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Divine Retribution


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2 Dynatherium

2 Evilswarm Mandragora

3 Assault Halberd

2 Inari Mixtape

3 Jigabtye

2 Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness

3 Damajuggler

3 Hattricker

2 Tricklown

2 Tragoedia

1 Sphere Mode

1 Slifer the Sky Dragon

1 The Winged Dragon of Ra

1 Obelisk the Tormentor

2 Dark Hole

3 Double Summon

1 Mind Control

3 Mound of the Bound Creator

1 Raigeki

2 Terraforming


1 Abyss Dweller

1 Castel

1 Daigusto Emeral


1 Exciton

1 Cowboy

1 Gem-Knight Pearl

2 101

1 Cornship

1 Crab King

1 Heartlanddraco

1 Crazy Box

2 Trapeze Magician


So basically you have the ability to rank 4 spam forever and given how easy it is to spit out 3 monsters without using a normal summon, I thought why not throw the God cards into a deck that can do things without them there and gets a pleasant boost from their presence. If Horakthy would stop being a jabroni and be TCG that would be a nice thing to include even though it'd literally never happen. Note that I've not really used it with Double Summon and the Mandrogoras yet, the 5 traps in the side were in there in place of them until recently.

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Just because you can put three guys on board doesn't justify the -3 of summoning these.

Drop Ra completely.

In this case, he might want to stick to just Obelisk. I mean, it's a Rank4.dek/"Clowns", and typically he would have all his stuff on the board, rather then the hand, which also makes Slifer a moot point. Which just leaves Obelisk.
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The inclusion of all 3 as opposed to focusing on the one, and really the reason this deck was made, is I watched the first summonings of each of them on YouTube consecutively and got nostalgically hyped. Also one of my primary memories of the original show was Marik paying all bar 1 life point for Ra leaving only his eye not absorbed by the shadow realm and that was absolutely the coolest thing I had ever seen so Ra shall remain.


They're not -3 to summon they're -2 since you definitely will have them on board. Slifer even at 1000 is unkillable by battle except by something with 3100+ and combined with Mound shuts down summoning essentially. Obelisk is probably the best with the anti-targetting 4000/4000, however a Sphere Mode Ra is 4000/4000 with monster popping abilities and Sphere Mode itself destroys any established field. Essentially each god has a different use and is better at different times, but moreso the idea of using all 3 God cards is something from my childhood that makes me willing to ignore that Ra is fairly terrible.


Anyway, that's that. Might add in Ra's Disciples but that takes the surprise factor away quite a lot.

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they are -3.


Let's say you normal summon a juggler, special summon inari fire, then special summon hat tricker. None of those plays plusses. You simply moved a card from your hand to your field. If you did this off of a 5 card opening hand, you still only have 5 cards total. Now, if you tribute all three to summon, say Obelisk, you now have 1 monster on the field and 1 card in hand. This is 3 less than you started with. -3.

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