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So yesterday was my birthday and I got an xbox

Solemn Silver

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[quote name='Clear Vice Dragon' timestamp='1323032569' post='5686503']
I don't, sadly. Sounds aggravating.
I do however know of a drop in Dragon Quest IX that requires you to find a treasure map with a specific boss inside, which is hard to get to and hard to defeat. The drop rate? 2%. 2. F*CKING. PERCENT.
It might have been 1%, too.
The Burning Bow's about 1-2% too. I had to kill it, take the drop, and if it wasn't the Bow, I had to reset the game and try again. It quite literally took around 60 to perhaps 100 tries to get it. -.-

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[quote name='◊Renji◊' timestamp='1323033555' post='5686541']
The Burning Bow's about 1-2% too. I had to kill it, take the drop, and if it wasn't the Bow, I had to reset the game and try again. It quite literally took around 60 to perhaps 100 tries to get it. -.-
probem: Retardedly rare drops
solution: Action Replay

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I either have great luck or terrible luck, never really in between :T
One time, I still had my provisional license and was trying to get home from work since it was after 11, my curfew. So I sped, but a cop saw and pulled me over. Since it was winter, my window was frozen and wouldn't go down, so I had to open my car door to speak with the officer and when he asked to see my insurance, I couldn't find it at first.
So I'm thinking I'm screwed, but my story checked out, he warned me about black ice, I managed to find my insurance, and he let me go home with a stern warning.

So yeah, my luck's mixed a lot.

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Its pretty much the same here.

[quote name='Yankee' timestamp='1323038988' post='5686800']
I don't often care to extend my Live time. I'll do it every now and then, but I don't play a lot of games that I care to go on Live for.

My gamer tag: Instant Reality

[quote name='Smesh' timestamp='1323036675' post='5686675']
Same for me, Smesh was taken. Had to use Smeshee.


I'll add you both.

And I'm getting skyrim first

And what other games should I look for to play online?

Also.. I'm considering changing my name to something cool and random, like notch, welche, something of that sort, because I'm afraid someone has already clamed CtrlAltWin :(

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[quote name='Ctrl+Alt+Win' timestamp='1323030876' post='5686378']
And I went to make a live account and when I went to customise my gamertag, CtrlAltWin was taken

Discuss bullsh*t like this, or other times you were too late for stuff

I know someone who's CtrlAltFailure ._.

Well, my entire school year has been a stroke of bad luck, from my suspension to my teacher's absences on the days where I need to see them.

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[quote name='Lunæ' timestamp='1323121428' post='5688952']
I know someone who's CtrlAltFailure ._.

Well, my entire school year has been a stroke of bad luck, from my suspension to my teacher's absences on the days where I need to see them.

Yeah someone on DN named CtrlAltDefeat made his account about 4 months after mine :I

Coincidence? I think not..

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