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Brown University Provides Tampons in All Bathrooms

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Yeah, there was just a status made about this, but let's be honest the status bar is not really a place to have a discussion about social justice and trans-inclusivity. Anyhow here's a more detailed article below.




Basically the school's student council decided that in the spirit of being inclusive that tampons will start being provided in all bathrooms to not only promote trans-inclusivity, but also help lower income students who have trouble affording tampons. The tampons will be payed for entirely by Brown so the students won't have to pay a cent for it.


Honestly this is great. I was already feeling pretty good cause I got to see Jacob Tobia speak at my university, but honestly this was just the icing on the cake. I'm really happy to see all acceptance for trans people recently, and how we're starting to normalize it for people.


Anyway, (more developed)thoughts

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Free tampons? Hells yeah. Free tampons in all bathrooms? HELLS YEAH!


Anyways, this is great because A) ""feminine"" health products should be free anyways because no one wants blood on their clothes and B ) because trans people do, indeed, exist. Love this in its entirety. 

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This is a toxic travesty. You come to college to learn, not to be cuddled and massively pandered to in order for you to fail when you go into the real world. 


There's a very real debate if Transsexualism even exists, because unlike Homo (or rather Bi) sexuality, there's no scientific backing for it's existence. 


It is in effect a mental illness. Now how to treat that is where we likely disagree (or maybe agree). Mind doesn't agree with the body.


Some people call that delusion


And some brainiac decided the proper solution was to mess with the body instead of fixing the delusion. Fine. The Trans movement has largely ridden on the coattails of the LGB movement in our struggle to affirm to the masses that we're not inferior, we're natural, and that we don't have a negative impact on society. Trans fails all two of those motions. They're an extra economic liability to the society and it's sure as hell not natural.


T hasn't earned it's letter. It hasn't struggled like LGB, and it shouldn't expect the same rewards


Animals have been engaging in bisexual relationships for thousands of years, most animals don't change genders because they feel like it. 



But fine, the respectful thing in society these days seems to be to indulge mental illness, so let's go with that, (there is a case for this because we don't understand the brain well enough to fix transsexualism) 


If you're born a female and "feel" male, the only solution we have right now is for you to change your body to match your mind. A wardrobe change doesn't make you a dude. That's called delusion. If you're truly trans you should endeavor to change your body to match your mind. The goal of society shouldn't be to keep them in transition. Get them to make the transition and get over with it. If it's really such a genuine game changing part of you, it really shouldn't be something that's solved by going to a store and getting new clothes. 


Yes, there are Trans people who make a genuine effort to make a transition. There's people who can't actually tell a difference with, but a large portion of people don't put enough effort into it and want the rest of us to accept something that's not true. It's a disservice to people who genuinely are in pain and make a transition, and it's making cuckolds of the rest of us who have to lie to spare your feelings.


Now the bathroom issue, I don't give a flying funk where you piss and where you sheet. The problem here isn't bathrooms or giving out tampons. It's linking them. If you have a neckbeard and wear a skirt, you're gonna get called out for going into a woman's bathroom. That's the fact of it. If you've made an effort to make the transition, you'll get away with it. The university giving out tampons shouldn't be linked to some "justice" struggle at all. 


These idiots are incentivizing delusion and patting people on the back way too early.  


It's disgusting

 because trans people do, indeed, exist. Love this in its entirety. 

There is no scientific proof for that actually. LGB had to prove it for their cause, let Trans do the same






2 options, rest are problems with you, there's no in-between 

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That's not the point, it's disservice to people who actually try to make an effort

How so? I doubt anyone who "made an effort" would be bothered by this.

It's kind of the debate against Easy mode in games. "I don't use it, it's optional and doesn't have to effect me, but I think it should be gone anyway."

And no I'm not calling this "easy mode"

Oh and if you think those who don't/can't/haven't done surgery didn't have struggles then there's really no hope to discuss this.

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Ok, I'm going to get on my trans soap box for a little while, cause you know what funk it.


First of all I read the article I know you're referring to about transgenderism "not existing", but honestly I can find plenty of other studies that say the exact opposite. Even if you want to make the case the transgenderism is a mental disorder it doesn't make trans people any less valid. Even without that though me and every other trans person in the world is living breathing proof of transgenderism. Nobody in their right mind would want to choose to go through the things we have to go through everyday.


