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[Written] I took a Shindan Maker and it spat out an unused combo so this happened [Tempyre Archetype]


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Here is the thing in case you want to try it yourself~

Aez uses a FIRE-attribute Thunder-type deck. Their deck focuses on Tribute Summoning.


So yeah. Basically the Tempyres (so far) have battle indestructibility for easy tribute fodder and effects that go off when they're tributed, tribute summoned, or when there's more than one on the field. Oh, they also can't be used as any sort of material for reasons. Also, all of their names are portmanteaus of fire-y things and electric-y things! 


[spoiler=Main Deck Monsters]


[spoiler=Tempyre Boltinder]

Tempyre Boltinder

FIRE/ Level 3

Thunder/ Effect

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot be used as Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material. If this card is Tributed for the Tribute Summon of an "Tempyre" monster: you can target 1 card on the field; return that target to the hand. You can only use this effect of "Tempyre Boltinder" once per turn.

1300 ATK/ 300 DEF



[spoiler=Tempyre Embreaker]

Tempyre Embreaker

FIRE/ Level 3

Thunder/ Effect

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot be used as Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material. When this card is Tributed for the Tribute Summon of a "Tempyre" monster: you can target 1 card on the field; that card cannot be destroyed by card effects until the end of your opponent's next turn. You can only use the effect of "Tempyre Embreaker" once per turn. 

1200 ATK/ 400 DEF



[spoiler=Tempyre Kindlewatt]

Tempyre Kindlewatt

FIRE/ Level 4

Thunder/ Effect

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot be used as Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material. Once per turn, if you control another "Tempyre" monster besides "Tempyre Kindlewatt": you can add 1 Level 5 or higher FIRE Thunder-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.

1400 ATK/ 400 DEF



[spoiler=Tempyre Coalightining]

Tempyre Coalightining

FIRE/ Level 4

Thunder/ Effect

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot be used as Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material. If you control another "Tempyre" monster besides "Tempyre Coalightining": you can discard 1 card; Special Summon 1 FIRE monster from your Deck.

1500 ATK/ 100 DEF



[spoiler=Tempyre Fuelux]

Tempyre Fuelux

FIRE/ Level 5

Thunder/ Effect

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot be used as Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material. When this card is Tribute Summoned: you can target 1 FIRE monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that monster. Destroy the monster Special Summoned by this card's effect when this card leaves the field.

2000 ATK/ 500 DEF



[spoiler=Tempyre Flamperage]

Tempyre Flamperage

FIRE/ Level 5

Thunder/ Effect

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot be used as Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material. When this card is Tribute Summoned: you can target 1 Thunder-Type monster in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.

2100 ATK/ 400 DEF





[spoiler=Spells and Traps]


[spoiler=Smokestorm Domain]

Smokestorm Domain

Field Spell

All "Tempyre" monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn, when a "Tempyre" monster you control is destroyed by a card effect: you can send 1 FIRE Thunder-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard; Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower FIRE Thunder-Type monster from your Deck.




[spoiler=Smokestorm Battalion]

Smokestorm Battalion

Continuous Trap

Once per turn, when a face-up "Tempyre" monster you controls battles a monster: You can take 500 damage; increase the ATK of that "Tempyre" monster by 1000 during the Damage Step only.






I'll probably add more monsters, and most likely some S/T support, but for now waddaya think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is actually really cool! I originally thought the battle resistance would be rather OP, but you've handled it nicely. This seems like a deck I'd definitely enjoy using.


Actually, you may want to take the battle resistance off the higher-leveled monsters, because that + March of the Monarchs = nigh-indestructible boss monsters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is actually really cool! I originally thought the battle resistance would be rather OP, but you've handled it nicely. This seems like a deck I'd definitely enjoy using.


Actually, you may want to take the battle resistance off the higher-leveled monsters, because that + March of the Monarchs = nigh-indestructible boss monsters.

True, true, but then again their stats are pretty low without Battalion. Perhaps an OPT clause would remedy this?

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