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Original Workout & Fitness Thread


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[center][u]Original Workout and Fitness Thread[/u][/center]

So, before you click that little red x at the top right hand of your page please take this into consideration; the more you post in this thread the more likely it is you will have a new section to the forum. In order to do so please help this thread get 10+ pages to show you want it.

Yes, this thread will have some basic rules in order to give you an idea of what the section could be like if it ever happens.

[b]Skip down to the bottom after reading the rules to find out the topic discussion.[/b]


[center]1. All standard YCM rules apply in this thread.[/center]
[center]2. This thread may only be used to discuss:[/center]
[center](i) workouts you do, want to do or have seen being done. (ii) health and nutrition (iii) martial arts [/center]
[center]3. You [i]can [/i]keep track of your fitness levels on this thread if you want to. However, this is all down to you; you have to post your real fitness level such as your BMI (body mass index) which includes your height and weight. It is also down to other members to reply in a kind or helpful manner and the post should help improve the quoted person's fitness level through tips and such.[/center]

[left]So, this thread will have some tips and tricks on how you can generally improve your fitness.[/left]

[left][i][b]- TIP of the month:[/b][/i][/left]

[left][u]Never[/u] read a fitness article unless it ends in .edu or it has been searched on 'Google Scholar'.[/left]
[left]This doesn't mean all articles are wrong, however, it does mean that most of the time the information is incorrect and has been wrote more on personal experience and belief.[/left]

[left][i]What is wrong with personal experience? [/i][/left]

[left]Well, I studied sports science and sports and excellence for several years. I must say that personal experience can lead to good results from time to time, but it is not factual. For instance 'The Ghetto Workout' on YouTube is good for getting more toned and working different muscle groups as you're working with equipment you wouldn't use, such as trash cans. However, it probably won't work in getting you muscles to begin with because a lot of the workout is strength training that you wouldn't [i]really [/i]be able to do if you weren't in decent shape already. [/left]

[left]To be fair though some of the workouts in the Ghetto Workout are a lot better for newcomers because of the rate it is done at, by this I mean it is easily adjustable and the only thing you really need are clothes and some determination. [/left]

[left]The playground pull ups are the most effective in my opinion:[/left]

[left]. Playground Pull Ups[/left]

[left][size=3]- This is basically a pull up in a playground. You use a piece of apparatus as the pull up bar. If you can't lift your weight then you're gonna find it incredibly hard to do it on a used steel pole. This the pole will be at different height, therefore making it harder/easier to do the pull up which is in fact better for your body.[/size][/left]

[left][b]TIP within a TIP for the Ghetto Workout: [/b][/left]

[left]Find 2 potential pull up bars in a fairly empty playground. One of medium or tall height in relation to your own height (medium for beginners and tall for those more advanced) and one of short height in relation to your own height. [/left]

[left]First test yourself to see what the maximum number of reps (repetitions) on the tall/medium pull up bar you can do is. Once you find out subtract 1 from the maximum number. Do about 3 sets depending on your fitness level.[/left]

[left]Then go to the short pull up bar, this should be easier to do pull ups on. Double the number of pull ups you can do at maximum and do 3 sets. [/left]

[left]Alternate between the short and the tall pull up bar maybe doing it like this:[/left]

[left][size=3]Tall pull up bar: do 3 sets [/size][/left]
[left][size=3]Take a 1 minute break [/size][/left]
[left][size=3]Tall pull up bar: do 3 sets[/size][/left]
[left][size=3]Take a 1 minute break:[/size][/left]
[left][size=3]Short pull up bar: Do 2 sets[/size][/left]
[left][size=3]Take a 1 minute break[/size][/left]
[left][size=3]Short pull up bar: Do 3 sets[/size][/left]

[left]Basically; mix it up. The more you keep your muscles guessing the more they are going to expand.[/left]

[left]Do [u]not[/u] think that doing this alone over and over again will get your muscles out. In fact you will stop seeing results after about 3-4 weeks if you do nothing but that workout. It is always best to mix up your workout to really keep your muscles guessing as if your muscles notice you are doing pull ups all the time it will find a way to adapt to you doing the pull ups.[/left]

[left][i][b]Martial Art of the Month:[/b][/i][/left]

[left]Thai Boxing[/left]

[left]Thai Boxing originated from, guess where? Thailand, of course. [/left]
[left]Thai Boxing is the most common Martial Art used in MMA (mixed martial arts) to this day (side stepping Brazilian Jiu Jitsu). There is a reason behind it to, the martial art keeps evolving. Different techniques are being discovered as we speak, the mixed martial arts version has no boundaries and traditions that tie the moves down and it allows the moves to be adapted. With fierce punches, kicks, elbows, knees, shins and grappling Thai Boxing is a force to be reckoned with. [/left]

[center][b]TOPIC DISCUSSION:[/b][/center]

[center]Discuss workouts you do and Martial Arts you like/participate in. [/center]

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[quote name='The Jazz' timestamp='1322347728' post='5667859']
Seems like a strange idea for a section but... I'll contribute.
I'm a second degree black belt in taekwondo.
And I'm 12. :/
In my opinion it's not really. A whole lot of other Anime forums do it too just to increase the number of members coming into the forum and staying out of interest for the choice of sections.