Second of all I'm just going to put this 


as to why trying to "change the mind" is just plain sick and wrong.


Thirdly get your facts straight jabroni, the LGB part of the movement has been riding of our coattails since the beginning.




Trans women (trans women of color I might add) started stonewall and the entire gay rights movement. The LGB movement basically told to us funk off afterward so they could be "socially exceptable" and maybe Ronald Reagan to acknowledge that they were suffering from aids. The LGB part of the movement only got where it is today on the backs of trans people. We've more than "earned out letter".


Also if you really want to talk about natural,


wow! would you look at that... huh looks like one of your points down. How are trans people an economic detriment? Do you know how much HRT costs? Do you know how much surgery costs? Insurance doesn't cover 90%, I have to pay out the goddamn ass if I want to transition. That's coming all out of my own damn pocket.


I don't need to be fixed, and that attitude of yours is exactly why mental health care in this country is absolutely deplorable. You know for someone who wants to preach about how drugs can wreck families and how we should murder drug dealers, you don't seem to have a lot of compassion for people with mental illnesses (you know like addiction... just saying).


Honestly if you need proof what about intersex people? Classifying people's genders by their genitalia is the stupidest thing I have every heard, and since we're focusing on science here, it's scientifically inaccurate.

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How so? I doubt anyone who "made an effort" would be bothered by this.

It's kind of the debate against Easy mode in games. "I don't use it, it's optional and doesn't have to effect me, but I think it should be gone anyway."

And no I'm not calling this "easy mode"

Oh and if you think those who don't/can't/haven't done surgery didn't have struggles then there's really no hope to discuss this.

Because, under the assumption that transsexualism is both a problem and is best fixed by altering the body, the individual should make the actual effort. It should be a convincing presentation. They shouldn't need all the extra support to coax them there. 


If you want to be a guy (after being born female), fine, convince [me]. Plenty of people do it, that's why NC's law was stupid. There really shouldn't be this kinda pandering if it's really such a dominant issue in your life that you feel motivated enough to scrap much of what you were born with 

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Because, under the assumption that transsexualism is both a problem and is best fixed by altering the body, the individual should make the actual effort. It should be a convincing presentation. They shouldn't need all the extra support to coax them there. 


If you want to be a guy (after being born female), fine, convince [me]. Plenty of people do it, that's why NC's law was stupid. There really shouldn't be this kinda pandering if it's really such a dominant issue in your life that you feel motivated enough to scrap much of what you were born with 


The fact that you consider this "pandering" is just asinine. Actually, most of your stance on this issue (if not all of it) is completely asinine. It's frickin' tampons in bathrooms with people that it matters to included in part of it; this isn't "pandering" to anything, this isn't going to ruin anyone. All this is doing is making life just a little better for a group of people. Just the fact that it seems remotely "PC" or "SJW" being something that can trigger you is borderline silly, and yes I say "trigger" because all you've done is go off on a tizzy with poorly educated biases on how you think people should live their lives and how that's the right way to do it because you think it's the right way; neither in your status nor here have you contributed anything that provides a constructive counterpoint to what's going on; all you've done is pretty much whine and yell about how you don't like it and that your way is better and people should live their lives this way.


Honestly, right now, you're just as bad, if not worse, than the people you're always preaching against. There are things that PC is causing that have poor consequences on society and freedoms; this is not one of them. Pick your fights, and seriously don't make an ass of yourself like you have now when you do.


Just because -you- think people should act a certain way, doesn't mean that's how they should be. This hardly affects you, nor is it anything worth your time. Get over yourself.

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Ok, I'm going to get on my trans soap box for a little while, cause you know what funk it.


First of all I read the article I know you're referring to about transgenderism "not existing", but honestly I can find plenty of other studies that say the exact opposite. Even if you want to make the case the transgenderism is a mental disorder it doesn't make trans people any less valid. Even without that though me and every other trans person in the world is living breathing proof of transgenderism. Nobody in their right mind would want to choose to go through the things we have to go through everyday.


