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YCM Grand Pokémon Tournament 2

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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(Logo done by me)


Welcome to the 2nd edition of the YCM Pokémon Tournament. For the first one, see here.


I think most of you know what Pokémon is, and have either watched/read a few episodes/chapters of series, played the games (either the console games or CCG), drawn some fanart or custom ideas, or maybe a combination of any of these.


You have a favorite Pokémon? Then, let's see if many others share your opinion as you try to get yours to the top.





1. To keep the flavor with the anime/games, you're allowed to nominate up to 6 Pokémon (essentially, a full team), plus 2 backup Pokes that you keep around when needed. In essence, you're allowed 8 Pokes in total (effective 9/22/2014, 8:00 pm HST).


This is so you can nominate as many of your favorites as possible, as no one likes leaving some of them out. Also helps with reaching the 128 goal.


2. All Pokémon are allowed for submission (legendaries, starters, Eeveelutions, event stuff, whatever). In essence, you can nominate from Bulbasaur up until Diancie.


All Pokemon in an evolutionary chain are considered as separate species. For instance, if someone already picked Pikachu, you are free to nominate Pichu and Raichu as well.


3. You can nominate a Pokémon that someone else already submitted; it'll increase the chances of it being in tournament (see below). To make it easier, Pokémon with 2+ nominations will have their names bolded.


4. Pokémon only require 1 vote to get into the tournament. However, there will be a cap of 128 Pokémon, so the more votes a Pokémon gets, the better chances of it staying in; should we go over the limit. Priority will be given to submissions with 2+ votes; though if there are still plenty of submissions with only one vote, we'll just allow everything in. (I'd like to keep the entries at 128, because it factors nicely into the rounds, but if it's uneven, it can still work out)


Submissions stop once the cap is reached (in essence, if we hit 128+, no more Pokes can be submitted)


5. You can change your nomination, but only once. If you change your vote, you must announce the changes in another post. It's advised that you think your nominations over though before submission.


6. No flaming/trolling other members for choosing a particular Pokémon. Yes, some of the submissions may be controversial to you, but just respect other members and their votes.


7. Have fun.



[spoiler=Battle Format]

In the preliminaries and secondary round, there will be 32 matches with 4 Pokémon each; however in this case, the two most voted Pokes will advance.


Ideally, doing 64 matches in 1v1 format would be better as to keep consistency, but that would cause this section to get flooded with this tournament's threads, and would take longer to complete.


All matches in round 3 and beyond will be straight 1v1s; this should be a bit easier to handle and understand.


In essence, the match tiering will go like this. The ideal number of winners for each round are listed in brackets.

  • Preliminaries: 128 participants -> 32 matches [64]
  • Round 2: 64 participants -> 32 matches [32]
  • Round 3: 32 participants -> 16 matches [16]
  • Round 4: 16 participants -> 8 matches [8]
  • Quarterfinals: 8 participants -> 4 matches [4]
  • Semifinals: 4 participants -> 2 matches [2]
  • Finals: 2 participants -> 1 match [1]

Matches will be open for about 3-4 days before being locked; however consecutive matches will be posted before others end to keep things running. There will be a poll that you can cast your votes in; final scores will be determined from the poll results, as it is tedious to manually count the posted votes.


Ideal Winner Numbers


If we get ties in the first two rounds, we'll simply do triple battles in the later rounds as to get the number of entrants down to a match number. (For instance, if round 2 yields 35 winners instead of the ideal 32; we'll have three of the matches in the third round become triple battles and the rest remain 1v1).


To explain how this works, I wrote a (short) proof.


[spoiler=Proof of Un-ideal Determination]

Let us consider the following functions.


D + T = X (total amount of matches)

4R + 5Q = Y (specific amounts of 4P and 5P battles); rounds 1 and 2

2D + 3T = Y (specific amounts of 1v1 and 1v1v1 battles); rounds 3 and beyond


D being regular 1v1s, T being triples, R is 4-Pokémon matches, Q is 5-Pokémon matches; X being the number of matches for each round, Y is the number of participants.


Consider the situation supposed above for Round 3.


A + B = 16

2A + 3B = 35


We wish to find the amount of triple battles that must occur in this scenario, so let us isolate B (triple battles). We can do this by canceling the As with each other, shown below.


-2A - 2B = -32

2A + 3B = 35


Now, the result yields B = 35 - 32 or 3.


In this situation, we would run 3 triple battles and 13 regular 1v1 fights.


