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[Written] P.B. & J. Sanwitch (Retrain)


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"Sanwitch" has always been a card that's bugged me, as it had a really cool idea behind it, that being it's a Fusion monster made with "Sangan" and "Witch of the Black Forest" as a way to keep hand advantage after summoning a monster. However, it's basically been pseudo-banned here since both of its materials are on the Forbidden List. Well seeing this opportunity, I thought it might be fun to make some retrains specialized for Decks that revolve around using "Polymerization". Fusions decks like these usually don't do as well as your Shadolls or Gem Knights because they don't have ways to shenanigan out monsters, so I thought it might be fun to make these to help them. Anyway, here they are:


P.B. Sangan

Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 600

If this card is sent from your hand or field to the Graveyard for a Fusion Summon: Add 1 monster with 2000 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of “P.B Sangan” once per turn.


J. Witch of The Black Forest

Spellcaster-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1100/DEF 1200

If this card is sent from your hand or field to the Graveyard for a Fusion Summon: Add 1 monster with 1500 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of “J. Witch of the Black Forest” once per turn.


P.B. & J. Sanwitch

Spellcaster-Type/DARK/Level 6/ATK 2100/DEF 1800 (Fusion)

“P.B. Sangan” + “J. Witch of the Black Forest”

If this card is Fusion Summoned: Add 1 “Polymerization” from your Graveyard to your hand. You can banish this card from your Graveyard; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck by banishing Fusion Material listed on it from your field or Graveyard. You can use each effect of “P.B. & J. Sanwitch” once per turn

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It's a cute concept-- these new monsters being a P.B. and J. sandwich that comes together with a little Poly action-- but besides, that, it's hard to say it's anymore than a "concept". Sure, the general search is nice off of either P.B. or J., with the slew of creatures searchable being ungodly, but nobody in their right mind would run a deck that wasn't somewhat focused on this card, since Polymerization is such a slow, minus card that nowadays, if you Fusion Summon via card effect, you're better off having a Shaddoll Fusion in hand than this, or a Gem-Knight Fusion-like ability so you can cheese for days. Or heck, even whatever that new Eidolon Fusion Spell card is called. 


Perhaps the only exception to this is Metalfoes, but even so, their Fusion Spell STILL has utility in the Graveyard, and as a Techetype (tech archetype) they really don't need to worry about Fusion Summoning all that much. But still, I'll say this about each card:


P.B. Sangan - A wonderfully searchable card that you can use in B.A. if you seriously plan on using this card to Fuse. Assuming you do, it'll net you a pair of searches (assuming you DO use J. Witch), essentially only making you go -1, at worst. Which, for a Fusion Series based around good ol' Poly, is pretty dang sweet. Though I can't speak for other PKFire players, I think any Deck with 4 or so spaces that they don't need (2 for the monsters, 1 for a Poly, one for a Fusion Sage or some other search card) can risk running this card for its sheer search-ability.


However, the inability to use its effect the turn you add the monster in question is what kills this card, honestly. Yeah, it balances it out with the sheer search power, but even so, it (and ALL monsters that share its name) are dead until your opponent's turn, and unless you added Maxx "C" or maybe Effect Veiler, you aren't going to use it then anyways. My suggestion is to let the player that used it as Fusion Material to activate that card or effect that turn, but if you do, do something to restrict the Special Summons they can do that turn. (I.e., make it so that you can't Special Summon for the rest of the turn, except by Fusion Summon, or from the Extra Deck.)


J. Witch of the Black Forest - Everything I've said for P.B. applies here, except it's harder to get this thing in hand, except perhaps by Ties of the Brethren in Shaddolls, but even then, you can't Special Summon in the first place. Given the fact it's actually harder to get this thing into your hand or onto the field easily, I don't think that this one really NEEDS some kind of restrictive effect, or at least one that's all that... well... restrictive. I don't really have a suggestion for this one, but while it CAN search cards like Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, what're the chances Blue-Eyes are going to waste Deck space to use this card's lackluster effect when they have Manju?


P.B. & J. Sanwitch - Except perhaps in Lunalights, this thing's effects are trash. It's a Fusion Recovery sans adding a monster back, but with a meek 2100 body, especially for the trouble you could be going through to make this thing. With that 2100 body, you should honestly have better effects. Just slap on Fusion Recovery's effect on it, and when it dies, you can change its effect to be something along the lines of Miracle Fusion, so that you can use it to make something by banishing the right materials from the Graveyard, along with it (but not using Sanwitch as Fusion Material). Honestly, as-is, making this would just be so lackluster that it wouldn't be worth the trouble of making, even for the searches off of J. Witch and P.B. Sangan as they are.

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Thanks for your thoughts, they're much appreciated, I'll edit these cards a bit tomorrow. Mostly it was intended so that if you used them in a deck focused around Poly and King of the Swamp, you would most likely be able to get any missing materials you needed to the hand off the search, and then add a poly back to the hand to go for another fusion summon. Sanwitch is basically just a means to an end in that sense.

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Alrighty, I'm an ambitious soul, so I've even got my take on how to make this better to go along with this review. I used to do this regularly instead of giving number ratings too, don't know why I stopped...


