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2099 Card Shop << UPDATED: 5/20/2016 >>

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Welcome to the 2099 Card Shop.
Here, you can buy pack cards to enhance your Deck, or if you so choose, in addition to Archetype templates so you can keep building more Decks.




Whatever is in this shop at present is whatever the card review team have approved and that Darkness has forwarded to me in pack/organizational form. If you do not see your cards in here right now, they have either not been added to a pack / approved yet (or I have not received the lists).


This thread will be updated once per day as new cards are added.




Make sure you provide the following using this form.

Starting DP:
Total cost of the item(s) you're purchasing (and quantity of each): 

I will NOT process requests if you do not follow this form.


This form is to ensure that I know what you want, and if you have enough money to make the purchase.


(The accounting thread may not be completely up to date, so it is your responsibility to keep tabs on your own finances)



After you make a purchase, I will forward your transaction to Fluffyfish so he can keep track of your current PP standings.


Card/template/Deck purchases will be forwarded to Self-Destruct Button and Hintin. (They'll just be added to your confirmation PM)





To purchase a pack/box, specifically mention the names of which packs/boxes you will be buying, and the quantity of each.
(Just saying Type A or B will not cut it, as there will be multiple packs under those categories)

I will then PM you with the cards you pulled (which will be done via randomizer programs in Java). If you would like confirmation of the source code, PM me about it.
Please note that it will be formatted as common cards first, then the normal rare and guaranteed one, with the corresponding number.
The numbers directly correspond to what you see in the full pack lists beneath (you may assume that all rare cards are listed numerically from 1 to however).

Templates are Archetypes that have been approved by the card review team. Buying a copy grants you three copies of all cards in that Archetype.
Submission tickets are for you to submit full Archetypes to 2099; everyone is given a free one upon registration. You will need 1 ticket per Archetype.

To purchase a template, mention which one(s) you want.

Buying an Archetype grants you three copies of all cards available for them.

[There are some links to sta.sh files in the spoiler marked "Available Archetypes" so you can see the contents.]

Once you have your submission ticket approved and made into a template, everyone will be able to buy your cards in the shop. You, as the creator, will be given 3 copies of whatever Archetype you submitted and got approved.



Packs [A/B]: 150PP
Templates/Submission Tickets/Decks: 1000PP
Booster Boxes/Whole Sets [A/B]: 3000PP*

* Buying a box means that you get the 000 card.
You will not receive them in packs otherwise.


[spoiler=Pack List]
(Konami imports/staples)
(Custom cards / imports)
100 cards per set
9 cards per pack
7 Commons / 1 standard Rare / 1 guaranteed SR/UR/SCR
(Custom cards / imports)
100 cards per set
9 cards per pack
7 Commons / 1 standard Rare / 1 guaranteed SR/UR/SCR
Envoys of Dawn
(Custom cards / imports)
100 cards per set
9 cards per pack
7 Commons / 1 standard Rare / 1 guaranteed SR/UR/SCR
Envoys of Dusk
(Custom cards / imports)
100 cards per set
9 cards per pack
7 Commons / 1 standard Rare / 1 guaranteed SR/UR/SCR





(LIGHT support)





(DARK support)





(Union support)




Mayhemic Machinery

(Machine monsters)


60 cards per set
9 cards per pack
7 Commons / 1 standard Rare / 1 guaranteed SR/UR/SCR



[spoiler=Structure Decks]



[spoiler=Deck contents]


[spoiler Twisted Circus]

Monsters: 22
2 Akusu Dancer - Aisa
3 Akusu Dancer - Shana
3 Akusu Clown - Jill
3 Akusu Twins - Velma & Zelma
3 Akusu Tamer - Amelia
2 Akusu Bicorn
3 Akusu Dragon
1 Akusu Winged Pig
1 Akusu Rex
1 Masked Chameleon
Spells: 12
3 Rank-Across-Magic - Akusu Bonding Force
3 Fusion Recovery
2 Fusion Substitute
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Polymerization
1 Dark Hole
Traps: 6
3 Call of the Haunted
2 Akusu Cannon
1 Solemn Warning
2 Akusu Dragon Tamer
2 Akusu Clown Dragon
1 Akusu Manticore
1 Akusu Ecliptic Dragon
2 Akusu Twisted Magician
2 Akusu Empress- Luquier
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
1 Evilswarm Ouroboros
1 Twin Gunner, Dragonic Dual-Flare
1 Thunderous Kaiser "THE BLOOD"
1 Holy Salvation Dragon

[spoiler Invitation to a Nightmare]
Monsters: 21
3 Amaria, the Nightmarish Recruiter
3 Nightmarish Commander
3 Nightmarish Venus - The Horrid
2 Alastor, The Fallen Nightmarish
1 Azazel, the Nightmarish Ruler
1 Tour Guide From the Underworld
1 Exterminator, Envy
2 Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
2 Nightmarish Wyremoh
1 Mist-Eyes Nightmarish Wyremoh
1 Nightmarish Manifold Wyremoh
1 Nightmarish Abyss, the Lord of Wyremohs
Spells: 10
3 Birth of the Nightmarish Ritual
3 Nightmarish Cry of the Silent Ark
1 Cursed Blade of the Mant
1 Seal of the Void Origin
1 Foolish Burial
1 Allure of Darkness
Traps: 9
3 Great Horn of Heaven
3 Breakthrough Skill
2 Call of the Haunted
1 Solemn Warning
1 The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
1 Therion, the End of Bane
1 Heiress of the Lich King
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
1 Thunderous Kaiser
1 Thunderous Kaiser "THE REBIRTH"
1 Beatrice, the Eternal Lady
1 Sovereign Star Dragon, Black Hole Dragon
1 Number 23: Lancelot, Ghost Knight of the Underworl
1 Skypalace Gangaridai

[spoiler Revival of the Lich King]
Monsters: 23
3 Netherbound Prince of Disgraced Eternities
3 Netherbound Princess of Fallen Eternities
3 Netherbound Witch of Spelled Eternities
3 Netherbound Summoner of Gathered Eternities
3 Netherbound Necromancer of Soul Eternities
2 Armageddon Knight
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Dark Grepher
1 Eidos the Underworld Squire
2 Lich-Knight of Past Eternities
1 Ankun'no, Emperor of Dreaded Eternities
Spells: 14
3 Netherbound Spell Tactics
3 Netherbound Tower of Destroyed Eternities
2 Netherbound Duality of Everlasting Eternities
2 Netherbound Library of Unknown Eternities
1 Netherbound Transformation of Ascended Eternities
1 Book of Life
1 Terraforming
1 Foolish Burial
Traps: 3
2 Netherbound Soul-Devouring
1 Gateway of the Scourge Lords
1 The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
1 Therion, the End of Bane
2 Drezard Necromancer of Disgraced Eternities
2 Lich-King of Vast Eternities
1 Lich-Queen of Revived Eternities
1 Wingwolf
1 Netherbound Sorceress of Ruled Eternities
1 Dreaded Emperor of Doomed Eternities
1 Hydreigon the Brutal Destroyer
1 Darkrai, Incarnate of the Night
1 Spectral Disaster
1 Everlasting Torturer

