TF2_The_Scout Posted March 20, 2016 Report Share Posted March 20, 2016 League Of Super Evil Ruffians LOSER MalachiteLevel 3FIRE/PsychicATK: 1500 DEF: 0 If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: Banish the top card of your opponent's deck for each "LOSER" monster you control. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "LOSER Malachite" once per turn. LOSER TerraseerLevel 3FIRE/PsychicATK: 1500 DEF: 0 When this card is Special Summoned: You can send 1 random card from your opponent's Extra Deck to the Graveyard. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "LOSER" Spell/Trap card from your Deck to Hand. You can only use each effect of "LOSER Terraseer" once per turn. LOSER SaltfuryLevel 4FIRE/Psychic/TunerATK: 1600 DEF: 100 Any battle damage you would take from a battle involving this card is inflicted to your opponent instead. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can banish it; Special Summon 1 "LOSER" monster from your Deck. You can only use this effect of "LOSER Saltfury" once per turn. LOSER BombchuckerLevel 4FIRE/Psychic/TunerATK: 1600 DEF: 500 When this card is Summoned: You can, immediately after this effect resolves, Normal Summon 1 "LOSER" monster from your Hand in addition to your Normal Summon/Set, except "LOSER Bombchucker". Once per turn: You can target 1 Spell/Trap card your opponent controls; Destroy it. The targeted card cannot be activated in response to this effect. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can reveal 3 "LOSER" cards from your deck with different names to your opponent; Your opponent randomly chooses 1 and it is added to your hand and the rest are shuffled into your deck. You can only use each effect of "LOSER Bombchucker" once per turn. LOSER HenchmanLevel 3FIRE/PsychicATK: 1000 DEF: 0 If this card is Summoned: You can add 1 "LOSER" card from your Deck to Hand. If this card is in the Graveyard: You can banish it; Special Summon 1 "LOSER" monster from your Hand or Graveyard. You can only use each effect of "LOSER Henchman" once per turn.----LOSER HeadquartersField Spell If a "LOSER" card(s) would be destroyed: You can discard 1 card instead. Each time a "LOSER" monster(s) is sent to the Graveyard, place 1 LOSER Counter on this card. If this card has 20 LOSER Counters on it, you win the duel. You can pay 1000 LP; Special Summon 1 "LOSER" monster from your Graveyard. You can only use this effect of "LOSER Headquarters" once per turn. LOSER RecruitsSpell Add 1 "LOSER" monster from your Deck to Hand. LOSER EmpowermentContinuous Spell Activate by sending 1 "LOSER" monster from your side of the field or your Hand to the Graveyard. You can only control 1 "LOSER Empowerment". Once per turn, when your opponent activates a monster effect: You can discard 1 card; Negate that effect, and if you do, change the card to face-down defense position(this is a quick effect). LOSER RecoverySpell Shuffle 3 "LOSER" cards in your graveyard into your deck, then draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "LOSER Recovery" per turn.----LOSER BodyshieldTrap "LOSER" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects this turn. LOSER SabotageContinuous Trap You can only control 1 "LOSER Sabotage". If you do not control"LOSER Headquarters", destroy this card. If your opponent adds card(s) from their Deck to Hand(except during the Draw Phase): Send the top 2 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard. If this face-up card is destroyed(except by its own effect): You can banish it; Discard 1 card from your opponent's hand.----LOSER NoobcrusherLevel 7FIRE/Psychic/SynchroATK: 2600 DEF: 1800 1 "LOSER" tuner+1 or more non-tuner monstersIf this card is Synchro Summoned: You can place 1 "LOSER" card from your Deck to the top of your Deck. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent(except by direct attack): You can tribute 1 "LOSER" monster; Send the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can banish it; Special Summon 1 "LOSER" monster from your Deck. You can only use this effect of "LOSER Noobcrusher" once per turn. LOSER NoobcruncherLevel 7FIRE/Psychic/SynchroATK: 2700 DEF: 1600 1 "LOSER" tuner+1 or more non-tuner monstersIf this card is Synchro Summoned: Banish 1 random card from your opponent's Extra Deck. You can only use this effect of "LOSER Noobcruncher" once per turn. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent(except by direct attack): You can tribute 1 "LOSER" monster you control; Send the top 3 cards of your opponent's deck to the graveyard. LOSER ScrubsharkRank 3FIRE/Psychic/XYZATK: 2000 DEF: 1500 2 or more level 3 "LOSER" monstersDuring your End Phase: You can detach 1 material from this card; Send the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, this card gains 300 ATK for each monster sent. Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP; Attach 1 monster in either player's Graveyard to this card as material. If this card is destroyed while it has a "LOSER" monster attached as material: You can special summon 1 "LOSER" monster that was attached to this card as material from your Graveyard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TF2_The_Scout Posted March 21, 2016 Author Report Share Posted March 21, 2016 Bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TF2_The_Scout Posted March 23, 2016 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2016 Bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ENMaker Posted March 25, 2016 Report Share Posted March 25, 2016 I'M FINALLY GOING TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE ADVANCED MULTIPLES REVIEW THREAD. Malachite - E-Tele target obviously which helps. Banishing a card for inflicting damage feels quite powerful but it's a battle-reliant effect on a 1500 attacker. Still though, E-Tele as mentioned meaning you can run 6 makes me feel a bit iffy about this. Milling your opponent is often not good I know, but then banishing from the deck feels quite powerful, especially with the stronger Mathematician-esque effect tacked on. Stacking multiples would be cruel, but I suppose it's not ridiculously strong since they don't seem to be too set for swarming. I mean it's probably fine just... banishing, y'know. It's basically taking that card out of the game entirely for a lot of decks. Terraseer - Alright now this one I don't like, because again, E-Tele target that benefits off being SS'd and doesn't have a hard OPT so that's a bad idea right from the off. I fucking hate the idea of milling your opponent's extra deck and really don't think that should be a thing but it's limited at the moment as for ways to do it so it's not so much of an issue. This, however, is ridiculously easy to trigger and you can bring out multiples in a turn via E-Tele/CotH shenanigans. I'd rather scrap it than anything in all honesty, but I think with a hard OPT on the first effect it'd be tolerable. Saltfury - Fucks everything so that's nice. The fact that it can summon itself out but has a hard OPT is a design choice I don't understand. However, crashing this off something huge then floating into another and crashing again and floating into another and crashing and floating again would be a problem I understand. I'd remove the hard OPT and just not let it bring out itself again personally, gives a mite more flexibility and also allows you to use multiples should you simply have them on board. Bombchucker - Alright, at this point I've not yet read the spell/trap lineup but this archetype thus far makes no sense. There's no obvious synergy or direction they seem to be going. This being like a Yosenju Night Beam thing is very strong, because Night Beam on a body is never going to be bad. It sets up synchro plays quickly and barring the initial effect being Noticed/Fiendish Chain'd (which anyone with any sense will do but still) it can clear out backrow that'd disrupt it. The Noble Knight-type search mechanic just... it feels like you're throwing on random effects to these cards. One searches randomly, one is battle-reliant, one mills the extra deck, one is a floater. This effect I've no real issue with but you're also tacking on hard OPTs to the effects which are less likely to trigger multiple times per turn. This deck using CotH/Oasis of Dragon Souls and more backrow, basically Tellarknight-style, could be ridiculous potentially. Obviously going off on a tangent though. Henchman - Nah m8. It's unlimited-per-turn E-Tele target Stratos that also has a grave effect and searches literally every card in the deck. It's time to stop. You really can't have this card in this manner, it needs a hard opt. Any card that is a +1 on any kind of summon is a hard OPT that I know of, and for something so easy to bring out this really needs that. Being able to use the grave effect whenever as opposed to the others which trigger seems at odds flavour-wise but it's tolerable. Now onto the S/T as I grow weary. Headquarters - discard to protect and trigger grave effects, alright. Alt-win condition is never going to happen so don't know why you included it. But again we encounter a problem here, and it's our old pal the hard opt. This is searchable Soul Charge/Monster Reborn that can be used as much as your LP allow and doesn't restrict you on what you want to do after. Again, this needs a hard opt. With basically all the monsters plussing off getting summoned, using this effect is generally going to be a +2 (the monster plus whatever you search/mill/pop with said