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YCM Awards of 2011 (Voting)

Fusion X. Denver

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Guest Fusion X. Denver

- Rules -


1. You cannot vote for yourself.

2. You cannot vote for a member who is perma-banned or that has been gone for at least 2 months.

3. For the Club/Organization and Role Play category, you are free to vote for a club/role play you're in, but not one you've created or are co-hosting.

4. You cannot vote for the same member in more than 3 different categories.

5. If you change your votes you must keep the original votes in a spoiler in the same post and then notify us in the discussions thread.

6. When you're voting, only list the categories that you're voting in. No point in putting down blank categories, right?

7. When submitting your votes, kindly get rid of the stuff in parentheses like this -->"(Provide link)"

8. Votes that are posted after the end date will not count.

9. Voting runs from 8/31/11-9/7/11 at 9:40 P.M EST.

10. DO NOT POST ANYTHING IN HERE ASIDE FROM YOUR VOTES. If you want to discuss, ask a question, or notify us of a change in your votes, go to the discussions thread: http://forum.yugiohc...-and-questions/


[spoiler=DA AWARDS]

Best Male Member:

Best Female Member:

Best Moderator:

Best Super Moderator:

Best Tutorial:

Most Helpful:

Most Polite:

Best Section: (All forums/sub-forums count, the award will be presented to the Mods of the section)



King/Queen of Realistic Cards:

King/Queen of Pop Culture Cards:

King/Queen of Any Other Cards:

King/Queen of Written Cards:

King/Queen of Card Contests:

Best Set: (Provide link)

Best Cardmaker:


Best Writer/Fanfiction: (Provide link to the fanfiction)

Best Role Player:

Best Role Play: (Provide link to Role Play)

King/Queen of Deck Design:

King/Queen of TCG:


King/Queen of Graphics:

Best Shop: (Provide link to shop)


Favorite Game Thread: (Provide link)

Best Club/Organization: (Provide link)

Best Debater:

Most Active Member: (For one who's almost always online)

Friendliest Member:

Friendship Award: (For one whose friendship you wish to commemorate)

Best New Member: (For one who has joined within the last 3 months)

Rising Star:


Most Devoted Member: (For one who's joined at least 18 months ago that you feel loves the site)

Best Username:

Funniest Member:

Most Unique Member:

Smartest Member:

Most Colorful Member: (For one with the best profile/avi/sig scheme and/or that best expresses themself)

Biggest Chatterbox: (Favorite Status Poster)

Most Likely to Rule the World:

Most Respected Member:

Most Likely to Succeed: (In real life)


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Best Male Member: Miror B

Best Female Member: Blood Rose

Best Moderator: Blood Rose

Best Super Moderator: Phantom Roxas

Most Helpful: burnpsy

Most Polite: Shattered Sky

Best Section: burnpsy

Best New Member: NumberCruncher

King/Queen of Realistic Cards: Lovely-chan

Best Cardmaker: Lovely-chan

King/Queen of TCG: Pikaperson01

Friendship Award: SF A2 Miki

Funniest Member: Anothy Hatsune

Most Unique Member: J-Max

Biggest Chatterbox: Raine

Most Likely to Rule the World: Desu the Finale

Most Respected Member: Clair

Most Likely to Succeed: Shion Kaito

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2nd post... who should i vote for...


Miror.B/ Most Helpful

Daemon/ Best Male

Shattered Sky/ Best Female

Role Playing/ Best Section

Lunar Origin/Most Colorful

Lunar Origin/Most Unique

Treehouse Of Fun/ Best Club


Best Username/ Star

Best Moderator/ Blood Rose

Most Likely to rule the World/ Crab Helmet

Most Likely to succeed/ Dark

Most Polite/ Shattered Sky

Funniest Member/ Anthony Hatsune

Most Respected Member/ Mr Striker

Rising Star/ Lunar Origin

King of Card Contests/ Mr Striker

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Best Female Member: Alisa Illinichina Amiella

Best Male Member: Legend Zero

Most Polite: Chaos Sonic

Best Section: Role playing


Best Role Player: .:Blu:.

Best Role Play: http://forum.yugiohc...-not-accepting/


Friendliest Member: Chaos Sonic

Friendship Award: WTFauKorean


Best Username: WTFauKorean

Funniest Member: WTFauKorean

Most Unique Member: Mecha Pedobear

Smartest Member: Hinagiku Katsura

Biggest Chatterbox: Raine

Most Likely to Rule the World: Enzax Aito

Most Respected Member: .:Blu:.

Most Likely to Succeed: Hinagiku Katsura


[spoiler=Original Votes]

Best Male Member: J-Max



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Guest Remo S. Valentine

Best Male Member: Frunk

Best Female Member: Clair

Most Unique Member: Deus

Biggest Chatterbox: SSD (is he still online?)

Most Likely to Rule the World: lelouch Creator

Most Respected Member: J-max?

Most Likely to Succeed: Ice

Best Debator: Dark (clearly)

Friendliest Member: Fuse

Friendship Award: DEF (cliche answer is cliche)

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Guest Kyng of Ice

Best Female Member: *~Dark~Magician~Girl~*

Most Polite: Voltanis the Adjucator

Best Section: Role Playing

King/Queen of Realistic Cards: Zextra

King/Queen of Pop Culture Cards: Chaos Sonic

Best Set: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/253944-daemon-time-of-defense-12-yourdek/

Best Cardmaker: Zextra

King/Queen of Graphics: Daemon

Best Shop: Thundermart 3.0

Best Role Player: .:Blu:.