[spoiler Dragon's Bane]
Monsters: 22
3 Bonded Dragonsbane - Eternal Dread
3 Blackened Dragonsbane - Eternal Carnage
3 Diabolical Dragonsbane - Eternal Macabre
3 Horned Dragonsbane - Eternal Lust
2 Demonic Dragonsbane - Eternal End
2 Eternal Loss - Belial
2 Eternal Hellfire - Leviathan
2 Dark Horus
1 Eternal Wrath - Satan
1 The Dark Creator
Spells: 11
3 Tower of Dragonsbane - Eternal Ceremony
2 Rage of the Dragonsbane - Eternal Flames
1 Revival of Eternal Dragon
1 Call of the Dragonsbane - Eternal Return
1 Rank-Up-Magic - Eternal Bonding
1 Morbid Medicine
1 Seal of the Void Origin
1 Terraforming
Traps: 7
3 Incarnation of Eternal Dragon
2 Devouring of the Dragonsbane - Eternal Darkness
2 Gateway of the Scourge Lords
3 Taunting Temptress of Eternal Magic
2 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
2 Therion, Daemon's Bane Dragon
2 Devouring Hydra of Eternal Apocalypse
1 Thunderous Kaiser
1 Twin Gunner, Dragonic Dual-Flare
1 Therion, the End of Bane
1 Horned Dragon of Eternal Desires
1 Number 23: Lancelot, Ghost Knight of the Underworl
1 Therion, the Dragonic Apocalypse

[spoiler Red Necromancy]
Monsters: 26
3 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
3 Tamer of Zombie Dragon
3 Blackened Archfiend of the Red - Zombie Carnage
3 Demonic Swordswoman of Zombie Dragon
3 Maiden of Zombie Dragon
3 Necromancer of Red Illusion
3 Red-Eyes Necrosis Dragon
2 Dark Grepher
2 Red Skull Archfiend
1 Plaguespreader Dragon
Spells: 10
3 Throne of Zombie Dragon
2 Red Ocean
2 Red Offerings
1 Foolish Burial
1 Book of Life
1 Ritual of Red Necromancy
Traps: 4
2 Force of Zombie Dragon
1 Pestilence of the Dark Scourge
1 Gateway of the Scourge Lords
2 Decayed Archfiend Dragon
2 Red-Eyes Zombie Ravage Dragon
2 Red-Eyes Necrosis Metal Dragon
1 Heiress of the Lich King
1 Thunderous Kaiser
1 Sovereign Star Dragon, Black Hole Dragon
1 Beatrice, the Eternal Lady
1 Spectral Disaster
1 Twace, the Dual General
1 Vassago, the Bounded Dread
1 Darkrai, Incarnate of the Night
1 Red-Eyes Contagion Dragon

[spoiler=Divine Strike]
Monsters: 20
3 Thunder Sea Horse
3 Arrow Blitz Dragon
3 Vowing Blade Blitz Dragon
3 Shotgun Blow Blitz Dragon
3 Thunder Horn Blitz Dragon
2 Blazing Scythe Blitz Dragon
2 Eradicating Gauntlet Blitz Dragon
1 Shotgun Blitz Dragon
Spells: 10
3 Blitz Dragon - Murakumo
2 Terraforming
2 Recycling Batteries
2 Forbidden Dress
1 Rank-Across-Magic, Generation Stride
Traps: 10
3 Call of the Haunted
1 Void Trap Hole
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Warning
1 Dimensional Prison
1 Time-Space Trap Hole
1 Last Minute Party Cancel
1 Breakthrough Skill
2 Vowing Saber Blitz Dragon - Gleipnir
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
1 Therion, the End of Bane
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1 Crumbling Castle
1 Thunderous Kaiser
1 Thunder Cannon Blitz Dragon - Sleipnir
1 Sealed Blitz Dragon - Grani
1 Unleashed Blitz Dragon - Grani 'UNLIMITED'
1 Trap Engineer Vivyzian
1 Thunderous Vanquisher "THE VOLTAGE"
1 Twin Gunner, Dragonic Dual-Flare
1 Number 61: Volcasaurus
1 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh



Twisted Circus - http://sta.sh/01xaedmy98k7

Invitation to a Nightmare - http://sta.sh/07k9ou5xj78

Revival of the Lich King - http://sta.sh/01axsdz0fxqi

Dragon's Bane - http://sta.sh/010x1bvo9sjw

Red Necromancy - http://sta.sh/02fj0yx8v2z4

Divine Strike - http://sta.sh/0tqoq9txcdz




[spoiler=Image galleries]

Twisted Circus - http://imgur.com/a/W2lci/all

Invitation to a Nightmare - http://imgur.com/a/yQz1o/all

Revival of the Lich King - http://imgur.com/a/TT5Q3/all

Dragon's Bane - http://imgur.com/a/r1RY3/all

Red Necromancy - http://imgur.com/a/h2NoD/all







[spoiler=Available Archetype Templates]
http://sta.sh/0199ur1fa7ez - Skateboard Dragon (Sakura)
http://sta.sh/0yswhpglbo - Pulsar (Titan403)
http://sta.sh/01v05h9n7xrp - Maelstrom (Toyo)
http://sta.sh/0yoaglby7mx - Ayakashi (Kanashi no Hanashi)
http://sta.sh/014brbcjg6g3 - Shadow Trick Trio (Kano)
http://sta.sh/02du93hvuqbe - Marked/Gatekeeper (VCR Cat)
http://sta.sh/02ffrv68s62s - Conqueror (Yuhi Sachiko/Self-Destruct Button)
http://sta.sh/01m260ds4c1n - Earth Destroyer (Themonkeyspower)
http://sta.sh/0z3qhz1qum8 - Leviathan (Dova)
http://sta.sh/0k90hzfqxdq- Dragonsbane (Darkness)
http://sta.sh/0x93v3x2saf- Riftwalker (Enjoyable)
http://sta.sh/0sf0h1hzjyq- Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon (REZDragon)
http://sta.sh/01c3liqo6ikm- Synergy (Tinkerer)
http://sta.sh/029qys8cfbry- Beards (Tyretian)

[spoiler=Available cards]

[spoiler=BARL-EN (Beginnings and Revelations)]

CM000 Chaos Sorc (Box Promo)

