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HuffPost Celebrates Man Sentenced to 15 Years Hard Labor in North Korea due to his "White Privilege"

Halubaris Maphotika

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What a respectable news organisation with great content being produced on the regular. That cis white male deserved his ridiculously harsh sentence because he should have known better than to commit a minor offence. And also racism. Never mind that there's no information given about the lad other than his race and gender, with all the systematic oppression and such he undoubtedly lived a life of blissful privileged ignorance. This'll learn him good.

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Reading the article (at the source not the archive because f*** that). Citations on the article include ABCNews and Nytimes. Other reputable news sources. 

Oh and the Nytimes article links to this: http://www.governor.ohio.gov/MediaRoom/PressReleases/TabId/200/ArticleId/366/language/en-US/kasich-calls-on-north-korea-to-immediately-release-cincinnati-student-otto-warmbier-3-16-16.aspx

So yes, it's real.


Honestly? My sympathies to Otto for having to deal with 6 days of mandatory labor plus 1 day of volunteer labor for the next 15 years. But this was in fact North Korea. Home of the worlds largest cult. He fully knew what he was doing just stepping into that country. So cult-leader-culture or not, it is their way of life. He submitted himself to their laws and regulations. May his time go quick.


Although I have to ask... since when is his behavior something to do with his skin color? Sounds like standard tourist behavior to me. And you can't tell me "white skinned folks" are the only one that partake in such.

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Reading the article (at the source not the archive because f*** that). Citations on the article include ABCNews and Nytimes. Other reputable news sources. 

Oh and the Nytimes article links to this: http://www.governor.ohio.gov/MediaRoom/PressReleases/TabId/200/ArticleId/366/language/en-US/kasich-calls-on-north-korea-to-immediately-release-cincinnati-student-otto-warmbier-3-16-16.aspx

So yes, it's real.


Honestly? My sympathies to Otto for having to deal with 6 days of mandatory labor plus 1 day of volunteer labor for the next 15 years. But this was in fact North Korea. Home of the worlds largest cult. He fully knew what he was doing just stepping into that country. So cult-leader-culture or not, it is their way of life. He submitted himself to their laws and regulations. May his time go quick.


Although I have to ask... since when is his behavior something to do with his skin color? Sounds like standard tourist behavior to me. And you can't tell me "white skinned folks" are the only one that partake in such.

I hope you don't hate me for this but I only post the actual sources of Journalist sites I deem ethical in practice. Pretty much 75% of my topics will have a link to an archive.


If anyone else doesn't like archive I encourage you to check out Icy's link.

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While I would say that 15 years just for stealing a banner is rather excessive (although given this is North Korea, excessive punishments are somewhat expected for them), he should've known better and not stole the thing in the first place.


When you go into another country (or even state), you're agreeing to abide by any laws and regulations that they have in place. Do not assume that the rights you get from your home state or nation will carry over (and they likely will not).  What may be something that gets marked off as a prank or something minor at home will very well get you either jail time/harsh labor or corporal punishment in other countries, especially North Korea.


It shouldn't matter what your ethnicity is when doing these kinds of things (past factors taken into consideration, though).



Bottom-line, he should've known better and not done something stupid; especially in a country that a good chunk of the world isn't friendly towards nowadays.

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what the hell is that article? no really. white privilege has nothing to do with this, and huffington post really should think a bit more before letting this kind of drivel be posted on their website. this is simply stupid behavior stemming from a difference in cultures and an unhealthy dose of sudden stupidity. in america, the worst anybody would realistically get for taking a flag is maybe a large fine, this idiot here apparently forgot that north korea is not as gentle as america, and that ignorant actions are not even remotely tolerated in such countries.


the part about this article that gets me the most though is

" I’m a black woman though. The hopeless fear Warmbier is now experiencing is my daily reality living in a country where white men like him are willfully oblivious to my suffering even as they are complicit in maintaining the power structures which ensure their supremacy at my expense. He is now an outsider at the mercy of a government unfazed by his cries for help. I get it."


since when has this jabroni had to fear being forced to work 15 years hard labor under a dictatorship due to her skin color? this jabroni acts like she's a downtrodden victim when she's allowed to post sheet like this on a very well known companies webpage. let this jabroni go to north korea and learn some real oppression. i really hate insulting her, but that's how it is, she's acting like she's ever had to suffer something as bad as this man's about to over what would be a trivial offense in america.. i really, truly funking hate this kind of blatantly ignorant propaganda.

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On the bright side, this is what BuzzFeed hires...



That reads like a D&D character description. but really, these people need to start worrying about quality rather than diversity. you can can have a diverse cast of quality writers, but this is not how you go about it.

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That reads like a D&D character description. but really, these people need to start worrying about quality rather than diversity. you can can have a diverse cast of quality writers, but this is not how you go about it.

I don't give a f*ck honestly. If your description of yourself as a Journalist describes this in an non-ironic or non-humorous way, I retain the right to not take a damn thing you say seriously. I draw my own personal line between what I consider a lifestyle choice and mental illness. Neddless to say, she has crossed my threshold.

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On the bright side, this is what BuzzFeed hires...



Gonna point out the character of a person does not necessarily matter how well they can write and it's complete immaturity and ignorance to point to it as a reason to think they're bad at article writing.

Granted I don't know how good they are in particular but, in general, that's pointless and irrelevant.

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That reads like a D&D character description.


Best thing in the thread. Amazing. *clapclap*


Eh, dude was dumb and did something that he shouldn't have. Punishment is harsh, but when you travel to a place like North Korea, well... I don't know what the dude was expecting.

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Gonna point out the character of a person does not necessarily matter how well they can write and it's complete immaturity and ignorance to point to it as a reason to think they're bad at article writing.

Granted I don't know how good they are in particular but, in general, that's pointless and irrelevant.

I didn't base it as they are bad at article writing. I said there is certain point where I am not going to take what they say seriously, not that they are a terrible writer. Nobody has to do what I do, but I am not going to pretend to take seriously the opinions of someone with a description such as that. You can point out whatever you want, does not mean I agree with it.

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Gonna point out the character of a person does not necessarily matter how well they can write and it's complete immaturity and ignorance to point to it as a reason to think they're bad at article writing.

Granted I don't know how good they are in particular but, in general, that's pointless and irrelevant.

Yes, the character matters. People with particular traits force limitations upon themselves. That is a descriptor. Hammers work because they are limited.
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