[spoiler=P.B. (Petit Beast?) Sangan]

Like the Spirit bird above me said, this card's wondrous with Rank3 builds. I can even get around this thing not essentially letting you use the added card's effect in some cases (see: hand traps like Effect Veiler or Maxx C.) But an exception to this rule would help to make it more usable outside of Fusion Summoning, a thing that I'll repeat the potential cases for with the WoBF retrain. 


So here's my suggestion. 


The inability to use that card the turn its added? Keep that, but ix-nay that restriction if the effect triggers off of P.B. Sangan being used as a Material for a Fusion Summon. Otherwise, hand or field sacking should trigger the search-IOW, it becomes a walking Fusion Conscription. That way, the Fusion comes with added bonuses, but P.B. Sangan stays balanced. I'd seriously consider running this if that were the case, and it'll make the new Sanwitch a veritable tutoring powerhouse in a new, unique way. Take a look at Superheavy Samurai Swordsman Mushashi for how that exception would probably be worded.


Otherwise, good card, especially if you're running Synchro or Fusion builds already (hai Ei(dolon)-(Shad)dolls). 7.8/10 as is.




[spoiler=J. (Junior, CLEARLY) Witch of the Black Forest]

Again, much like Sangan, a good tutor hampered by its overtly restrictive cost. But this one, I see, may have more utility than one would imagine. DARK Spellcaster means that Dark Magic Circle (BTW, the hell come more people don't use that card, it's AMAZING) and Dark Renewal can bring this out, and it could find a home in Dark Magicians or again, Ei-dolls (hai again.) But the fact still remains, this add-up effect may need an more forgiving restriction.


Perhaps in keeping with uniqueness, keep the player from Summoning the monster they add with J. Witch's effect unless J. Witch is pitched as a Material for a Fusion Summon. Different from P.B. Sangan, but again, restrictive enough outside of Fusion builds to keep from being wholly busted. And again, let this trigger occur regardless if J. Witch is sent from hand or field to the Graveyard. 


(Okay, I'm composing this in real time so bear with me-perhaps keep both P.B. Sangan and J. Witch's effects from triggering upon destruction. I do indeed know of the terrible Trinity of Metalfoes, Crystrons and Zodiac Beasts.) 


But still, this brings in the R4nk plays if necessary, and the homage is solid, so 7.6/10.




[spoiler=P.B.&J. Sanwitch]



(no name puns here)


(but it is a name pun already)


(sorry fella, no excuse)




This card is bonkers. Use Polymerization, and this PB&J essentially pays for ITSELF ENTIRELY. Which is very odd for a food item to do, as it does not usually have wallets. Adding another Poly upon destruction also is okay (I guess), but a little...unimaginative? I mean, if this card added a "Fusion" Spell Card instead(Diffusion Wave Motion clearly the exception) this Sanwitch could be a far more wondrous boon (probably on the Fusion Summoning end, I'll explain later)-and more geniunely benefit the Fusion line-up.


And with Fusion Conscription still being a thing, adding the materials to hand on your turn for Flash/Full Metalfoes/El-Shaddoll/(goodness we have too many) Fusions to play out on your opponent's turn to both tutor in the Material's case and/or recoup from the Graveyard on PB&J's Fusion Summon could easily be a good early game strategy, much like Instant Fusion and Norden used to be when Norden was Unli-okay, I need to catch my breath.




So yeah. PB&J's okay, but a tad xenophobic on Fusion plays to really work as a true retrain (Poly's usually the bare necessity card, the money's in "Fusion" spells now.) But it's still a punny name and I do like that so 8.2/10. 


Good work all around, leaf. Just take my two cents if you wish. I've plenty to go around these days. 



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Remove the overly restrictive effects since it does require you to splash "Polymerization" and other cards into a Deck, and even in "Shadolls" they need to get to your hand to be of much use. Also, made "Sanwitch's" second effect serve as a generic "Miracle Fusion" for some fun.

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I have to say as someone who loved that old school searching from old Sagan and WotBF, bring back Sangan and Witch as a sandwich combo is pretty awesome, and delicious. However, the idea of having both materials and a poly can be quite the handful and that's not something I think you want out of the genericness of the cards. I think P.B.&J. is fine as it is, letting you cycle the poly you just spent and become miracle fusion when needed, but the two materials are too slow to help any deck. They'll most likely end up becoming clutter at best the way they are and they desperately need a way to get combo done and done quickly. If you're going to have their search effects trigger off fusion summoning have the materials search off one another. P.B. should search out J. and vice-versa but don't allow either to search out poly. It'll give them much more speed for the play but keep them from being borderline broken as generic search tools.

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Well that's where your "King of the Swamp" comes in handy, acting as a substitute for the Fusion Summon. They can also be used to make "Starve Venom Fusion Dragon", or the DARK attribute Omni-Hero, and even though it's pretty awful, there are other much worse Fusion Monsters that are used as a means to an end, rather than for what they're intended to do *cough* Gem-Knights *cough*. These are cards that are meant to help decks centered around "Polymerization", so cards like "Fusion Reserve" would probably be used to help search them out.

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I have very little insight as to how this would affect Fusion decks, but it does look like it has potential to add great power and recycle-ability. 

I just want to say:

P.B.&J. Sanwitch.

So Cute.
Would slap this is any Fusion based Deck just from Cuteness alone.

And my life would be better, most likely in more ways than one.

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