CM001 Mystic Piper
CM002 Kinka-Byo (Super)
CM003 Mirror Resonator (Rare)
CM004 Swift Scarecrow (Rare)
CM005 Glow-Up Bulb (Secret)
CM006 Djinn Disserere of Rituals
CM007 Plaguespreader Zombie (Rare)
CM008 Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss (Super)
CM009 Kuribandit (Rare)
CM010 Crane Crane (Rare)
CM011 Elemental HERO Blazeman (Rare)
CM012 Photon Thrasher
CM013 Goblindbergh
CM014 Heroic Challenger - Assault Halberd (Rare)
CM015 Heroic Challenger - Thousand Blades (Rare)
CM016 Zombie Master
CM017 Goblin Zombie (Super)
CM018 Masked Chameleon
CM019 Elemental HERO Bubbleman
CM020 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands (Super)
CM021 Relinquished (Rare)
CM022 Slacker Magician (Rare)
CM023 Ghostrick Dullahan
CM024 Number 65: Djinn Buster
CM025 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu (Rare)
CM026 Wind-Up Zenmaines (Super)
CM027 Ghostrick Alucard (Rare)
CM028 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn (Ultra)
CM029 Heroic Champion - Gandiva (Ultra)
CM030 Number 23: Lancelot, Dark Knight of the Underworld (Secret)
CM031 Masked HERO Acid
CM032 Elemental HERO Nova Master
CM033 Formula Synchron (Super)
CM034 Mist Bird Clausolas
CM035 Armory Arm
CM036 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries (Ultra)
CM037 HTS Psyhemuth
CM038 Black Rose Dragon (Ultra)
CM039 Stardust Dragon (Super)
CM040 Mist Wurm (Ultra)
CM041 Black Illusion Ritual
CM042 Dark Hole (Secret)
CM043 Upstart Goblin (Rare)
CM044 Terraforming
CM045 Book of Life (Rare)
CM046 Smashing Ground
CM047 Polymerization
CM048 Swords of Revealing Light
CM049 Swords of Concealing Light
CM050 Clear World
CM051 Zombie World
CM052 Mystical Space Typhoon
CM053 Forbidden Lance (Super)
CM054 Forbidden Chalice (Super)
CM055 Forbidden Dress
CM056 Enemy Controller
CM057 Pot of Duality (Super)
CM058 Mask Change (Rare)
CM059 Moon Mirror Shield
CM060 Magnum Shield
CM061 Painful Escape
CM062 Void Trap Hole (Super)
CM063 Time-Space Trap Hole (Rare)
CM064 Dimensional Prison
CM065 Prideful Roar
CM066 Torrential Tribute (Secret)
CM067 Call of the Haunted (Super)
CM068 Solemn Warning (Secret)
CM069 Dark Bribe

CM070 Divine Wrath

CM071 Elemental HERO Kinetik
CM072 Masked HERO Enbaned (Ultra)
CM073 Reuniting of the Army (Ultra)
CM074 Introducing the Army
CM075 Life Drain
CM076 Exterminator, Envy (Rare)
CM077 Doom Graverobber
CM078 Gashadokuro (Rare)
CM079 Desert Necromancer (Rare)
CM080 Deathbringer Horseman
CM081 Underworld Ruler Ooal
CM082 Spectral Disaster (Ultra)
CM083 Everlasting Torturer (Secret)
CM084 Bejeweled Disciple
CM085 Midnight Raccoon
CM086 Blue Rose Magician
CM087 Chaotic Apprentice (Ultra)
CM088 Chaotic Noble
CM089 Hellion Reaper
CM090 Chaotic Magician/Chaotic Archfiend (Dual Rare/Secret)
CM091 Tour Guide from the Underworld (Secret)
CM092 Elemental HERO Shadow Mist (Super)
CM093 Tristan, Knight of the Underworld (Rare)
CM094 Isolde, Belle of the Underworld
CM095 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss (Ultra)
CM096 Masked HERO Dian
CM097 Masked HERO Anki
CM098 A Hero Lives
CM099 Mask Change II

CM100 Great Horn of Heaven (Super)


[spoiler=ETLT-EN (Eternal Light)]

CM000 Lightray Bahamut (Box Promo)
CM001 Cyber Valley
CM002 Rainbow Kuriboh
CM003 Idea the Heaven Knight (Super)
CM004 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
CM005 Mithra, the Thunder Vassal (Rare)
CM006 The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion
CM007 Summoner of Illusions
CM008 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit (Super)
CM009 Dawn Knight
CM010 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (Super)
CM011 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn (Super)
CM012 Elemental HERO Prisma (Rare)
CM013 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast (Rare)
CM014 Ghost Ship
CM015 Airknight Parshath
CM016 Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin
CM017 Galaxy Soldier (Super)
CM018 Cyber Dragon (Rare)
CM019 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
CM020 Kuraz the Light Monarch (Rare)
CM021 Soul of Purity and Light
CM022 Lightray Diabolos (Rare)
CM023 Masked HERO Koga
CM024 Elemental HERO The Shining
CM025 Powered Inzektron
CM026 Ancient Fairy Dragon (Ultra)
CM027 Michael, Lightsworn Lord (Ultra)
CM028 Stardust Spark Dragon (Ultra)
CM029 Light End Dragon
CM030 Star Eater (Secret)
CM031 Shinki Saintorea (Ultra)
CM032 Number 49: Fortune Tune (Rare)
CM033 Stellarknight Delteros (Super)
CM034 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis (Super)
CM035 Constellar Ptolemy M7 (Ultra)
CM036 Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand (Secret)
CM037 Charge of the Light Brigade (Secret)
CM038 Light of Redemption
CM039 Soul Exchange
CM040 Oasis of Dragon Souls (Rare)
CM041 Guiding Light
CM042 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner (Rare)
CM043 Electromagnetic Turtle (Ultra)
CM044 Elemental HERO Voltic
CM045 Nikitama
CM046 Ascension Sky Dragon (Super)
CM047 Beatrice, the Eternal Lady (Secret)
CM048 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis (Super)
CM049 The Monarchs Stormforth (Rare)
CM050 The Prime Monarch (Rare)
CM051 Training Parshath (Super)
CM052 Bladed Angel
CM053 Falcon Divinity
CM054 Goddess of Clemency
CM055 Goddess of Sacred Visions
CM056 Parshath Knight
CM057 Witch of Forgotten Knowledge (Rare)
CM058 Parshath, the Ascended Soldier/Parshath, Dragonlord of the Sanctuary (Dual/Secret)
CM059 Gateway of Embodied Light
CM060 Blinding Rune of Illusions

[spoiler=CORR-EN (Clash of Rivalries)]

