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Raidraptor - Shining Lanius


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Raidraptor - Shining Lanius

lv 1 Dark


When this card is Normal Summoned: you can Special Summon 1 "Raidraptor" from your hand to your side of the field, if you do: this cards level becomes the same as monster summoned by this cards effect.



Since we got a Rank 3 Raidraptor, this might help with diverse Xyz Summoning places for them specially if we get rank 2 and 1 Raidraptors.

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Being bound to just Raptor Xyzs feels.... Counterproductive.

Dontcha' think?


I mean, if your promoting a 'diverse' Extra Deck, at least give them a little freedom.

I added only Raptor Xyz only because I wasn't sure if the effect would be a bit a bit too abusable in that case.


Specially if you go this, summon a vanishing then summon a 3rd raptor off vanishing for a triple Rank 4 play.

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I really like this actually. Specifically, this card is another Vanishing Lanius, which actually is nice. In particular, the TCG is still missing Force Strix, so your power plays can be limited when you are trying to do things with Mimicry and you end up with missing pieces etc etc. This sort of opens the doors a lot more to more explosive stuff, and you would probably use it to make more Rank 4s. In fact, this card ALMOST on its own allows Raid Raptors to have a decent rogue presence in the TCG post CORE. My only real beef with this card is it really feels too limiting to go into a Raid Raptor Xyz. You gotta remember that there aren't a ton of these really, which makes it kinda resorting. I don't feel you would make 3 mat Xyz off of this because it isn't really worth it in the long run and you are putting in a lot of your hand into a risky play, which in the TCG where triple CED and Torrential isn't protecting you, that sounds meh. At the very least, you should allow it (Not sure how you would word it, however) to go into 2 mat Xyz, which is where I feel this card would be a strong point. At this, you have all you really need anyway, and this card would save a Deck victimized by exclusives. That point aside, solid card, I'd say

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