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[Top 4] YCM Legends Tournament - March 2013

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itt: yo dawg I heard you were trying to steal the best ycm tournament ever so I'm just going to do it to make you mad and so you don't fuck it up

(this is actually a placeholder for a future fancy graphic)

3rd YCM Legends Tournament - March 2013

Top 4

Dave Canadian vs Saga Rebellion
Geralf's Messenger vs Aix Divadis

Match Report Thread

General Rules

-- Tournament is swiss style and will be lasting several weeks to allow players proper amounts of time for each round.
-- That being said, rounds are three days long, with one day after if time extensions are necessary.
-- The third day of a round will be Activity Dispute day, where people who have not played in the current round will explain and try to get a time extension if needed. I really don't want to resort to time extensions, so play your matches as soon as possible.
-- To repeat, SWISS STYLE. If you lose, you are not eliminated. Players with the most wins after a certain amount of rounds will go to top x with single elimination.
-- At the beginning of a round, contact your opponent as seen in the pairings and organize a time to play.
-- Amount of rounds will be determined by the amount of participants.
-- Matches will take place on Dueling Network.
-- If you don't have one, please consider registering for Skype. It is the medium that we'll be emphasizing that people use to connect with their opponents. It's not mandatory, but it'll make everything a lot more smoother.

Deck Rules

-- All cards up to Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy and Promotion Pack 3 will be legal.
-- Decklists must be PM'd to the tournament organizer before you play in Round 1, which is on March 15th. Any results you report without a decklist turned in will be invalidated. Each round you do not turn in your decklist will result in a match loss.
-- Players will be notified on March 14th to turn in their decklists if they have not already

Participation Rules

-- You will be dropped from the tournament if you or your opponent have not turned in a proper report in this thread twice after the designated end times of the rounds.
-- This means:
- Not getting the chance to duel your opponent without providing a reasonable explanation (thus no time extension).
- Not reporting a result after your time extension.
-- If your opponent does not report the result of a match, it is your responsibility to report it yourself at the risk of getting a loss
-- When reporting the result of a match, post who beat who in this thread, as well as if you want to drop of not. If your opponent wants to drop, they have to say so themselves.
Important: Time Extensions:
-- After the three day period for a round, if you haven't completed your match, please talk to the tournament organizer to discuss the match and if you can get a time extension or not.
-- A time extension carries the round one day after the designated end of the round. Rounds will only be extended by one day due to time constraints.
-- If you are unable to complete the match in the time extension, no further time will be given and the tournament organizer will decide what is appropriate for the certain match.
This means: If you know you're not actively able to participate in rounds, please reconsider participating in the tournament for the sake of keeping things from getting too complicated.


-- For issues regarding rulings, message one of the designated judges for this event over whatever medium they're available on, primarily Dueling Network. If none are available, result to calling regular mods, as that's why they're on Dueling Network

Tournament Staff

Tournament Organizer: byak
Judges: byak

Registered Players

0. YCM / Tourney Name / DN / Skype
1. Dictator / Elaine Taylore / Ojama Knight / zekokonoe
2. AixDivadis / Aix Divadis / AixDivadis / n/a
3. clairedestroyer / Claire Oribe / clairedestroyer! / alteredaltercations
4. Plainview / Daniel Plainview / Plainview / Dr.Plainview
5. White Kitsune / Spike Spike / ~Spike~ / dworkin85
6. Stellar Black / Josh Black / Marsuvees Black / marsuvees-black
7. Pacmanexus / Pacman Nexus / -Pacman- / n/a
8. .Accel / Accel Light / .Accel / n/a
9. Mugendramon / Marcos Cohen / BlindMonkey / marcos.cohen71
10. Lapras. / Billy Brake / iHop / n/a
11. evilfusion / evilfusion evilfusion / skielinfiniti / n/a
12. Dementuo / Wings Eternal / Dementuo / dementuo
13. Loyalist / Chrisl123 Chrisl123 / Chrisl123 / n/a
14. jabber2033 / Jason Bol / jabber2033 / n/a
15. Wildflame / Saga Rebelion / Wildflame / sagarebelion
16. Agro / Agro Agro / DrRed / mnraiko
17. Kanade Otonashi / Aubrey Black / Kanade Otonashi / kanade-otonashi
18. TheFinalFan / TheFinalFan TheFinalFan / YRPOtaku169 / TheFinalFan
19. Borderline Unplayable / Geralf's Messenger / BorderlineUnplayable / somerandomfuckstolemyname
20. Itama Senju / iToot! iToot! / iToot! / BasilOakman
21. King of Games / Kotetsu T. Kaburagi / Scarred_Tiger / nineclaws
22. Wanderer Airride / Airride Master / GenexAllyRemote / AirrideMaster
23. ♥ D.A._Guyver I ♥ / Selinis Ozola / SightlessReality / n/a
24. Canadian / Dave Canadian / Canadian / dave.canadian
25. Bringerofcake / Gerald MacCrawford / Bringerofcake / Bringerofcake
26. Saberzauls / Kaba Saurus / theworm55 / bvbryant55
27. ~ Epic Hero - Saber ~ / Nightmayre Nightmayre / Nightmayre / n/a
28. Volcanism / Axel Brodie / Volcanism / n/a
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Why do they call it the Super Bowl?

Well, originally, we had the AFL (American Football League) and the NFL (National Football League), who each regulated a series of teams across the country. When they decided it would be easier and more profitable to merge, they held an annual competition between their two leagues until the merger was complete. One of the owners of the teams dubbed it the "Super Bowl", partly after the post-season college championship games, dubbed "Bowls", and partly after the Super Ball toy his kids played with. The name stuck with the media, and proved to be very popular with both fans and television executives, as it took place in February, which is one of the four "sweeps months" used for television ratings, and bolstered viewership.

I'm smarter than I seem, Agro. Just not in certain areas.

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Well, originally, we had the AFL (American Football League) and the NFL (National Football League), who each regulated a series of teams across the country. When they decided it would be easier and more profitable to merge, they held an annual competition between their two leagues until the merger was complete. One of the owners of the teams dubbed it the "Super Bowl", partly after the post-season college championship games, dubbed "Bowls", and partly after the Super Ball toy his kids played with. The name stuck with the media, and proved to be very popular with both fans and television executives, as it took place in February, which is one of the four "sweeps months" used for television ratings, and bolstered viewership.
I'm smarter than I seem, Agro. Just not in certain areas.

The area being the obvious idea that there's no reason that it's called "legends" and it's just called that to sound cool.
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