CM000 Ballcadeias, the Beginning and the End (Secret) (Box Promo)
CM001 Vorse Raider
CM002 Spore (Ultra)
CM003 Level Eater
CM004 Treeborn Frog
CM005 Magician of Faith
CM006 Apprentice Magician (Rare)
CM007 Magical Undertaker
CM008 Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy
CM009 Edge Imp Sabres (Rare)
CM010 Dr. Frankenderp
CM011 Genex Ally Birdman (Super)
CM012 Illumi'raj

CM013 Maelstrom Marine General, Claude (Super)
CM014 Flame Tiger
CM015 Elemental HERO Neos Alius
CM016 Destiny HERO - Doom Lord
CM017 Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude (Rare)
CM018 Destiny HERO - False Angel
CM019 Destiny HERO - Hat Dude (Super)
CM020 Rescue Rabbit (Ultra)
CM021 D. D. Warrior Lady
CM022 Senju of the Ten Thousand Hands (Rare)
CM023 Felis, Lightsworn Archer (Super)
CM024 Herald of Creation
CM025 Julius, the Forgiven Betrayal
CM026 Wildlife Conqueror - Ellis (Rare)
CM027 Tin Goldfish
CM028 Diabolos, Dark King of the Abyss (Rare)
CM029 Diabolos, King of the Abyss
CM030 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
CM031 Machina Megaform
CM032 Swordsman of Revealing Light
CM033 Guardian of Order
CM034 Lightray Gearfried
CM035 Dark Voltanis (Rare)
CM036 Destiny HERO - Plasma
CM037 Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord
CM038 Elder Entity N'Tss (Rare)
CM039 Elemental HERO Escuriadao
CM040 Destiny End Knight
CM041 Destiny End Queen (Rare)
CM042 Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon (Ultra)
CM043 Nox Eternum (Secret)
CM044 Maelstrom Marine Marshal, Rayleigh (Super)
CM045 Maelstrom Marine Admiral, Newgate (Secret)
CM046 Maelstrom Blue Storm Dragon, Glorymaker Rainfall (Secret)
CM047 Number 47: Nightmare Shark (Super)
CM048 Leviathan Terias
CM049 Riftwalker - Menhata (Ultra)
CM050 Number 50: Diamond Crab King (Rare)
CM051 Thunderous Kaiser/"THE REBIRTH" (Dual/Secret)
CM052 Photon Papolloparative
CM052 Bujintei Kagutsuchi (Super)
CM053 Earth Destroyer Holidead (Ultra)
CM054 Riftwalker - Skouro (Ultra)
CM055 Leviathan Primordias (Ultra)
CM056 Number 62: Volcasaurus (Ultra)
CM057 Pilgrim Reaper
CM058 Destiny Draw (Super)
CM059 D-Fusion (Super)
CM060 D-Mad Party
CM061 Miracle Fusion (Super)
CM062 Seal of the Void Origin (Ultra)
CM063 Shuffle Reborn
CM064 Morbid Medicine (Super)
CM065 Gold Sarcophagus (Secret)
CM066 Instant Fusion (Super)
CM067 Dragon's Mirror (Rare)
CM068 Creature Swap (Rare)
CM069 Moray of Greed (Rare)
CM070 Transmodify (Rare)
CM071 Foolish Burial (Secret)
CM072 Double Summon
CM073 Wonder Wand
CM074 Solidarity
CM075 Machina Armored Unit
CM076 Spellbook of Wisdom (Rare)
CM077 Offerings to the Doomed
CM078 Book of Eclipse
CM079 Forbidden Scripture
CM080 Shiranui Style: Synthesis
CM081 Straight Flush
CM082 Full House
CM083 Ferret Flames
CM084 Treasure Map
CM085 Stardust Re-Spark
CM086 Incarnation of the Scourge Core
CM087 Gateway to the Scourge Lords (Rare)
CM088 Fish Depth Charge (Rare)
CM089 Fairy Wind (Rare)
CM090 Limit Reverse
CM091 Kunai with Chain
CM092 Monster Rebone
CM093 Oh F!sh (Rare)
CM094 Chaos Trap Hole
CM095 Mathematician (Super)
CM096 Insidionecromancer
CM097 Cosmic Fairy (Super)
CM098 Black Omen Sorceress - Keta the Rose Queen (Ultra)
CM099 Twin Gunner Dragon, Dragonic Dual-Flare (Secret)
CM100 Atoratsu, Guardian of Atlantis (Secret)


[spoiler=GTAS-EN (Galactic Arising)]

