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Where do we duel online now?!


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Duelingnetwork is dead, YGOPro is dead! Where are we supposed to duel online now? Stupid Nihon Ad Systems, I wish we could send them a cease and desist order! We hereby order you cease and desist being a pack of overpaid bastards and mind your own goddamn business you friggin' greedy, uptight, necktie wearing, number crunching, anal retentive, stuffy, kiss ass, philandering, chauvinistic, pencil pushing, fecal fornicating bastards!


Why don't you just pull Yu-Gi-Oh! out of the US, UK, and every other country but Japan while you're at it....chodes.

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You might want to calm down with the language a little bit. I understand your frustration and all at not having many options for online dueling now, but it's not really too pleasant for anyone reading the topic either and we didn't even do anything wrong. :c As to answer your question, you can still USE YGOPro but you can't download it any more. If you just search it up, you'll find it no problem


well....BLS (the guy who made duelingnetwork) is supposedly working on something super-secret. so probably that.


Source for this, btw?

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"We will strive to develop and foster new content by responding effectively to the growing fan base for animated products and diversification of the media."


That sounds like a metric assload of crap. If they really wanted to develop and foster new content they would've left duelingnetwork and ygopro alone and left them as is and minded their own goddamn business!

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"We will strive to develop and foster new content by responding effectively to the growing fan base for animated products and diversification of the media."[/size]

Alright, who said this, and where can I find the full thing? Or is this all they said?

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Should we lead a protest to the C&Ds? If so, how? (Physical, online, etc.) Something they have to acknowledge.


(also what is a C&D anyway)

A cease and desist.


I mean, there's no point protesting. They're in all their legal right to do it, it was bound to happen sooner or later, you would be protesting a Japanese company rather than a Western company which makes it about thirty times more complicated and tiresome, and they're a corporation who wouldn't really care.

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