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Bamboo Artifact Vylon (B.A.V.) [TCG feat. Vajra]


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[spoiler= Decklist]




Artifact Vajra x3

Artifact Labrys x1

Artifact Caduceus x1

Artifact Scythe x2

Artifact Moralltach x1

Ghost Ship x2

Vylon Prism x3

Thunder Seahorse x2

Vylon Cube x2

Honest x2


Spells and Traps:

Artifact Ignition x3

Double Cyclone x1

Raigeki x1

Golden Bamboo Sword x3

Hidden Armory x2

Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword x1

Cursed Bamboo Sword x3

Instant Fusion x2

Foolish Burial x1

Artifact Sanctum x3


Extra Deck:

Star Eater x1

Cloudcastle x1

Vylon Alpha x2

Red Dragon Archfiend Scarright x1

Stardust Spark Dragon x1

Vylon Epsilon x2

Black Rose Moonlight Dragon x1

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon x1

Elder Entity Norden x2

Constellar Pleiades x2

Artifact Durendal x1




I went back and spruced up my Bamboo Artifact Vylon deck! This is a weird deck that, by all means, probably shouldn't work but it totally does. I'll break down the strategies for you:


The end-game is to have a monster equipped with both Cursed and Soul-Devouring Bamboo Swords and basically create kind of a pseudo-Yata-Lock. Cursed allows me to continually attack directly while also bouncing Soul-Devouring to ensure that it doesn't die by its own effect. Preferably the end-game usually has Vylon Alpha with the Bamboo Swords and Vylon Prism equipped, for 3200 beatdowns that attack directly and stop draws. Vylon Alpha is probably the ace of the deck; allowing me to recycle the Bamboo Swords and go into the end-game quite easily. Vylon Epsilon is a team-player. Usually I'm making Epsilon with Cube, which searches out a Cursed Sword, and then popping 1 with Epsilon lets Cursed search out any other Bamboo card, and then going into Alpha either right away or on my next turn ensures that I can make use of whatever Bamboo sword I added to my hand.


The Artifact component adds a potent and fairly consistent engine to the mix. The level 5's allow me to go into either Epsilon or Alpha quite easily and get my end-game rolling (which can happen as fast as a couple turns). The two Instant Fusions let me go into plays off of one Normal Summon fairly easily, and usually allow to do the Epsilon-Alpha moves in one turn.


So far the deck is very surprisingly strong, but has its setbacks. Vylons as engine, while working perfectly with the equip-nature of the Bamboo Swords, are fairly inconsistent. While the Artifact engine has carried its own weight (and then some), the Vylon Engine lacks any kind of effective searcher of its own, beyond Thunder Seahorse. Seahorse isn't too bad in this deck as with the Artifact side of things I can stand to not put any monsters on the board in a turn. But, I would rather have a spell/trap searcher for Vylons, and unfortunately there isn't one that's effective in this deck.


So far, I have been able to beat Shaddolls effectively using this build, so its effectiveness can be quite scary.

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Shining Angel is able to grab either, but Thunder Seahorse is proactive; so for the time being it's probably the best card I can choose for this deck as a viable Vylon searcher. Hopefully somewhere down the road Konami pulls a Gem Knight on Vylons and gives them at least one card that makes them more consistent; or at least something generic crops up that makes either of these tuners more easily searched.


Until then, I need to rely on Thunder Seahorse, or drawing into them with the Bamboo engine.

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