GTAS-CM000 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon (Box Promo)
GTAS-CM001 Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer (Rare)
GTAS-CM002 Dragoons of Draconia (Rare)
GTAS-CM003 Hyozanryu
GTAS-CM004 Sphere Kuriboh
GTAS-CM005 Performapal Trump Witch (Rare)
GTAS-CM006 Jet Synchron (Super)
GTAS-CM007 Synchro Fusionist
GTAS-CM008 King of the Swamp
GTAS-CM009 Performage Mirror Conductor
GTAS-CM010 Dragodeus, the Empowered Warrior
GTAS-CM011 Dark Doriado
GTAS-CM012 Vylon Prism (Rare)
GTAS-CM013 Kagetokage (Rare)
GTAS-CM014 Sonic Bird
GTAS-CM015 Gishki Chain
GTAS-CM016 Jigabyte (Rare)
GTAS-CM017 Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness (Rare)
GTAS-CM018 Debris Dragon (Ultra)
GTAS-CM019 Quickdraw Synchron (Rare)
GTAS-CM020 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (Super)
GTAS-CM021 Saffira, Queen of Dragons (Rare)
GTAS-CM022 Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (Ultra)
GTAS-CM023 Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (Super)
GTAS-CM024 Ally of Justice Catastor (Super)
GTAS-CM025 Vulcan the Divine (Super)
GTAS-CM026 Dark Strike Fighter
GTAS-CM027 Scrap Dragon (Ultra)
GTAS-CM028 Chaofeng, Phantom of the Yang Zing
GTAS-CM029 Sylvan Princessprite (Super)
GTAS-CM030 Daigusto Phoenix
GTAS-CM031 Muzurhythm the String Djinn
GTAS-CM032 Mechquipped Angineer (Super)
GTAS-CM033 Gagaga Cowboy (Rare)
GTAS-CM034 King of the Feral Imps (Ultra)
GTAS-CM035 Blade Armor Ninja
GTAS-CM036 Downerd Magician (Rare)
GTAS-CM037 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh (Rare)
GTAS-CM038 Number 74: Master of Blades (Secret)
GTAS-CM039 Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon (Ultra)
GTAS-CM040 Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon (Ultra)
GTAS-CM041 Hymn of Light
GTAS-CM042 Galaxy Cyclone
GTAS-CM043 Unexpected Dai
GTAS-CM044 Ritual Foregone
GTAS-CM045 Odd-Eyes Fusion
GTAS-CM046 Fusion Substitute (Rare)
GTAS-CM047 Fusion Recovery (Super)
GTAS-CM048 Fusion Conscription (Rare)
GTAS-CM049 Pot of Riches (Rare)
GTAS-CM050 One for One (Secret)
GTAS-CM051 Mind Control (Secret)
GTAS-CM052 Miracle Dig
GTAS-CM053 Creature Swap
GTAS-CM054 Pendulum Storm (Rare)
GTAS-CM055 Double Summon
GTAS-CM056 Lightning Vortex
GTAS-CM057 Monster Reincarnation
GTAS-CM058 Mystic Box
GTAS-CM059 Scapegoat
GTAS-CM060 Autonomous Action Unit
GTAS-CM061 Urgent Ritual Art
GTAS-CM062 Follow Wing
GTAS-CM063 Dimension Slice
GTAS-CM064 Fusion Reserve (Super)
GTAS-CM065 Pendulum Back
GTAS-CM066 Threatening Roar
GTAS-CM067 Reckless Greed
GTAS-CM068 Breakthrough Skill (Super)
GTAS-CM069 Raigeki Break
GTAS-CM070 Chasm of Spikes
GTAS-CM071 Galactic Angel of the Solar Galaxy
GTAS-CM072 Galactic Princess of the Flourishing Galaxy (Super)
GTAS-CM073 Galactic Fiend of the False Galaxy
GTAS-CM074 Galactic Dragon of the Shining Galaxy
GTAS-CM075 Galactic Universe
GTAS-CM076 Ascended Priest of the Dragon Queen
GTAS-CM077 Guardian of the Dragon Queen
GTAS-CM078 Keeper of the Dragon Queen
GTAS-CM079 Castle of the Dragon Queen
GTAS-CM080 Samsara Summoner (Secret)
GTAS-CM081 Akusu Fiendish Trapezist
GTAS-CM082 Akusu Archfiend Absolute - Luquier
GTAS-CM083 Akusu Archfiend Princess (Ultra)
GTAS-CM084 Archfiend Archfiend Empress - Luquier
GTAS-CM085 Akusu Taming Methods (Super)
GTAS-CM086 Solar Champion (Super)
GTAS-CM087 Skubz Kin, Twilight of the Angel Command
GTAS-CM088 Mist Rias, Sonic of the Angel Command (Super)
GTAS-CM089 Urth, Purifier of the Angel Command (Ultra)
GTAS-CM090 Alcadeias, Lord of the Angel Command/Ascended Alcadeias, Archlord of the Angel Command (Dual/Secret)
GTAS-CM091 Galaxy Worm (Rare)
GTAS-CM092 Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer (Secret)
GTAS-CM093 Stardust Charge Warrior (Ultra)
GTAS-CM094 Shooting Star Dragon (Secret)
GTAS-CM095 Divine Spark Dragon Stardust Sifr (Secret)
GTAS-CM096 Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry (Ultra)
GTAS-CM097 Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (Rare)
GTAS-CM098 Accellight (Rare)
GTAS-CM099 Galaxy Expedition
GTAS-CM100 Typhoon (Rare)




[spoiler=PODN-EN (Paths of Destiny)]

PODN-CM000 Beelzeus of the Ultimate Diabolic Dragons (Box Promo)
PODN-CM001 D. D. Crow (Rare)
PODN-CM002 Sinister Sprocket
PODN-CM003 Ritual Raven
PODN-CM004 Mask of Darkness
PODN-CM005 Doppelwarrior (Rare)
PODN-CM006 Eidos the Netherworld Knight (Rare)
PODN-CM007 The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
PODN-CM008 The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
PODN-CM009 Junk Synchron (Rare)
PODN-CM010 Magic King Moon Star (Super)
PODN-CM011 The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion
PODN-CM012 Djinn Demolisher of Rituals
PODN-CM013 Dark Grepher (Rare)
PODN-CM014 Armageddon Knight (Super)
PODN-CM015 Mystic Tomato
PODN-CM016 Secret Sect Druid Dru
PODN-CM017 Shaddoll Dragon
PODN-CM018 Garbage Lord
PODN-CM019 Shaddoll Beast
PODN-CM020 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness (Super)
PODN-CM021 Dark Simorgh (Rare)
PODN-CM022 Dark Horus
PODN-CM023 The Dark Creator
PODN-CM024 Tragoedia (Super)
PODN-CM025 Fiend's Mirror
PODN-CM026 Demise, King of Armageddon (Rare)
PODN-CM027 Flame Ghost
PODN-CM028 Kamionwizard
PODN-CM029 Reaper on the Nightmare
PODN-CM030 Phonon Pulse Dragon (Ultra)
PODN-CM031 Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth
PODN-CM032 Junk Warrior
PODN-CM033 Blackwing - Nothung the Starlight (Rare)
PODN-CM034 Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing (Ultra)
PODN-CM035 Dark End Dragon (Rare)
PODN-CM036 The Phantom Knights of Break Sword (Ultra)
PODN-CM037 Evilswarm Nightmare (Ultra)
PODN-CM038 Evilswarm Ouroboros (Secret)
PODN-CM039 Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon (Rare)
PODN-CM040 Number 22: Zombiestein (Super)
PODN-CM041 Contract with the Abyss
PODN-CM042 Allure of Darkness (Secret)
PODN-CM043 The Beginning of the End
PODN-CM044 Creeping Darkness
PODN-CM045 Dark Eruption
PODN-CM046 Fires of Doomsday
PODN-CM047 Veil of Darkness
PODN-CM048 Dark Illusion
PODN-CM049 Darklight
PODN-CM050 The Phantom Fog Blade (Super)
PODN-CM051 Lunar Champion (Super)
PODN-CM052 Mistress of the Shadows (Super)
PODN-CM053 Dark Daedalus (Super)
PODN-CM054 Dark Gilford (Super)
PODN-CM055 Darkfire Emperor (Rare)
PODN-CM056 Dark Armed Dragon LV10 (Ultra)
PODN-CM057 Darklord of Zera (Secret)
PODN-CM058 Mary the Cleaver/Mary the Sniper (Dual/Secret)
PODN-CM059 Heiress of the Lich King (Secret)
PODN-CM060 Pestilence of the Scourge Core

