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What is it you fear?

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I should elaborate on the dark, too. While in the past, I figured that I'd run into a ghost or monster or something like any other kid, by now I've disregarded all that. I'd turn on the lights in the surrounding rooms. However, even if I wouldn't think that there were ghosts or anything else supernatural, just about anything can hide in the dark.

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I fear not existing. Sometimes I just lay there in a frozen state of panic while thinking about the possibility that one day I will completely cease to exist.


Also slight fear of pain that keeps me from doing things at times. Or rather keeps me from fully committing to things such as, say, catching something heavy because I worry about jamming my finger or something and causing pain.

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i used to be scared of the dark and still have a slight fear of the drain in the shower. (nothing to do with it at all). um. idk. i get really really super anxious about being wrong. i'm a bit paranoid and don't like the thought of being stared at without my knowledge

One of the worst experiences was in the bathroom when the lights went out.

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I'm terrified of insects. When I was little, a wasp savagely stung me in my car seat, and I've been terrified of bugs ever since.

I would be if that happened to me, too. The only thing more malicious is a hornet; they can bite, too. I'm surprised I've never been stung by an insect. Something hurt my foot, and when I sifted the shoe, I found a tiny spider.

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I have an all-too serious fear of the darkness. I can't even step FOOT in a room with little-to-no light, let alone be inside one for more than a few seconds without having to hit a light switch.


I'm also afraid of heights. Due to an incident as a child when I climbed up one of those sliding poles you see at preschool playgrounds and fell down hard, I can't stand looking down when I'm at a reasonably high-up location. I get the heeby-jeebies just thinking about it.


And...I guess I'm aquaphobic? I've almost drowned quite a few times throughout my life, and it's left me terrified of and unable to go swimming for a long while now.


So now you know Garland's fears. And knowing is half the battle.

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I fear not existing. Sometimes I just lay there in a frozen state of panic while thinking about the possibility that one day I will completely cease to exist.


This and what comes after death are what freak me out the most



Though on a different side of things I had Oneirophobia a while ago but somehow conquered it. The dream that triggered it was one where my sister committed suicide wont go into detail about the dream but I will say that it made me anxious of rope for a whole month too.

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It. the movie. the fact that you said that means you probably weren't talking about It, though.


i've been in my bathroom with no power at night. it was alright. ain't gonna go near the shower door for all the money in the world though.

I've actually been in the shower one or two instances, where all of a sudden, the power goes out. Needless to say, I was afraid the same thing would occur again within those weeks.


And who else feels at least a tad uncomfortable with mirrors?



The Dark






Orwell's 1984 becoming reality other than fiction.


None of that is a joke btw, I am very serious about my fear of vomit.

So what do you do should you vomit?

I have an all-too serious fear of the darkness. I can't even step FOOT in a room with little-to-no light, let alone be inside one for more than a few seconds without having to hit a light switch.


I'm also afraid of heights. Due to an incident as a child when I climbed up one of those sliding poles you see at preschool playgrounds and fell down hard, I can't stand looking down when I'm at a reasonably high-up location. I get the heeby-jeebies just thinking about it.


And...I guess I'm aquaphobic? I've almost drowned quite a few times throughout my life, and it's left me terrified of and unable to go swimming for a long while now.


So now you know Garland's fears. And knowing is half the battle.

Yeah; even though I'm past most of my thoughts from childhood, that doesn't hide the fact that I occasionally at the very least still do that in dark rooms. Especially when you're alone. And speaking of loneliness (especially at night), I sometimes turn on the television just to have some sense of other people. Though, thankfully, such instances hardly occur.
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I've actually been in the shower one or two instances, where all of a sudden, the power goes out. Needless to say, I was afraid the same thing would occur again within those weeks.


And who else feels at least a tad uncomfortable with mirrors?

my reaction would basically be "funk that, I'm out"

eh. sometimes i'll just stare at my reflection for a bit. mostly paranoia. i read a creepypasta one time about how this person saw their reflection blink and it's bugged me ever since

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my reaction would basically be "funk that, I'm out"

eh. sometimes i'll just stare at my reflection for a bit. mostly paranoia. i read a creepypasta one time about how this person saw their reflection blink and it's bugged me ever since

For me, it's been that if I look away and look back, my reflection will show someone/something behind me.
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My main fears are losing people dear to me (this wasn't triggered by the death of someone close to me, I've just always despised the idea) and the idea that an afterlife doesn't exist. Call me an idiot or whatever if you want, but I do believe in an afterlife (though "hope" might be a better word than "believe").

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