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(YET ANOTHER) Summoned Lord Exodia take

The Really Cool Guy

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Gosh! My first post here! Either my initial rep goes sky high or rock bottom with this post. Here goes nothing!

Here's my attempt at making the Summoned Lord Exodia we've all seen and hated. I've seen the lore of this card appear a couple of places on the net, and I thought I'd just brush it up.

Before you do post comments, take this in hand first:

[i][b]We know that having the 5 "Forbidden One"s makes you win.[/b][/i] This is simply the act of winning, as it was depicted in the anime, when Yugi defeats Seto Kaiba and his 3 Blue-Eyes. Watch it here:
(BTW, Kaiba's Life Points drop to 0 right after the attack). If you read my card's lore, you can see it's basically an instant win anyway.
[b]So please don't post comments regarding this.[/b] Any other constructive comments will be much obliged!


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card is automatically Special Summoned from your hand, Deck, Graveyard, or Removed from Play Zone when you have "Exodia the Forbidden One," "Left Arm of the Forbidden One," "Right Arm of the Forbidden One," "Left Leg of the Forbidden One," and "Right Leg of the Forbidden One" in your hand, at when they are then discarded to the Graveyard. This card's Summon cannot be negated. This face-up card is unaffected by Spell and Trap cards and Effect Monsters' effects. Once per turn, you can destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field and inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the original attack of this card (no card effects can be activated in response to this card's effect).

So, Whaddya think?
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[quote name='The Really Cool Guy' timestamp='1300311307' post='5077442'][i][b]We know that having the 5 "Forbidden One"s makes you win.[/b][/i][/quote]
Let me rephrase:
[i]I know the card is pointless. But if the completed Exodia was a card, this would be how it's effect causes an instant win.[/i]

Anyway, forget the pointlessness of the card. What about the card itself? I'd like some constructive criticism as to how to improve the image or its lore, or anything else about it.
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[quote name='suko nara' timestamp='1300314567' post='5077554']
i like, but it is realy OPd
How is it OP'ed? It's Exodia, and Exodia is far from OP'ed.
Anyways, it looks like a nice interpretation of Exodia - I like it (even though it is just a "show card") :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments, guys. Much appreciated! :)
[quote name='nicholasflamel' timestamp='1300323351' post='5077883']
...but how the hell did u get such a killer picture like that?!
Ah, but such is the power of the Internet!
This particular pic I picked off of DeviantArt. You'd be surprised with the quality of pics that come from there. Some of the artists there are actually magnificent.

Also, I've made a slight edit. I've made the card I've made it a Fusion monster instead of an Effect Monster, so that, should it exist, it doesn't take up any Deck space (seeing as it's pretty much just a "for show" card). I've also changed the beginning lines for this card to adapt to this change; the effect is identical from "[i]This card's Summon cannot be negated.[/i]" onwards.
Here's the new card and lore:

[spoiler=Summoned Lord Exodia] [img]http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/2632/316011.jpg[/img]
"Exodia the Forbidden One" + "Left Arm of the Forbidden One" + "Right Arm of the Forbidden One" + "Left Leg of the Forbidden One" + "Right Leg of the Forbidden One"
This card is automatically Fusion Summoned from your Extra Deck only when you have the above Fusioin Material Monsters in your hand, at when they are then discarded to the Graveyard.[/center][/spoiler]

I'm not sure if the last part uses propper OCG. I'm unsure whether to keep the part where it says "...[i]at when they are then discarded to the Graveyard[/i]", or get rid of it because it already says, "[i]This card is automatically [b]Fusion Summoned[/b][/i]..." Could I get some suggestions and/or some constructive criticism?

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