[spoiler=BDLC-EN (Bonding Legacy)]
BDLC-CM000 Legendary Dragon Knight (Box Promo)
BDLC-CM001 Dark Blade
BDLC-CM002 Warrior Dai Grepher
BDLC-CM003 Pitch-Dark Dragon
BDLC-CM004 Machina Gearframe (Rare)
BDLC-CM005 Kiryu
BDLC-CM006 Frontline Base
BDLC-CM007 Formation Union (Rare)
BDLC-CM008 Roll Out
BDLC-CM009 Necro Gardna (Rare)
BDLC-CM010 Summoner Monk (Ultra)
BDLC-CM011 Mahunder
BDLC-CM012 Pahunder
BDLC-CM013 Rose Lover (Rare)
BDLC-CM014 Machina Fortress (Super)
BDLC-CM015 Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers
BDLC-CM016 Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves
BDLC-CM017 Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms
BDLC-CM018 Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (Super)
BDLC-CM019 Gear Gigant X (Secret)
BDLC-CM020 Number 55: Gogogo Goliath (Ultra)
BLDC-CM021 Bonding Princess (Rare)
BLDC-CM022 Samsara Princess
BLDC-CM023 Guiding Princess
BLDC-CM024 Fiendish Swordsman (Super)
BLDC-CM025 Thundemenetal (Super)
BLDC-CM026 Darkfire Elemental (Rare)
BLDC-CM027 Giant Mistress of Stone (Rare)
BLDC-CM028 Scout of the Shining Breezes (Super)
BLDC-CM029 Aracheight (Super)
BLDC-CM030 Arachom
BLDC-CM031 Arachmage
BLDC-CM032 Arachqueen (Rare)
BLDC-CM033 Bonding Bot - Joltage (Rare)
BLDC-CM034 Deijīrita, Princess of Daisies
BLDC-CM035 Vanquishing Paladin (Ultra)
BLDC-CM036 Frozen Infernal Fiend (Ultra)
BLDC-CM037 Bonding Bot - Lunashadow (Secret)
BLDC-CM038 Arachprincess (Secret)
BLDC-CM039 King Kaminari (Ultra)
BLDC-CM040 Kazesama the Tempest (Secret)
BLDC-CM041 Bonding Tower (Rare)
BLDC-CM042 Bonds from the Beyond (Super)
BLDC-CM043 Union Strike (Rare)
BLDC-CM044 Union Correlation (Super)
BLDC-CM045 Unbonding Power (Super)
BLDC-CM046 D. D. Scarred Assailant (Super)
BLDC-CM047 Dark Dai Blade
BLDC-CM048 Underworld Dark Paladin
BLDC-CM049 Sky Elder Ryu
BLDC-CM050 Red-Ashes Ryu
BLDC-CM051 Celestial Ryu Swordsman (Ultra)
BLDC-CM052 Tyrant Ryu Swordsman
BLDC-CM053 Infernal Dragon Knight/Dark Blade the Dragon Knight (Dual/Secret)
BLDC-CM054 Gallant Dragon Knight
BLDC-CM055 Senshi Art of Dragonic Fusion
BLDC-CM056 Yamimakai Art of Dragonic Taming
BLDC-CM057 Dragunion Charity (Rare)
BLDC-CM058 Dragonic Dai Destiny
BLDC-CM059 Cursed Blade of the Dragon Hunter
BLDC-CM060 Ascension Dai

[spoiler=Envoys of Dawn (EVOD)]
EN000 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning (Box Promo)
EN001 Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer
EN002 Dragoons of Draconia
EN003 Flash Knight
EN004 Glow-Up Bulb (Ultra)
EN005 Spore (Ultra)
EN006 Kinka-Byo (Rare)
EN007 Battle Fader (Rare)
EN008 Red Resonator (Rare)
EN009 Crane Crane
EN010 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit (Super)
EN011 Rescue Rabbit (Ultra)
EN012 Black Dragon Collapserpent
EN013 White Dragon Wyverburster
EN014 Goblindbergh
EN015 Elemental HERO Blazeman
EN016 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
EN017 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn (Rare)
EN018 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (Rare)
EN019 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands (Super)
EN020 Tragoedia (Super)
EN021 Saffira, Queen of Dragons
EN022 Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon
EN023 Sylvan Princessprite (Super)
EN024 Ghostrick Dullahan
EN025 Sky Calvary Saintorea (Rare)
EN026 Number 64: Sandayu the Veteraccoon
EN027 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss (Super)
EN028 Ghostrick Alucard
EN029 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn (Super)
EN030 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon (Ultra)
EN031 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis/Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon (Dual/Secret)
EN032 Old Entity Hastorr (Ultra)
EN033 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries (Super)
EN034 HTS Psyhemuth
EN035 Black Rose Dragon (Ultra)
EN036 Scrap Dragon (Ultra)
EN037 Stardust Dragon (Super)
EN038 Mist Wurm (Ultra)
EN039 Ascension Sky Dragon (Ultra)
EN040 Star Eater (Secret)
EN041 Hymn of Light
EN042 Dark Hole (Secret)
EN043 Hammer Shot
EN044 Terraforming
EN045 Polymerization
EN046 Fusion Recovery (Super)
EN047 Fusion Substitute
EN048 Shuffle Reborn
EN049 Pot of Duality (Rare)
EN050 One for One (Secret)
EN051 Unexpected Dai (Rare)
EN052 Galaxy Cyclone (Rare)
EN053 Foolish Burial (Secret)
EN054 Jewels of the Valiant (Rare)
EN055 Mystical Space Typhoon
EN056 Forbidden Lance (Rare)
EN057 Forbidden Chalice (Super)
EN058 Forbidden Dress (Rare)
EN059 Enemy Controller
EN060 Moon Mirror Shield
EN061 Full House
EN062 Breakthrough Skill (Super)
EN063 Trap Hole of Spikes
EN064 Void Trap Hole (Super)
EN065 Ring of Destruction (Secret)
EN066 Time-Space Trap Hole (Rare)
EN067 Pinpoint Guard
EN068 Dimensional Prison
EN069 Torrential Tribute (Secret)
EN070 Call of the Haunted (Super)
EN071 Oasis of Dragon Souls (Rare)
EN072 Escape from the Dark Dimension
EN073 Solemn Warning (Secret)
EN074 Great Horn of Heaven (Super)
EN075 Divine Wrath
EN076 Magic Cylinder (Rare)
EN077 Dark Bribe
EN078 Magic Drain
EN079 Wiretap (Rare)
EN080 Raigeki Break
EN081 Plaguespreader Zombie (Rare)
EN082 Goblin Zombie (Rare)
EN083 Zombie Master
EN084 Isolde, Belle of the Underworld
EN085 Tristan, Knight of the Underworld
EN086 Doomkaiser Dragon
EN087 Revived King Ha Des
EN088 Number 23: Lancelot, Ghost Knight of the Underworld (Ultra)
EN089 Zombie World
EN090 Book of Life
EN091 Paladin of Felgrand (Rare)
EN092 Guardian of Felgrand
EN093 Dragon Knight of Creation
EN094 Darkflare Dragon
EN095 Lightpulsar Dragon (Rare)
EN096 White Night Dragon
EN097 Dragunity Arma Levayten
EN098 Queen Dragun Djinn (Rare)
EN099 Dragon Ravine (Rare)
EN100 Burst Breath