Second of all I'm just going to put this


as to why trying to "change the mind" is just plain sick and wrong.


Thirdly get your facts straight jabroni, the LGB part of the movement has been riding of our coattails since the beginning.




Trans women (trans women of color I might add) started stonewall and the entire gay rights movement. The LGB movement basically told to us funk off afterward so they could be "socially exceptable" and maybe Ronald Reagan to acknowledge that they were suffering from aids. The LGB part of the movement only got where it is today on the backs of trans people. We've more than "earned out letter".


Also if you really want to talk about natural,


wow! would you look at that... huh looks like one of your points down. How are trans people an economic detriment? Do you know how much HRT costs? Do you know how much surgery costs? Insurance doesn't cover 90%, I have to pay out the goddamn ass if I want to transition. That's coming all out of my own damn pocket.


I don't need to be fixed, and that attitude of yours is exactly why mental health care in this country is absolutely deplorable. You know for someone who wants to preach about how drugs can wreck families and how we should murder drug dealers, you don't seem to have a lot of compassion for people with mental illnesses (you know like addiction... just saying).


Honestly if you need proof what about intersex people? Classifying people's genders by their genitalia is the stupidest thing I have every heard, and since we're focusing on science here, it's scientifically inaccurate.

Oh boy, let's get into this goodness.


There are far more reputable sources that support Trans being a mental illness than anything Elly. Everything from Johns Hopkins down




But I'm glad we made some headway. Lets say transsexualism is a mental disorder. Why is the go to result that the body is at fault rather than the mind? I'm not at all advocating conversion therapy for LGB, because you know...higher intelligence and higher developed organisms go along with it. You can get aroused by same sex interactions, there is a portion of the brain that will respond to that. Hell, male envy over the prowess of other male's physical forms is potentially a low grade form of attraction even.


Did you read that article that you linked me to? There's never a prolonged attempt to change genders unless it's needed for reproduction. Necessity drives "transsexualism" in some of these animals. A hyena's clit swelling up and resembling a penis doesn't mean they're changing genders...have you ever looked at the symmetry between a the male and female reproductive systems? Hint, there's a lot of structural overlap


Are you implying that you're trans to save your population in a niche to pass on your genetic variation to the genepool?


You do realize that T was tacked onto LGB long after Lambda legal started fighting for us right? We fought for Hodges, we fought for Windsor, we fought to overturn sodomy laws. You've not helped us with our recent victories, that's on us. You weren't there at the start either. The only thing connecting us, is that bible thumpers hate us both. Well tacking on new letters everyday isn't making my life harder, so tell me, what exactly is T contributing to out moment now? LGB is about sexuality, T is not.


Now, how are you an economic detriment? Well you just spelled it out to me lol. Look how much treatment costs. Are you going to make up that cost of surgery in productivity afterwards? No? Oh I see. But how do LGB people help the economy? Orphanages suck, we take in kids that the rest of the people don't want. We grow the next base just like any other couple. And while Trans regret does exist and is documented, there's no proof that homosexual parents are any worse off to raising a child. So please, don't tell me you're not an economic hindrance.


Oh, I was wondering if you'd bring Duterte' into this. Fixing the drug trade cleans out a billion dollar black market, does pandering to mentally delusional people do something similar? Fixing drug trade cut a revenue source to terrorist and human traffickers. Can you promise similar results? Killing Drug Trade pulls tens thousands of innocent and struggling blacks and Hispanics out of the gutter and gives them a decent living with jobs that they can be proud of. All this pandering will do is maybe bring trans people up to the same level as the avg person, and then we get into the whole deal of trans regret. So no, my desire to solve cocaine addition and weed problems in the US is not equal to your crusade to pretend everything is fine


Honestly, look at funking Hina, she's doing it right, she doesn't expect hand outs, and she makes an effort to deal with her illness, and that's why the results are something she has pride in and something the rest of us admire.


You being a child like this is exactly what arms the haters who think you, and thanks to the unholy union of LGB and T, me are kids who need to be pandered to.


