, trying to figure out which equipment wouldn't be OP but would still be decent, trying to find an actual image that I could use (in the end I found two). It took a while. However, after all of that, I was confident that I would be able to play the character, and figure things out as I went.
My main idea for Xero was basically a tough-as-nails character who could survive in the wild if she had to while stalking great beasts, basically the first thing I thought of when I thought of the words "monster hunter." I wanted the person to be a girl because, well, tough manly men are a dime a dozen in various media, but rough, brawnier girls less so. Unfortunately the pictures I found were still rather feminine, but I really liked the expressions she wore, so I went with them.
I also liked the idea of her being seen as a leader of sorts, an example for people to follow. An older sibling type of vibe. I thought that that could be a pretty interesting character to RP, and not one I had really done before on this site. Derick Tullim probably comes the closest, but he's more of a "bro" character than somebody to be admired.
And of course, what better companion for Xero to have than someone that was completely the opposite? Rather than dive in headfirst, Fuma is cautious and prefers to attack from a distance. He also could be considered like a medieval cosplayer, where he would emulate what he thought a ninja should be--his name even being taken from Naruto--but wasn't actually one, as seen by his behavior. I admit to being inspired by Akatsuki of Log Horizon there, though she ends up assimilating that act into her character much more successfully.
In the end, I'm pretty bummed out that this RP never went anywhere, especially since I feel like Xero and Fuma had a lot of potential as a powerful, yet wacky duo. I have incorporated parts of Xero's character into a more recent creation, so I probably won't reuse her, but I do like the idea of having two such opposites fighting together, and somehow succeeding.
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