[spoiler=Envoys of Dusk (EVDK)]
EN000 Ballcadeias, the Beginning and the End (Box Promo)
EN001 Fiendish Ferryman
EN002 Spirit of Autumn Rain, Murasame (Super)
EN003 Plaguespreader Dragon (Rare)
EN004 Star Scout
EN005 Dark Maiden (Super)
EN006 Arcane-Blast Apprentice (Super)
EN007 Swift Lightray Bug
EN008 Tuning Sorceress
EN009 Demon Conqueror, Lilith (Rare)
EN010 Mystical Sheep #3
EN011 Fusion Harpist (Rare)
EN012 Anuku, Guardian of the Underworld
EN013 Catwalk of Hellish Incidents (Super)
EN014 Specter of the Winter Footsteps
EN015 Network Supporter (Rare)
EN016 Chaos Witch
EN017 Triple-Headed Behemoth
EN018 Virgil, Corrupted Star of the Burning Abyss (Rare)
EN019 Eternal Apathy - Abaddon (Super)
EN020 Dawn Crusader of the Beginning (Super)
EN021 Conceited
EN022 Mantle Dweller
EN023 Ayakashi Hikoboshi (Ultra)
EN024 Life On Europa? (Rare)
EN025 River Guardian
EN026 Wingwolf (Rare)
EN027 Angel of Retribution (Super)
EN028 Shiida, Silver Rose Outcast (Super)
EN029 Shimmer JADE Dragon (Ultra)
EN030 Blademaster - Noctem (Secret)
EN031 Celestial of the World's Summit (Ultra)
EN032 Frontline General Risalkia
EN033 Mary the Cleaver (Ultra)
EN034 Twin Gunner, Dragonic Dual-Flare (Secret)
EN035 M-X-Saber Fullknight Piranha
EN036 Therion, the End of Bane (Super)
EN037 Crumbling Castle (Secret)
EN038 Rank Magician
EN039 Sovereign Star, Black Hole Dragon (Secret)
EN040 Doomstar Sorcerer
EN041 Lightning of the Violet Sky (Rare)
EN042 Hydreigon, the Brutal Destroyer (Ultra)
EN043 Echantress of the Conquerors
EN044 Shamutan, Dragon of Shadows (Secret)
EN045 Linkuntam, Dragon of Solstice (Super)
EN046 Type-00 Heavy Assault
EN047 Eye of the Enlightened One/Rose of the Forgotten One (Dual/Secret)
EN048 Vicious Vain - Fafner (Ultra)
EN049 Absol, the Emissary of Disaster (Super)
EN050 Milotic the Serpentine Aquatic Beauty
EN051 Repressed Memories
EN052 The Monastery in the Sky
EN053 Morbid Medicine (Rare)
EN054 Interdimensional Diffusion (Rare)
EN055 Rank-Up-Magic Chaos Evolution
EN056 Rank-Up-Magic Gaia Evolution
EN057 Rank-Up-Magic Infernal Evolution
EN058 Rank-Up-Magic Storming Evolution
EN059 Rank-Up-Magic Wave Evolution
EN060 Rank-Across-Magic - Generation Stride (Rare)
EN061 Large Amplitude Network (Rare)
EN062 Arch of Incineration
EN063 Symphony of Tranquility
EN064 Controlled Explosives
EN065 Well-Served Justice
EN066 Crystallize! (Rare)
EN067 Symbiotic Infusion
EN068 Bladeless Sword
EN069 Heavy Bombardment
EN070 Tributax
EN071 Chaos Paradox Summon (Rare)
EN072 Card Disruption (Super)
EN073 Hot-Drop Assault
EN074 Gateway of the Scourge Lords (Rare)
EN075 Force of Zombie Dragon
EN076 Last Minute Party Cancel
EN077 Sheriff Jimmy's Fateful Visions (Super)
EN078 Sheriff Jimmy's Special Lasso Technique
EN079 Sheriff Jimmy Laying Down the Law (Rare)
EN080 Edict of the Ice Master
EN081 Guardian's Curse (Rare)
EN082 Clockseal Demon (Ultra)
EN083 Thunderous Kaiser (Ultra)
EN084 Magical Engineer Vivyzian (Secret)
EN085 Angel of Daybreak (Rare)
EN086 The Ancient Dragon of a Drowned Empire
EN087 Kurama the Nine-Tailed Fox (Ultra)
EN088 Yata of the Subterranean Sun (Secret)
EN089 Ghoul's Lament (Rare)
EN090 Whack-A-Hulcus
EN091 Slow Scarecrow
EN092 Magician's Double
EN093 Xyz Tengu (Super)
EN094 Starburst Dragon (Ultra)
EN095 Post-Apocalyptic World
EN096 Box of Anarchy
EN097 Gifts of the Normal
EN098 Reverse-Space Typhoon
EN099 Solemn Darkness (Rare)
EN100 Ice-Bound City

[spoiler=Mayhemic Machinery (MHMC)]
EN000 Assault Marshal (Box Promo)
EN001 Jet Synchron
EN002 Unknown Synchron
EN003 Quilbolt Hedgehog
EN004 Black Salvo
EN005 Card Trooper
EN006 Scrap Recycler
EN007 Genex Ally Birdman
EN008 Express Train Trolley Olley
EN009 Machina Gearframe
EN010 Ruffian Railcar
EN011 Tin Goldfish
EN012 Quickdraw Synchron
EN013 Cyber Dragon
EN014 Jinzo
EN015 Trifortresstops
EN016 Machina Fortress
EN017 Machina Megaform
EN018 Gearspring Spirit
EN019 Night Express Knight
EN020 Snow Plow Hustle Rustle
EN021 Pair Cycroid
EN022 Formula Synchron
EN023 Armory Arm
EN024 Ally of Justice Catastor
EN025 Powered Inzektron
EN026 Dark Strike Fighter
EN027 Power Tool Dragon
EN028 Wind-Up Zenmaines
EN029 Geargiagear XG
EN030 Gear Gigant X
EN031 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
EN032 Digvorzhack, King of Heavy Industry
EN033 Constellar Ptolemy M7
EN034 Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk
EN035 Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder
EN036 Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings
EN037 Phantom Fortress Enterblathir
EN038 Skypalace Gandarai
EN039 Super Dreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
EN040 Super Robot Galaxy Destroyer
EN041 Special Schedule
EN042 Machina Armored Unit
EN043 Train Connection
EN044 Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force
EN045 Marshaling Field
EN046 Ground Connection 40
EN047 Ground Connection 41
EN048 Armed Salvo
EN049 Mobile Salvo
EN050 Mecha Strike Bomber, Rajinn/Perfect Mecha Bomber, Rajinn
EN051 Jinzo - Recruiter
EN052 Jinzo - United
EN053 Jinzo - Summoner
EN054 Jinzo - Ultimate
EN055 Frontline Combatant
EN056 Mechatonne Cannon
EN057 Mechanica Ground Control Station
EN058 Heavy Mech Foundry
EN059 Heavy Matrix Uplink
EN060 Heavy Deployment

