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Future Paradise v. Strikeman [VOTE]

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2 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you use either of these cards in a deck of yours?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. If so, which one?

    • Card A
    • Card B
    • (I wouldn't.)

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So yeah, this is more of just a personal thing for me just to make sure I still have some good ol' YCM spirit in me. I doubt my OCG will be as good as what it used to be, and doubt my effect will be all that great.

I don't expect to win.

100 points to winner.

[b]Optional: [/b]Each person gives a +Like to each other for a good game/sportsmanship.[/spoiler]
[center][color=#006400]Make a [b]Counter[/b] Trap Card that can somehow turn an opponents' attack into a Life Points loss to them without dealing damage to you, or you losing Life Points to prevent the attack.[/color][/center]
Send me a PM [b]first[/b] with your card then post saying you want to be my opponent. If you do these steps in opposite order, I will not accept you (so basically no reservations). Copy + paste OCG also in the PM (failing to do so will result in an automatic rejection of your application to be my opponent).

Also, leave the [i]Creator [/i]slot blank. This will be a 'A' - 'B' format match.
First to 3 wins, must be valid reasons. (Must be explained, simple votes will not be accepted and cannot be based on a single value.)

You (if voting) must provide information on both cards. Also, copy + paste the following coding into your signature depending on what voter you are to prove you read these rules.

If you are...

Voter 1
[code][right]BOB SAGET LIKES SOB BAGET[/right][/code]

Voter 2

[code][left]AHHH THE TRAINS ARE COMING[/left][/code]

Voter 3


(if it gets this far)

Voter 4


Voter 5

[code][center]I AM VOTER 5 AND I KNOW IT[/center][/code][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Card A]

[center]Activate only when your opponent declares an attack: discard the top card of your deck; activate the corresponding effect according to the card discarded:
- Trap Card: Your opponent must skip their next Battle Phase and pay Life Points equal to half the ATK of the destroyed monster
- Spell Card: Your opponent must discard the next Lv. 5 or higher Monster Card they draw and pay Life Points equal to half the ATK of the discarded monster
- Monster Card: Select a monster on your opponent's side of the field: destroy it; your opponent must pay Life Points equal to half the original DEF of the selected card[/center]
[spoiler=Card B]
[i]A[/i]ctivate only if a monster your opponent controls declares an attack. Discard 1 monster; destroy the attacking monster and inflict damage to your opponent equal the combined Level of the destroyed and discarded monsters x200.

[right][size=3][color=#696969]Card 'A' Image Credit: El Bartonka; Card 'B' couldn't be centered for an unknown reason.[/color][/size][/right]

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You know, I've wanted card contests to not state who made which card for the longest time, since that just leads to people have a preconception of who made what card. This topic gets an A+ from me just on that.


[i]Activate only when your opponent declares an attack: discard the top card of your deck; activate the corresponding effect according to the card discarded:
- Trap Card: Your opponent must skip their next Battle Phase and pay Life Points equal to half the ATK of the destroyed monster[/i]

Umm... what destroyed monster?

[i]- Spell Card: Your opponent must discard the next Lv. 5 or higher Monster Card they draw and pay Life Points equal to half the ATK of the discarded monster[/i]

How exactly would you check this? You can't ask to see the card they draw, since it might be a level 4 or a spell or trap and seeing their card would be an unfair advantage to you. Having a third person, like a judge might help at a regionals or something but if he's gotta sit at your duel until a level 5+ is drawn it sounds like it could be a huge hassle.

[i]- Monster Card: Select a monster on your opponent's side of the field: destroy it; your opponent must pay Life Points equal to half the original DEF of the selected card[/i]

So basically, a one in three (or 18-ish/34 chance, depending on ratios) of actually having a good effect? Nothing is even negated so why is this a counter trap exactly? Do you not know what a counter trap is?

[b]Martyr's Retribution[/b]

A much simpler card with a much simpler effect. The discard cost is kind of meh though, but its understandable since having Sakuretsu Armor + Burn could be seen as pretty overpowered.

My vote goes to Card B, by a long shot. It's much more realistic and less needlessly complicated.



I wouldn't use either of these in my decks TBQH though.

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I can't provide new information that hasn't been said by the first voter but I'll try.

Sunset: Long story short at no point is anything actually negated/countered and while I think that forcing your opponent to "pay" lifepoints is a cute gimmick to pay half seems slightly underwhelming and minimal I mean at least Judgement of Anubis and/or Magic Cylinder you could take chunks of damage out of people.

Martyrs retribution: Well this too does not counter anything in fact this is a sakeretsu armor with a burn effect. But the lack of wording makes it a lot much clearer and a lot less open to mistakes (like the trap part in the first card).

I will give my vote to Card B.

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