(You can figure this out yourself using basic algebra.)[/spoiler][/spoiler]



Part 1 (Because YCM doesn't like putting 128 Pokes in a single list)

  1. Slowpoke
  2. Magikarp
  3. Dragonite
  4. Swampert
  5. Rotom
  6. Victini
  7. Espeon

  8. Latias

  9. Raikou

  10. Reshiram

  11. Lucario

  12. Mewtwo

  13. Skitty

  14. Eevee

  15. Teddiursa

  16. Goodra

  17. Spheal

  18. Pikachu

  19. Maractus

  20. Lilligant

  21. Carbink

  22. Arcanine

  23. Porygon-Z

  24. Tauros

  25. Chikorita

  26. Sneasel

  27. Rayquaza

  28. Jigglypuff

  29. Raichu

  30. Salamence

  31. Ditto

  32. Absol

  33. Rattata

  34. Blaziken

  35. Celebi

  36. Feraligatr

  37. Gallade

  38. Sylveon

  39. Umbreon

  40. Machamp

  41. Ho-Oh 

  42. Braviary

  43. Blastoise

  44. Houndour

  45. Altaria

  46. Druddigon

  47. Haxorus

  48. Serperior

  49. Pangoro

  50. Sceptile 

  51. Lugia

  52. Infernape

  53. Chesnaught

  54. Sawk

  55. Heracross

  56. Oshawott

  57. Mudkip

  58. Banette

  59. Wailmer

  60. Tangrowth

  61. Dragalge

  62. Scolipede

  63. Yveltal

  64. Noivern

Part 2

  1. Milotic

  2. Staraptor

  3. Shuckle

  4. Togekiss
  5. Volcarona
  6. Reuniclus
  7. Tyranitar
  8. Dunsparce

  9. Meowstic

  10. Giratina

  11. Zoroark

  12. Zigzagoon

  13. Arceus

  14. Smeargle

  15. Mawile

  16. Quagsire

  17. Golurk

  18. Scizor

  19. Breloom

  20. Regirock

  21. Regice

  22. Registeel

  23. Kyogre

  24. Metagross

  25. Groudon

  26. Houndoom

  27. Dragonair

  28. Charizard

  29. Jolteon

  30. Flareon

  31. Glaceon

  32. Leafeon

  33. Vaporeon

  34. Venusaur

  35. Xerneas

  36. Keldeo

  37. Dratini

  38. Zekrom

  39. Kyurem

  40. Darkrai

  41. Furret

  42. Torterra

  43. Mew

  44. Hydreigon

  45. Zygarde

  46. Pichu

  47. Gabite

  48. Gengar

  49. Jirachi

  50. Flygon

  51. Aggron

  52. Surskit

  53. Froslass

  54. Lanturn
  55. Latios
  56. Garchomp
  57. Greninja
  58. Snorlax
  59. Crobat
  60. Axew
  61. Joltik
  62. Lopunny
  63. Mantine
  64. Entei

Note: Blue Pokes are ones chosen by members; red Pokes are those randomly picked from the RNG generator (the same site that matches will be generated from).[/spoiler]



All fights will be determined using RANDOM.ORG.



4P fight; top 2 advance to next round.


