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Darkplant - VENOM vs newhat

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This is a free-for-all. Both contestants made any card they wished. Votes must have a reason and first to 3 votes wins the Tournament.

[spoiler=Darkplant - VENOM]
When your opponent Special Summons a monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Special Summoned: destroy all monsters on the field except this card. Then, this card gains the total ATK of your opponent's monsters destroyed by this effect.[/spoiler]
During either player's turn: You can banish this card from your hand or Graveyard; the next time a card(s) would be sent to the Graveyard this turn, that card(s) is banished instead.[/spoiler]

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Darkplant - VENOM because his card provides mass monster removal, which can lead to you having a lot of attack. Punishes your opponent for over extending. It is OPed, but that is kinda obvious.

The other card is a lackluster DD Crow that probably would never see play.

So Darkplant - VENOM gets my vote.

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Okay. I have a few problems with Darkplant's card:
1. It's a torrential.
2. It resembles gorz.

Sure, it punishes for overextending, but it also can't really be stopped by anything bar solemn. It creates a mindset much like Gorz or Honest, two cards that should arguably be banned.

newhat's card on the other hand, is balanced. It's not that good, no, but I'll take an average card over a broken card that should start out on the banlist any day of the week. Darkplant, you're usually good at this, but this once, you've gone a bit too far.

Point to newhat.

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I must admit, I came here expecting brilliance and got decent either side. I would normally review these with my scheme, but it's 1am now and I honestly can't be bothered. So let's make it quick.

Fantastical name, Darkplant. Fantastical, not fantastic, because the pompous way it rolls off the tongue reminds me of Willy Wonka. The card itself is terrible design, as easy to get out as Tragoedia with all the pro-conservative boredom of Gorz. It's a walking Dark Hole with beating power, so I'd say it's better than both.

Newhat's card has a snappy moniker too, and acts as a sort of adaptable tuner D.D. Crow. Well balanced, but I can't see it being more than an obscure tech or side deck card.

As I prize buffing over conservatism with balance, Darkplant wins my vote. Fair play to both.

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='9942653686' post='5982293']
Well, Agro said it. Albeit Darkplant's card being more useful for obvious reason, these contests are supposed to give the win to the best card design. Which Kenta's card certainly is not.

Is that...a vote?

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