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[Anime] Underworld Resonance - Synchro Fusion

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Underworld Resonance - Synchro Fusion

Normal Spell Card


Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster and Synchro Summon 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control that would be used as Materials for both.



In case you're wondering, it is in fact using the same monsters as materials for both Summons.

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Rewording would be required, but I really like it. Only decks that use this are D/D/Ds, Odd-Eyes, and some weird obscure decks (Maybe BA, but not sure if that works here). But it does seem fun to pull off. But tbh, Fusion monster reqs are becoming more lenient (non specific mats). And there are cards that treat others as Tuners, so that's a thing. I'd play around with combos that could work.

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List of decks that can use this (from usable to god awful)




Blue-Eyes (if the materials don't have to be the same for the sync and fusion)



Buster Blader

Burning Abyss (Pilgrim + Trish in one card anyone?)

Gaia the Fierce Knight.dek (ft. Dragon-type tuners)

Quasar.dek (ft. Norden)

Dark Magician.dek (ft. Dragon-type tuners)



...and some more decks that are... yeah... (on the plus side, I think all of these can use Miracle Synchro Fusion as well, so that's a thing)


Generic Psychic Synchro.dek (ft. Ultimate Axon Kicker)

Generic Spellcaster Synchro.dek (ft. Supreme Arcanite Magician)

UFOroid Fighter.dek (ft. Warrior-type tuners)

Cyber Dragon.dek (ft. Machine-type tuners)

Generic Zombie Synchro.dek (ft. Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon) ...actually doesn't sound too bad here...

Gem-knights (ft. variously typed tuners)

Machine + Pyro Synchro.dek (ft. Blaze Phoenix/Ignition Beast Volcannon)



...and yes, I did just look through a bunch of generic/semi-generic Fusions and suggested decks that went with 'em.  ...Not that most of 'em are viable or would be consistent with this card in any way, but...

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Would require dedication but this would be better. Best way to do it is probably Dark Grepher, maybe run Zombie World. Wouldn't be any less consistent than their best options rn

Unizombie + Goblinzombie into Omega + Dragonecro sounds like fun and hardly requires much setup, goblin + this is already enough if you can give up one turn.

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Well, that works if you don't need to use the same tuner/non-tuner for the sync and fusion (since Cycroid needs 2 of the same named cards)

Yeah, I realised this shortly after.

If I had ever managed to fill out all 5 monster zones with only "speedroid" monsters, I would suggest trying for a very inefficient Star Eater + Barbaroid, but I haven't, so I won't.


EDIT: Actually, this might be possible.

1 SS Terror

2 SS Taketom

3 NS Yoyo

4 SS a non-tuner speedroid by Yoyo's effect (probably another Terror)

5 Banish Denden and SS Red-Eye, making Yoyo Level 1.

6 Use this card

7 Lose the duel after having made a terrible play.


If you want to summon Barbaroid in Speedroids, use Polymerization or Power Bond, because being able to use monsters in your hand is nice, and wgaf about Star Eater.

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Seems difficult to find much of a use for it. In decks that use Miracle Synchro Fusion, it seems better to stick to Miracle Synchro Fusion as you can just banish the materials from the Graveyard anyway, as well as being cute MST/Twin Twisters bait if it ever happens to be a dead draw. It seems like a good card potentially, but one that seems difficult to find a niche for currently.

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Seems difficult to find much of a use for it. In decks that use Miracle Synchro Fusion, it seems better to stick to Miracle Synchro Fusion as you can just banish the materials from the Graveyard anyway, as well as being cute MST/Twin Twisters bait if it ever happens to be a dead draw. It seems like a good card potentially, but one that seems difficult to find a niche for currently.


Considering the responses in this thread, I don't think it's that difficult.

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