1-01: Pikachu v. Noivern v. Sylveon v. Liligant

1-02: Banette v. Goodra v. Heracross v. Scolipede

1-03: Latias v. Machamp v. Oshawott v. Rattata

1-04: Espeon v. Sceptile v. Tauros v. Pangoro

1-05: Sneasel v. Raikou v. Slowpoke v. Feraligatr

1-06: Lucario v. Altaria v. Rotom v. Serperior

1-07: Raichu v. Victini v. Braviary v. Dragalge

1-08: Mawile v. Carbink v. Absol v. Chesnaught

1-09: Mewtwo v. Salamence v. Dragonite v. Sawk

1-10: Mudkip v. Swampert v. Maractus v. Magikarp

1-11: Ho-oh v. Eevee v. Porygon-Z v. Teddiursa

1-12: Skitty v. Haxorus v. Infernape v. Umbreon

1-13: Milotic v. Registeel v. Froslass v. Axew

1-14: Druddigon v. Rayquaza v. Wailmer v. Yveltal

1-15: Reshiram v. Blaziken v. Tangrowth v. Gallade

1-16: Lugia v. Blastoise v. Jigglypuff v. Ditto

1-17: Lopunny v. Quagsire v. Volcarona v. Togekiss

1-18: Shuckle v. Metagross v. Leafeon v. Vaporeon

1-19: Zigzagoon v. Kyurem v. Charizard v. Hydreigon

1-20: Scizor v. Mew v. Regirock v. Furret

1-21: Glaceon v Golurk v. Greninja v. Reuniclus

1-22: Arcanine v. Garchomp v. Zoroark v. Dragonair

1-23: Latios v. Kyogre v. Meowstic v. Smeargle

1-24: Gabite v. Joltik v. Zygarde v. Snorlax

1-25: Staraptor v. Regice v. Venusaur v. Breloom

1-26: Flygon v. Gengar v. Keldeo v. Entei

1-27: Giratina v. Surskit v. Torterra v. Dunsparce

1-28: Groudon v. Flareon v. Tyranitar v. Dratini

1-29: Jirachi v. Darkrai v. Lanturn v. Pichu

1-30: Zekrom v. Jolteon v. Aggron v. Mantine

1-31: Arceus v. Xerneas v. Houndoom v. Crobat

1-32: Chikorita v. Celebi v. Spheal v. Houndour


Round 2

2P matches; please note that some matches in Round 1 yielded 3 or more winners, hence a few rounds here will be 3P. (Doing this instead of the planning 4P because some matches did yield 3+ winners and making 5P matches will prove hectic)


(More specifically, 26 will be regular 1v1; other 6 are the 3Ps)


2-01 Victini v Darkrai

2-02 Scizor v Torterra

2-03 Houndoom v Jirachi

2-04 Latias v Ditto

2-05 Goodra v Wailmer

2-06 Froslass v Noivern

2-07 Charizard v Zygarde v Regice

2-08 Kyogre v Leafeon v Houndour

2-09 Milotic v Pikachu

2-10 Eevee v Celebi

2-11 Zekrom v Shuckle


2-12 Lugia v Rattata

2-13 Dratini v Zigzagoon

2-14 Lucario v Breloom

2-15 Flygon v Quagsire

2-16 Arceus v Dragalge

2-17 Gallade v Jolteon

2-18 Groudon v Joltik

2-19 Mawile v Giratina

2-20 Reshiram v Swampert v Volcarona

2-21 Latios v Zoroark

2-22 Espeon v Banette


2-23 Glaceon v Venusaur

2-24 Mew v Mewtwo v Entei

2-25 Porygon-Z v Rayquaza v Reuniclus

2-26 Yveltal v Sceptile

2-27 Infernape v Druddigon

2-28 Arcanine v Raikou

2-29 Umbreon v Blaziken

2-30 Scolipede v Dragonite

2-31 Feraligatr v Blastoise

2-32 Altaria v Tyranitar v Absol


Round 3

2P matches (there will be some 3Ps due to ties in round 2)


3-01 Latias v Goodra

3-02 Arceus v Rayquaza

3-03 Blaziken v Mewtwo

3-04 Jolteon v Flygon v Houndoom

3-05 Scizor v Giratina

3-06 Dragonite v Gallade

3-07 Absol v Leafeon

3-08 Feraligatr v Shuckle v Zoroark


3-09 Arcanine v Venusaur

3-10 Glaceon v Mew

3-11 Milotic v Noivern

3-12 Wailmer v Charizard v Lugia

3-13 Infernape v Yveltal

3-14 Darkrai v Dratini

3-15 Espeon v Eevee

3-16 Lucario v Swampert v Groudon


Round 4 (Quarterfinal 1)

2P matches (there are 19 participants left, so 3 triple battles and 5 1v1)


4-01 Latias v Milotic (Sakura v Zextra in member terms; Sakura won)

4-02 Feraligatr v Mewtwo

4-03 Lugia v Arcanine

4-04 Swampert v Zoroark v Eevee


4-05 Dragonite v Goodra

4-06 Houndoom v Shuckle

4-07 Yveltal v Scizor v Mew

4-08 Rayquaza v Darkrai v Absol


Round 5 (Quarterfinal 2)

2P matches (with 1 triple)


5-01 Feraligatr v Absol v Swampert

5-02 Latias v Dragonite

5-03 Yveltal v Rayquaza

5-04 Arcanine v Houndoom


Round 6 (Semifinals)


6-01 Rayquaza v Houndoom

6-02 Feraligatr v Dragonite


Round 7 (Final)


7-01 Rayquaza v Dragonite [Championship match] (Hoenn v Kanto)

7-02 Feraligatr v Houndoom [3rd place match] (Water v Fire)




May the best Pokémon win.

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Added your stuff to main post.


Probably should add some clarification on entries: If we do get more than 128 entries, the 2+ vote ones are automatically in; the rest of them will be determined by your own votes in "qualifier" threads; hopefully there aren't too many singular vote Pokes when the cap is reached.


Ah yes, I should put forth my own submissions as well.


Espeon (I was the leader of both incarnates of the club bearing its name, so it's only natural I put it forth. Plus, it's served me very well in the games)

Latias (Should be obvious why)





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Maybe someone will nominate the other 17 you wanted on list, Cow Cow (one of them might be Miltank)

Anyway, up to 24 nominations.


I'll add any nominations after this post when I log on YCM again; it's late right now.



Oh and yes, I'm using the old YCM logo in the tournament's one (those of you who were here prior to August 2010 might remember it).

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