monster), and since you don't care about trying to stack counters you just use another. I mean fuck, with an effect like this Pseudo Space would be a decent card for the deck. So ja, hard opt on the Reborn. Otherwise it's fine. Recruits - RotA, fine. Empowerment - Not a fan but there's no real problem I have with it, aside from the battle position change being locked. It'd be alright if you locked it for the turn, but permanently feels very overkill. You're already negating an effect and, for the most part, rendering the card useless for the rest of the turn. If you can't then deal with it it feels like a bit of a stretch to have the additional protection of never having to deal with it again. The enforced hard opt by only allowing you to control 1 helps but these things your discarding all get benefits off being sent. Malachite restocks, Terraseer searches, Saltfury gets you out something which which can potentially trigger and so forth. I do now see where the archetype is going, just basically fucking your opponent and maintaining your advantage in the manner of PSY-Frames and Ghosttricks, 2 archetypes I really do not like. This card, I'd say take away the restriction on the battle position ever changing and it's tolerable. Recovery - I mean, it's a slightly conditional +0. I'd maybe make it into a hard opt Pot of Avarice but then nyeh. Bodyshield - Infestation Pandemic-style card. Mmm. I'd say it was fine but why does it mill your opponent's deck? It doesn't feel like a cost at that point, you're benefiting and potentially (read definitely) disrupting your opponent's deck to a certain degree having already protected your board for free. I'd remove that part of the effect completely. It may make it more linear as a card but you can already search it so easily that that's fine. Sabotage - Completely generic, infinity per turn, floats into further disruption. It obviously is match-up dependant but this could just be a generic side-card against things that don't want to be dumping stuff in the grave the whole time. I feel with the search power and the fact you can stack multiples, and the being generic for application outside the deck itself, this does quite a bit with no downsides for you using it. I'm not sure how I feel about it on the whole. It's comparable to Mistake in a way, just without the downside to you. Egh I'll come back to it maybe. Extra deck now. Noobcrusher - Trying to deck them out at this point seems the strategy. Disruption and deck out. Given the card that lets you draw when sent to the grave I see that as being the one immediate interaction with the stacking effect, but just generally stacking is a useful effect for setting yourself up. The mill effect feels iffy because not triggering on direct attacks and requiring another one out on board feels somewhat conditional, but it's a strong body and floats too so it's probably for the best. The float is... mmm. Floating into Saltfury into Saltfury into anything is a bit annoying but can obviously be played around. Yeah no it's fine, it's not generic or anything. Noobcruncher - I've outlined my distaste for extra deck milling, and this being a card that the deck won't exactly struggle to bring out doesn't help. The hard opt is somewhat useful but it's the kind of effect that will either completely destroy your opponent or not affect them at all I feel, and that's something I'd rather avoid. Damage effect is the same as Crusher so egh. Scrubshark - This is interesting anyway. The end phase mill and permanent ATK boost is grand, and stealing opponent's resources to restock uses I like. Floating into one of its materials is fairly alright as well. I actually quite like this card more than any of the rest honestly. It's a nice idea and it's done well. I'd like something like this generically released in the real game. Very much a fan. Overall thoughts now. On the whole I don't really get what you were going for. The milling effects off the support cards and extra deck monsters aren't really reflective of the somewhat mish-mash of ideas that the maindeck monsters represent. It feels kind of like you were, as alluded to earlier, taking effects off a variety of archetypes and just pasting them into skeleton bodies. Things got more interesting the further it went in and I do genuinely really love that Scrubshark card for whatever reason, but nyeh. I know this wasn't exactly helpful in terms of a review because I rambled and said little but apparently we're rating things out of 10 now so I'll wrap up with that. For the fact that I didn't know what was really going on and still do feel as though the whole thing is only half-completed, I'll go with 5.5/10. It's better than just a plain 5 but it's short of being a 