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Double Penetration - now featuring art (GONE SEXUAL)


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-_- inapropriet content, get reporded -_-


I suppose it's useful in a Deck that uses Level Limit Area "B", although those Decks aren't usually all too useful given the presence of Spell/Trap removal pretty much required in any Deck (even in little amounts, like 1-2 MST). It's definitely situational, but in the right situation, a high ATK monster like Blue-Eyes or Red Dragon Archfiend (or something that doesn't suck that doesn't come to mind) could spell doom for any Deck that relies on its Defense-Position monsters.


Fortunately, though, you seem to have balanced it quite nicely due to making it situational and kind of predictable, not to mention the flavor makes perfect sense. Cough.

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Of course this joke had to be made.


Allows you to do massive damage through defenses if your opponent has been forced to turtle to try to escape damage. Usually since they're setting weak monsters against whatever board state you have, the result should be enough to close the game on them. While splashable and could theoretically fit anywhere, it also falls into the generic problem of not really doing enough to warrant its use over other cards that would take its slot. Would be run as a 1-of at best.

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