The pussyfication needs to stop now before the damage can't be undone



The fact that you consider this "pandering" is just asinine. Actually, most of your stance on this issue (if not all of it) is completely asinine. It's frickin' tampons in bathrooms with people that it matters to included in part of it; this isn't "pandering" to anything, this isn't going to ruin anyone. All this is doing is making life just a little better for a group of people. Just the fact that it seems remotely "PC" or "SJW" being something that can trigger you is borderline silly, and yes I say "trigger" because all you've done is go off on a tizzy with poorly educated biases on how you think people should live their lives and how that's the right way to do it because you think it's the right way; neither in your status nor here have you contributed anything that provides a constructive counterpoint to what's going on; all you've done is pretty much whine and yell about how you don't like it and that your way is better and people should live their lives this way.


Honestly, right now, you're just as bad, if not worse, than the people you're always preaching against. There are things that PC is causing that have poor consequences on society and freedoms; this is not one of them. Pick your fights, and seriously don't make an ass of yourself like you have now when you do.


Just because -you- think people should act a certain way, doesn't mean that's how they should be. This hardly affects you, nor is it anything worth your time. Get over yourself.

No, I'm saying the proper way to deal with mentally ill people is not to pat them on the back and say carry on. It's to either treat them, or let them prove that it's not a detriment. LGB has done it, now let T do it also. And there ARE plenty of T people who do make a convincing transition.


My problem with the tampons is, it's not our job to make their life easier. They are making the bold claim that their birth gender is wrong. Prove it. If people like Hina can struggle through it, the rest of you don't need guilty school admins to baby you through it


This isn't politically correct, this isn't social justice either, it's a bunch of bullshit that is both incorrect and socially injust

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Oh boy, let's get into this goodness.


There are far more reputable sources that support Trans being a mental illness than anything Elly. Everything from Johns Hopkins down 




But I'm glad we made some headway. Lets say transsexualism is a mental disorder. Why is the go to result that the body is at fault rather than the mind? I'm not at all advocating conversion therapy for LGB, because you know...higher intelligence and higher developed organisms go along with it. You can get aroused by same sex interactions, there is a portion of the brain that will respond to that. Hell, male envy over the prowess of other male's physical forms is potentially a low grade form of attraction even. 


Did you read that article that you linked me to? There's never a prolonged attempt to change genders unless it's needed for reproduction. Necessity drives "transsexualism" in some of these animals. A hyena's clit swelling up and resembling a penis doesn't mean they're changing genders...have you ever looked at the symmetry between a the male and female reproductive systems? Hint, there's a lot of structural overlap


Are you implying that you're trans to save your population in a niche to pass on your genetic variation to the genepool? 


You do realize that T was tacked onto LGB long after Lambda legal started fighting for us right? We fought for Hodges, we fought for Windsor, we fought to overturn sodomy laws. You've not helped us with our recent victories, that's on us. You weren't there at the start either. The only thing connecting us, is that bible thumpers hate us both. Well tacking on new letters everyday isn't making my life harder, so tell me, what exactly is T contributing to out moment now? LGB is about sexuality, T is not.


Now, how are you an economic detriment? Well you just spelled it out to me lol. Look how much treatment costs. Are you going to make up that cost of surgery in productivity afterwards? No? Oh I see. But how do LGB people help the economy? Orphanages suck, we take in kids that the rest of the people don't want. We grow the next base just like any other couple. And while Trans regret does exist and is documented, there's no proof that homosexual parents are any worse off to raising a child. So please, don't tell me you're not an economic hindrance. 


Oh, I was wondering if you'd bring Duterte' into this. Fixing the drug trade cleans out a billion dollar black market, does pandering to mentally delusional people do something similar? Fixing drug trade cut a revenue source to terrorist and human traffickers. Can you promise similar results? Killing Drug Trade pulls tens thousands of innocent and struggling blacks and Hispanics out of the gutter and gives them a decent living with jobs that they can be proud of. All this pandering will do is maybe bring trans people up to the same level as the avg person, and then we get into the whole deal of trans regret. So no, my desire to solve cocaine addition and weed problems in the US is not equal to your crusade to pretend everything is fine


Honestly, look at f***ing Hina, she's doing it right, she doesn't expect hand outs, and she makes an effort to deal with her illness, and that's why the results are something she has pride in and something the rest of us admire. 