6 as well so let's splash in some decimals. Anyway that concludes this load of bollocks, gl hf reading it because I presume you've just skipped to the end and read this first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TF2_The_Scout Posted March 25, 2016 Author Report Share Posted March 25, 2016 I'M FINALLY GOING TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE ADVANCED MULTIPLES REVIEW THREAD. Malachite - E-Tele target obviously which helps. Banishing a card for inflicting damage feels quite powerful but it's a battle-reliant effect on a 1500 attacker. Still though, E-Tele as mentioned meaning you can run 6 makes me feel a bit iffy about this. Milling your opponent is often not good I know, but then banishing from the deck feels quite powerful, especially with the stronger Mathematician-esque effect tacked on. Stacking multiples would be cruel, but I suppose it's not ridiculously strong since they don't seem to be too set for swarming. I mean it's probably fine just... banishing, y'know. It's basically taking that card out of the game entirely for a lot of decks. Terraseer - Alright now this one I don't like, because again, E-Tele target that benefits off being SS'd and doesn't have a hard OPT so that's a bad idea right from the off. I fucking hate the idea of milling your opponent's extra deck and really don't think that should be a thing but it's limited at the moment as for ways to do it so it's not so much of an issue. This, however, is ridiculously easy to trigger and you can bring out multiples in a turn via E-Tele/CotH shenanigans. I'd rather scrap it than anything in all honesty, but I think with a hard OPT on the first effect it'd be tolerable. Saltfury - Fucks everything so that's nice. The fact that it can summon itself out but has a hard OPT is a design choice I don't understand. However, crashing this off something huge then floating into another and crashing again and floating into another and crashing and floating again would be a problem I understand. I'd remove the hard OPT and just not let it bring out itself again personally, gives a mite more flexibility and also allows you to use multiples should you simply have them on board. Bombchucker - Alright, at this point I've not yet read the spell/trap lineup but this archetype thus far makes no sense. There's no obvious synergy or direction they seem to be going. This being like a Yosenju Night Beam thing is very strong, because Night Beam on a body is never going to be bad. It sets up synchro plays quickly and barring the initial effect being Noticed/Fiendish Chain'd (which anyone with any sense will do but still) it can clear out backrow that'd disrupt it. The Noble Knight-type search mechanic just... it feels like you're throwing on random effects to these cards. One searches randomly, one is battle-reliant, one mills the extra deck, one is a floater. This effect I've no real issue with but you're also tacking on hard OPTs to the effects which are less likely to trigger multiple times per turn. This deck using CotH/Oasis of Dragon Souls and more backrow, basically Tellarknight-style, could be ridiculous potentially. Obviously going off on a tangent though. Henchman - Nah m8. It's unlimited-per-turn E-Tele target Stratos that also has a grave effect and searches literally every card in the deck. It's time to stop. You really can't have this card in this manner, it needs a hard opt. Any card that is a +1 on any kind of summon is a hard OPT that I know of, and for something so easy to bring out this really needs that. Being able to use the grave effect whenever as opposed to the others which trigger seems at odds flavour-wise but it's tolerable. Now onto the S/T as I grow weary. Headquarters - discard to protect and trigger grave effects, alright. Alt-win condition is never going to happen so don't know why you included it. But again we encounter a problem here, and it's our old pal the hard opt. This is searchable Soul Charge/Monster Reborn that can be used as much as your LP allow and doesn't restrict you on what you want to do after. Again, this needs a hard opt. With basically all the monsters plussing off getting summoned, using this effect is generally going to be a +2 (the monster plus whatever you search/mill/pop with said monster), and since you don't care about trying to stack counters you just use another. I mean fuck, with an effect like this Pseudo Space would be a decent card for the deck. So ja, hard opt on the Reborn. Otherwise it's fine. Recruits - RotA, fine. Empowerment - Not a fan but there's no real problem I have with it, aside from the battle position change being locked. It'd be alright if you locked it for the turn, but permanently feels very overkill. You're already