[spoiler=Custom content]

http://sta.sh/0v3qeh1jdqx (BKRV)
http://sta.sh/01o6ioytzecf (ETLT-051 to 60)
http://sta.sh/01vxym8huk26 (CORR-stuff)






[spoiler=Archive (Unavailable)]

TPK1-CM001 Plaguespreader Dragon
TPK1-CM002 Wendigo Zombie
TPK1-CM003 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
TPK1-CM004 Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon (Ultra)
TPK1-CM005 Fish Depth Charge
TPK1-CM006 Oh F!sh
TPK1-CM007 Number 47: Nightmare Shark
TPK1-CM008 Atorasu, Guardian of Atlantis (Ultra)
TPK1-CM009 Dark Horus
TPK1-CM010 The Dark Creator
TPK1-CM011 Van'dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
TPK1-CM012 Dragonsbane Emblem - Eternal Ritual
TPK1-CM013 Fusion Recovery
TPK1-CM014 Double Summon
TPK1-CM015 Fusion Reserve
TPK1-CM016 Solemn Warning (Ultra)
TPK1-CM017 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit (Ultra)
TPK1-CM018 Book of Eclipse
TPK1-CM019 Chaos Trap Hole
TPK1-CM020 Fairy Wind



That's about all, I guess.
If you need help, feel free to ask here or shoot me a PM.

Enjoy your shopping.
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  • Replies 91
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  On 12/15/2015 at 7:11 AM, Sakura Haruno said:

Alright then, here you go.

Just remember to mark how many PP you have (at this point, you had 1000 but used them to purchase a new template).


You get a free one at the start though.

ik but i guess ill use one for an archtype i already have and the other for a new one~

ty o/

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2 questions:

> So archetypes cost 1000PP? i wonder if i have all the cards one each? for 1000PP? or is it random just like packs?

> And the Skateboard archetypes doesn't have card set number? (that's your archetype right?)


Eh? Darkness hasn't told me about Eternal Light yet . . .

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  On 12/15/2015 at 7:29 AM, Kanashi no Hanashi said:

2 questions:

> So archetypes cost 1000PP? i wonder if i have all the cards one each? for 1000PP? or is it random just like packs?

> And the Skateboard archetypes doesn't have card set number? (that's your archetype right?)


Eh? Darkness hasn't told me about Eternal Light yet . . .


1. If you buy an Archetype template, you are given 3 copies of all cards in there. (Basically, whatever you see in that sta.sh file is what you'll be getting).

You, as the creator, should get it for free after submitting stuff (well, assuming you've bought the template first or used the freebie one).


2. They're an Archetype, so they're separate from the packs.

I think the pack stuff applies only for generics at the moment.


Still trying to get as much info out of Darkness on the matter, but that's what I got from it.


(And yeah, Skateboards are mine. They are nerfed from the original versions, so they should be less of a pain to deal with.)


Remember that you all have access to them as well; not just me (though I can't play anyway until my Silverlight gets fixed).


3. Eternal Light is basically some Konami imports and stuff.

Again, still trying to figure out how things are going to go.


  On 12/15/2015 at 7:30 AM, Toyo said:

sakura is using weird mod authority to accept skateboard dragon into 2099 while ignoring everything else~


I'm not using my authority for anything, Toyo.


Darkness gave his approval after they were toned down, so they're fine now. (Obviously, hunduel hasn't weighed in since he isn't present).

As for the other Archetypes and generics you all have submitted, I have not received a list of them from Darkness so that's why they are not here. 

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  On 12/15/2015 at 7:29 AM, Kanashi no Hanashi said:

2 questions:

> So archetypes cost 1000PP? i wonder if i have all the cards one each? for 1000PP? or is it random just like packs?

> And the Skateboard archetypes doesn't have card set number? (that's your archetype right?)


Eh? Darkness hasn't told me about Eternal Light yet . . .

Acquires you 3 of each card in said Arch

Also Eternal Light not getting around is the result of some miscommunication. My apologies, will get it around today since I have nothing going on for once

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Just as a sidenote, guys.


Shop will only manage packs and Archetype templates. Garland will have a separate thread for Singles when he's ready to open stuff.

This is to make sure the main post doesn't get cluttered as all hell.


If some of you were wondering what the Beginnings stuff was, that's stuff for the deviantArt format for this game (our stuff has the CM identifier in the card number).

I have removed it, so you don't get confused.


Note about the box stuff; the 000 cards are just the Secret Rare things (not necessarily the cover card).


(Otherwise, I have left the list of cards available in the main post, so you know what you're getting)

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Updated with Archetype templates from other members.

I'm going to reiterate that they were not up earlier because I had not received the files from Darkness/Kano at the time.


(If I had them, I would've put them up at the same time as Skateboards)



Once you submit an Archetype and it is accepted, you as the creator will receive three copies of ALL cards in it.

Same goes for purchasing another member's Archetype; you get three copies of all cards in there.

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Heyo Sakura! I'd like to buy one pack of "Beginnings and Revelations" and one of "Blackened Revelations 1", please. This will cost me 250PP, bringing me down from my current 1000PP to 750PP. Can I also please just check that I will be able to get free shipping on that, please? :P

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First, I just want to warn everyone that Blackened Revelations 1 only contains 3 cards per pack, despite it saying otherwise.


Second, Sakura I'd like to place another order:


1 x Beginnings and Revelations = 150PP



This will take me down to 600PP. Thanks!

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Well, hope you all had a nice Christmas.

As a late gift to you all, discounts for all of you until January 9th, 2016 @ 11:59 pm my time.


(Most of you know that my timezone is 5 hours behind Darkness)


If you choose to buy someone else's template, it's 750 PP as opposed to the 1000 that it normally is.

Please note that getting a blank submission one for yourself is still full price at 1000.


Beginnings and Revelations is 125PP/each as opposed to 150.

Eternal Light is 100 PP and Blackened Revelations is 75PP.


[These are the prices Darkness sent to me a few days ago; I don't set them]


Also note that Clash of Rivalries is now added to the card shop.

At present, some of the custom cards do not have their info added (I am aware of this fact); Darkness will have the sta.sh updated sometime later on.



As usual, ask if you have any questions about things.

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