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Pendulum Guard Dragon


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Let's see, is it summonable by the Archfiend/Unicorn combo? Yes, yes it is, at Level 6. That also makes it a generic in any Pendulum Deck that can summon Level 6 Is it a Pendulum monster? No, fortunately. It also has no protection, so rather easy to get rid of. The first effect seems alright, I'm just worried about the adding ANY Pendulum monster. But, since this is Casual, I guess it's alright. Nice idea for a card, shame Odd-Eyes did the Pendulum thing already.

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Unlike Odd-Eyes, this one doesn't require that you pop it as a Scale to draw (though you sacrifice drawing another useful card in place of getting a Pendulum of choice).

But since it's not a Pendulum, you can't recur it later (but that might be a good thing, given what it can already do, and the 2600 ATK on top of that already).


Still, having your Scales protected from opposing Wavering Eyes is nice (and I swear that thing shows up in nearly every Pendulum deck; well, maybe not in some Decks if they can't run it efficiently).


One thing I'd probably recommend is lowering the ATK to 2300-2400 or something.

2.6k is rather high for a 1-Tribute monster that isn't also a Vanilla (Frostosaurus and Trance are fine where they are, since they're Vanillas).

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Unlike Odd-Eyes, this one doesn't require that you pop it as a Scale to draw (though you sacrifice drawing another useful card in place of getting a Pendulum of choice).

But since it's not a Pendulum, you can't recur it later (but that might be a good thing, given what it can already do, and the 2600 ATK on top of that already).


Still, having your Scales protected from opposing Wavering Eyes is nice (and I swear that thing shows up in nearly every Pendulum deck; well, maybe not in some Decks if they can't run it efficiently).


One thing I'd probably recommend is lowering the ATK to 2300-2400 or something.

2.6k is rather high for a 1-Tribute monster that isn't also a Vanilla (Frostosaurus and Trance are fine where they are, since they're Vanillas).

That was a mistake. It's suppose to be level 7.
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