negating an effect and, for the most part, rendering the card useless for the rest of the turn. If you can't then deal with it it feels like a bit of a stretch to have the additional protection of never having to deal with it again. The enforced hard opt by only allowing you to control 1 helps but these things your discarding all get benefits off being sent. Malachite restocks, Terraseer searches, Saltfury gets you out something which which can potentially trigger and so forth. I do now see where the archetype is going, just basically fucking your opponent and maintaining your advantage in the manner of PSY-Frames and Ghosttricks, 2 archetypes I really do not like. This card, I'd say take away the restriction on the battle position ever changing and it's tolerable. Recovery - I mean, it's a slightly conditional +0. I'd maybe make it into a hard opt Pot of Avarice but then nyeh. Bodyshield - Infestation Pandemic-style card. Mmm. I'd say it was fine but why does it mill your opponent's deck? It doesn't feel like a cost at that point, you're benefiting and potentially (read definitely) disrupting your opponent's deck to a certain degree having already protected your board for free. I'd remove that part of the effect completely. It may make it more linear as a card but you can already search it so easily that that's fine. Sabotage - Completely generic, infinity per turn, floats into further disruption. It obviously is match-up dependant but this could just be a generic side-card against things that don't want to be dumping stuff in the grave the whole time. I feel with the search power and the fact you can stack multiples, and the being generic for application outside the deck itself, this does quite a bit with no downsides for you using it. I'm not sure how I feel about it on the whole. It's comparable to Mistake in a way, just without the downside to you. Egh I'll come back to it maybe. Extra deck now. Noobcrusher - Trying to deck them out at this point seems the strategy. Disruption and deck out. Given the card that lets you draw when sent to the grave I see that as being the one immediate interaction with the stacking effect, but just generally stacking is a useful effect for setting yourself up. The mill effect feels iffy because not triggering on direct attacks and requiring another one out on board feels somewhat conditional, but it's a strong body and floats too so it's probably for the best. The float is... mmm. Floating into Saltfury into Saltfury into anything is a bit annoying but can obviously be played around. Yeah no it's fine, it's not generic or anything. Noobcruncher - I've outlined my distaste for extra deck milling, and this being a card that the deck won't exactly struggle to bring out doesn't help. The hard opt is somewhat useful but it's the kind of effect that will either completely destroy your opponent or not affect them at all I feel, and that's something I'd rather avoid. Damage effect is the same as Crusher so egh. Scrubshark - This is interesting anyway. The end phase mill and permanent ATK boost is grand, and stealing opponent's resources to restock uses I like. Floating into one of its materials is fairly alright as well. I actually quite like this card more than any of the rest honestly. It's a nice idea and it's done well. I'd like something like this generically released in the real game. Very much a fan. Overall thoughts now. On the whole I don't really get what you were going for. The milling effects off the support cards and extra deck monsters aren't really reflective of the somewhat mish-mash of ideas that the maindeck monsters represent. It feels kind of like you were, as alluded to earlier, taking effects off a variety of archetypes and just pasting them into skeleton bodies. Things got more interesting the further it went in and I do genuinely really love that Scrubshark card for whatever reason, but nyeh. I know this wasn't exactly helpful in terms of a review because I rambled and said little but apparently we're rating things out of 10 now so I'll wrap up with that. For the fact that I didn't know what was really going on and still do feel as though the whole thing is only half-completed, I'll go with 5.5/10. It's better than just a plain 5 but it's short of being a 6 as well so let's splash in some decimals. Anyway that concludes this load of bollocks, gl hf reading it because I presume you've just skipped to the end and read this first.According the prompt in Archetype Game, it's suppose to cover all 3 win conditions(LP to 0, deck out, and alternate). Also, I actually did read the whole thing. EDIT-Applied HOPTs as needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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