Best Role Play:http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/251917-blood-blue-kuro-no-oji-ooc-started-not-accepting

Friendliest Member: *~Dark~Magician~Girl~*

Friendship Award: .:Blu:. + Fail_FTW + Desu the Finale

Funniest Member: Desu the Finale

Biggest Chatterbox: ~N~

Most Respected Member: Daemon

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Guest Yuzuru Otonashi

Best Male Member: Darklink401

Best Female Member: Kanade

Best Moderator: Opalmoon

Best Super Moderator: Phantom Roxas

Best Tutorial: The n00b Tutorial by Darkplant

Most Helpful: Fusion X. Denver

Most Polite: Shattered Sky

Best Section: TCG



King/Queen of Pop Culture Cards: Lovely-Chan

King/Queen of Written Cards: Armadilloz


Best Writer/Fanfiction: Fusion X. Denver Trio of DEF

Best Role Player: Andx

King/Queen of TCG: Konoe A. Mercury


King/Queen of Graphics: Overdrive


Favorite Game Thread: Opinion on the above poster

Most Active Member: Armadilloz

Friendliest Member: Fusion X. Denver

Friendship Award: GoldenMagicMonkey

Rising Star: Shattered Sky


Most Devoted Member: Armadilloz

Best Username: Dr. Percival Cox

Funniest Member: Darklink401

Most Unique Member: Hinagiku Katsura

Most Colorful Member: iCherry

Biggest Chatterbox: Shattered Sky

Most Likely to Rule the World: Enzax Aito

Most Respected Member: J-Max

Most Likely to Succeed: Shion Kaito

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Guest Kyng of Ice


It is my honest opinion.

Everything he can possibly fit under he is the best. Hands down.


4. You cannot vote for the same member in more than 3 different categories.


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Best Male Member: Miror B.

Best Female Member: *~Dark~Magician~Girl~*

Best Mod/SM: Pikaperson01 (dunno if Mod or SM)

Most Helpful: Miror B.

Most Polite: Kyng of Ice

Best Section: ROLE-PLAYING!


King of RC: Zextra.

Best Set: Wish I could tell you. It had something to do with viruses, and used the Zodiac and Greek Alphabet.

Best Cardmaker: Zextra.


Best FanFic: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/252831-yu-gi-oh-lustrous-spirits-pg-13/

Best RP: MINE http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/260627-maigo-keishi-lost-heir-orig-rp-icstartednot-accepting/

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Guest Devil's Advocate

Best Male Member: Miror B.

Best Female Member: Shattered Sky

Best Moderator: OpalMoon

Best Super Moderator: Phantom Roxas


Most Helpful: Epic Hero ~Saber~


Best Section: Fan-Fiction


King/Queen of Pop Culture Cards: Lovely Chan

King/Queen of Written Cards: Armadilloz


Best Writer/Fanfiction: BAHAMUT ZERO's Yu-Gi-Oh! Armageddon http://forum.yugiohc...g13-chapter-60/

Best Role Player: Kyng of Ice

King/Queen of TCG: NumberCruncher


King/Queen of Graphics: Daemon



Most Active Member: Armadilloz

Friendliest Member: Kyng of Ice

Friendship Award: Shattered Sky

Rising Star: NumberCruncher


Most Devoted Member: Armadilloz

Best Username: ***Star***

Funniest Member: Darklink401

Most Unique Member: Hinagiku Katsura

Most Colorful Member: Lunar Origin

Biggest Chatterbox: Raine

Most Likely to Rule the World: ~N~

Most Respected Member: Epic Hero ~Saber~

Most Likely to Succeed: Fusion X. Denver

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Best Male Member: Yuzuru Otonashi

Best Female Member: Shattered Sky

Best Moderator: Opalmoon

Best Super Moderator: Flame Dragon

Most Polite: Shattered Sky


Best Club/Organization: [spoiler=The Vocaloid Project]http://forum.yugiohc...oject%e2%80%a2/


Best Debater: Hinagiku Katsura

Friendliest Member: Shattered Sky


Funniest Member: Raine

Most Unique Member: ~Lawliet~ (Starrk)

Most Likely to Rule the World: Crab Helmet

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Why are you guys voting Miror for best Male?

Miror's profile says female O,o


King/Queen of Written Cards: Armadilloz

Most Active Member: Armadilloz

Most Devoted Member: Armadilloz

King/Queen of Written Cards: Armadilloz

Most Active Member: Armadilloz

Most Devoted Member: Armadilloz

My nominations are a little un-expected, though Written cards would be pretty neat.


Anyway, I vote Powerforce for best Club/Organization

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Posted · Hidden by Jord200, September 1, 2011 - error
Hidden by Jord200, September 1, 2011 - error

Why are you guys voting Miror for best Male?

Miror's profile says female O,o




My nominations are a little un-expected, though Written cards would be pretty neat.


Anyway, I vote Powerforce for best Club/Organization


it does? O_O oh.

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Best Male Member: Techi

Best Female Member: Red Rose Swordgirl

Best Moderator: IcyBlue

Best Super Moderator: Phantom Roxas

Best Tutorial: Jappio

Best Section: Clubs and Organization


Best Role Player: Red Rose Swordgirl


Favorite Game Thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/124203-what-would-the-persons-avatar-above-you-say/

Best Club/Organization: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/255224-the-minecraft-club-of-ycm/

Friendship Award: Techi


Funniest Member: WiiOmi

Most Unique Member: Techi


Most Likely to Rule the World: WiiOmi

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