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Cyber Factory




Effect: "Cyber Dragon" and monsters that list "Cyber Dragon" as Fusion Materials can't be target or be destroyed by card effects.

Once per turn: You can add one "Cyber Dragon" from your deck to your hand. You can't fusion summon the turn you activate this effect. If this card would be destroyed: You can banish one "Cyber Dragon" from your graveyard instead (Any monster banished by this effect can no longer be summoned from the banished zone).


Chimera Technologies




Effect: The fusion summon of "Chimeratech" monsters cannot be negated. All monsters in the graveyard(s) are treated as machines. If you summon a "Chimeratech" Monster, you can banish monster's from either player's graveyards as fusion materials, and if you do, you can't xyz summon for the rest of this turn. You can only use this effect once per duel.



I hope everyone likes my ideas (probably not likely). I also hope these aren't overpowered. If I made them overpowered, I apologize for my mistake and will find a way to make them less overpowered. (fixed the effects)

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Second one is kinda broken to be honest.

One, it turns both player's Graveyards into Machine-Type and also is a Super Poly for Overdragon and Rampage.


Granted, it is once per duel, but since it also clears away backrow, most the opponent can do is spring a hand trap.

Oh wait, Factory would block stuff from happening, at least blocking Overdragon/Rampage from getting hit.


Also because Overdragon is indeed an OTK enabler, given nature.

Restriction won't really matter.



Factory is basically a free searcher for CyDra; while it helps get pieces going, it feel that it will contribute to too many OTKs in there, especially since it can banish stuff for Network to revive later on.


Though, at least CDI isn't protected, but yeah not so sure on Technologies.



Factory isn't as bad, but you can probably tone it down a bit; one thing would be to make the search effect a hard OPT.

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Second one is kinda broken to be honest.

One, it turns both player's Graveyards into Machine-Type and also is a Super Poly for Overdragon and Rampage.


Granted, it is once per duel, but since it also clears away backrow, most the opponent can do is spring a hand trap.

Oh wait, Factory would block stuff from happening, at least blocking Overdragon/Rampage from getting hit.


Also because Overdragon is indeed an OTK enabler, given nature.

Restriction won't really matter.



Factory is basically a free searcher for CyDra; while it helps get pieces going, it feel that it will contribute to too many OTKs in there, especially since it can banish stuff for Network to revive later on.


Though, at least CDI isn't protected, but yeah not so sure on Technologies.



Factory isn't as bad, but you can probably tone it down a bit; one thing would be to make the search effect a hard OPT.

I fixed the effects.

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Chimera Technologies is ridiculous. It is a back row wiper which can't be chained to after allowing a stronger version of Cybernetic Fusion Support with no cost. While you will lose the protection for Overdragon it becomes even more powerful, especially against grave reliant decks. It also shuts down Zombies and type specific grave effects. Unless you are playing a mirror match Overdragon is all it can be used for and you would need to use a bunch for Rampage as Cybers have ways to retrieve the materials anyway.


Factory is better, it allows a search every turn which does help Cybers. Search Galaxy Soldier/Cydra (depending which one you already have), Spec Summon Cydra, Summon Soldier, search out another Soldier, summon your new search, go for Nova, activate Nova, summon Cydra, summon Infinity, summon another Nova, or go for any 3 mat rank 5. So it does speed them up, especially being searchable by both Terraforming and Core. Put a Hard OPT onto the search so you can't get more than one search per turn would make it better.


EDIT: With the updated effects you can't use the effects along side each other but still used separately can be dangerous. I personally would prefer a no Xyz clause on Factory rather than a no Fusion as you can do a lot with 3 Light machines in your hand (including Galaxy Soldier and Cydra) due to the method listed above. Nova is the main problem with the Field. It allows more Xyz shenanigans than needed off the search, a Galaxy Soldier and Nova.

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