How are you a black belt in TKD at the age of 12? In nearly all TKD schools you aren't allowed to grade for it until you are 16-17 years old. At least that is what I have been told by a TKD instructor and several sites say so as well. Am I wrong? Or were you bending the truth a bit? ;D

I prefer to do Muay Thai (I have been doing it since I was 6) as there is no grading system. To me fights aren't around your waist they are in your head, your heart and your honed skills, I guess that's why Muay Thai is good for me. You train with advanced fighters and they correct you where you go wrong, unlike in many other martial arts where you fumble about with people at the same grade as you .

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[quote name='Travie' timestamp='1322348254' post='5667880']
How are you a black belt in TKD at the age of 12? In nearly all TKD schools you aren't allowed to grade for it until you are 16-17 years old. At least that is what I have been told by a TKD instructor and several sites say so as well. Am I wrong? Or were you bending the truth a bit? ;D
[/quote]Nope, it's all true.
I go to a place called Master Rim's TaeKwonDo, maybe rules are a little stranger there.
But during the tests he may alter them a bit to fit age. Example being a 17 year old would break 4 (or even 5!) wooden boards and I would break, say, 3.
I'm not bending the truth about that either. :D

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[quote name='The Jazz' timestamp='1322348766' post='5667910']
Nope, it's all true.
I go to a place called Master Rim's TaeKwonDo, maybe rules are a little stranger there.
But during the tests he may alter them a bit to fit age. Example being a 17 year old would break 4 (or even 5!) wooden boards and I would break, say, 3.
I'm not bending the truth about that either. :D
Well I believe you there. In my opinion breaking wooden boards is easy and I wouldn't grade anyone judged on whether they could do it or not. Tough wooden boards will obviously be used but I think that if you know the concept, have the right mental state and good physical capacity it would be fairly easy to break the boards as I have done it before.

Giving a black belt to a 12 year old is really a controversial issue. I'm not saying you don't deserve it as I have no idea who you are and what you're capable of. What I am saying is that in general, schools that usually give out black belts to children do it as confidence boosters, to be given it even as a confidence booster you have to be on the right sort of track though.

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[quote name='Travie' timestamp='1322349345' post='5667931']
Well I believe you there. In my opinion breaking wooden boards is easy and I wouldn't grade anyone judged on whether they could do it or not. Tough wooden boards will obviously be used but I think that if you know the concept, have the right mental state and good physical capacity it would be fairly easy to break the boards as I have done it before.

Giving a black belt to a 12 year old is really a controversial issue. I'm not saying you don't deserve it as I have no idea who you are and what you're capable of. What I am saying is that in general, schools that usually give out black belts to children do it as confidence boosters, to be given it even as a confidence booster you have to be on the right sort of track though.
[/quote]I've been doing TKD for 5 years. Not that my teacher really takes that into account, but it is a lot of work.
In addition to breaking boards we need to spar with an opponent and perform multiple 30 (that's just an example number but normally they're around there) step patterns.

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[quote name='The Jazz' timestamp='1322349485' post='5667940']
I've been doing TKD for 5 years. Not that my teacher really takes that into account, but it is a lot of work.
In addition to breaking boards we need to spar with an opponent and perform multiple 30 (that's just an example number but normally they're around there) step patterns.
Not bad, not bad. I've been doing Muay Thai for 13 years and I'm still not content as a martial artist. Which sort of brings me back to my original point, I believe that being given a black belt and earning all your degrees and such usually blocks a martial artist mentally and physically. The physical and mental block sort of intertwines at the final black belt level in my opinion; meaning that once you earn your black belt and have full degrees you begin to subconsciously and maybe consciously start to think that you are at the final stage of your learning curve when in reality you are at the beginning.

For me once you have been training for a number of years and regularly and you finally begin to feel worthy that is when your learning curve starts. That is when the philosophy behind techniques and behind everything you do starts. You start questioning objects, how martial arts can reflect them and how you can best reflect that upon yourself.

To me Bruce Lee was a hero and he reached the stage where his learning curve was through a, if you will, beginner stage and into a more advanced stage. He was questioning the aspects of martial arts that no one else were at the time. His untimely death meant that he was unable to achieve an even higher stage in terms of martial arts which is very saddening. I honestly think about him and his family everyday.

RIP Bruce Lee and God bless. ~

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[quote name='The Jazz' timestamp='1322347728' post='5667859']
Seems like a strange idea for a section but... I'll contribute.
I'm a second degree black belt in taekwondo.
And I'm 12. :/
Well I mean if that is true it should be illegal to run a TKD studio for kids. Someone in my neighborhood did it once (just to let you know he had all of the buisness things in order)
they got arrested for an illegal teaching of martial arts. Tell me where do you live. If you live in the US they do not always have this law and some studios have a special junior class( The studio I am talking about didn't have and had given kids normal class with highschool kids) but if it is legal than fine no harm done.

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[quote name='PatchBobo27' timestamp='1322524972' post='5673147']
Well I mean if that is true it should be illegal to run a TKD studio for kids. Someone in my neighborhood did it once (just to let you know he had all of the buisness things in order)
they got arrested for an illegal teaching of martial arts. Tell me where do you live. If you live in the US they do not always have this law and some studios have a special junior class( The studio I am talking about didn't have and had given kids normal class with highschool kids) but if it is legal than fine no harm done.
You're seriously good at this forum thing. You know he's 12 and now you're asking where he lives. :THUMBSUP

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[quote name='Marisa Kirisame-ze' timestamp='1322546725' post='5673741']
Forever and always having a sexy ass stomach.
I do all of these and more 3-4 times a week. I would show you my abs but I fear rejection. ;D
- True story, not being full of myself. Haha.

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