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The Winged Dragon of Ra - God Phoenix

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The Winged Dragon of Ra – God Phoenix
Level 10
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by its own effects and cannot be Special Summoned by other card effects.
(1) If this card is in your Graveyard when “The Winged Dragon of Ra” is sent from the field to your Graveyard: Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to the activation of this effect.
(2) This card is unaffected by other card effects.
(3) You can pay 1000 LP: send 1 monster on the field to the Graveyard.
(4) During the End Phase: send this card to the Graveyard, and if you do, Special Summon 1 “The Winged Dragon of Ra – Sphere Mode” from your hand, Deck or Graveyard, ignoring its Summoning Conditions.


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so it require you to run RA and having this card in your grave first....okay...

i guess you can tribute summon RA, not paying LP then just use RA effect to pop itself, ss this from grave....but still, all that only for 4000 beater that only live for 1 turn ? it can remove monster sure, but 1000 per monster? 

even sphere is better than this....


oh and this clause :



Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by its own effects and cannot be Special Summoned by other card effects.


does this mean that it can be pendulum summoned?, it doesnt say cannot be special summoned by other ways but other effects instead...

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so it require you to run RA and having this card in your grave first....okay...

i guess you can tribute summon RA, not paying LP then just use RA effect to pop itself, ss this from grave....but still, all that only for 4000 beater that only live for 1 turn ? it can remove monster sure, but 1000 per monster? 

even sphere is better than this....


oh and this clause :



does this mean that it can be pendulum summoned?, it doesnt say cannot be special summoned by other ways but other effects instead...

When they make a scale 11/12 sure

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Okay...so how do you consistently get this thing in the Graveyard? Because the way it is now, you need to have it already in the Graveyard. And then you need a Ra to be sent to the Graveyard from the Field. Why the hell is Ra being sent to the Graveyard? Unlike the other Gods, it can't be SSed by any means except Sphere Mode, so you can't even Reborn it somehow and let it go bye at the end of the turn like Obelisk and Slifer do.


And while it IS cool to be immune to all other card effects, and maintain the pay 1000 to kill stuff, you have it kill itself at the end of the turn and bring out Sphere Mode. This is pretty nice...except it's also kind of stupid. Sphere Mode HELPED make Ra usable, because Ra was trash. This card relies on Ra being killed.


Ra should either be killing you with its ludicrous investment/risk, or winning the game. It should not be dying, but you surviving. And this card does absolutely nothing to support Ra further. Yes, you could make some cool cycle loop Deck idea that maintains Ra pretty much forever by using Sphere Mode for a 4000/4000 Ra, and if that dies, dropping this, and then having its flames fizzle for Sphere Mode, which brings out the 4000/4000 Ra, etc.


Except again: Ra should not be dying without taking you with it. You either paid a ludicrous amount of LP to try to kill the opponent, and therefore a light breeze will kill you, or you used Sphere Mode and your opponent swung over your 4000/4000 Ra and really shouldn't be extra scared of a 4000/4000 Phoenix.

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Okay...so how do you consistently get this thing in the Graveyard? Because the way it is now, you need to have it already in the Graveyard. And then you need a Ra to be sent to the Graveyard from the Field. Why the hell is Ra being sent to the Graveyard? Unlike the other Gods, it can't be SSed by any means except Sphere Mode, so you can't even Reborn it somehow and let it go bye at the end of the turn like Obelisk and Slifer do.


And while it IS cool to be immune to all other card effects, and maintain the pay 1000 to kill stuff, you have it kill itself at the end of the turn and bring out Sphere Mode. This is pretty nice...except it's also kind of stupid. Sphere Mode HELPED make Ra usable, because Ra was trash. This card relies on Ra being killed.


Ra should either be killing you with its ludicrous investment/risk, or winning the game. It should not be dying, but you surviving. And this card does absolutely nothing to support Ra further. Yes, you could make some cool cycle loop Deck idea that maintains Ra pretty much forever by using Sphere Mode for a 4000/4000 Ra, and if that dies, dropping this, and then having its flames fizzle for Sphere Mode, which brings out the 4000/4000 Ra, etc.


Except again: Ra should not be dying without taking you with it. You either paid a ludicrous amount of LP to try to kill the opponent, and therefore a light breeze will kill you, or you used Sphere Mode and your opponent swung over your 4000/4000 Ra and really shouldn't be extra scared of a 4000/4000 Phoenix.

It can be pendulum summoned. I feel like you can mess with scales to get it there. 

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I'm somewhat skeptical that you can do that.


I'm even more skeptical that this would be considered easier/better.


I dunno, seems like it's still a bit of an early/unofficial translation, unless it really is worded differently than other Nomis. Considering they had updated Wulf's text to specifically say "Must be Special Summoned by a card effect" (because Pendulum isn't a card effect), I somehow doubt they'd give Phoenix Ra a loophole that allows Pendulum Summoning, but deny Sphere Mode the same thing. Especially since Phoenix Ra is immune to all other card effects.

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And into the deck tho.  Unless you can xyz summon with it or something that's not a fantastic option.


Unfortunately it's divine typing means it's only really affected by lvl 10 support, of which there really isn't a whole lot besides trains...and I can't really think of anything generic that's reliable enough...

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What are you guys talking about? We already have Ra Phoenix:



....Though, it is amusing to note how you can play this^ version of Ra through Sphere, and then have it become Phoenix Mode later on. Since, you know, the Kazuki Ra is basically Ra becoming Phoenix Mode.

Agree, actually the original Ra already has the Phoenix ability . . .


So i assume that Phoenix would be something to revive Ra from Grave or something (or make Ra easily summonable.)


But yes, that card is nice "if" you able to dump it to grave.

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At least the somewhat redeeming factor about this guy is that he can also be SSed during your opponent's turn. So if they get rid of your Ra, they get a difficult to beat wall that'll bring back Sphere for your turn.


Plus, he can be milled with the likes of Minerva, or just flat-out discarded. So at least he's not 100% useless.

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What can actually search it?
Mound of the Bound Creator


Foolish Burial

Gold Sarcophagus

.... Not the most consistent of things to have a couple limited cards and a situational one at three.


It's pretty alright I think. At least Sphere Mode can shield you just fine, and with the cycle you are never really gonna be paying all but 100 of your LP for that one effect, so LP shouldn't drain as badly... I'd like them go have gone full circle and give you some +LP somewhere while at it, but the card isn't incredibly bad..


The cycle is pretty bad in how Sphere Mode can't bring out regular Ra from everywhere, so you can only go so far with your repeated 4k beaters here. Not to mention it being a mandatory effect that sends it to the Graveyard at the end makes it rather inflexible... it is slow at the very least... it's ideal cycle is to be a Phoenix during the opponent's turn to have Sphere Mode quickly become regular Ra once more, but it would like to be able to stay during your turn to be offensive....

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You need a way to put back regular ra in your deck. 

  1. Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord: L10 ?/0 DARK Spellcaster. Cannot be NS or Set, must be SS by returning all monsters in your Graveyard to your Deck. Banishes self when leaving the field. Mills 1 monster of your choice if it attacks, gains 1000 ATK for each Vanilla in your Graveyard.
  2. Transmigration Prophecy: Normal Trap, return 2 cards from either Graveyard to the Decks.
  3. Localized Tornado: Normal Trap, Return ALL cards in own hand and Graveyard to the Deck.
  4. Jar of Avarice: Return 5 cards (no JoAs allowed) from the Grave to your Deck. Then Draw 1.
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