You being a child like this is exactly what arms the haters who think you, and thanks to the unholy union of LGB and T, me are kids who need to be pandered to.


The pussyfication needs to stop now before the damage can't be undone

No, the thing is the movement is connected, or are you just going to ignore everything that trans people, LIKE MARSHA P JOHNSON, did for the movement? The reason trans people haven't had "a part" of the recent achievements of the movement is because LGB kicked us the funk out in failed attempt to please Reagan. That's why the T only recently got "tacked on". Also there's plenty of documentation of transgendered people in history. We've been around for forever, some cultures even recognize a third gender or the changing between genders.


Also your point about us being an economic detriment is non sense. Basically you're saying any non-essential use of money makes people detriments to society. Trans people don't just stop working when they're transitioning, so idk where you're going with that...


Trans people adopt too, more than gay people do actually, and there's not evidence of having transgendered parents being detrimental to a child's development either. So, again no idea where you're going with this.


I don't get why trans people have to prove that they're trans? Like do you have to start have threesomes Winter to prove that you're bi? Like no, that's silly. And it's silly to have trans people "prove" that they're trans.


Hina is a trans woman and therefore does not menstruate, unless she is suffering from an extremely rare condition, but even then she wouldn't bleed. Either way needs are very different from that of a trans man. Transitioning does not mean their menstrual cycle ends. Plus penis transplants aren't even publicly available so it's not guilty school officials pandering it's decent people providing a service to make people's lives a little bit more convenient. 

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Tbh, I have no qualms against the Uni doing this. Their intentions aren't appearing to cause any repercussions by taking this course of action. Regardless of the debate about transsexuals, I don't see any harm in adding tampons to both washrooms. Besides, it is beneficial to the users since they wouldn't have to pay for it. It's basically treated like toilet paper.


Not sure about what you mean by the "real world", Winter. Tuition, rent, and food are expensive already once you hit post-secondary. If this could help a portion of the students by alleviating their expenses, albeit small, it'd still be considered helpful. Especially those who need to work full-time to pay for themselves.


I'm not going to jump into the whole debate about the existence of transsexuals. People decide how they want to live, and it shouldn't be anyone else's business to cut in and tell them who they are and how they should live, regarding this topic. That's what I feel, atleast.


Not sure how tampons are non-essential. It's pretty much like toilet paper for the users who need/use it. You know everyone's funked when they run out of toilet paper in a stall. It's synonymous with tampon users.


I feel that what Brown University has done is completely fine. Hopefully, it can be implemented into other schools as well. I can't see how doing this is being detrimental in any way to society. Going against this is like telling the school to not pay for toilet paper, and that the students should pay and bring their own. 


Oh and, places like China actually has the lack of toilet paper problem lmao. You need to have your own stuff to wipe your ass with, because they aren't going to provide you with it. XD

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I've already talked in the status about how much your overblown this thing in your apparent desire to stop people being coddled in any form. Can I just pick on one little point you made:


It's your belief that being trans is a mental illness and hence is undeserving of the same treatment that LGB get, that's fine. You are entitled to that belief even if I feel it's narrow minded. 


What I don't get is that if your view is that it's a mental illness your attitude is essentially saying to people 'Just tough it out because it's not real'. When that's one of the largest issues confronting those who suffer mental illness currently. Getting people to understand that these are conditions that can be just as impactful and debilitating as a given physical illness, and getting through the stigma and the people going 'Well I can't see it so it's not real'.


If you acknowledge that this is a mental illness, and thus those suffering need help and assistance, why then is something to help people in that condition in some small way that helps coping easier that's hardly a financial burden so wrong?


More than that, you say 'we shouldn't be coddled for real life', did it ever occur to you that maybe this is the opposite, something that real life should adopt because tampons are a necessity not a luxury? That businesses should be required to provide tampons in the bathrooms? 


Either way, sorry to go on a personal tangent but I still think you are making as big an issue of this as the SJW's you constantly call out as ruining the world and our generation. Blowing up some minor thing most of us don't care about or think is reasonable because it offends your idea of what should be normal in life. Because if you can find any kind of scientific evidence that putting tampons in all bathrooms is a negative I will be stunned. 

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